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Dr. J. IVaIWm California VinPgai' Hittere are a piirely Vegetable preparntion, made chiefly from the native h erl is foundon the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The questiou 3 alniost dail y asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vixegab Bitteics?" Our answer is, that thej remove the causo of disease, and the jmtieiit recovera his health. ïhey are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of i hc system. Never before in the nistory of the world has a medicine been componnded possessing the remarkable qualities of VijtEQAR Bitters in healingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a geutle Purgative ks wcll as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. It men will enjoygoou health, let them use Vixegab Bittebs as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants iu every form.4 . No Person can tnke i hese Bitters accordiug to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poisou or othtr means. and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousnnds proclaim Vengar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustaiued the sinking systetu. Bilious, Reniitteát, and ínterinittent Fe vers, whioh ure no prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera throughout the United States, enpecially those oí the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberlaud, Arkansas, Eed, Colorado, Brazos, Eio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Koanoko, James, and many others, with their viist tribu - taries, throughout our entiro conntry during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual beat and dryness, are invariably nccompanied by extensive derangements of the stoniach and liver, and other abdominal visceca. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerfnl influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There ia no cathar;ic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Walkeb's Vinegab Bittees, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same ime stimulating the secretions of the iver, and generally restoring the healthy 'unction3 of the digestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Head ohe.Pain in the Shoulders,Coughs,Tight-. neas of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructaions of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Houth, Bilious Attauks, Palpitation of the ïeart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain i the región of the Kidneys, and a hunred other painful 6ymptoms, are the offprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scroíula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas,' Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, aa in all other constitutional Diseases, Walkeb's Vinegab Bitters have shown their great curativa powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflanimatory and Chronic Kheumatisni, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechan ical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-settera, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of 'Walkek's Vinegab Bittebs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Bingworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors aud Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out oí tne system in a snort time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effeetually destroyed and removed. No syBtem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelininitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. , For Feniale Coniplaints, iu young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display o decided an influence that iniprovement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.- In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removal. For this purpose use Vinegab Bitters. Cleanse the Yitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities burstïng through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whcn it is foul ; your feelings will tel) you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. It. II. jUi-UOXA 1,1) Si. CO., DruggibtH aud Geueral Agenta, San Francisco, CaTifór uia, aud cor. Washüigtou and Cbarltou St., New York. Suld by uif linittiMs and Iealers. RailroaD Accident ! Cases after cnses of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! aro continually arriving for WAGNER. Tbc guods were bought tor Cash so luw that thty o;ii mil wili be sold at prices Defying ai! Competftion, and jast Huitablo to thosc in Deed of' CLOTHES, imd presaed üuniewhat by hard tiraos. Albo tbose that take pride in wearingr First-Class Clotlies . Will be iblo to select t'roru the best of Foreten anrt Uomestic makc of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And havo them made ut the same place iu the lateat Style, and Warranted to Fit before tb. y loavo, If rmything in Furnishing Ciooil line they should hnppen to need, everythinj in the Geut1 Dressing line can be foand at Lower Pricen tlian at nny otlier Clothing Hoime WM. WAGNBR. No. 21 South Maiu St.,Ann Arlw H68tf Ank Your Cirocer for samples of OiLtET's Snow-White Baldnir Power o aod doublé trength üavoriBg, ' ! JIJSIRABLE KEAL ESTÁTE S .A. H, JE I The ufeacriber, on aooouñi of iil lumlth ffbrthij 38 ACttKS In the Corporation for .salo. This ground ndjoins the UniTenit) Observatory on the east, opposite aide of the street. It has a most excellent SPRING ! On the nortlirnst corner- formerly supplied the Huil road tank with water" ITS ADVAIMTACES Are ufeltovsi For city purpotwM the Huron Itiver maanden the same soiae 30 to 40 roda, anti is pait of the best Water Power On the Uiver n this vicinity, and the elevntion on Uu northciist corner is tmöiciently high and ampie to sup ply the city neoaaaitiss for wnivr unrt flre purposes' THE WESTERN PORTION On tlie rond is very nppropriate and snitnble for a Public City Cemetery. The eity has no such gi-ounds now but must have soon, and whntcver rounda the city doen not eme to uso, can be sold at an advuntafte so much so.that tbu (st of the Water U'orks (froondi and I emetery, would be merely nominal. If the citj does not want the same, the groumls would be invaluable foi1 FRIJ1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There being aome loo now in hearing Vegetables and Pusturage, And alao foi MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, sheep, And other animáis always in grent want by many in the eity and its viciuity. As city lots adjoiningthe northweat corner of this land are now selling from three hundred to threc hundred and Hfty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in a short time to a goort adrnntuge and to much prolit to the purchasers LIBERAL TIME Will be fiven or the ame will be exchanged for Mer chantablc proods or Drus; and Medicine!, at cash pnces. TRACY W. ROOT. AnuArbor.Jan 31 1813. u L. C. RISDON 8ELL8 PERHY & CO.'S No. Í) to Ameritan COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, Fui.i, tüimv ■, fojei seo i Other Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MATN ST., ANN AEBOK, 144Ctf - ■ ■ ■■ i.ii m m Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Klevator, Balh Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in cach Room, Eleeanlly Furnished, and located in the business centre of thecil y TEBMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Propriefo 3 THE GREAT CAUSE 3ET 0F Just published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price C et A jLccture on the Nature, ï'reatment and Kadical cure of Seminal Weaknes, s,' torrhow, mduced by Self-Abuae, Involuntary Emis Bions Impotency, Nervou Debility, aud Impedimenta to Marrioge genemlly ; Consumption iócilThe world-renown author, irt this admirable Lecture, clearly prove trom hl own experienoo tliat the awful conaequeuces of Abuse m,,y be effectually removed without medeeine, aud without danceroussareicaloperations, bougies, instrumenta, rings ?„inI Á p?lnV"v? ouí " mode of cure "t on cei tain and eSectual by whioh every aufferer, no matter what lus condition may be, may cure himself Sent under seul, in a plain envelope, to anv ad dTdaren8srSï4bOL1,XerTt8' " " mL CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., ÏÜT Bowery, York, roatofflee Box 4580 143tiyl Dr. Crook's WiñToMír flBV Contains Vrijetable Ingredients of Vntloubted trwff Tonto valuó comohied ral withtherlchmeulcinal qualities of Tar, which ZSÊFmt&Sk. the" i' tO bllllrt nP ■ S il al"'"1 "na rnpu'ilr m %?L■ IE n&lr"" " ' '' ■'"".j'iftntljifljl''"' EStomach, ralaxc VutopjiMt JS'litï Livor, and cmiMea Bgüflfttgia "" fi to iii.'""i, E i ""tl rinljllliTirin "' iiidip Mjan it BQnV!klVB sMi"ffW9 's v' SiifM'i'Ior 'I'onlc PSpFrnW&!RsSÍtl rsi """" ip'tió li'lV'li hSirWI'lWffiBBB a!11 (trt'iiít"''i tho rVail i ' _i i temrafre Kor l'ains In HBPÊtSSeaWÈSIa&fïS rnvcl or KirtKtfiwrTlIlSHisi Vey ""''o, diseasea nttSSMliMvJlmmfB, WÈ' the Urinarjr OrKU!S IHIrIH g'jnx.JniiiHlu-t-orany BM&iaMClEmS . ,V pnnal. It efTecPTS JsStTli5oJiyCUrcsa"t'"111 DOOM TO STOEE " 1OO CUTTER8 ' irmore, at tho Monitor building. Rates reasonable. Heu J. V. N. ÖEEOORT. SECOND STOCK - o p - FALL & WINTER GKDOIDS I Xow beíng rmitveil by BACH & ABEL HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGB OF THE GREA T DEPEE88ION EXI8TING IK THE E A 8 T E E N MAEKET8 BY MAKING LAEGE CASH PURCHASES. WE AEE NOW ENABLEI) TO OFFER OUE LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCEDJPRICES. ÍW BUYER3 WILL100N8ULT THEIR INTERESTS AND EXAMINE OIJE STOOK BEFORE MAKING PURCHASES. BA( II & ABEL. QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. A DICTIONABT Of Universal Knowledge for the People. REVISED EDITION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Éngrarines. Complete in 10 Vols. of s:v pagas Oi„.,. HlusIraUd imlh abnut Ftmr Tkoumnd Kagmeiitqi and ttirti Maps, ingelher with a Series of fnm Eighty ta One JmuInd Elegonth É,igravtd Platés - illtistmlive of Hir Subjects of Natural HMory -nou for the ribro TltiEajipetiritit ni the work, ] PEICE TER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - . ö 50 Library Sheep, marblcd edgos, - - S ti 00 Half' Turkey Morowo, - . 6 bO Tuis Edition is Sold only by Agents. i Published by J. 1!. LIPPINCOTT & CO l'hilndelphia, Pu. SYLVANUS WAKREN, 180 Woodwarü Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the Stilte of Michigan. Bycomparing Chumbera' Encyoloptedla willi the In ew American Cyclopwdiu,- the work with wblch it Is most frequontly brought into compnriann, it will be found that while tliu Un volumes of Ohambers' ontain 8320 pages, tho original sUisn, volumes of the New Amencau nontain lesa tlmn 12,000 pages It will uls be found that n page of Chumbera' contaius full one-fifth moro matter thau a page of the New American, makinfr the ten volumes of the formcr equivalent in amount of prtnted matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to inention the numerous Plates (about 80), Woodcuts (some -1 000) and Maps (about 40), that are included in this edition' of Chumbera', and to which tho New American posseasi'H no correspondinsr features. It is confldently believed that as u popular " Dictionahï of I'niver8al Knowi.edoe," the work is without an equal in the English language. 142Gyl "POE, SALE OE EXCHANGE ! The undersigned offers hia Farm of 42 acres, one raile from the State University, in tho Township of Anu Arbor, for sale. It huson it aconvenient house, jWO bnrns, a fino apple orchard ; beaides a variety of ■ small fruits. Also tho undivided huif of 237 acres ' oear Grand líapids. j Cityproperly in Grand Rapid, Detroit, or Ann ' Arbor taken in part paymunt. 1 February 12, 1874. 1466m3 JOHN M. CHASK. , , ------- --_-_______„_ ] yHE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS ' In tho city for BOARDING HORSES t Is Rt the Monitor Stable. J. V. Ni GREOORT.


Old News
Michigan Argus