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The Michigan Argus

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p„hUbd every Friday morning, in tho third story .ÏÏ brick block, corner of Main and Hurón atreets, ' '"Íbbor, MtoH. Entrancc on Hnron streef, optelhcOregory House. ,j j,{C B. POXD, Editor and Publisher. Terms, S2.OO a Ycar in Aüvance. RATKS OF ADVEETKING: [12 lines or less considered a square.] -rJJJi 1 w. 2 w. 3 w. i w. 8 m. i 0 m. 1 year. "7ro JÏ5 1 25 Í l S0'2 75 J4 O0J6 00 9 00 1 u"9 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 ! 8 0D 12 00 S Mua,!„ 2 00Í 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50.10 00 15 00 'Y■" lumn S 50 4 00 4 S0 6 00 10 00,15 00 25 00 '1 lumn 4 00 5 00 8 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 '1 SZn 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 38 00 1 Í Sliimn 7 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 '■folu'nn 10 00 15 00 18 00 22 00135 OO'ljO 00 10000 "Tin Directory, not to exceed four lmes, $4.00 n ?C'i ilvertisers tothe extent of a quarter column raí a Vrit , contract, will be eutitled to havo tbeir cards in ïiirectory without extra chürge. i non) editorial iiotices 2fi cents a line. Business i ittoéï l! oento line for tlie llrst insertion, nd 0 ,.'■ !s for each aubsequent insertion. Hairisge and denth notires free ; obitunry noticea (ToOentaline. lilvl vLÜ V,,.,rlv ndvertisers hnve the privilege of chnnRinB i eir ndVertisements three imes. Additional changM ipil) be charfíed for. Advertiaementa unaocomtfanied by written c.i rbsl directions will be pnblisfiod threa monaa aa 'Urgi'd-'"1001"'1'"1!'Leffal advertiseraents, ñret insertion 70 cents per fnlio 35 eenta per folio for eaeh aubsequent insertion. rt'he'n poatponement is added to an advertisement ,hc whole will be ohiirfred the sume ns the flrst inertion. To 1e Pai(1 for when alñduvit is made. JOH PRINTING. Pimphlets, Posters, Hand-Bills, Circulars, Cards, n ,ii Tickets, Labels, ülanks, Bill-IIeada, and otlier ieties or Pluis nd Fnoy Job Printíng exeeuted iith inomptness, aud in the best possible Htyle.


Old News
Michigan Argus