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Uta üvtxiiümmt. OPERA HOUSE ! March 31st and April lst, The Great Comedian Mr. STODDART Pi-om Walltink'H Theater, New Ynrlc, and Ooinpany, under the management ot iiinyolil Kot;kvolL tuksdayTiakch 3it, DÍOO Boucicault'a jreat drama, the LONG STRIKE. y m ii ïi , a lawyer, Mr. J. H. HTODDAKT A ontiinally played by him in America and Wullack'a Theater, Nuw Yoik, and already acted b hini ovirSoo nights. WELHNESDA$7 APK1L Ist wilt be i'i'.Monii'il the SEC11ET MARltlAGE, AMD AMERICANS IN PAKI8. Admission, 50 and 7f cents ; Keserved Beate, Í1.00 at Fiake & Douglus' Book Store. 1411 ARB YÖU GOING TO PAINT IP SO CALI., AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, No. 31 South Main Sireet, Aun Arbor, und buy , AVERILL'S CHEMICAL PAINT CaLT" It is the best Paint in use. 1471 m3 Mortgage Sale. DEEFAULT iiuvinti boen umAe in the couditions a certaiu inortKtUie, executed by iitjore 1 Hniiliiwalii', Of the iiy Of Ann Arbor, couiity Washtenaw umi state of M Lohigan, in Samuel p. Jew att, of the sajne place, bearing date tbc tiftli day January, a. i. one thousand eighi hundred and 8e enty-two, and recordad In the oAm of the lii-isu of Deeds fox Washtn&v County, Bfichjgta, on tl ninili ihiy ut' January, v. i. 1872, in liber 4S of mor ganes, nn"]);LK' 18. by wluch default tïie power of sa eontaiñed in said mortgage haa bfconu operatic and on wbicb niuitfiiigc lluie is claimed to be due a the date hereof the snm of thirty-four dollarn azu ibirty ft'iits (and the further sum of four hundret dollars to beooine (iue thereon), also an attorncy's 0 of thirty dollars should any proroodinga be taïten foreolote said morteage and ao prooeedlngt at la 01 in lianccry huving been instil ulc-cl lo recover tl debí Becured bysaid mortg&ge or any part thereo Notice is therefore hereby giren thai by rtrtue of th power of sale containcd in ndd BtortgMB, and tl statute in such case made and providcd, said nmr giigt; wili beforecloeed OD Batubday, thb Tttektiet day ok Junk, a. d. 1H74, at two o'cloek in the afte noon of t hut day, at the Kuth ioor ot the Cour House in the city of Ann Arbor In naid connty o Wa.shtcnaw fsai(i Court House bofog the place o holding the Circuit Court tor the oounty of Waaht nay , by salö at public auction, to the highest bic der, the pramises descrlbedin nld mortgage, whic are known, Itonndt'd and doscribed as lollow. to wi Beinfï lot nuniber twenty (20X i" Jewett'l additio to Ann Arbor city, according to a nrnnli-il pi: thereofin the Reglater's oflloe of Washtenaw Cmitit in Ifber 67 of eátát, n page 678, Dated, March 26, is"l, 8AMX7EL P JKWETT, John N. (íott, Mtrtgagec. Att'y tor Mortgage 1471 Estáte of Hugh Vaughan. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, b O At session of the Probate Court for the coum of Wnahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tl City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-fourl day of March, in the your one housand eight hun dred and scventy-four. Present, Noiih W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the niutter of the estáte of Kugh Vaughan sd. Cathurine Vaughun, Adminiatratrix d hvtiis non of said eBtiite, comea into court and repr senta that she ia now prepared to render her üna account as ueh Adminiatratrix. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Thuraday, th twenty-third day of April next, at ten o'cloc in the forenoon be assigned for the examinin and allowing auch accouut, and that the heir at law of atiid deeeaaed, and all other person intereated in aid entate, are required to appea at n stJKsion of aaid ('ourt, then to be holden ut th Probatt OÜice, in the City of Ann Arbor, Hndaho cause, if any tbere be, why the nttid account shoul not be allo wed : And it in further ordertM that said Adminiatratrix give notice to the porsom intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of aait account and the hearinj? thereof, by cauamg n rop of thia order to be tmbliahod in the Michigan Argu a newspaper, printed and circultiting in said county three auccessive weeka previoua to said day of hea: mÍA truecopy.) NOAU W. CHEEVEH, 1471 Judge ofPrübate. Scribner's Monthly, THE SUMMEIl CAMPA1GN BEGÜN. " Another Oreat LiUrary Sensation," THE MODERN ROBIM RÜSOE Wiili 150 licmitiful Illustrationv. MüHara. HciïiUNER & Co. han scnired for erial pul lioation m StltlllMKK'S noi'l1lIL.Yf IK Julo -int's Latent 8tory, "The Mystcrious Island," in which, not oontent with the old atoriea of "ROB IIVSON CltUNOK and theSWlSS FAITIIW ItOKINSOIV," the writer undertakea to show how a party of men cawt upon a myateriaua and deMrt lalanu, may live by their acieutitlc rettourcea alona, without the aid of auy wreek to draw upon for tho matcriala of life and comfort. The party are Amoricans who aet out frem Richmond.Va., durinj the siege, in a balloou, M. Jules Verne unitea with uu iiccuiato acientitic knowledge, uu exuburanceoí" inventivo eniua that haa FASCÍNATE I) THE WORLD. The theme of the present story affordi the author thettaest opportunity fortha diBplay of his peculiar giftB. The story wfll be profuwly illustralea, undis beun in the April Number. l'ur Snlc by 1 1 New Oealm or Booksillcrs. I'rlce !.()() ii Ycar, 36 cents a Ifumber. 8CBIBNBB & CO., CÓ4 Broadway, N. Y. rvISSOLUTION. Notioe is hereby givon that the co-prtnerhip exihIuik' between the undersined and Fnunle E. chitpin, in the blacksmithlng, husinoHn is tlila dny diBulved. The undeixiüned intendn tu continue the buaineSB I BLACK8MITHING and Sharpeninir Mili Picka on hia own account. CHAS. C. CHURCHi MalchU, 18T4. f iriiin oi the condition of th i Mist National Bank of'Ann Arhor i Ann, in the of Michigan, at 'li' rlo ■ ■ business "n i ■.:, i li rtay ' Februu ry, i - i. BI 'III KS. ,ani aiiit Discount, - 9t86,8.'tt.0fl vitiIihII-, .... . s. Bonds to necure circulaUoo, - 110,000.00 therstock, bond and mortgages, - 30,400,00 ue from approved Etadeemïng jml i;■erve K''iits, - - - 80,777.41 Mn' l'roin othei National Hankn, - B.1S2.60 ' ►ue from State Banks and Banken. L&OtSJft ' üiikiiiK House. - - (10,193 "urniture and nxtuna, - - :i,im-" L9JM0O i 'iirrnit expenses, - lifrks aan other cash Itftjns, - - L9 i8 IIIs of ntiicr National Banka, - t,454.06 'ructioiial fiirri'iiiv (induding otcketa), ji-lilll Ii-imIit Ilulfs, - . - - t.VH.rKÜÍÍ ills in transit, ... Ms.00 - ir.';.ssi..s: LIABIiaTIKS. apital itooi pald in, - $i."ii,uii.ihi iirplus t'iinil, - ... :l(),O00.W ntiTi-nl aiil i'xnlmn;'-, - ttJtftM roflt and kus, ... 10,187 16,10438 in-ulatinji QOtM rriiivi'il Irtnn Comptrouer, - - WS,000.00 ■■ aniount on iiuiui and wiih 'innptroller for DUfBlBy, - nt',.in) 134,914.00 )iviii.iuis anpald, - mi;.ik )ui' DtpotltOH, ... l:tf,,(7.52 ïG,882.8a I, Johnson W. Knight, Cublerof the Nstioni iiank ui' Ann Afbor,ao rtuiiinniy swaai Unt the hun' statement is true, to the best of my kiiowlcdgi.' nd belief. J. W. KNKillt, isliii-r. tatk iik Michigan, ('ounty of Wanhti'naw - Sworn tn uul luhsorlbed before me, thi.s twi-nty-fifth lay ot sfatrefa, 1H74. W. A. Toixiiakd Notary Tublic. ('oriwt- Attent, E. WELLS, ) ruil. ll l'.Acil, ' Director. C. II. MILI-HX, I MÏLLldiS OF 1CRËS RIUII FAKHINIi LANDS IN NEBRASKA, IMOW FOR SALE VBBY CBIAP. Ten Years Credit, Interest Only Six Per Cent. Deitcriptive Pamphlct, with Jcctittnal Ataps x?nt Frt. THE PIOFEER, A hfindome Illustrated Paper, containinR the Homestead Law% mailt tl freo tu all part uf the world. AddrewK, O. F. DA VIS, Land CummÍHaioner, U. P. R. B., Omaha, Njebuabka. WANTED AGENTSf,rr"'"Heligion and llealth united - A sjdendid jn-nnium to evcry subscriber - uothmg like it in the country a rare chance - purticidarsfre?. - lï. Iï. RutisatL, Douton. ÁGENTS WANTED &9SË3M& JSLXT CARSON. By D. W. C. rF.TER8t Lieut. Colonel, U. Ö. A. The only truf. and authentic lite of Americana reatest Huntcr, Trapper t Scout and (luidt. Full description of the Indian Tribea of the Far Wut. Full account of the M(toc War. A good opportunity to umke money. Illuatratodi circularM Cne. M. A.PARKKU ft (O., Chicago, IH. A EXTERMINATOB 5 y Al INSECT POWDEB, For Rats, Mice, Koaches, Ants, liid-Bugs, Moths, ir J. F. HENKY, CUltKAN Sc CO., N. Y. Sole A(feut. 'NBW ÏÜRR DAÏ-BOOk A Dkmocuatic Wkkkly. Estublished lftftO. Tt HuppurtM White Xupiemacy, politintl unl ociul Terma, $2 per year To elubn, niño copies for $8 Specimen copien free. Addresu DAY-BOOK. New York City. Write for Trice List to 3. H. JOHHÜTUN, (JRKAT WESTERN Gun workS. I7fi Sraithfleld St., Pittsburg, Pa. Breeeh-Loading öhot Uuns, $4to fMO. Doublé Sho liunH, fs to $150. Smirlo Oudh, $3 to $20. UüVm, $ to 1T5. Revolvers, r, to $25. Pistola, $1 to $8. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, &c. Largc disctuiit to deal ers or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc., bought o tiaded for. Goods ent by expresa C. O. D. to be ex amined before paid for. . MASONIC- Every Craftsmiin, Agent, Puddle and eneretie man out of employment shoult write for the ternas oí "EUREKA." Proflt largor than any other artiele in market. Make kerosene oil safe au a candle, and prevent the breakin of chimneys. Enough in each box tor a year. Pric S5 cents. Fret to Sextoma and Janitora. Send a Btani tortermsto EUREKA GENERAL AÖENC'Y, t66 Geneasee 8t., Utica, N. Y lBUYJ.tP.CniB' BLACK I THREAD for yonr MACHINE. 1 1T T T r T1ir WÏU outl Truth TriumphinT II U I Li U AKents, ülli aul1 yount!. male an il I I P I M emue milito more inoney Bellin illU 1 lUUl lour Kronen und Aluericiin.''iMfr Bonkt and Games than at anything elsts. (ireatüat in ducements to Agenta and Purcliasers. Catalogues Terms and full particulttrs sein tree to all. Addrea 1471 P. O. VICKKEY, Augusta, Maino HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUM BEE FOE SALE. THB Rubseriber has on handa frooá nsttortraent o OAK, ASH, KLM, BASSWOOI), WHITK WOOD, and uther varieties of Lumber, from ' .. in. t 3 in. thick. AL8O, Fence PoHts, Square Tiir.ber, Plank and Oak Htud liiiLT of all sizea kept on hand or made to order on ahort notice. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence PoBts planed, Oak. Picketa kept on hand und eawed to order. MOULDINGS of different patterns Bawedpo order. FARM OATES kept on hand and aold cheap. Particular attention given to fuinishing billn o timber of different lenthe und mtm on tbe mout ien sonable terma. 8AWS GUMMED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOGS WANTED. I am preparod to pay CASH for sound Odk, Ash HaMttwoud und Whitewood Loga delivered at my mili or will buy and measure Logs in the woodit within bíx milos of the mili. iMTAU Derons indebted to the late th ui of Wine Sc Hallock will please cali and uettle their uccountu a the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. p EGISTRATION NOTICE. The Boards of Registration of the City of Ann Ar bor will meet on Saturday, April 4th, 1874, at tlie tul lowing places in the severul ward : lst Ward- At F. Sorsr's Paint Shop. '2d Ward- At Tracy W. Root's Law Offloe. 3d Ward- At SheriflTa Office, Court Housu. 4th Ward- At Moaee Roger'a Shop. Öth WardAt G. H. Rhodes1 Hhop. fith Ward- At T. F. McDonald's Htore. Oommencing at 8 o'elock a. m. and elotiingat8oV!o!k p. m. for thepurpose of correcting and completing the sevenil Ward registration liais. All persons wlio will be entifled to vote at the charter election to be held on Monday, April 6th, 1874,Bkould register their nuraes. By order of the Board of Regiatration. J. G. LELAND, ChairraaUs Geo. H. Rhoder, Secretary. Ann Arbor, March 2, 1874. A BUSINESS OFFER. A rare and excellent chance to judiciously invest or take an interest in a reully good, saté and permanent business, which can be proütably iucreaaed to any extent, without danger of exceediniL the demand ; and in a large, well built, brick Factory, with 31M) horse 8teampowr, and the monopoly of improved and unequallud machinery for manitfauturin wood oriron, (which makes its üvn fuel ;) and at the best place in the United States for obtainin materials of all kinds, and dwtributinfj work in every diïection, b-y wter or rail, at the door of the Factory, from orto, any pari of the U. H. or of the world ; i offered by lr. R. 8. Smfth & E. W Morman, of Ann Arbor, Mich,, and a thorough investigatiou courted. 8wU70 "HOW TÜJÜ WW." Thia is an inquiry whloh every ono shouid have truthfully answered before he starts, on his journey, und a little care taken in examinatiun of routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Uailroud has achieved a splendid teputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Route to the West. Starting at Chiougo or Peoria, it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with clotie conuections to California and the TerritorieH. It ia also the Bhort line and best line to tiumcj , Missouri, and points in Kangas and New Mexico. Pussengem on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. This line has publiahed a pamphlet entitled IIow to oo Wkht," which contaius mucli valuable information ; a large, correct map of the Great West, which oan be obtainod free of charge by addressin ihe General Western Faasenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 14tïlyl fi O TO THE BIG Livery and Sale Stable, kloiiHo building, to buy or aell good horsea. J. V. N. GREUORY, T IVE ÖEESE FEATHRg Contn!ynohaud and for alebj BACHfr ABEL. GITT DRUG STORE ! L. S. LERCH. Till recently with E. W. Milis Je Co., has luri-liuscil tho Drug Store of E. B. Gidley, No. 12 EAST HÜRON ST. (Cook's llcit.l Block) wbere he wil] b pleued to see uil hm liiriHlH, ttiid any in want of DRUGS, MEDICINES -:-OK :- FANCÏ GOODS. The Store wil! be re-fltted and re-stoeked, and wilt be kuuwa hureafter ai the CITYDRUGSTORE. P. 8.- Physicians' Prencriptionii a Specialty. 149tf N" B. COLE QitMpuichased the interest of hia partner, W. Treimtiii, in the GKOCERY BUSINESS ! Aad will " Ptay liono H in.l," furulihing tho Best Goods ! At the LOWEST CASH PRICES. lteiuembetCthe place- 30 Ennt Hurun Street. KT Mr. Cale wiumei 11 the lUbilltiea of the Ute :lrm, aud all bulaucen due the Arm muit be paid to him. IK! TAMK8 MoMAHON, Justice of the Peace, OLBce in no w block, North of Court Home Money collected and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Triumph, nnse'a, $T2T,9tn.i] North Mls"uri, " 43,4101 liburnla, " 3SO,000.00 REAL ESTÁTE. 1 have SO acres f land 'i of a mlle froin the city mit, flii-ly locatod for fruit or garden parpose. Aino 40 acres. Also 10 acres, wlth honse and barn.and a Mvel tream of waterrunning throuirh the barn yard. 60 acres, a mlle out. I wil) ■] 1 any or all the above hap, or exehaose orcltproperty. 18T4y JAMES MoMAHON. rpHE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS In the eity for HORSES TO HAY AND GRAIN Is at the Monitor Stablet. J. V. N. 0BE00RY. FIRE ! FIRE l C. H. IVIILLEIM'S FIRE luie km The Oldest Ageiicy te ilie Vityl Representa the following first-class eompanisi r Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over $4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co., of New York.. Capital and surplus f2,500,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelpliia. Capital and surplus ?7;J0,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus $(00,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Aun Arbor. C. H. MILLEN.M.".8tf !L.c.msDorrs ADVERTISEMENl. Now ia the time to buy PARliüR & HEAÏIiG STOVES. I wiU sell them ut TOST until f uit lier notice. I Ifo. 31 8. Maiu St, Aun Arbur. BUSINESS COLLEGi:! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan, Students can enter any timo after Sist. Cali and examine facilitiea for study at our vory nleasaut and uewlv furnished roúni3. H41tf


Old News
Michigan Argus