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Local Brevities

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Cabds. __ Circulara. __ BiU-Heads. _ Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. _ Printed at the AEOua office. _ In the best style and cheap. Don't order elsewhere hefore calling. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect Now is the time to subscribe for the Akous. 'The next term of the city schools will open nnMonday next. _Gov. Bagley was present at the umversity „vercises on Wednesday. _- County Treasurer Fairchild h,s returned froiu his southern trip with improved health. The students in the Literary Department f the University are enjoyiug a week's vacation. Vxercises will be reïumed on Weduesday next - Kev W. H. Shier preached a temperance rmon on Sunday evening, which wus full oi iacte wd Pand wfe and Mra FeIch and dauehter are in Savannah, and report the enther cold in that southern city by the sea. -During vacation Union School Hallis being painted-walls and ceiling- and it will hereafL present a more attractive appearance. -The Regents made au appropnation on Tuesday for an additiou to the Laboratory, additional accommodations beinK absolutely neces'We are compelled to omit for this week any report of the anniversary exercises of the Law Uumui Aasooiation, which took place on Tuesday eveuing, consiating of oration, poem, supner speeches, &c, -Abel has goue to New Yoik: and that meaos that Bach & Abel will soon give the Asous readers "a bid" to come to their store aud examine the best and handsomest goods to be found in Gothani. -Local politics are decidedly quiet, and pubüc opinión does not yet point out the candidate tor Mayor on either ticket. Perhaps things will bc a little more lively wheu the temperance ladies „HÏtheir "backers" settle to their work. - At the recent session of the Board of Ee,ents rrof . Cheever- now in Colorado- was given leave of absence for another year, Dr. eric H. Gerrish was appomtea j-ioiusbui m iapeutics, Materia Medica, and Physiology. Dr. tí has proved himself a popular lecturer. - Report says that Mr, Beal, of the Courier, vat to Hillsdale last week, to confer with Mr. Waliron about the postoffice, and that imineditfcly eu his return Postmaster Dean packed his earpefcbag aud started for Washington. We also hear1j"tke way of a xirominent politician (not a resident 'here) who elaims to " know the ropea " that the new postmaster will be either a disabled soldier or a lady.

- On Tuesday discovery was made that the grave of Thomas Ready, recently deceased, in the Catholic cemetery, had been opened and robbed -the work having probably been done on Saturday or Sunday night. Sheriff Fleming and assistants made thorough search of the Medical College, but without getting any clue, and the officers express the opinion that the body was taken away from the city. The Sheriff has offered a reward of $100 for the arrest of the depredators. Mr. Ready was an old resident, and the outrage has justly caused a good deal of excitement.

- A woman named Warner was before Justice Manly, yesterday, 011 a charge of being drunk and disorderly, and in default oí $250 bail to keep sober and the peace, billeted to the House of Correction. What should be the punishmeat of the men who sold lier the liquor and who daily deal out liquor to drunken men and women ? or who when wives beg of them that they will nottake the food from their children or the clothes ftom their backs, by selliug their husbands liquor, drive them trom their saloons and teil thera that as long as their customers pay they can have liquor ? The Junior Exhibition of the High School took place on Friday evening last. The hall which had been beautifully trimmed for the occasion was well filled, and the good order which was maintained throughout the exercises evideuced the interest the audience feit in the cl asa and its representatives. The programme observed was as follows : Chorus -" Light-heartedare We." Prayer- The Eev. Mr. Hubbell. Anthem- " X will Praise the Name of God." ;1. American Statesmen, Charles Barry. . Jinished in Marble, Cai-rie Everett. 3. WFields, J.W.Scott. Duet-" Go Where the llists are Sleeping. 4. Man's Place in Xature, John S. Bybum. 5. Chivalry, Abbie Colby. ,6. Work, KniSht 7. Sireus, üeorgie (ioodnch. Instrumental Onet-" La Chasae Infernale." 8. Ambition, Kenneth Smoot. 9. The Story of Ulysses, Maya Lee. 10. Agaiwu, Jesae Millspaugh. Trio-" When Kight Comes O'er the Plain." 11. Shame, Bertrand D. York. 12. Type-Writing, Alice Porter. 13. Buins, Duet_ Ven I has tut in tousond a year. 14. The Workingmen, frank D. Haskell. 15. Succese, Minnie Brown. 16. The Ceutennial, Aura Smith, Jr. Chorus -"Joy! Joy! Joy!" The benediction was pronouoced by Bev. G. D. Gillespie. It ia enough to say that the yotmg ladies and gentlemen acquitted themselvea welL We desire to cali the attention of the several aldermen constituting the Ward Boards of Regiatration to the fact.that there is need of a careful and thorough revisión of the Ward registry lista, with a view áf checking off the several handred ñames oí dead and removed electora which now lumber up the lists. As printed and posted the lists show voters in the several wards asfollows: rirst,470; Second,297; Third, 476; Fourth, 354; Fifth, 176; Sixth,206; total, 1,979, ur f uil 400 more ñames than there are voters in I the city. Some names are on two, three or four lists ; some lists include the names of persous moved from the city years ago, and also the names of persous who have been dead a erable length of time. If the aldermen will come together before the day for registration and compare lists they will be able to make a general sUughter and save canvassers hunting up I manent) absentees or dead electora on election day. Such incorrect and lumbered up lists offer a premium to illegal voting : that is if we have any politicians of the Philadelphia school, adepta in personating, or in votiug on the names of other people. The County Superintendent of Schools has 1 1 giren notice that the Spring series of Teachers' Examinations will be held as follows : At Ann Arbor, in'Court House, to-morrow, March 28 ; at Dexter, Saturday, April 4th; at Manchester, Wednesday, April 8th; at Saline, Friday, April lOth ; at Ypsilanti, Thursday, April 10. At the several places named, except Ann Arbor, the examiuation will be held at rooms furnished in the I Union School buildings. Examinations were held at Salem station on the 21st, and at Chelsea on the 26th. Examinations will also be held at the office of the Superintendent, in the Court House in this city, on the second and fourth Saturday's of each inonth until June lst. The Superintendent says : " School officera will please remember that a teacher has nota legal right to commence a school without a license; and hereafter those who commence school without a certiflcate will be regarded as having forleited their right to an eiamination." I