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STATEMENT Of the Recelpt and Expendlture f , the City of Ann Arbor f or tUc year . .11. líntí February 1. 1874. , GENERAL FtTND. Kiny8lt warrant No. 722 ! to pay overdrafta, 3.18A ' Newton Felch, pólice servicei, 56 00 J. W. Loveland, " " James Atkinaon,labor 1 " Jno. ColUns, lamp lighting-, 9 60 O. Beckley labor, "" J.Kiggs, labor, _J_W $3(312M March 3. , C. A. Teats, lamp lighting, JJJ Jno. C. Mundy, d'k at spe'l eleotlon, 3 00 j.peek, ;; ;; g K Iiu erdChief of Polioe, W 25 Nowton Felch, police service, 56 00 J. W. Loveland, " " iB " A. A. ö. L, Co., ga for Feb., Hl ■ James Atkinson, labor, ou GeorgeHealy, " J. Starr, " "J! J. P. Covert, teaming, J " Gay Beokley, killing dog, ■ ! Jacob Seabolt " " ' f' W. Hammon, lamp lighting, o 00 JotmCollins, ' " " E. B. Pond, printinR, K J5 March 11. James Atkinson, labor, I2 John Davis, services at Court House, 4 60 Guy Beckley, killing dog, } " Jacob Seabolt, " " J_ 9 2J March 28: H. Fuller, surveying, ■J' L. Gruner, 4th quarter sal'y as Kec., 76 o Krank Porter, lamp lighting, 13 G. E. Moore, teaming, .üín 8. H. Douglaes, Board of Health bilis, 339 30 ÍPLl8uer,cWef oí pólice, I" 00 J. W. Loveland, pólice me, ] Newton Felch, 'f ,5 fbTteyasCityTrea... Chas. Teats, lamp lighting, 3 E. B. Oidley, pólice services, 2 00 Wm. Porter, " , n Guy Beckley, " " jj" John Marony, " JJ Jamea Atkinuon, labor, w E. D. Kinne, legal services, . S 00 Wm. Hammon, lamp lightiug, 6 U0 E. B. Pond, printing bul, 5t "a Washtenaw Co., gas and fuel for policeroom, asheadg,urters, 4 40 J. W. Lawson, bilí, 5" J G. Leland, registering and eicction, 7 ÜO Fred'k. Sorg, " ." '9? D. Finley, cíerk at election, 4 uo N.M. Schoft." " " , , .. 40? iniin w Ontt. reinsterintr and election, 7 oo GeöTF.lTutï; ■' ". ' I A. Schaeberle, clerk at election, 4 OO F. Pistoriu, " " " J. Peek, registering and eleotion, 7 OO John B. Dow, clerk at election, 4 00 N B. Nye, registering and election, 7 00 J, C. Mundy, clerk at election, 4 00 E. "W, Morgan, registering ano election, 7 oo Moses Rogers, " " ? CA. Chapin, clerk at election, 4 00 E. Terhune, " " " . 40" M. Seabolt, registering and elecüon, 7 00 A. Hammon, " " N. D. (iates, clerk at election, 4 00 A. M. Doty, " " " 0" C. B. Porter, regiatering and election, 7 00 W. D. Smith, " ' " 'W P. D. Woodraff, clerk at election, m M. McDonald, " " " " Fred'k. Sorg, room rent lst ward, 4 00 T. W. Root, " " 2d " 4 00 M. Rogers, " - 4th " 2 N. Benham, " " 5th " 0 T. F. McDonald," " 6th " 2 50 S. H. Douglas, Mayor's salary, $4,704 25 All the above accounts were allowed by the forme i Council, and warrant ordered drawn by he same. L3. Cully. Board of Health, acc-t 165 Off 10 par cent int. to Feb. Ut, 1874, MM a J.A.DavU, Board of Health acct., 33 00 ] 10 per cent int. to Feb. lt, 1874. 2 43 4S12 67 } t E.aLesuer, chief pólice, J ', Newton Felch, pólice services, 4 00 J. W. Lovelana, "■" P. H. Philbrick, eng'r f or water com., 36 oo H. D. Edwarda & Co., 16i ft.suo.hose 66 00 A.A. Gas Light Co., gas for March, 110 00 Thos. Emery, ass't eng. water Com. 12 00 J. Muhhg & Bro, tables and chaira for Council room, 4 Haviland & Khodes, wort on engine, 00 John Collins. lamp Ughting, March, 9 50 Prank Porter, " " .. , Robison & Baxter, use of hack for water committee, 3" John Collins, lamp Ughting in Apnl, 9 i0 Fred Bross, repairing relie enginu, i W A. A. Printing and Pub. Co., prinfg, 1 50 i H. Ockford, work on tire engine, 2JX) J. W. Loveland, „ Jacob Seabolt, ,4no E. B.Gidley, " „ ' J. H. Peebles, „ 4 „„ nkoriar.lamplighting, Jg SscarSSk-reiringjanitor house. 2 60 E. Atkinson, ckan'g Council room. 00 JUjy. Pkrshall, chief pólice, 78 Ti John W. Loveland, pólice service., 70 00 Newton Felch, " i" "? Jacob Seabolt, ' „ ?" E. B.Gidley, " „ 'l Joseph Preston, " ' J ? William Porter, " J"y A. D. Seyler, lstquartersal'y asBec., 75 00 D. Cramer, flrst quarter as City Att y., 25 00 Thomas Hoskins, constable fee, 2 8 John CoUins, lamp Ughting, S W C. Rooney, land purchased in addition to Fifth ward cemetery, 615 00 C. H. Manly, clerk and inspector of charter election, JJ Dor Kellogg, " " " 5? A. Herz, sundries in bill, 31 J. Q. A. Sessions, Justice fees, 11 19 Frank Porter, lamp lighting, t0 H. C. Wilmot, posting election noticeB, 3 00 James Atkinson, work on flre engine 2 00 M. Rogers, three force pumps, 00 A. A. Gas Light Co., gas for June, 115 00 ii i " gas at flrem's hall, 30 40 L,. C. Risdon, nails &c, 3 8 .g Í i ta Light Oo., gas íor July, 112 0 J J. Parahafí, chief pólice, 63 00 Newton Felch, pólice aeryicea, 56 J. W. Lovelnnd, " " Jacob Seabolt, " " 6f John Colima, lamp.llghtlng, 5 Wm. Hammon, " "" Frank Porter. " " ," Field & Hunt, gas lamp and work, 32 1 J W. Hunt, nails and lamp repairing, 6 71 H. Kittrldge, draw'g water íor cisterna,: 50 i). L. Qate, bilí, w C2l C6!B.eGrant,aerYÍces ss city Att'y 'T2, 75 00 A. A. Gaa Light Co., gas for Aug., W 00 A. Birk, two bbl'a water lime, 6 20 E. B. Pond, printing bill, 25 Frank Porter, lamp lighting, JohnCollins " ." J. Atkinson, work on datero, 1 J. J. Parshall, chief pólice, 63 00 John W. Loveland, pólice services, 56 00 Newton Felch, " " 0O Jacob Seabolt, " " 66 ' A. A. Agri'l Co., one pump, 6 W L. O. Bisdon, nalls, 1 Q Henne, lamp post and labor, i w Fred. Sorg, map for water com., 10 ou Áa! Print'g & Pub'g Co., pnntinf, 83 38 G. .T. Pease, street lantems, 14 oo ■William Clancy, work on cisterna, 13 W A. A. Gas Light Co., gas for Sept. 112 00 . Frauk Porter, lamp hghting, 6 6" Chas. Deitz, " " 1 W 8. Wilber, asst. city engineer, t 00 B. F. Bower, " " " " C. Scbmid, lumber and labor, 4 la W H. Fuller, city engineer, 66 25 A. D. Seyler, 2d qr. Balary as Reo., 75 00 D. Oramer, 2d qr. salary City Atty., S5 00 John Collins, lamp lighting, 9 50 Webster & Co., bl'k books for B. of H.. 1 83 E. B. Pond, printing. " " " " 1 00 G. W. Brown, aubpoee'ng witness So., 12 10 James Atkinson, one day'B labor, 1 75 John W. Loveland, pólice services, 70 00 Jacob Seabolt, " " '0 00 Newton Feloh. " " '00 Jamea J. Paish&ll, chief pólice 78 75 Saníord & Carpenter, work for F. D-, 17 00' luttel &. forflredep't., 8 49 August Herz, " in bill, 8 9S Jacob Seabolt, pólice Bervices, 56 00 JohnW.Maynaid, 1 day juror, 150 A. Dunn, 1 J" Geo.W. Mooie, '% ' ' B. F. Cole, ' ' 1 5 JohnM.Gould, " ' 150 Frank Howard, " " " 150 Edward Clark, juBtice bill, 19 58 Conrad Krapf, work at firemen' hall, 3 18 T. R. Amsden, 1 day juror, 1 00 Geo. W. Moore, '(' lt A.'PoïhSiuB, ' 100' G. W. Smitb, " " ' 1 00 Jaa. Atkinson, work on flie engine, 8 00Jlrs. Atkinson, cooking and waiting on flremen, ' 00' A. D. Seyler.wooSforflredep't, 10 00 J. C. Shaw, drawing engine to nd fromflre, 1 00' John Collins, lamp lighting in Oct. , 9 50 Vines & Hallock, lumber, 52 46 . C. Shaw, íreightbill, 58 A. Hammon, lamp lighting, 18 00 E. B. Pond, printmg, .S SOames Atkinson, cutt'g and pil'g wood, 2 00 ames Quinlan, lamp lighting, 6 00 'rank Portar, " " 6 5 ames J. Parshall, chlef pólice, 63 00 ohn W. Loveland, pólice services, 56 00 William Porter, " " 56 0 Newton Felch, " " 56 00 December 1. . . ! Dean & Co., sundnes ín bul, tlb 89 Fred. Sorg, setting glass in t. lampa, 12 4 O S. Giles, lamp lighting, 6 0 James Atkinson, clean'g flre englne, 3 0 Wm. Noble 2 doors for jani'n house, S 85 G L. Pitkin, lamp lighting, 6 00 Field & Hunt flxtures íor gas lamp, 8 SO Sanford & Carpenter, repairs on engine 6 70 Wines & Hallock, 232 ft, of lumber, 4 64 Frank Portar, lamp lighting, 6 50 JohnCollins, '■ " Conrad Krapf, lumber, John W. Hunt, sundnes in bul, 3 L. C. Risdon, hardware, 5 A, Deiterle, lamp lighting, 67 " á. Lugust Widenmann, ooal and undries,58 47 t " " 4tonaeoalandcariage,48 00 (ames .1. Parshall, chief pólice. 8S OU Tohn W. Loveland , pólice services . DB 0 Newton Felch, " " 6S üha. H. Manly justice bill , 19 M 4. A. Gas LighlCo., gem for Oei . M 96 t . . t " Nov. 112 00 Jacob Seabolt, pólice servicea, 6 W 3.KrapfBerVanaSup'r Int and 2dw., 250 00 5. H. Rhodea, - " 5th " Oth 170 OU A. Bisele, " " " 3d " 4th ' 190 00 William Porter, pólice services, 56 00 Wm. Hammon, lamp lighting, ö 00 Edward Clark, justice bill, 8 43 Orange F. Starr, work onjanitor houBe, 7 60 Oeo W. Palmer ' " " ' 3 50 T. Edwards, lamp lighting, 12 ,i r.q January 5, 1874. U. H. Uhodes, material and building 5th ward fire engine house, 675 00 H. Kittridge, flU'g cisterns on Main st., 7 00 James J. Parehall, chief pólice, 78 75 John W. Loveland, pólice aervices, 70 00 William Porter, " " 70 00 Newton Felch, " " 70 00 Jaoob Seabolt, " " 70 00 J. Atkinson, cutt'g wood for flre. hall, 2 00 D. Cramer, 3d qr. aal. as city att'y, 2ñ 00 J. Atkinson, oleauing tire engioe, '6 00 D. Cramer, retainer in case of "W. H. Harper vt. Felch & Seabolt, 10 00 E. Storms, lamp lighting, 6 00 J. & P. Donnelly, sundnea in bill, 7 83 G. W. Brown. constable fees, 8 03 G. Beckly, paint'g5thw. engine house, lr 00 A. D. Seyler, 3d qr. sal. as Recorder, 75 00 A . H. Holmes, wood for 5 w. eng. house, 3 Ou C. M. King, repair'g H. & L. truck, 3 r0 Geo. 11. Bhodea, repairing bridge, 2 50 C. L. Rhodes, cleaning flre engine, 1 50 nhaslon 1'data 1 d , 1 1 1 i ll 1 in Ir 1'11'lti 3. F. Starr, labor on janitor'a house, 175 A.. A, GasLightCo.,gasforDec., 112 00 Qandy, Wurster& McLean, mending bell clapper, 4 00 J. Muhlig & Bro., furniture for 5th warrt cngine house, 12 00 J. Schumaeher & Co., store and pipe, 18 93 J. Schumacher & Co., coal stove &c, 21 75 J. C. Burkhardt, straptt on lioso carta, 1 40 A. D. Seyler, wood íor entine room, fl 60 A. II. Koys, turning 6 lamp posta, 4 60 John Collins, lamp lighting, 9 00 Antón Teufel, " 'í 6 00 Frank Porter, " " '8 60 (3, J. Fease, sundries in bilí, 16 96 N. B. Colé, coal for engine house 12 42 Simón Butler, lamp liffhting, 30 00 T. F. MoDonald, sundries in bilí, 7 34 1,38915 January 12. Rice A. Beal, printing, 70 95 Ekhu B. Pond, " 22 66 E. B. Pond, lat qr. sal. aCity Treas., 26 00 E. B. Gidley, sundries in bilí, 8 7C K. B. Gidley, pólice services, 3 00 J. O. Leland, wood, 1 50 1131 80 Feb. 2. Total amount of orders and ■ overdrufts, $12,404 76 B CSKDITS. c March, '73. By miscellaneoua acc't $167 47 April 8. " balance licenae " 278 17 J N-oy. 4. " . appropriation, 6,000 00 I " rec'd of eounty on b Board of Health, 488 00 J Feb. ï, '14, " license acc't to date 4,032 75 " " rec'd of Juaticea of B the Peace, Clark, ( Manly, Beahan, .1 MoMahon, and Seasions, 259 00 I h " City Marshal f rom fees, 124 35 $11,344 74 Balance of overdraft to be provided for $1,060 02 1 UENERAL, STREET FUND. February 1, 1873. ( Uverdraft as per warrant No. 72J, j ri port Feb. lat, 1873, $594 91 Interest ten per cent. 59 50 654 41 ■ March 3. Guy Beckley. labor, 2 00 Hiram Kittridge, teaming, 50 00 $52 00 Mar 11. John üaley, labor. I 7á $1 75 Aprils. &.. Mamman, labor on bridge, 3 00 $711 16 All the above accounts were alloyred by the former Council, and warrants ordered drawn by the same. AI ii v 9 H Kittridge, 13 days team and man, StW Thos.Gore, 4 " 16W J.Lawton, 4 ' . " " .' 16 1 P Corbett, 4 laour on streeL, o w JohnCollinM ' 6 00 John Plant, 4 " " " " 00 Chas. Lang, 4 ■■ " " " 6 00 A. Platt, 4 6 00 L.MiUer, lil '■ " „„„ UKeliy, building street crosaing, 60 00 L. Kelly, building atreet croasing, 45 00 J ohn Collins, 9 daya labor on streot , 13 60 JohnPratt. 3X " " " " 6J J Lawton, lu; " tesm and self, 41 00 Chas. Lang, 8'í " labor onstreet, 12 38 A. Platt, iV, " 6 75 O H Rhodea, build'g bridge per con., 28 50 Corbett, lii days labor on street,22 13 J Haley, S4 " " " " 12 76 Thas.Gore, 16Vá " team "nd mau' 61 J. Kittridge, 2% " 10 00 Fred Ilemu, 2 " labor on street, 3 00 JohnJKUey, 10U " " " " '5 ' J Kanuenberg, l " U H. Kittcidge, 23 " team and man, 112 (XI Lorin MiUur, 7 ' j " labor on street, 10 8S Chris. Braim, V, day team ana sel!, yz ut ; M.. Kittridge, IX " " "■". 29 00 John Collins, k " labor on streel, 7 87 W.TownBelVl ' " " " 2 25 P. Corbetl, 1% " " " " 25 J. Kiley, 1 " " " 1 C. Sohmid, lumber nd labor, 70 24 A. Platt, V-Á daysdabor on street, 3 95 J. Kittridge, I day team and aelf, 4 00 J. Kannenburg, 2U day labor on si., 4 37 W. Schleedo, 3)4 days cutting weeds, 4 37 L. C. RisdOJl, rails, &a,, 5 54 I Mooea Roger, water lime, 60 C. Bberbae.h, right of way. Wells at., 250 00 L. Kelly, tar walks and ctosB)ugs, 200 00 J. Flynn, widen'g Spring, st. bridge, 90 01) - - - - Jööö 09 August 4. Hiram Kittridge, work as per cantiaitS 00 James Atkinson, cleaniug culverts, 1 75 James McMahon, gravel, 47 2U .„ $73 95 September 1. D. L. Gates, repairing Hurón bridge, -256 F. Kuhn, repair'g.brldgeaiídiSideWHÍk, ■■W Auguatua Widenoiann,'Ba.ils, 35 Wm. Schleede, 5U days labor on street, 6 87 Christriaa Scliinïd, lumber and labor, 8 37 $29 09 November 3. Conrad Krapf, lumber, 2 56 D. L. Gates, repairing bridge, 2 50 Wood & Perrin, lumber, 11 52 ' 16 58 Dacember 1. Pettibone & Wilber, surveying in 1872, 14 80 Hircm Kittridge, cleaning streets &e., 83 75 $98 55 January 5, 1874. Christian Schmid, lumber and labor, 7 80 D.X.Gates, repairing bridge, 5 63 Wood.fc Perrin, 299 feet of lumber, 5 38 Januar.y 12. A. A. Agricultural Co., plow points, 1 00 Taal, Ï2.239 00 CREDITS. March 38. ■By canceling warrant 428 allowed by mistake, Í251 00 Nov. 4. " appropriations, 2,000 00 Jan. 8. ' canceling warrant, No. 232, 250 00 2,50100 Feb. 2,1874. " taflance on hand, Í262 00 FLEST WARD FUND. March 11, 1873. John Taylor, teaming, W 00 June 2. Wm. Burk, 9% days labor on.street, 16 62 H. Kittridge, 20 days team aud man, 80 00 August Platt, 2% days1 labor on street, 4 81 P. Gallagher, 15 " " " 27 12 C. Boyer, 1-5 " " " 35 Thos. Ward, 15 " " " " 26 25 JohnMiller, S% " " " " 14 42 Geo. Stoll, 10U " team and self, 42 00 J. Weitbrecht,lt{ " ' 0 00 J. Eitelbuss, yL " ■". " " 2 00 J. Reicheneker,% " " " " 2 00 ■ Í221 57 July 14. L. Kelly, repair'g and tarr'g crossings, 255 00 Geo. Stoll, 6?2 days team aud self, Zl 00 P. Gallagher, 4% " labor on street, 8 31 Thos. Ward, 6 " " " u 10 50 P. O'Brien, 3 " " " " 5 26 A. B. Cole, 21 days as street Com., 43 00 JL. C. Eisdon, nails, 2 12 $351 18 September 1. Wuod A. Perrin, lumber, Í23 37 A. B. Cole, 6)4 days as street Oom., 13 0 P. Gallagher, 9 days labor ou street, 15 75 Geo. ötoll, % days team and self, 8 00 860 r2 October 6. A. B. Cole, 2 daya street Com. 4 00 L. Kelly, tarr'g cross'gs and gutters, 125 00 Geo. Stoll, 3U days team and self, 14 00 J. Reicheneker, 2 days team and self, 8 00 . P. Gallagher, 4 days labor on street, 7 00 P. O'Brien, 2 " " " " 30 $161 50 Kovember 3. S. Wilber, assisthig city engineer, 2 00 B. F. Bower, ;" " " 4 50 W. H. Fuller, 19i days engineering, 97 50 W. H. Fuller, setting sidewalk stakes, 5 00 - - S109 00 December 1. W. H. Fuller, work in connection with ally pavement, 10 00 J. Eitelbuss, sand, 80 Wines & Hallock, lumber 4c., 13 22 C. Schumacher. sharpening picks, . 1 75 P. O'Brien, 14 daps labor, 2 62 J. Eitelbuss, paviug and extra work, 26 23 January 12. A. A. Agrieultural Co., plow points, 2 0C Total, S963 9! CREDITS. By balance not drawn, report Feb. 3, 1873, 5" 48 Nov. 4. " appropriation, 1,000 00 $ ,057 4: Feb. 2, 1874, Balance on hand, $93 49 SECOND WARD FDHD. Overdraft as per warrant No. 724, report Feb. 1, 1873, 86 72 IntSrest, 3 67 $40 39 .Tune 2. A Gruner, 17 days labor orí street, 29 75 T. Begalkee, 17 '' " " " 29 75 John Miller, i4 " " " " 7 87 T Weitbrecht.5! " team and self, 22 00 T. Eitelbuss, 5 " " " " 20 00 Í109 37 11 July 14. 11 L. C. Risdon, nails, c, 3 90 ■I A. B. Cole, 21 V2 days Street Com., 43 00 I J. Weitbrecht, 2V„ days team and self, 98 00 I J. F.itelbuss, MV, " " " " 138 00 I A. Gruner, 26Vüays labor on street, 46 37 T. Begalkee, 26k " " " " 46 37, JohnTdUler, 17V? " _M September 1. : J. Eitelbuss, excavatiug and grading I 1 as per contract, 161 64 I J Weitbrecht, 12'i days team andself, 50 00 J. Eitelbuss, s " " " " 32 0D IV. Qruner, 13 " labor oa atreet, 22 75 LCole' 6!a " Street Com 18 00 j s. Gutekunst, 8 " labor on street 14 00 , L. Kelly, tarring crossing corner oi Liberty and 8econd strects, 2a 89 ] J.Eltelbtsi, ï'ri.laysimmandman, t,on , A. Gruner, ■ , " labor on streel, T. Begftlkee, 'A " " " - CÏ I Chris. Schmid, liïmber and labor, (u fr2 ; November 3. ., íia ■ B. F. Bower, assist-g city engineer o 0O W. H. Fuller, part paym't for survey'g, 50 IKI , .1. Eitelbus, 1% days team and man, i 00 December 1. a . C. Sehumacher, repairing tools, ., 1 55 John Weitbrecht, 2 days team and sclf, 8 00 Wines & Hallock, lumber, 24 48 $;í. M January 5, 1874. _ Christian Schmid, lumber and lalior, 75 A. A. Agriuulturnl Co., plow pointa Ac, 2j Tntql $1,012 97 Nov. 4. By approprUtion, 17, '■""""" Feb. 2, 1874. Overdraft, $12 97 THIRD WARD 1TN1). March 11. ka J. Peek, labor, "" April 8. i aa EG. Wildt, teanihig, ' "" HaKittrldge, 3 daya team ai4 man, 12 00 John Lawton, 1 " " 4 JÜ Thomas Gore, 1 " " f ÏX John Plant, 1 " labor ou at reet, 1S0 Pat. Corbett, 1 " " " Í L Chas. Lang, 1 " " J. Kauneberg, L " " J j August Platt, 1 " " " J Lorin Miller, 1 " _ $29 00 John Lawton, 3 days team and EKlf, 12 00 John Kitrïdge, 3 '' " „ 2 Tboinas Gore, 3 " „ ljJ JohuKUey,8' 3 "labor on 3treet, 4 50 JohnCollins, S " " " Chas. Lang, " " Pat. Corbett, 1 " " ' w J73 July 14. John Keegan, grading on Spring st. on contract, W 00 Christian Braun, grading on Sprtag street on contract, 10 00 W. Schlede, 6 !ys cutting weeda, 7 50 H. Klttriáge, repairing High street bridge, per contract, '' L. C. Risdon, TtaHs, j Christian Schmid, lumter and labor, 1 75 Pat. Corbett, 1 days Jabor en street, 1 7u Chriutian Braun, for erth wort dune on spring sireta cmuiüm-i,, - " iLjL6 c lugust 4. L lirani Kittridge, for excavating on Miller Ave. contract, 215 12 Ihristian Braun, work done per contract on Spring street, w acob Fisher, 5U days labor on street, 9 68 I. Kittridge, 2 daya team and self, 8 w 1 i. G. Wildt, 4K days work on streut, 12 75 lames McMahon, gravel, 1 '" 32, ,0 ieptember 1. , ,, rto ( i ■hristian Braun. 7 days team and self, 28 00 lacob Fischer, VA days labor on street, 7 88 W. H. Fulier, part payment for eng., 50 m B. Kittridge, work on con. and team'g., 26 75 hristian Schmid, lumber and labor, 18 5b jg Oetober 6. . „. E. (i. Wildt, 2 days on treet, 25 j L. C. Kisdou, nails, f? s4 November 3. , C. Sutherland & Co., lumber, S. Wilber, assisting city engiaeer, 3 00 W. H. Fulier, for surveying, 1 '"J B. F. Bower, assisting city engineer, 11 2a W. H. Fulier, setting sidewalk stakes, 1 2a January 5. . „ H. Kittridge, repairing High st., w Christian Braun, 2 days team and sell, o Total, 8Ö9 By balance not drawn repon Fetiruary 3, 1874, 8 75 Nov. 4. " appropríation, 1878, 1,000 00 „ Fet.2, 1874. Balance on hand, $1387 FOUKTH WAKD FUND. Overdraft s per warrant No 725, report FeU 8, 18. 4" 16 per cent. Interest, - ' ' Marchl7. Overdraft as per warrant No.754, lfAl 10 per cent interest, " April 8. ii oa Peter Oary, labr, " 3B Peto Carey. 12 days labor on street, 21 00 N. A. Prudden, 5% days labor and H. íuridge, 3U days team and man, H 00 Wines 4 Halloclc, 619 ft. of oak plank, 12 38 J. Atkinson, 6 days labor on street, 1U B G. J. Pease, 12 pounds of naüs, $ ft July 14. ., L. C. Eisdon, nails, i ?SSBl# 'abor on street, 10 07 KÖn d'ays Street CWr. 6 50 H Kittridge, 2 days team and man, 8 OU K ííTudlen, 5% days Street Coni'r 11 00 PeteriCarey, 6 days labor on street, 10 50 J. AtfclBson, 6 " " " J ?" H. Kittridge, 8 " team and man ói 00 John Hailey, 1% " labor on street, 2 19 JohnLawtoQ,4 " team and self, 10 00 D. Kieratead, 3 " labor on street, 5 25 Wm.DeLand,2 " " " f Jane Leonard, 216 loads of gravel, 21 60 J. Crestline, 2% days labor on street 4 81 N. A. Prndden, 1 days labor, btreet Commissioner and lumber, 7 8135 M September 1. . . J W. Brooks, cutting ohnox's weeds, 4 00 Peter Carey, 8 days labor on street, 14 uu g sfjLPrudden, 1 day repairing bridge, 2 00 Peter Carey, cleaning culverts 7" Wm. DeLand, 2 days labor on street, 3 50 November 3. , .. C. Sutherland & Co., lumber, Wines 4 Hallock, plank, . " Wood & Perrin, lumber and draying, S F. Carey, repair'g gutters and crosaings, 6 u December 1. .- Wines i. Hallock, lumber, A McDonald, teaming and labor, Peter Carey, labor on street, 14 8a $30 59 Total Í989 68 By ca'nceling warrant No. 280, S 50 Nov.4 '' appropriation, 1873, 1'00OUO tl0 m Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, 13 82 FIFTH WABD FUND. April 8. , v ... AfHammon, labor, } John Shadford, " _ 33 50 i)Uï. Gates, 9V. days team and self, 34 75 Albert Pearl, ll4 " lbor stríet' . Sí FrankOrtman,8 " " " 1 Chas. Burham, 2% " J Franz Kapp, 2Í? " team and self, 11 00 H. Stockini; 3g " labor on street, _4_38 August 4. .. D. L. Gates, teaming and labor, Geo. Crawford, 2 daya labor on street, 8j0 DU Gates, ' 2)4 dy team and 8el.f' 10, S Chus. Rhodes, 2 days labor on street, J25O j November 2. f . , rtK D. L. Gates, work and teaming, 44 25 , D. Crawford, " " ' J " H. McCoUum, " ü! 75 82 - December 1. ' ■ ',.„ D L. Gates, team and labor, 4 s Edwin Storms, 1U days labor on street, 2 25 Chas. Beslmer, 2) '' " F. Covert, lg " labor, J_88 January 5, 1874. _„ A. A. Agriiultural Co., plow points, .0 Chas. Besimer, work on street, 100 Haviland & Rhodes, repairs on plows and tools, iw 10 Total 209 68 By alance not drawn. report Feb 3, 1873. 32 5G tfpv.4. appropriatlon, 1873, 20MW Feb. % 1874. Balance on hand, 27 SIXTH WAED FUND. (ïeeWalker, 10U days team and sel f, 36 75 John Hailey, llíf " labor on street, 17 25 SSSSSrtiïï'r " tlm andself, 7M WmBurke, ' 15Í " labor ou street 2 62 J. Donnelly, 11V " " . , " f:1 I Morse 11Í4 " team and self, 40 2o B. Norton, 111 " labor on street, 17 25 Wm.WarAer,10 " team and self 35 00 M. O'Tool, 10V4 " labor on street, 155 J. Atkinson, &Ï4 . " " " S. Chas. Adams, UK " Street Com., 29 00 July 14. . oa Moses Rogers, nails &c, . -L B Norton, 49Í days i labor on street 8 ál Chas Adams, 13 days Street Cora., 6 00 ffm. Warner, 9JÍ days team and self, 39 00 JohnLawton, 2M " " " "" John Kelly, 152 loads of gravel, 18 12 Jas. McMahon, 32 " " Í f Ceo. Walker, 4 days team and self, 16 00 E. V. Cobb, building culverts, Ac, 4 50 M. O'Tool, 5V days labor on street, 10 06 i MnraK 9'? " team and self, .17 Ol Í Donnelly, 9 " labor on street, 16 19 Chas. Wilmot, 200 loads of gravel 20 00 John Hailey, 3% davs labor on street, 6 6 ! N. A. Pruddcn, 69 loads of gravel, 8 62 cT'porter, cutting obnoxious weeds, 1 SO F. Woodruflf, " ü? saoo L, 2H days team and self, 10 00 Wines & Hallock, lumler, Chas. Adam, labor as Street Com. UW WFuHer, settin sidewalk stakes, 1 SO WC. Ohurch, repairing tools, A. Smlth, removing tree from street, 00 iTTgrièiuuralCcplowpoin,, . (i' J. Pease, 20 pounds of nails, 1 C. Sutherland i Co., lumber, TM jg Total, By balance not drawn, report Feb. 3, 1873, 235 22 " appropriatiou, 1873, 350 00 Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, í8" 5Í ARTESIAN WELL FUND. Balance on hand, as per report Feb. 3, 1873, $45 82 ySly 14. John Flynn, labor on well, ' Feb 2 '74. Balance on hand, í1 8 TOWEE FÜND. Feb " '74. Balance on hand, as per report, ' ' T-xh. 3, 1873. 3 10 FIREMEN'S FUND. I r lay 9, 1873. ohn G. Mlller, $5 Fred Wurster, .Ir., ÍS . ohn Gall, 3 Gotlob Wuertb, o I idward Graf, S Gotlob Luick, 5 1 red Wurster, 5 Fred. 8ofg, B I lohn Keek, 5 G. W. Efner, 'hristian Walz, 5 H. Ockford, o . , Viescl, 3 G. Mclntyre, o Faoob Maurer, ó M. H. Goodrich, 5 Martin Jedele, 5 C. H. Worden, 5 Tohn Eiting, 5 James Atkinson, F. Gauss, ' B John Slater, 6 Tacob Laubengayer, 5 J. Donnelly, 5 r. G. Lutz, 5 W. A. Clark, 5 hristian Sana, 5 G. W. Cropsey, 5 Henry Wasch, IS L. C. Kisdon, S Fred Schmid, 5 E. J. Johnson, 5 Martin Lang, 5 J. W. Lawson, 5 ('hristian Schumacher 5 J.T.Jacobs, o Cieorge Kuebler, 5 P. H. Abel, 5 Soloruon Sondheim, 5 S. M. Webster, 5 Conrad Krapf, 5 J. W. Hunt, 5 Wm. Wagner, 8 R. Tarrant, 5 1 J. Zeeb, 5 J.F.Schuh, 5 Wm. Exinger, 5 G. A. Gilbert, Fred Gwinner, 5 E. D. Bliss. 6 J. Dingler, B Adam D. Seyler, 5 A. Reule, r N. H. Drake, Jacob Gwinner, B Thad. Thompsoh 5 John Bross, B B. F. Sanford,) Paul Gabler, S E. L. Smith, 5 Christian Weinmann, ü James Boyd, S August Echart, 5 T. Taylor, 5 Fred Kirn, S H. Atkinson 5 Christian Eberbacb, 5 J. C. Burkhardt, Gotlob Woera, S S. N. Henion, o H. Laubengayer, 5 D. Fogerty, 5 Jacob Bauer, 5 J. O'Brien, 5 Fred Weitbrecht, 5 W. Kay, 5 Gotleb Weitbrecht, 5 C. H. Davls, 5 I Christian Walker, S T. Hoban, 5 0. Eberbach, 5 P. Howley, 5 I 1. Muehlii. 5 C. Millman, 5 Gotlob Nagel, 5 Morris O'Rourk, 5 1 Total, ■ By appropriation to pay firomen as per vote I of tax-paying electora, 830 I OLD CEMETERY FUND. Feb. Si 1874. Balance on hand, as per report, I Feb. 3, 1873, Í8 29 LICENSE ACCOUNT. Feb. 2, 1874. Bt cash received up to date for aatoons and billiard licenses, ÍS.800 50 By cash received up to date for licensei from circuses, theater, concerU, backs, drays, omnilnuea, and all other sources, '232 25 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. July 2, 1874. By fine money's received from Justlces of the Peace, Clark, Manly, Beahan, McMahoa, and Sessions. 2"0 00 teeeived from City Marshal from officers' fees, 124 85 Eieeelved of County on account of rders drawn in aid of Board f Health, 488_00 1 DOG LICENSE FUND. By cash reoelved from dog llcenses, net, and the same paid to the „„,-,.„ City Treasurer, -lB '" INTEREST ACCOUNT. Interest on $10,000 Medical College bonds, 700 Oí) Interest on $3,000 Obsnrvatory bonds, 210 00 For principal of Medical College and Observatory bonda. 6,500 00 ,,„„„] Total, 8,410 00 Nov. 4. By appropriation, $7,410 00 REC VPITULATION OF THE DIFFERENT CITÏ ACCOUNTS. GENERA.L FUND. OTerdraft of former Council, up to April 8, 1873, 4,704 25 Amount of warrants drawn by the present Council, froin April 8, 1873, ?0Feb.2,1874, Jf$12,404 76 CREDIT3. By miscellaneous account, 167 47 " balance Hcenae account, 273 17 " appropriation, 6,000 00 " received of County on B. of H., 488 00 " license account up to date, 4,032 75 " received of .Tustices of the Feace, 259 00 " received of Citv Marshal. 124 35 $11,544 74 Balance of ovcrdraft carried to new account, 1,060 01 $12,404 76 (.ENERAL STREKT FUND. Overdraft of former Council, 711 16 Amount of warrants drawn hy the present Council, from Aprll 8 to S. 2, 1874, ijBTM mmw Not. 4. By appropriation, 2,000 00 ' canceling warrant 428, 251 00 Jan. 12, '74. " cancel'g warrant No 232 250 00 ' 2,50100 Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, 262 W FIRST WASD FLTÍD. Balance in Treasury, as per report, Feb. 3, 1873, 5' Nov. 4. By appropriation, I.1000 og7 4g Amount of warrants drawn to date, Feb. 2, 1874, 8963 99 Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, 893 49 SECOND WARD FÜND. Overdraft as per warrant No. 724 of former CouncU, 40 9 Amount of warrants drawn by the present CouncU to date, Feb. 2, '74, 872 58 Nov. 4. By appropriation, 1'80000 Feb. 2, 1874. Overdraft, a' THIRD WARD FUND. Balance in Treasury, as per report Feb. 3, 1873 8 -S Noy. 4, '73. By approprlaüon, 1,000 00 $1Q08_5 Amount of warrants drawn to date, Feb. 2, '74, S70Ui Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, S'38 87 FOUBTH WiSD FUXD. Overdraft as per report, Feb. 3, '73. 654 81 Amount of warrants draVn to date, 334 87 ?g89 Gg By canceling warrant No. 280, S 50 Nov. 4, '73. By appropriation, 1,000 00 } Balance on hand 13 82 riFTH WARD FUND. Balance in Treasury, as per report Feb. 3, 1873, ? X1.... I Ti liw nni-ifi-lTï-riatiriTl UO IW Amount of warnints drawn to date, Feb. 2, 1874, 209 68 Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, Í27 88 SIXTH WABD F.LND. Balance in Treasury, as per repwí, Feb. 3, 1873, ' ag2 Nov.4, "73. By appropriation, .W jg8322 Amount of warrants drawn to date, Feb. 2, '1874, ''w't"i Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, $84 64 FIREMKN'S Ff ND. By appropriation to pay .firemen, as per vote of tax-paying electora, April, 1873, S430 Amuunt of 86 firemen warrants, at 5 dollars each, 30 ABTESIAN WEIX FÜND. By balance in Treasury as per report, ■ Feb. 3, 1873, 82 Amount of warrant No. 307, lm Feb. 2, 1874. Balance on hand, 844 82 TOWSB FUND. Feb. 2, '74. Balance on band, as per report Feb. 3, 1873, , 83 W Ann Arbor, Feb. 2, 1874. HIKAM J. BEAKES, Mayor. Adam D. Ssyikb, Recorder.


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