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In The House, On The 18th Ult., Hon.

In The House, On The 18th Ult., Hon. image
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Geo. Willard, of this State, made a lengthy speech against " the bilí to regúlate commerce by railroads in the several States," a bilí providing for the appointment of commissioners with power to establish freights and fares. Hecharacterized the proposed legislation as inexpedient, difficult, and dangerous. Wo can fully indorse wbat Mr. Willard said upon these points and against the bill ; but tliero we must separate. We do not believe it oxpedient for Congresa to embark upon a general system of internal improveuients, to take under its fostering care the canals and railroads he indicates as necessary to solve the problein of cheap transportation. Neither do we bulieve that such works are within the province of Congress or the Federal Government. Thoy should be left to Stute legislation and private capital. Congress has already graspod powers and assumed to legislate upon subjects, to think of which would cause the trainers of the Constitution - the men who carefully defined the narrow sphere of the Federal Government - to rest uiieasily in their graves. Yet these men found it necessary, in the first session of the First Congress, to propose an amendment to the Constitution as an additional aafeguard, which declares, " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Coustitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respeeiively, or to the peopla." And the power given Congress " to ! regúlate comuieree with foreign nations and among the sereral States," must be terribly perterted from its original meaning before it can be made to include either the legislation Mr. Willard opposes or pro poses. - The bill against which Mr. Willard spoke passed the House ort Thursday of last week, by a vote of 121 1L 116. Messrs. Bradley, Waldrox, and Willabd voted NO ; the other six Michigan members voted Ves. The proceedings of Congress -as telegraphed by ïte Associated Press - give the follavring abstract of its pro visions : "It ep.acts that all railroad Unes carrying freight uud passengere between differut States whethfir owned hy oue or by -vanous corporations, shall regarded as employed in com merce in the several States, and shall be liable ior any vialatidn oi this act. They are forbid den to charge more than a fair aul réaaonabU late ior the trauspertation of freight or passen gerj, snch rate to be ascertained and fixed by a Board of Raüvoad Cominissioners to be appoint da by the President with the advice aiid consen oí the Sc'iate, aud to be resident of eaoh of the nine .Kdicial distriets ot the United States.- Tby are to be disinterested persons and _not to i.ave an interest in the stock, bonds, or propert; oi any railroad or iniy transportation company This Board of Railroad Commissioners is to in stitute a thorough investigation and inquirv into the rates and compensation chargeá for trans pórting freights and passengers over the railroads, and into the reasonableness tifereof, ant is, as soon as jiracticable after such investigatioi and inquirv, to prepare for the owneis and ope rators of each of such lines a separate schedule of reasonable maximum rates of charges for th transportation of treight and cars on or over said Unes respectively. The schedule is to be dul; authenticated by the Board of Coinmissioner and to be printed and kept posted up iu each o the offices and depots of such railroad cornpanj Corporation or person. They may from timo t time, and as of ten as circuinstances may require ohange and revise the schedule, and shall giv notice of such changes or revisions iu the sam manner." If Congress oan so legislate there is a little use for State Legislatures as for th fifth wheel to a wagon. The Washington correspondent of th N. Y. World, under date of March 27th writes up Moses W. Field, whom th voters of the First Michigan district o Michigan, in a fit of insanity, sent to mis represent thein in the House. He says " The absurdity of holding sessions for debat only was well illustrated this even ing, when th hall of the House of Representatives was lightet and formally opened for the purpose of allowiug . Mr. Field, of Michigan, better known as " th gentleman with the elegant toilet,' to make speech on the tariff. Besides the membei wh occupied the chair as Speaker pro tem., ther were just two present - Mr. Hubbell, o Michi gan, and Mr. Poland, of Vermout. ïhere wer about a dozen visitors in the galleries. As n human being outside of the Michigan inember' family has the slightest interest in his views, th expenditure of $100 for gaslights to enable him to express them seems altogether ridiculous." Moses niust have that corresponden excluded froin the " Reporters" Gallery. Hasu't ÏEKBY set the example for the protection of " Old Zack," and isn't Mo ses entitled to as uiuch protection. "Pro tection " is his inain holt. TllK INSURANCE companies of Hartforc have inaurated a measure that will tel against the liquor traffio more effectually than the spasmodic efforts of the prohibí tionists ; that is, if the order is extended beyond Uincinnati. An excbange announces it in the following paragraph : "The Hartford fire insurance companies have ordered their agents at Cincinnati to take no more risks on saloons or property adjoining and one life insurance compauy has announced that no more policies will be issued on the lives of saloon keepers." When insurance companies generally take that stand - and it is inevitable - property holders will be careful not to let buildings to saloon keepers, and adjoining property holders will haveamoney interest in objectiug to the establishing of saloons next door. The Grand Rapids EngU says that the amended Constitution is likely to meet with opposition from the men in favor of a license system : and this notwithstanding the prohibitory clause is the same as that in the present Constitution. It quotes one " infiuential citizen " as remarking that " he will nover havo it said that it (the prohibitory clause) received his endorsement at the polls." If the anti-prohibition men síiill generally take t'nis view the obstinacy of the prohibitionists in the Legislature will have secured the defeat of the revisión. For these anti-prohibitionists, joined to those who will vote no onother and more ratioual grounds, wül insure a large majority against it. We take pleasure in indorsing, abiiost without reservo, the speech of Hon. He.ntry Waiïdkon, oopied into another column. Mr. W. hae no worda of commendation for the irredcemable greenbaoks, - miscalled money, - and portrays their perniciousand corruptinginrluence upon the business interests of the country in words not to be mistaken. Patbick Wall has been nominated tor Supervisor by the Democrats of Northfleld, and David Wilsey, renoniiuated by the Republicana of Pittufield. An opposition ticket is talked of in Ann Arbor Town. Both br;inches of Congress are still at work at - we uiean trifling with - the currency queatiou. They should refer the matter to some country debating club.


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