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IHssnliitiou r C'o-rartnornliip. Notice is herehy snven that the co-partnersbip herpioiore existing tinn known as Church Sc Cbapin, la uow diolved by mutual consent on this day. Ann Ailnu'. Mnrch 36, 1R74 CHA8. CHURCH, C. A. CHAPÍN. Agent. U72lw MOTICE! CfrFICE O THK Ann A.BBOB Oa I.HiHT CoMI'ANY. Ann Arbor, Maich 27, 1874. Notice is hereby given thut the )inimnl meeting of the Stocklioldera of the Adti Arboi Uas Light Compiiity, tor the i-UíCíion oí omcera and the transaction of such other buaineas us shall propeily come belore tire meeting, wili be held ai the otiice of the Comp;iny. in the city of Ann Arbor, on ï'riduy, the tenth day of April, 1874, ui 2 o'elock P. M. S. iUDOUGLAS, Secy. ÁmeriGan Cyclopaedia. Kevised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ableat writers on every ■nbject, Printed from new type, and illuntrated with Wcveral Thousand Engravinge and Maps. The work onginally published nnder the title of Tuk New A.mkkioan (Jyulopjídia was completed m lb(il, bincG which time the wide eirculation which it haa attuined in all party of the United States, and the signnl deviilopments which have taken place in every brunch of science, literature, and art, have induced tii; editora umi publishers to submit it to au exaot and thorough revisión, and to is&ue u new edition enütled The ameuican Cycjopjcdia. v ithin the last ten ycars the progresa of diseovery iu every depaitment of knowledge han made a new work oí' rcference an imperative want. 'J lie movfsment of political affairs has kept pace with the discovurUis of scieuce, and their fruitfui appiicalion lo the industrial aud uaeful arts and the convenieuce aud rerinement of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutiona have occurred, invol ving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war ot our own country, which waa at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared.hna liappily beeu ended, and a new course of commercial iU'1 industrial activity lias been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical knowledge have been mude by the indefatigable explorers of a frica, The great political revolutions of the laat decade, witli the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public vjew a multitude of new men, whose names ure in every one'ft mouth, and of whose livea every one in curious to know the particular. Irieat batties have been lought and important sieget? maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the traneient publicationa of the day, but which ought dow to tttke their place in permanent and authentichistory. lu preparing the present edition for the prees, it has accoidinlybeen the aiin of the editor to briog down the information to the latestpossible dates, and to fu'nishan accurate account ot the most recent discoveries in science, of ever y fresh produetion in literature, and of the newest inventions in the practical u u, :is well as to give a succinct and original record of the progrusü oí iolitical and historical events. The work hus been beguu after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ampie resources lor oarrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new tjpe,' forming ín fact a new Cyclopwdia, with the srnne plan and compasa as its predecessor, but with a far greater pécuniary expenditure, and with such Im7jrovements in its composition as have been auggcsted by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. The-illustrations which are introdced. for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucjdity and force to the explanationa in the text. They embrace all branches oí science and natural history, and depict the most famous and remarkable features ol scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processea of mechanica and manufactures. Although intended for instruction rather than embelHahment, no pains have been spared to inaure their artistic excellence ; the coat of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will flnd a welcome reception as un admirable feature of the Cyclopeedia, and woffthy of its hih eharacter. Tliis work ia sold to rfubscwbera oniy, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pagea, fully illustrated with severa! thousapd Wood Rnirraviugs, and with nuinerou&eolored Lithographic BCapa. Prïce and Style of Binding-. In extra Cloth, per vol. $5 00 Tn Librury Leather, per vol. 6 00 In HhIí Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 (Ml In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 00 Iu Full Morocco, antique, gilt edgea, per vol. 10 Ofl In Full Russia, per vol. 10 Ofl Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until comijletion, will be issued once in two months. #Specimen pages of the Amkrican Cyclopsdia, showing type, illustrations, etc, will be sent gratis on application. PiRBT-CLASS CaNVABSINÜ AtiENTS WaSTED. Addressthe Publihers, IJ. APPls&VOX Sc CO., 549 Ar 551 Uroudwuy, . V. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS George W. Mohr and Rachel A. hifi wife, of the township of Sylvan, Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, executed a mortgage to George E. Diivis of the same place, to secure the payment oí certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgag-e was recorded in tlie office of the Register of Deeds in said county, on the tenth day of Oetober, a. d. 1871, at nine o'clock a. m. oí said day, in liber 44 of mortgages, on page 369 ; which BOld mortgage was du!y assigned on the second day of January, A. i. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-twO] to Luther James, oí" the township of Lima, county of Washtenaw aforesaid, and recorded in the orrice of the Kegister of Deeds of said county, on the first day of April, a. d. 1874, in líber No. 4 of aseignments of mortgages on page two hundred and seventy ; and whereas default has been made for more than thirty days in the payment of an installment of interest money which became due on the ninth day of October, a. d. 1873, by reaaon whereof and pursuant to the tenns of said mortgage, said mortgagee hereby elects that bo much of said principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearagea of interest thereon, ariall become due and payable immediately : aud whereae there is cinimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice the sum of ti ve thousand four hundred and flfty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents, for principal and interest, also an attorney'a fee of flfty dollars should any proceedinga be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and alao the furtber sum of eight dollars for insurance, as provided for in said mortgage, and no auit or proceedinga havingbeen instituted either in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice ia therefore hereby given, that on the TWENTY-8EVENTH DAY OP JUNE NEXT, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of s;iid day, at the fiont door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, fthat being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county. is held), and by virtue of the powr of sale contained in phícI mortgage, I shall sell at pubïic uuction to the highest bidder, the premisea described ín said mortgage, to satisfy the amount of principal and interest above claimed as due, with the charges of sale and attorney's fee of flfty dollars, with insurance as aforesaid, all the followine deacribed piecea and parcela of land, to wit: The south half of the southeast quarter of the eouthwest quarter of eection twenty-three ; alao a strip of land' ten chaina and flfty liaka in width north and south, ad about sixty chaina east and west, being off from. the south aide of the northwest quarter of the aouthwest quarter of aection twenty-four, and off of the south side of the north half of the eoutheaat quarter of section twenty-three (23j, containing in the last described piece or parcel of land fifteen acres ; also beginning: at the nurthenst corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24), running thence south on the half quarter line six chaina and eeveniy-three links to the northeast corner of liind deeded by Aaron Lawreuce to Lois Fenn, thence south eighty-six degrees west sixteen (16) chaina to :i stake, thence south four degrees eaat three chaina ind thirty-eiirht links to a stake on the eaat side of i spring, theuce weet four chains across said spring to i stake, thence north twenty-flve linka to a stake, :heuce soath eighty-aix degrees west three chaina and ifty licks to a stiike in the eaat line of section ty mree, Lnence souui eiifiitj-uve uureen ana [mriy minutes west parallel with the south line of section twenty-three f23) about forty (40) chaina to a stake in the center line of said seetion twenty-three, thence north on said center line nine chains and eighty-six links, thenee east parallel with the south liue of said sections twenty-three and twenty-four about sixty chiiins to the place of beginning, contaiuing flfty-flve acres of land ; a'so a piece of land off of the nurthwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast q u ar ter of said section twenty-three five chains and seventy-one and one-half links wide east and west, and seventeen chains nd fifty links north and south frora the northweat corner, of tïie piece of land aecond above described, contaicing ten acre of land, ail in township two south of range three east, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan aforeeaid, contaimng in all one hundred aeres of land more or les Being the lands described in a certain indenture of muriyage given by George W. Mohr and wife to George E. Tnviá, and recorded in the Register's office for Washtenaw county, in liber 40 of mort gag es on page 342. Dated, April 3, 1874. LT7THER JAMES, Assignee John N. Gott, Altorney of said Mortgagee. for said Assignee. 1472td Mortgage Sale. WIT ERE AS Levi H. Douglass of the eity of Ann Arbor, county of Wastenaw and State of Michigan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1872, executed. a ïnortgag'e to John N. Gott and Julia A. Gott, of the same pluce, to securo the payment of certaiu principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgaee was recorded in the office of the Register of deeda in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1872, in Libez 48 of mortgages, on pnge 292, and whereas drlault haB been made fox more than thirty days, in the payment of an installmentof saïd interest money whiob becamedue on the I8thday of July, A. D. 1873, by nsLon wbereof and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, said mortgagees elect that bo much of said principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearagei of iutoreat thereon, shall become due and payable immediately ; and whereas, there is claimed to be due and urtpaid at the date of this notice the sum of three bhoosaxtd two hundred and uinety-eight dollars and sixteen cents for principal and interst, also fifty dollars as a reiisoniibíe aolicitor's or attorney's fee'shoulu any proceeding be taken to foreclose Baid morí supe, and no suit or proceedings have been instituted, either in luw or equity, torecover the Bame or any nartthoreof: Notice íh thí'reforehereby given.íhat on 8ATUKDAY,THE TWENTY-SEVETTH DAY ÜFJUNEnext, at two o'clock in the ft,ernoon of Biiid day, at the south door of the Covert House in the ciiv "f Arm Arbor Cthat being the fcuilding in whioh the Circuit Court for the county Of Washtenaw and etateiiforesaid ísneiaj and by yi,rtue oí thepowerof ?ale containt'd in said mortgage, 1 Bhall sell at public anctioïi to ihe highest bidder, the preroises described in said morternge, to satialy the aiiMiunt of principal and interest claimed to be due with the Attorney's fee of fit'ty dollaia and charges of Bale, to wit : All tlmt . ceituin piece or parcel ot land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, couuty of Waahtenaw, aforeBaid, known, bonnded and deseribed n followa, to wit : - Being the north half of lot number six (6) in block uurnber thiee Bouth of Hurón street, and rane tiumhorsix f6) east, according toa recorded plat oí the villuge Cnow (úty of Ann Arbor. lMtetl, Apvil3d, 1874. JOHN N". GOTT and JULIA A ÜOTT, John N. GoTT.Atty. H72 Mortgagers. -O OOM TO STOEE 1OO CÜTTER8 mjgSt at the Münitor buildin v. ïcEBSS 1874. 1874. SPRING! AT THE I AÜSTN" ARBOH TRADIÍVC 1HICI1TIII We are now PREPARRD T(l 1111 To our Patrons our SPRING ASSORlif OF CHOICE AND Elegant Designs CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, fcc, &C. CHEAP FOB CASH! G. W. HAYS, Supt April 1, 1874. 147:!


Old News
Michigan Argus