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ïtWVVjVyVV 111. ilLI . Dr. Lewitt, hereby notifles hia patrons tbat he has returned from his western tour and has resumed the practice of his prufession. Offïoe in the Haven Jïlock. Dated, Aun Arbor, March 9, 1874. Tltirty Years' Experience of uu Old Nurse. 1ïr(. IViiiilow Soolliin Syrup is the prescription of one of the beat Feinale Phy&icians and Nurses in the United States, and bas been used for thirty years with neverfailing safetyand euccesa by raillions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It correcte acidity of the stomach, relieves wind eolio, regulatea the bowels and gives rest, health und comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surent Remedy in the World in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARUHCEA IN CHILDREN, whetheritarisea from Teethiiig or from any other cause. Full directions for using: will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unleHS the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PERKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealoni I436vl A Card. It having been currently reported that I ïiave sold out my stock of Drugs and Medicines, I woukl say to the generous public, that I have not sold out, but on the contrary will remain with my frienda. I return my sincere thanks to the public for their confidenccrand liberal patronage, and pledge that my personal efforts in the future to conduct my business in athorough careful, -and correct mauner, will retain your confidence and support. Ydu shal] always find in the oldrehable store a large stock of goods which I guarantee pure and fresh and at low ñgures. I also keep in stock a full supply of pure Liquors and Wines. Tliese goods will always be analyzed by an expert chemist before they are accepted by us, and will be sold only for medicinal purposes. All prescriptions intrusted to us will be compounded by experienced chemists, with accuracy and care. Very respectiully ' E. W. ELLIS. 'liiltl r.ii Of ten Look Pule and Sick From do other cause than having worma in the stomach. BEOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worms without injury to thechild.being perfeijtlv WHITE, and f ree from all coloring or other injurious ingrediente usually used in worm preparationa. CURTÍS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druffgists and CJtemisIs, and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. M36yl houseIöïdT1, you i To all persons suffering T) A TVT A HT1 A from Bheun atism, NeurAlNAljljA !r.ttlSia trampa in the limbs or stomuch, Bilious Colic, Pain in the back, bowels or aide, we would - ATÏD - aay, the Household Panacea and Family Liniment is of all öthers the ■n ■ -wr remedy you want for inr A M I I V Iternal and external wte. i. JXÍXLJ.U 1 (t has cured the above icomplaints in thousanda of cases. There ia no misT TATTM"PA1 T takeaboutit. Try it. Sold llliN llYljbJN ! by all Druggists. BUSINESS OFFEE. jt_ A rare and excellent chance to judiciously invest or take an interest in a really good, saté and permanent business, which can be profitably increased to uny extent, without danger of exceedin the demand ; and iu a large, well built, brick Factory, with 300 horse steam power, and the monop'oly of improved and unequalled machinery for manufacturing wood oriion, (which makes its own fuel ;} and at the beat place in the United States for obtaining materiala of all kinds, and distributing work in every direction, by water or rail, at the door of the Factory, from or to any part of the U. S. or of the world : is offered by Dr. K. S. Smfth & E. W Morgan, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and a thorough investigation courted. 3wl40 MICHIGAN CENTRAL KAILROAI). 'winter time tablb. PasSengeitrainsnow leave the several itiitious.Ha followB OOINO WEST. Á Si a W % u -S NIH STATIONS. W L i as a v ö . %_ __O_ M O ■ W 5 A. M. A. H. P. M. F. II. I'. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 15 120 4 00 5 40,10 30 Ypsilanti, l 8 43 11 25 2 32 5 30 7 10 i.. M. Ann Arbor, 9 02 11 43 2 51 5 50 7 45 12 05 Dexter, i 9 35 8 12 6 25 8 10 Chelsea, ' 9 52 5 30 8 30 OrassLake, 1 10 19 p. m. 3 55' 9 00 lackson, Ki .15 1 05 4 30 9 35 1 30 l'.M. A.H. Kalamazoo, 2 20 3 40 7 40 12 25 Jbicago arrive, I 8 30 9 00 6 30 8 30 OPINO KAST. __ A. M. A. M.j P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 1 8 30 5 ÍS 9 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00 2 15 P. M. A. M. Jackson, 2 30, 3 55 8 00 12 30 4 45 GrassLake, 2 66 8 30 1 - - Chelsea, i 3 24 8 63 1 a. m. Dexter, 3 41 9 09J 6 25 AnnArbor, 4 05 5 03 9 38 1 55 6 00 6 55 Ypsilanti, 4 25 5 22,10 03 2 17 6 20; 7 20 Detroit, arrive, i 5 50 6 25,11 201 3 30l 7 25 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa run between Jackson and Nilea on the Air Line. DTKOIT, HILLSDALElTlÑbí ANA KAILROAD. GOING WEST. -1873- GOIÏG EA6T. stations. Mail. Exp. stations. Exp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:15 5:40 A. M. p. M. Ypailanti 8:45 7:15 Bnnkera 5:45 2:15 Saline, 9:26 7:43 Hülsdale 6:15 2:30 Bridgewater . . 9:50 8:00 Manchester.... 8:35 4:08 Manchester... .10:22 8:18 Bridgewater . . 9:00 4:28 P.M. Saline "9:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:00 9:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Stinkers 1:15 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. "HOW TOJO WB8T This is an inquiry which every one shouid have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy Railroad has achieved a splendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passender Route to the West. Starting at Chicago or Peoría, it ruDS direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, "with close connections to California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Ciuincy, Missouri, and points in Kanaas and New Mexico. Passengers on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. This line has published a pamphlet entitled ' How to go West," which contains much valuable information ; a large, correct map of the Great West, which oan be obtained free of charge by addressin the General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Eailroad, Chicago, 111. 1461yl [f you are Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constitn iion, Or requlre a Remedy to Parify and Lnricb the Blood, You will flnd Dr.Crook's Compound Sy rnp of l'oke Boo I to postes greater nu rit, cura fou more speedily, and do you more good than any and all other remedies comblncd. I'Uat PaIe,Tellow, Sirkiy-looklnffSkln la changed to one of freshncss and liealtli. rhose Viseases of the Skin, IMmpIeii.Piistnles, Blolohos aini Erupiions are removed. ScrofttlM. NcrofuloiiN Dlseasea of the Eyes, White .■! Mns. Ulcers, Oíd ores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwindle and disappear nnder lts inflnence. Wbat is it? It Is naturo's own restorerl A soluble oxyd of Lron comblned -with the medicinal properties of Poke Root divested ot all disagreeable quallties. It will cure any Disease whose real or direct cause is Bad Blood. Kbcumadsui, Vaina in l.lnibx or lïoiiOH. Conslitutions broken down by Mercurial or otlier poisons, are all cured by lt.OFor Hyphilis, or Sypbilltic taliit, therels nothin; oijual to lú A trial will rvIU Soldby r IVE ÖEBSE FEATHjSRS ' Conettünyonhandandforsaleby BACH& ABEL. JNT. B. COLÉ Haspuichased the interest of hia partner, W. Trein ain, in the GROCERY BUSINESS And will " riay Loue HiuJ," furuUhing the Best (Joods ! at the L0WE3T CASH PRICES. Eeniembciltlie place- 30 East Huron Stroot. HST Mr. Cole iwsumes all the liabilitics of the late firm, and all balancea due the firm must be paid to hiin. Heutf BUSINESS COLLEGE ! Bank Bloolv, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studeuts can euter y time after 8let. Cali and examine facilities for study at our very pleasant and uewly furnished rooms. U41tf TA-M.ES McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSTTRATTOE AGENT. Triumph, assets, $727.903.11 Nprth MiMnnrl, " 845,417.31 Hibcrnia, 350,000.00 REAL ESTÁTE. I have 80 acres of land M of a mile froin the cit Imlts, flnely located for fruit or garden purposes. Aleo 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with house and barn.and a livel Btream of waterrunniag through the barn yard. 60 acres, a mile out. 1 will sell any or all the above cheap, or exchsnee forcitproperty. 1S3" JAMES McMAHON. A Cliance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 y miles f rom the city of Ionia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, baftï and shed, and a coinfortable house. Terms of payment- f rom 2,000 to $2,500 down; balance on long time. Also90ACHES, about ii miles from Augusta, Knlamnzoo County, all improved, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRES about eight miles from Hastiugs. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunna. Well timbered. For terms address the underBigned. E. It. FOND. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. TYVVELLING HOUSES FuU SALE A large and very well built brick house, with two oi more lots. Two large framed houses. Also a good sized brick house and f rumed house ; and a small frame house on a good lot, in tended for adding a front for sale on fair terms and a veasonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MOKJEY WANTED- 8o many wishing to orrma money applj to me that I can readily obtain for Unders good satisfactory investmentii at ten per oent. interest. E. 'V7. MOROAN. Ann Arbor, April 23. 187S. 1423U


Old News
Michigan Argus