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State Liberty Convention

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There will be o Convenlion of ihe Liberty pirty, to be orgnnized immediately nfier the close of the State A. S. Society to be held in Marshall on the lat Tuesday in Feb. As it is expected t hn.t much importont business for the interest of the cnuse wil! come beforo the Convention for discussion, it is exceedingly desiruble that a large delegation from all parte of the state should be present to particípate in the deliberations of the Convention. As liie state Ternperance Society, the .tate A. S. society and alto the Young men's State Liberty nssociation, are to be held in Marshall the samo week il will be an occasion of unusual interest. The Central Cominittee fcel it to be of vital importance that ihis seasonable and mo?l favorable opportunity sboul! be improved to the utmost, by the of Liberty coming tog-ether from every town and cnunty in the sta'.e, fora thorough orgnnizalion, nnd for tho adoplion of the most liberal and vigorous mcasure Tor the important coming Campaign of 1848. "In time of pence prepare for war." The struggle between the old "Monster" Slavery, and the young Giant Libkrtt, will be one of far greater interest in that campaign, iban any ever before witnessed in ourcountry. VVIio theti that loves liberty, and loves his country, will not most chrrfnlly conlribute his full shore of menns ond efforts, to be timely and amply prepared to meet the emergencv. [f all nhall loave such preperations for olhers to make, of conrte it will not be made. But Iet tach particípate m sliitable efiortn, and the ■Work is at. once most easily and succesi-fully nccomplished. Every intelligent liberty man well knows, ihat all thnt bas ever broiight thè country o n pa rtial considera t ion of the fübjectof sla very - the gret curse opon the nat ion. da heen the consistknt actioii oftrue abolitionurtS nnd that bhouid t iiis action cea.e on thei part, the further consideraiion of Sla very an ihe moans of its exterminación would ceas with it. Who then thit is not prepared to ee the enslnved miüions in the land groan 01 in hopcle.16 without an effort ih thei bchalf, and tho whole country forever doome to the in n rule of tlio Síavk powkr, will suf fer obstaclcs however difiioult to overeóme, t induce hitn for a moment to lerpair and ei I dovn in supineness. God, and truth, nnd hu manitvj aro all on our eide. What can tv nsk more to enlist our hearty; active aud mos ersevering coopration.