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The State Hospital Project

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To tlib Editor of tiio Detroit Tribune : 1 havo been niuoh iuterested in the átate hospital disuussion, wbich bas bei-n eurriöd ón iu your jour nul recuntly, an 1 have oartifully read the artiolus as they appenreJ, fov and ftgaiiMit tle prujeot. As tlie matter thus far has beeu presenWl, it sceins that tbc medical faculty ot the UniviTsity bas fpund the proseut liosfital accummodations ut Aun Arbor j totiilly inadequate to tba wants ot' tilv patients wbo come before the class ioi treatineut, and i'. bas beun shown thal with the limited facilitii s thcy tiow o$sess they have been able to (io muoli gouil by relioving maiiy poor sufÏTurs trom various parta of the State, and by aSordiug much vtiluable plinical instruetion to the Btudents. Now they propuse a plan by wliioh much greater good can bu accoiuplished, andjust here tronbleoccurs. Tin: fuculty of the Detroit Medical Cullege do not seeui to want the student of tho University to have any incrcüsed olinical advan tagua suoh as a gooti hospital, State or otherwise, at Aun Arbor would affjrd constquontly one of their nnniber rushus into print and endcavors to provo that the wbolo scheiuo is impracticable, and, with visioQS of a hospital for 200 beds always before bis eyes, brings many meiits to show, rtrst. tiiat Uiu uloaosE uospiial iudicated by Prof. Haclean cnn't be built and operated without cuormons oost, and, secondly, that, if built at all it shoulrt by all meins bo loeated at auy otber point in Üiü State than at Ann Arbor, which hu styles ' a little country villago." Iu my opinión the animui of the gentleinan's letters i.i too apparent to have any other effect than to show the people of Michigan, who take a just pride in tho University, the need of a hosjjital at Ann Arbor, and I believo such a hospital as proposed by the fucult.y can bo built and maintained at a moderato cost, and be productive of much good. Furthermore, in order to put the matter into practical shaue, tbat it may be tested, I will b one of Jifty to raise $10,000 (eaoh to givu f200) for this olji;ct, the Stato to be govorned by results aa to its future relation to it. Detroit, April 2, 171.


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