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.N.' AKlimt, Tiiuksday, April í', IÍ474. .i-li.::-- ;i.-ti. BÓgtíHtc. BcTfKB-i'4 ■::'■■. B::kf- Vrom wuon, J7.00. CüR.s" -7 ï i 7 "e. peí 'ni. vi - I r- od '.'(ftlOc l)j:t.s.sKj) llucs. -ífi.óO lii.M-Craomanil lU.l:;VL@13c. Haï- i'Stil4 ier ton, uecordlüi? tn qunlity. ILoneï -in oap, 25ftC30c. Lard -The m.uket standsat 10c. Oxioni - f2.00, 45f;48c. l'l.TATOEf - SOa 9OC. ïi ,:sn-a-3Crfi c. WiiKAT-Vhite Í1.4Ü@1.45 Anibel $1.30(gl.S5 TUUKEYS- 1UÍÜ 13C. Detroit ProdnceJIarfeet. Latest qu.i;iiions lot leoding tirticlcs of country puil'us:, art' jis i'ollow.-t: Whkai ■- white, $1.381 Í4; nmbei 1.3' (3,1.43. i'i.50(a,H.'ió per ceutul. EïE- Hu.aMie. per bu. CohN- 70 471c. ÜAiK- n:tió2c. POTATOK8- l.CCC'f 1.12c. DltESiiKD Í7 1ÓÍÍÍ7.25. HAï-iJ6@ï2'. Bdttkb- 28.j3io. ÜU(rb- 14'lfC. Laiíd- llltiíillc. UiiSF.Y- 184Í123P. W)L- 3G.&44C. per lb. Hetroit live Stock Markct. From the Detroit Free Praos. MlCHKiAN CEMTBAX CATTLE YABD8 ) Monday, April ü. The receipta :it tlu-no yarda duriug the past two weeks weru ior tlic weeic ending April 6. March 30. 1 Through. State. ïhru State Horse.3 5o 3:J 108 Cattie 1,720 727 3,üa 539 H(,i's 11,395 lJ2_ 6,5(0 628 Ölieap U57 2,lüi 320 831 CATTLE. Tho receipts show a coiisiderable iucrease over last week, and the quaüty averugcd mucli bettev. Ali cáüiee Iota w&rti oiüaned out at about last week'a figures, but inferior and cosunon grades adUl at 2öa;Ue lovrer per cwt. Saturday's auticipationa ot a duli market weio not borne out by tranáactittiid. O:i!y a ïu'.v solos aro givexi. tíix good sliii'i)ing tsteers, avoraging 1,0.50 lbs. at fó 25; tvvo conimon eovvs, wsighiugUOO lb eaoh, ar, (j per cu :.; 12 choioe ahipping steers, averagin 1,187 iij, at ió uï 1-i. Prioef rangetl as iullows : Uood ahipping grades, State cattie, f 3 25 a 5 50 (jkiud butolieis' stotk 4 60 a ó 25 iiaugh cattla iu goud tlesh, 4 OU a i 00 Lrood straight stockuts, tor ahipmeut 4 jü 5 00 HOüd. T:.ere was a large üieraase botii oí through uuil Stato receipts, yet uil wure closed out at iull I ist week's rateó, raiiging from $Ó 2-3aó 50. S1IKKP 1'iMin local sources tliOTO were nearly three Urne aa many a&ered as a treek go, and about tue aaioe uuoibar oí thvough sueei as then. - Friuea rangod at about last woek'a rulings, and sales vjre uoted ot 10 good wetners, averagiug ó Iba. al ÍÓ 20 he'ail, aud lüO fut aliuep, averao'in DO lbs. ut fö 75 per cwt. Kixo 's Gattlk Y.ujio, l Detroit, Monday oveniug, April 6. J CATTLK. The receipts at theríe yards exceeded thoso of ast weck by 120, and the quahty was very inuch better tlian has been shown here tor severai muutiis. Batohen baflllg butler sticks to select fruin were low in meeting the views of seilers, and shipperB were not especial ly active iu secuiing iiaditions to their altead; fair stocks obtained fvum the Central, cousequently the early market was ii slow one, and holdera of the lower grudea were complainiug that the market waa l-lal-2c from last weel;, which was probably true íor that grade, winle to a casual observen prioes appeared higher ; but tke difference was in the (juality, at. anoccasional sale oi State cattie demoustra.ted. We gira the range of prices asnearas obUinable, the liigher pnces Deuig for extra State or choice Western itle : Uhoice beoves, young, large, wtü fatteued, weighmg from 1,200 tu 1,400 lbs. $5 00 o 6 00 Grood beeves, well fatteaed, steers and hoifura, averaging 1,050 to 1,100 lbs, 3 25 a i 50 Medium grades, fair steers, averagmg U50 to 1,000 Ibs., 2 50 a 'i 75 Working cattie, well iattmed,averaging 1,000 to 1,500 lbs., 4 00 a 4 2') OoWB, commou to choice, 3 00 a 4 50 Oommon stock, medium steers, and fair to extra cows, iu deccut Üesh, S00 to 1,000 lbs., 2 50 a 3 00


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