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Dr. J. WalKci's California Vin'í?ar IJ il tors. are a purely Vegetable prermnítion, made cTiieffy from the nativo herbs found on the lower rangos of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicina] impertios of wbicliore extraeted tlierefrom aitíiout tho use of Alcohol. The quostion is almost daüy asked, "What is the canse of the unparalleled success of VufBOAi Bitteks?" Our answer is, that they remove the canse of disease, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the greai blood pnrifler and a life-giv'ing principie, a perfect lionovator and Inviporator of ihe System. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compo indod possessins; the remarkable qualities of Vi.vkgau Bitters in healingthesick of -evory iliseasi! man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or laflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilioua Diseases. If ilion Mili pnjoy cjood health, let them use Vinegau BlTTEEa as a medicine, nud avoid the use oí alcoholic stimulants iu every form. . ISo Porson can take tlieso Bitters wording to directions, and remain long anwell, provided their bones are not deïtroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital orpins wusted beyond repair. Cmtttiffftl Thoiisands proclaim Vkegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant tliat ever sustained the sinking system. liilious, Remittent, and ínterin ittent Fe vors, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughont the United States, especially tliose of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Ulinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Eed, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and niany otliers, with their vast tributaries, througliout o-,ir entiro country during the Summcr and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably aecompanied by extensive derangementé of the stomach and üver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a powerful influence upoa these varioas organs, is essentially nccessaiy. Thers is n o 'cathartic for the purjioso cqual to Dr.. J. Waikeb's Vx-negais Bitteks, as thcy v.ill speedily remove the dark-colored visoid matter with whieh the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the socretions of thé liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestiva organs. D.vspojtsia or Indigestión, Head ache.Pam in theShouldcrs,Coiighs,Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatioü of the Heavt, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hundi-ed other painfu] Byrnptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove a better guarantee of its merite than a lengthy advertisement. Scrol'ula, or Jtiiig's Evil, W"hite Sjveliings, Ulcers, Erysipehis, Swelled Neck,, Scrofnlous Inflammations, Indolent Inllammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all ather constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegab Pittees havo shown their gieat jorative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. lor Inflainmatory and Chronic JUKMimalisin, Gout, Bilious, Beinittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mecbanical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Mmers, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of valüjüí's Yinegab Bittebs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Eheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbunclos, Bingwoims, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch! Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name 9r nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pillé Tape, and otlierAVorms, lurking in the system of so inany thousands, aro eflectuiilly destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, -svill free the system from wórms like these Bitters. For Feniale Coniplaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turu of life, these Tonic Bitters display go decided an influence that inaprovement is soon perceptible. Jauildice.- In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its ork. The only sensible treatment ia t,o promote the secretion of the bile and fuvor its removaL ïor this purpose use VlNEGAK BlTIEBS. Cieanse the Vitiated Blood when. ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eraptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it ia f oul ; your feelings wül tel] you when. Keep tlie blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. k. h. Mcdonald & j., Druggists and General Agente, Kan ï'raucisco, Califoruia, aud cor. Washiiigtou aud (.'bariton sts., New York. Solil by all Iiug:grists and Dealers. RailroaD Accident ! " Cases after cases of GENTS' YOÜTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continuallv arrivine' fnr WAGNER. The froods were bouffht for Cash so low that th(,v eau and will bo sold „t prioes Dtyiag all Comuctftion, nii just suitnble to those m need of CLOTHES, ajid pmmd omewhst by hahl times. AUo tbos tbat take pride in wearing M First-Class Clotlies mnZLJtei&Zfr from the best of Foie CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS iït&XL0 PlioeB than ■" -TBo WM. WAÖNER. fo. 11 8iith Min Kt,, A nn Arlr 14tB,f MILLKHS OF ACRES RICO ñWm LAM IN NEBRASKA, IMOW FOR SALE VERY CIIÏAP. Teu Years Cralil, Interesl Only Six Per Cent. Descrip'ire Pamphlttt, wilh Secliomü ttapl s'nt Fret THE PIONEER, A handíome Illutraied 1'aper. csntxining llm flnmestcjil La i; mniltd free to nll iv.rts of the uorld. Address, O, F. DAV1S, Land Commitstdonor. U. P. Jí. H.t w anteo ""iNTsS'rr. Ueliirion nnd TIenIth unit'd -A tplsndid tivmi m tn cv.i y su Hñbjr- ii in t.hc ooantry- a rim-elmiiw -;..irfVu;.lr írc, _1! 1. RD8SB1X, Boston AGENTS W ANTEO SíiKM KIT CARSON". ByB. W. C. Tetkkr, I.ieut. Colouel, tí. 8. A. The only and authmlic lifc of Ainericsna erentest Ihmlrr, Trapper. Sm:il nnd Cu.cíí. Fuíl d"Scriptíotl of tli Indinn Trihosof tho F,r w'nt. Pull wwonnt of thc Mnd'ic War. A rooii opportunity to mako monoy. Iuustmted ciiculirw fnc. M. A. PAKKER & CO., Chicago, 111. ÊÈÊÊ EXTERMINATOR For ll;its, Mice, Koaclios, Ants, HriBuss, Motha te J. F. HKN11Y, CUUK.VN & CO., M. Y. So Ant W I ÜIIK DAYBÜOK A Demociiatic. Wf.ekiy. EsliiWishcd 1SÖO. It supports. White. Supremaey. poliliciil and sociiil Terms, $2peryear To clubs, niue copies for 8 Specimen copies íree. Address UAY-liUOK, NÚw York City. Writefora Price List lo J. II. JÍINSTo. (JBEAÏ ffESTBBN CüN WORKS. 179 Snuttiflcld St., rittburB, Ta. Breech-LoadmK hot üuns, í4"to3'J0. Doublé Shot (iuns, $8 to Í150. tSinffleOnus, 3to$20 Riñrs, $8 tol75. Hevolvera, íó to $25. PistoK 1 to 8. Quu Material I íshing Tackle, &o. Largt discount to dealers or clubs. Army (luna, Kevolveis. etc., bou-'ht nr tiaded for. (ioodö sent liy expresa 0. O. D. to Ce exarmned before paid for. TlTASOrVIC- Every Oraftsman, Ai;ent, Peddler .. ';.nd pnerffetlc man out of emploj-ment ahould write tor the terma of "EUREKA." rroflt largsr than any other article ir. market Maken kerosene oil safe as a oradle, and prccenls tíTbrmkl ofclnmneys Enoufrh in each boï for a yeav. T é- 3) cents. í-ree to -extoms and ,h, niiors. Send a stam.) tor terms to BUBEKA GENEB r, A(il NOY 1E3 Oenefe-e èv., T"'c N V. BÜTJ.&P.COATS'ELÁCK I THREÁD for your MACHINE. H (3 I i i 1 1 . t : i '" Lií ifuiü xriuuiuiiiiut 1 K U K Al!i-nt, oldandyoun:,'. m:ile imd L' ! 1 ■ ironie, makt more moiieywlling Ul V_l 1 I LJLJl I our Frenen ud AmericMii Jewtlry Booki and Ofenut than al unythlng else. Urentegt iliaucemunts to Agenta and l'uicHasers. CutiiWucs Terms and full particular si'iu tree to all. Aridrpn 1471 p. O. YIÜKEKY, Auguota, M.e jJESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE FOB SALE! The subscriber, on account of il health offers his 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ground adioine the iL: s?srtonsri oppüsite side of SPRING! On the northcast corner- f ormerlr supplied the Rail road tanka with water. ITS ADVAWTAGES Are as follows : For city purposes the Huron Eiver meanders the same some 30 to 40 rods, and is pai t of the best Water Power On the Eiver in this vicinity, and the elevation on the nprüieust .corner tosulfltíently high and ampie to sup ply the city necessities for water and üre THE WESTERN PORTION 2"Kr v?ry RPPrrrii1e and suitable for i Public Cu y Cemetery. The city has no such imrand now but raust have soon, umi whatever itrourS th city doe not oaie to use, can be sold at un a, van t, so much so.that tile cost of the Water urks " ñd and ( emctery, would be merely nominal K ub8le7orW''1" 8'"nei lhe SrUUdB WOuld be FEU1TS, LARGE & SMALL There being some loo trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And ulso for MILK supply,BLOODED STOCK, Uorses, Sheep, Ana other animáis alwRyBin great want by mnnv in the city and H8 vicmity. As city ]„t8 adjoinShe northwest corner of this laúd are now sellin fmín throehundredto thrce hundred nnd Hfty dollar" these lands would or could be sold :n a shorl timetó ' Sood advantage and to much proflt to the purcïasciii LIBBEAL TIME WHl be ven or the samewill be oxclianced for Mcr chantable coodB or Urugs and Medicii,,,, at S TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArbor.Jan 31 18T3. un ;L% ■ ' .Kit CU driggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site has all the modern convemenccs- Passenger Elevator, Balh Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in cach Room, Elcgantly r umished, and located in tlie business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS &. HUNTOON, - Proprletors. THH GREAT CAUSE nxjiva:A.isr miseky. Just published, in a Senlod Envelope. Trice 6 ets. A Leclurc on the Huturc, Treatuient and ltadical ouro of t-eminal Weaknera, Spermiitoirh(na, iuduced by Bslf-Abuse, luvuluntary Ernis sionB, Impotenoy, Xervous Debility, nuil Imiicdiinents 10 Miirrmpre generully ; Oonauuipiion, Euilepsy aud Fits ; Mental and Physioal Incupacily &c -By HOBKKTJ.CIJLVEKWELL, M. 1)!, Author of the" Oreen Hook," &c. The world-tenown author, in tliis admirable Leoture, clearly provea írom liis own expelióme thiit the awlu] ooueaaeooea of Self-Abuse may be efloctuully removed without nieduoioe, aud without danireroub surgical operationa, bougies, inntrumonts, rings orcordiiils, pointingout a mode of cure at once certain and cflectuul by which eveiy sufforer, no matter what lila oondition may be, may cure hiniself ;l;1,ly',,I,nV"teIy "ndrndieally. THIS LECTUKE whhJUiïïJ A BOON TO THOU8AND8 AND Sent under aal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dresB. on receipt of six cents, or Iwo postaee stamp. Addres the JPublinhui, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 12T Bowery, New York, l'ostoflice Box, -1580. 143(iyl rpim BEST ACCOMMODAÏION ïn the city for HORSES TO HAY AND (JEAIN I t Xbt Monitor Htabltn. J. V. N. flBBGY, SECOND STOCK - O F FALL & WINTER G-OODS I JVow being received by BACH k ABEL HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE GE E AT DEPEESSION EXISTING IN THE E A S T E E N MAEKETS BY MAKING LAEGE CASH PUECHASES. WE AEE NOW ENABLED TO OFFEE OUE LAEGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DEY GOODS AT GEEATLY EEDUCED PEICES. ; E BUYEES WILLCONSULT i THEIR INTEEESTS AND EXAMi INE OÜR STOCK BEFOKE MAKING PURCHASES. BACH & ABEL. ■ QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPDIA. A DICTIONAHY OF universal Knowledge for the People. ■ EKVISffiD HDITION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages ench. Ilhislraled wüh abmU Four Thmaand Engravivgs and torta Hapt, toge.ther wiih a Srrics of from Eighty to One. Unudred Elegaidly È Phttes - illustrative of tlie Subjecls of JTatvrat Jfísi'ory -now fnr the. fikst timk appearing in tte work. PRICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - 5 ín liibrary Shcep. marbled odges, . . fi (10 btalf Turkey Morocco, - . . 6 5(l Tuis Editiojí is Sold only by Aoents. d ■iihhT'pa b7 J' B' LIPPINC0TT CO., rhilaYLVANUS WAKREN, m Woodwnrd Avenu., Detruit, General Ageut for the Statu of Michigan. By comp.iring Chambers' Encyclopeedia with the New American Cyclopedia,-the work with whieh t fc mast frequentty bronght into comparison, it will bc found thut wlnle tho lm Tolumi-s of Chombers' oont.un S3-0 pages, the original tiriten volumes of thi New American contain less than 12,000 p„,.es It jriU al ■ bc-foimd thnt a pago „f (Jhambers1 contains ftllloM-Wmjje matter than „ paec of the New Amoncan, mntrlnpr the ten volume of the tonner equivalent in amount oí prfnted matter to t least tliirtccn volumes of the Iatterj, not to mention the niimer..iiB Pintes fabont 81, Woodouts (sorno 4 000) aml Maps (about 40), thnt are inoluded in this edition of Chambors', and to which the New American possessen no rorrespondinc fentui-os. It is confldently believpd that aa a nopulnr " Dictioníeí of Cnivebsal Knowledgk,". the work is without an eqiml ín th Ent'lish languuge. 1426y1 JPOESALE OE EXCHANGE ! The undereigned offers his Farm of 45 ere, one mile from the Rtato University, in the Towns'iip of Ann Arbor, for sale. It has on it aconvenient house, two burns, a fine apple orchard ; besides a vnrety o Binal) fruit. Also the undivided half of 237 acres Bear r;md Rapids. City property in Grand Hapids, Detroit, or Asm rbor taken in part payment February 12, 1874. 1466m3 JOHN M. CHASE. rpHE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS In the city for BOARDING IIORSES 1 t the Monitor StM. J. V. K. (BOOBY.


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