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JBTTSINE3S DIRECTORY. FU VAI'lt. HARRIDIAK HAJIII.TO Attorneys ut Luw. Ortiee Nos. 7 and y outh Main street, Ann Arbov Mich. EttASTUS THATCHEK, Attornc-y ana Counselor si Nu. 9 Eiist Iiuron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ' 1388 a N AKKDIt HIMERAL SPRIlVf.S. .V üïorria Unie VI )., Superintendent Office In buildinir, corner ICann and West Hurón Street. WIXES A; WARDEX, V) outh vtain street, Ann Ar or, Mich., wlioK-s.ilc and retai] dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta ánd Qrocerlea. 135Uf ii ACK fc SCimiD, Dealers in Dry Goods. .TA wrjeerius, Crockery, tftc. No. 54 -oulh Main strest. r II. JTACKSON, Dentlst successorto C. B. T Porter. Offlce corner Miiiiaud rlnronatrcets. over the store or R. V. Ellif" & Co . Ann rbor, ineathetlCBadminlatercd if reqnired. ITTIIEKLAND & WHEDON, Life and 7 Plrelnaurabce tirents. aud dealersin Real lístate OAÏceon Hnron Street BACH & ABEL, Dealer in !ry Goods Groceries, &c Ac.No -0 outh Main treet. Ann Arbor. WVL. WAiilfE, DoaJer in H 'adv '-hulcloth in;. .loth CiWtiraeres Vcsünus. [lats.Caps, Trunks, i'arpet BagB. Ac 21 outh Maiustreet.' TOAH VV CHKEVEK, 'attorney at law i Olioe with E. W. Morgan . Eust side ofCoort House S.irnre. 1881 y C. : Alt II, Dentist, . - vL Siiccrssnr Xo C C. Jiiikins. . Niirnus Oxid t X iias admimtered K "!) office over pi J I'. u h & A bel's I i f store.. ' i í1"' ''Viri No. 26Rontb Aj3v--i-' - Main Öt. LRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SU3GE0N, Office and ltexidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalh, Ann Arbor, Mich. SS" Office hom- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 p. l.M Reitrmces-TxoF. Baozb, Tiíof. I'i.jihi. 14Siyl pROCKEliY u GLASSWARE & GR0CLBILS, J. & ï lTonnellv' Haveinitore alarsrcstocknf 'rockery. Glassware, Plated Ware.'ntlery Grocenes. &c, 4c. all tobe soldat unns'ially low prices No. 12 Kast Hurón Slreet. Aun Arbor HMtf J. & P. !O!VrVEl,IiT. FÖHN G. GALL, DEALER I1NT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, URO, SAUSAfíF-S. Kc. OrderBsolicitedandpromptly aller) with thebest meats in the market. 31 Baat Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. Ifith, 1S69. 123ftf TRycTATlLiïriKR, Physlcian and Surgeon, Ofnce over Watts' Jewclry Store, Main Street, Resid-.nce ;")S Easc Huron Street, .1469tf ANN AR8OR MICH Manafacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANO SLEIGHS, of every atylo, mude of the best material, üud warranted. Eepairiug done lv IQ i príodfl reu mabíe. Detroit títreet, c:ir K.. K. Depot, Ana Arbor, Mich. HKiyl T FRED. BRO8S, v . MANUFACTÜBER OF ('■aias, L(tiu;s. i,i iiiíi;it wioos, SPKIG U'IGOVS CITTEKS, BLBieHIi &c. All ivork warranted of the best material. Repairing done proinptly aud reasonably All work warranteü to give perfect satiáfaction. 68 South .Mam street. 1422 QR.G.B. POEÍTEK, DEIMTIST. Oitico in the Savings Bank Block, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on t Natural Teeth Performed with Care. tJüïSCJRPASSED PACILIÏIES AND SXPERIENC3 StlTIto AHTÍFíCÍAL TEEÍR, TO (ilVE ËACH INDIVIDUAL Oznittrtt of the proper sixe, ahapt,-.oir jirmnffttana natural troretsion 1244 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Banlt Block, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vacations. Day clapsps throutihout the ywr. S t uden ts enter at any time. IiiKtincti. n accordins to modt pprovcd plans. Ltudents li;ive " Actufll Pïaotice" at the beginuing of the couist ín book eeping. 1441tf TVWELLING HOUSES vuR SALE Alargcand very wpII built brick Iiourp with two or moie kots. 'l'wo largo iramed bomas. AIpo a pood ïiied brille and ti;imed bous ; and a uuaU frame house on v soodlot intendcd a front for sale on fair terrns and a reasonuble credit. . Alsoother buildingïi, lots, and proper ty. MONEY "WAX'JTKn --Ho many ■wü.hinff to orrow raoney appl to me that I eao readily obtain tot Undtrs good satisfactory investments at ten per oent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Auril 23. 1S7S. 14231Í


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Michigan Argus