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On the 16th. of Dec. 1845, in the village of Portland, Ionia Co. Mich. Mr. NicnoLxs Stilson, nged SI yenrs and one morr'h, in whicli his compauion wns bereft of a kind, tender, and lovinif husbnnd, his nged pnrents of a dutiful and an ofToctionale sorry brothere and sistern of a'fmid nnd beloved brother. - The neighborhood has lost n good neighbor, the community a goud cilen, tho Liberty paityhas lost one ofitB warniost advocates, and the opprosficd of onr land have lost a firm, unyielding friend: all feel the loss, jet wefully believe that our loss is his cternnl gain. Coin. September 17, 1845,in H"mer, Calhoun Co. Mich, Dencon Gkougk Robaudï, in the 62d year of his age. AUhough his Bickriess was pnïnful in the extremo, yet he endufed hts aiTliclion wilh resignation, n seeing Hitn who ia invisible. As a Christinn, nnd nn official Hiciiiber of the Ut Congrcgational church in Litchfield, I had the privilege of a personnl acquaintance with liim: and feel that his life vvus a practicable comment on tfie religión of Jesús Christ. His heart waa wnrm, and deeply embued vcith feelinys for the down trodden and oppressed; and indeed, !iis oul was awake to al! bcnevulent enterpriseeof the tlay. n fifi with incronsing anxieiy twatchcd over the growing intereatiof the Church. He manifosled an entire resignation to the will of God; and need I speak ofhisdeath - so calm, so pcaceful! ht indeed 'feil aüleep'. He tas'ed flöt the bitlerncss of duatli. And though it wns nol L'iven him o benr audible leslimony, wilh hiá dpparting voice, to his personal relisncc on the power nnd gmee of tho Savior, ih whom he had tri!$ted hrotigh lile; stich an oral testirnofïy was in no wiso necess-aryj however c'esirable it imglit have been. He had üved by ihe fait Ij and he died Ju tliR impe of the Gospcl.prnlly breaihitig out hia spirit without a Mrtiggle oralmost a sigh, into the hands offiïj JSaviöur. The Cburcli fcel, that they have los' a pillar - Ihe wifc nn uflectionnte Husiiand- the Chüdren a tender and kind Father. Blessed nre the dead v. ho die in ihe Lord.