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Wilt oe publistiBU cvery Alonuay inorning, in nn Arbor, Michigan, by FOSTER & DELL. OR THE MlCHlGAN STATE AnTI-SlAVEKT SoIKTT. TEKMS. Ome Dollar a year, In advance: if not paid, n advance, Two Dollars will bo i.nvaiuably equired. ET Oíd subscribers can hnvo thcir pnpers nt ac Dollar a year, by forwnrding that ainouni, nd paying arrenrages. All subscribe will bo expected to pay within ho ycar. TERMS OF ÁDVERT1SING. For eacli line of brevier, (the smallest type,) the firat insertion, 3 cents. For cach subsequent nsurtion, 2 cenis. For ttirce inomha, 7 cenis. For six months, 10 cents. For one ycar, 15 cent. Ordcis by mail will be promptly attentied to. Legal Adveriibing by tho folio. All advertisements musí bc accompanied by ivkitten dircc;ionsfor ihe time of insertion; othsrwise ihey will be charged for lili ordeied out. O AH Remiitiinces and Coininunicaiione lould bc addressed, Post paid, EPSN5NAI.OJ.' Libkrty: Ann Arbor. MJchO


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