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W. A. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Doalh n bot,}] FINE CUT AND SMOItLNG TOBACCO, Sim ff, JPipes, &c, At HO. 7 KAST HTJHOX STKEET, Bfext to the Express Office, AKS Alinoit. KIICH. l.MStf CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. ForwashlngHorses, Cattle, Pigs, Dosej Kllls Fleas on Dogs, De3troys Lioe on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheaper and bet terthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS i Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse thp ski from all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP 1 CURES WL OTHER ■ Salt-Rheum ! I Cutaneom And all Bf DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLAf4T PROTECTOR. ! ArTords complete protectlon to pi-ints , Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, tleas Plant Llce and Parásitos. Without In Jury to Vegetable Life. Never falle. i CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effective cure and preventlvs o. Scab It kllls all Cads-TIcks' etc The Increased growth and welght ofïeece encouraged by lts use more thar equals the cost of the dip. Bucham'ü barbolle Poap and Compounds al are genuine. AU others are base imitationn . Torthless. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A Chance for Barga i ns ! For sale at a great barguin, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LANI), lying %% miles from the city of Ioni;i. 100 acres under improveraent, with good orchard, bfirn and shed, and a comforfcnble house. Terina of payment- f rom $2,000 to í 2,. rio down; balanoe on long time. AUo 90 ACRES, about ZH milos from Augustn, Kalanwzoo County, all improved, wi'h good buildings. Terma- extremely low. Alao 40 ACRES about eight miles trom Hastingn. Also 80 ACRES on section in the town of Hazel ton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles trom Corunmi. Well timbered. For terma address the undersigned. i;. b. ioïi, Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. Estáte of Ellis Bullock. C T ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa, w At a' session of the Probate Court for tho County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the ' 'i: y of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the tweaty-aixth day oí March, in the year oue thousaud eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah V?. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ellis Bullock, deceabed. (reorge N. R. Renwic.k Administrator, with the will aimexed of sjnd eatate, comes into court and rép reaenta that he ia now prepared to ronder hia iin;il account as euch Administra tor. Thereupon it ís ordered. tliat Thursthiy, the tliirtieth day of April next, at ten o'clook in the iorunoon, be assigned forexamining-nnd altowing'sueh nccounts, and that the devisees, leñatees, and Jieirsatlaw of saiddeceaaed, and all other persons interesled in aid eatate, are required to appear at session oí said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said County, and show cjiun, there be, why the said account should not be :tllowed : And it ia further ordered. ihat saiil Administratorgivenotice to the persons interested in aaid eatate, of the pendeucy of 8aid acenuut. and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy oí' this order to bé publialie in the Michigan Argus, a newspper printed and circulating in said County, three succeseive weeks previoua to said day of hearintr. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1472 Juör: of Probate. Estáte of Hugh Vaughan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WaahtenaV, es. O At a session of the Probate Court for thecourrty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tenty-fourth day of March, in the year one tnousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hugh VaughapT, deceaaed. Catherine Vaughan, Administratrix de bftnisnon of said estáte, comes into cotirt and rt-pieaenta that she is now prepared to render her tinal account as such Administratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the twenty-third day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the ex:iminipg and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesaion oí said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Otfice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any, why the aaid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said Administratrix give notie to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of snid account and the nearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper, printed and circulating in said county, three succe&sive weekB previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH "W. CHEEVEB, 1-171 Judse of Probnte. Mortgage Sale. WHEREA8 Levi H. Douglass of the city of Ann Arbor, county oí Waatenaw and State of Michigan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. i). 1872, executed a morlgage to John N. Gott and Julia Gott, of the same place, to securo the payment of oertalzi principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Kegister of dieds in the county of Wtishtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1872, in Liber 48 of mortgagee, on prtge 292, 'and wher'-as dflault has been made for more than thirty days, in tbe payment of an instatlmentof said interest money which becamedue on the 18thday of July, A. D. is;;i, by reaeon whereof and purfuant to the terms of wiid mortgage, said mortgagees elect that so much oï said principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearagej ot iotereet thereon, shallbecome due ancl payabïe. immediataly ; and whereas, there is claimed to bedue and impaid at the date of this notice the sum of three thousand two hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eixteen cents for principal and interst, also ftfty dollars as a reasonablesolicitor'B or attorney's fee should any proceeding be taken to forecloe said mortgage, and no auit or proceedings have been instituted, either in law or equity, to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is jbaerefore hereby given, that on SATURDAY.THE TWENTY-SEVÈNTH DAY OV JUNK next, at two o'clock ia the ufUTDoon ot s;iid dn", at the aouth door of the Court House in the city f Ann Arbor fthat being the building in whicli the Ciicuit Court for the couuty of Wahtenuw and state aforeaaid ia held,) aud by virtue of th epuwerof pale contained in said mortgage, 1 sliall soll ar. public auction to ihe highest bidder, the preimses described in said mortgage, toeatiafy the amount of pritn ipal and interest claimed to be due witli the Attorney's fee of fiity dollars and charges of sale, to wit : All that cert;iln piece or parcel of land situateA in the city of Ann Arbor, connty of Washtenaw. aforeaui, known, bounded and describid :ih fullows. to wit : - Being the north half of lot number eix (6; in bloek uumber three south of Huron street, and rattge number six (6j east, according to a recorded plat ol the villtige Cnow city of Ann Arbor. Dated, April 3 d, 1674. . JOHN N. GOTT and JULIA A GOTT, Joh N" .Gott, Atty. 1472 Mortgageos. Mortgage Hale. DEFAirir having been made in the coniitiorK of a certain mortgage, made tnd executed by Jerusha Huil, of the city ol' Ann Arbor, County oí Washtenaw and Ötate of Michigan, to Lewis U. Risdon, of the same place, in truwt for franct M. Rogers, a minor, bearing date the twenty-tirst dny of June, A. D. 1869, and recorded in the oÜice of the Register of Deeds for Bnid County, on the same flfty, ' ut four and one-half o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of mort ' gages, ou page 57 ; by which default the power of sale soñtained therein became operative, und there now ! being claimed to be due thereon the sum of two ' thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars and ' ninety-six cents, principHl and interest, and no pro;eedmgs at law or in equity having been taken to ' ïover the same or any part therof : Notice is hereby ( riven, that, by virtue of a power of sale córitained in ! taid mortgaee, I snall sell at public auction, to tlie lighest bidder, on the sixth day of July next, at ' 12 o'clock noon, at the south door of the Court House ', n the city of Ann Arbor (thnt being the place for - ïolding the Circuit Court for the County of ! ïaw), the premises desciï said mortc-age, or so nuch thereof as shall be necessaiy to pay the amount lue thettion and the legal costa of sale, to wit : Lot ïumber twelve (I2j in block number two (2) south of l' iuron street and Range number el' ven, in the east l ■ru addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor l n the County oi Washtenaw and State of Michigau. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1874. 409 LEW18 C. RISDON, Moriyaceein Trust. J nÖ0M"T0 STOEE U 1OO CUTTER8 r more, t tbs Monitor building. Ratee reasonable H9iti J. Y. X. GREGORY. Mortgage Sale. Vt'HEREAS George W. Mohr and Rachel A. hin wife, of the township ot Sylvan, Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the ninth day ot Oetober, in the year of our Lord one thoupand eigbt hundred and seventy-one. executed a rooitgage to Geoige E. Davisof the s,nme ploce, to secure the pajtnent'of certain principal and interest motioy thermn mentioned, which mortgage wns recorded in the office of the Register of Dccds in said coun'y. on the tenth dny of October. a. n. 1S71, at nine o'clock a. m. of satd dnj', in líber 41 of mortgages, on page 359 ; whieh siiid mortgape wns duly aangned on the second day of .lanuary. a. d one tr.ousnnd ewht lmndred and seventy two, to Luther Jnmts, of the townabis of Lima, connty of Washtenaw Hfores-aid, and rteorded in the olrice of the Register of Deedsof finid eouoty, on tbe riiHt diiy of April, a. d. 1874, ïu Uber Xo. 4 of aastgnmenls of raortgages on pitge two hundred ,-vnd eventy; and whereas delautt haa been made lor tnoie tlian thirty day m tho paymont ui ao nstallment of interest money willen in-came dm ontheninth day ot OetobeTt a. l. I8:i, liy rBftaon wbereof luid pursnant to the term of gafd raorUrage, said mort- -i e lecta that no much ot said principal ttsremaina Knpaid, with all arrearages of interest tbereon, shall becomc due and payable imiuediately : aud wheii ;.s there is clarmed to bo atie and unpntd on said montage at the date ot thia aattoc tlw surn of tive thousand four hundred ;uul h'fty-two dolían rn 1 serení y-nine cents, fvr principal and intere. 1, also nn attorsey'a toe of iifly doltaj ahould any proaetdinga be taken to fpreolpae said mortage, and also the f urthei - mof ei:;ht dollar? f or insnraneè, au provided for in saM montage, and no suft or proceediiiiis iii.viiifj been inatituted either in lawor equity to re cotí 1 the snnie or ft'ny part tlieréof : Notiee ia therefore. hereby given, that nu the TWENT Y-fcHiVENTU DAY OP JUN E N EX 1'. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, ;it the front door of the ('ourt House m theoilyoi Ann Arbor. pounty aforsraid, (that, being the building in which the Circuit Court lor said county is heldj nnd ly of the prnr r of sale coattaiiied m suid mortrage. 1 hall nel] it public auction fo higheat bidder, the premlses desenbed in sak) mortgage to natisfy the amount of princijïitl and, interest above daimed a.s üue, wilh the nhar. s of sale and nttorney's fee of tiity dollnm, with insurance is. ftforeasidj ill tln rollowine di-sCTibcd pieees nnd parcela of land, to wit: The south half of the soutbeasi ru;irur of the BOUthweet iu:irter of Eiectioio tweiity-Minc ; alma nirip of land tr-n chain and fifty links in width nortli and nouth. and aboxit sixty chains east and west being off from the gouth side ot BOTthweat qnarter (f the southwest quarter of Bectión twenty-foux and off of the wmth side of the nortfa halt of pouthèast quarteir of section twenty-three ;23;, contaiïiinir in the last described ajieee or parcel of land fifteen acres; also beginmnjr at the northeast corner of the aouthveat quarter of the southwcBt quarter of seetion twenty-four (24), running thencc sonth on the half qunrtpr line eix chaina and sovent y-three links to the northeast corner of land deeded by Aaron Lawrence to Lois Fenn, theooe south eighty-aiz deneea west ixteen 1 16) chains to :t etake, t)icnf:e south four deirees east three eliains and thirty-riííht linkf to a dtake on the eaöt Bide of - a sprint, thence went four chains across said spring to a Mt.ake, thnnee north twenty-five UnkB to a stake. tbenoc sonth eiiihty-six degreea weftt three chains and fifty li. ks to a stuke in the eflat line of section twenty three. tlienee south lihty-ftve deprees and thirty miimle west parallel with the soath line of section ! wenty-three f23) ifbout forty f40) diains t.) a stake in the center line of said section twenty-three, thence north on said center line nine chaiM and eighty-aix links, thence east parallel with the south line of said sectiona twenty-three and twcnly-tour about sixly chains to the place of beginning, containing flfty-five acres of l.ind ; a'so a pïeee of land off of the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast of' said section twenty-three five rliains and ae?enty-one and one-half links wide east and wefit, find seventeen chains md fifty links norlh and south trom the northwest corner, of the piece of land Ht-cond described contaicing ten acres of land. all in township two sotith of range three east, county 0 Washtenaw and State ot Michigan aforeeaid, containing in all one hundred acre of land more or less liiitiü the lands deaovibed in a certain of mortgnve eiTen by G-rorge W. Mohr and wife to George E. Pavis, and recorded in the Register's office for w ashtenav eounty, in líber 40 of mortgages on page ;!('. Dated, April 3, 1S74. LUXIIER JAMES, Ass-ignee John N. Gott, Attorney of said Dfortgagee. for said Assignee, 1472td Mortgage Sale.DEPATJLT hnving been made in the condition ot a eertiiin mortyage. made by David McColl, ot scio, iu the Couniy of Washtenaw and State ot ilichigan, to William Latson, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the (Jouuty nnd Htate afoiesaid, dateu .U.11.11 twentj-sixth, li-tiö. and recorded 111 the office 01 Jleglsleroi deeds fcr Washtenaw County, Miclitgsn, ou the twenty-sixth day of March, 18(i(, at , eieven and one-hnlt o'clock, A. M., in liber 86 of moïtgages, on page 257 ; which said mortgage, toL' ge' tier with tiie note accompanying the sanie, was on 1 me tighu.enth day ol Juuuary, A. D. 1872, dnly as sigued to Leonard Vaughn and Martha Vaughu, ' wnich assignment was duiy lecoraed in the omce ot Kegistcr 01 üeeds, aforeoaid,' on the third day of aren, 14, at nine o'clock, a. m., in liber 4 ot aa , stjiiuueiits ot moitwaes, on page 23ö : upon vhich . mortgage there is daimed to bo duc by virtue 01 the conditions thereof, and reniam'nif unpaid at the ilüLeoi tlijs notice, the sum ot twenty-two hundred .ind torty-two dollars and sixuen cents, and an atlorney's fte ot tfiirty dollars provided tor in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding having betn j inptitaved at' law to recover the sum now due and sec ared by said mortagu, or any port thereol : Now, tnerefore, by virtue ot the power of sale contained in suul mongae and by virtuu of the staiute in &UC11 made. and provided, DOtice is lier-)' given that on S..turdiiy, the. thir.ieth day ol Aiay next, at twelve o'ck noon of tliat day, at the trom door of the Court House, 111 the city of Ann Ai hor, iu said Connty of Washtenaw and State ot -Michigan (said Court House beiiu? the place of hold ilig the Circuit Court lor said County), there will be r s(ld at public auction or vendue, to the highest bid der, tiie preuiises deacribed in said mortgage as : All I Ihat certain tract or parcel of land knewn and de1 soribed as iollows: Being one equal aud uudivided halfot the carding and cTothing works and one-halt ot ibeappurtenauces, machinery, and premiaea thereto belctngina ; said preiniaea ait upon the soathtast fractional quarter of section two, in townahip two -' syuth of range live east, beginning at a stake stand ing on the north bank of thu Hurón river, ata point 1 near tlnée rods from the end of the bridge across saiil river on tlfE road leading from .nn Arbor to ■ Eowell, inXiiviagaton County, thence running noria ■ from said stake elght rods 011 the line of said road, " thence westerly eight rods, thence southerly aüd ' parallel with said rond eight rods, thence easte'rly to Liie plnee of beginning. Datal, March 1, 874. LEONARD VAUGHN, MAIU'jiA VAIUHN, ' Assignees. James B. Gott, Att'y Jor AssiLTite. 1468 Mortgage Sale. 1 I VFAVLThaving been made in the condition of iJ a certain mortgage executtdby Jonathan Hockert and Lydia hls wife, of the township of Dexter, counly of Washtenaw and .-tate of Michigan, to lsnac liay, of the same place; on the twenty-nf:h day of August, oue thousand eight hundred and eventy, and reeorded in the Register's oüice, in the couniy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the ; fourth day of November, a. D. 1870, at 3i o'clock v . ' H., in liber 42 of mortgageson pageö28 : And there - is now claimed to be due on said mrtgage and note ! aceompanyirjg the sanie the sum of tive hundred and eighty-seven dolíais and seventy-one cents, (and the further sum of three hundred and four dollars and seventy cents to become due on the üóth day of Auniíst. 1S74 and 185,] also an attorney's fee of thirty should any pi-oceedings be taken to foreclose aid mortoage, aml no proceeding in law or in eqiuty having been had to recover said sum of rnoney 01 any part thereot : Now, therefbre, notice is hereby. given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the thirtieth day of May next, at 2 o'clock r. m. of said day, at the front door of the ; Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, couuty aforesaid fthat Dein; the place of holding the Circuit Court tor said county), all that certain piece or parcel oí land situated iu the township of Dexter, Washtenaw County and State of Michigan, known, bounded and desenbed as iollows, to wit: The north half of the southwest quarter of section numbernve ot township one somh of range four east. Dated, March (i, 187-1. ISAAC RAY, Mortgagce. John X. Gott. Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage ?5ale. DE FAIT LT by non-paymentof moneys. having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage executed by William A. Benedict and (atherine-H. Henedict, to Andrew ,1. Shively, hearing date the twenty-tirst day of April, A. II. 1870, duly stamped and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Waslitenaw C'ountv, In the .State of Wichifan, on the sixteenth day of May, A. D. 1870, at four aml one-h:üf o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of mortgages, on pace 412, and thereafttT fully aseigned by the said Aiulrew J. Shively to Philip Bach, by an instrument of assignment, ben ring date the tenth day of .lanuary, AH. lf-74, and recorded in the aforesaid office of Register 01 Deeds, on the seventeenth day of Febrmtry. A. 1) 1S74, at. three and one-half o'clock p. m., in liber 4 ot assignments of mortgages, on page 2"o' whereby the power of sale contained in said'mortgage has become operative, and no suit in lawor in ohaaoary haviug been instituted to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. and the sum of eight hundred and ninetysevmdollars. aud tlfty-nine cents being claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice: Pherefore, notice is hereby given that to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage, with the interett, costs, and charges allowed by law and provided for iu said mortgage, including an attorney fee of thirty dollars, the prenüsee desenbed in aid mortgago, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ann Albor. County of Washtenaw and State of .U;cliigrn. known bounded anddescribed as follows, to wit : Being 111 the southeast comer of the northeast quarter ot the northwest quarter of section number thirty-two (02.. iu township number two f2) south. range nunil-cr six Í6) east, commeneing at the corner stake in the Ann Arbor and Lodi plank road, ruiming eit;ht rods west on the line of said quurter. thence' north twelve rods, thence east eight rods to the center of said road, thence south twelve rods to ] the place 1 f beL'innins, will by virtue of the aforesaid power of s:de contained in sjiid mortfiage. and of I the statute in such case made and provided, be ■ sold at public auction or vendue, to the highest ■ bidder, at tlie .south dour of the f'ourt Honse in I the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of 1 t -ii.iw and State of Michigan fsaid Court Honse I beinf the place of holdinr the fircuit Court within 1 and for suid ( 'ountyj on Saturday the sixth day ot 1 June. A. D. 1S74, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of I thaf da". , Datad, March 13, A. D. 1874. 1 PHILIP BACH, n. F. Gbawibb, Assisnee. r Att'y for issignee. 1489 _ t JVIortgage Sale. ! TAEFAUI.T ha-ving been made iji the cosditionj of l -I.' a certain morage, executed by (ieíjrge R. r. Braitnwalfè, of the city of Aun Arlwr, county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, 1.1 Samuel P.Jewett, of the same place, beartng date the fifth day of .lanuary. v. r. one thonsainl cL'M hundred and se;-eiity-io. and rerorded in the office of the liegister oí' Deeds for WashXenaw Couniy, .Michigan, on the ninth day of Janiiáry, a. r. 1S72, in liber 48 of rnortgages, 011 page 18, by which default the power of sale r contained in said mortgae has beconie operative and on ftiiich mortgage there is claimed to be due -it' date oereofthe sum of thirfy-four dollars and thirty cents (and the further aum of fptrr hnndred dollars to ereon),;alsp n attornev fee r. ol thirty dollars should any i.ioceediiiL's l,e talccn 10 r ■rtsig'e: and no procèêdings at law tl or 111 ehan. ■!■- h:;Miiic been insUtuted to recover the tl it by said mortgage or any part tin s therefore berëhy givèn ihai by virtue of the ï I)oiv,.-ot rale eontwinwl in s.,,i morttfage and the '. statute in such case made aud providedT said „ agewillbeforecJpsedonSATrKDAY.THETwwrTiKTH f, DAVOf.Ivxr, a.d. 1S74. at two o'clock in the „ iioon of that day, :it the south door of the Court „ Bouse h the city of Ann Arbor „ said county of h w isaid Court !lo,is. heieg the place of V loldmg the Circuit Court for the countv of íi, iay). by a sale at nul.lie auction. fo the. highesl „V Ier, the piernlses described in sulo mortgage which ,„ ire known, bouoded aqd descríbelas folknvs.'to „, 3eing lot number (wénty f20j, in Jewett's 11 o Ann Arbor city, SceerSing to a recorded plat ,ip hereol to the Begister's office of Washu-naw County, ?o n liber 67 of deeds, on page 678, Dated, March 26, 1874. SAMUEL r JEWETT, ri, Joitn N.Gott, Ar.irtgagec A'y for Mortgsgee. 1471 „ Mortgage Sale. TAEFATJ17T haring been made in the eondition of r v8 "f ?m D}o"8"i;e'I mde 'nd ecuted by Solo, Cook and Aun 1.. Cook his wiie, of the eitv öf Anï Arbor, Washteuaw County, and state of iliehitTaif to hilas H. Douglass, ut the same place, bearii.g ds?; the flrst day of Auuust, in the year ot our Lort (,„ thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and recoH ed in the office ot the Register of beeds of the coto' ty ot Waühwnaw, m ud Mate ot Michigan on th. ttrst day of Augubt, a. r. 186; m liber 36 ot mortc ges, on page 53, on which mortgage there is claimWÍ to be due at the date ot this nolice, lor principal nS interest, thesum of two thoumnd flve hundred and ninety-eight dollars and tw. nty-nine cents, teth!, with an attorncy fee of tiity dollars, as provided nrt afreed should iny be taken lor the ion clofmreof siiid mortgage; and whereas uo proceed" mgsiitlawor in equily have been hiken to recovpi the same or any part theitof : Now, therefore noti ra hereby givcn that l.y viitue ot the power of aak contataed in mortgage, lsnallelat public kuch to the highest bidder, mi Monday, tl.e nmth dav ÍS lebrumy, a. d. 1874. at ten ;f tlic clock in the Ion? noon ot thdt day, at the Mmtfa dooi r,t the Con House in the city ut Aim Arhor and State of Mie j gnn, ihnt being tl, e butliitns in wbich Ihc Circuí Court tor Ihe county ot Washfenuw is held il prenrfees dewribwj m s ui, ... to mr,2 thereol asshnllbeijecessary to satiisij the d.ieons-.idmort-.iu. ,,, "A sale and the attorney fee ut, afores, i.l ; nntl pi'. iri , are deseribcd u follows, towit: All tbat certÏÏ naotor parcelo land known and deeciibtd as fc? low, to wil : lyinpt in the township of Ann Arbor and being part of the northwesl quamr ol section numberthirty-threein tovnsnip inmilc two nmtl Of langu n urn bei six rast, in Baid btale, beginnine in theeast line ot and qunrtel eection af i oint six tees chaina and links soutli of the mui' east coriHv ol Baid auartn w-ciion, and runn! thenceeouth onsaidline uve chaina and tl links thence smith niïy-oiio and B-hall twenty-twa chaink und eleves links t the ei the Ypailanti road, thence nortbwesterly along tl anterof uidroad ninetin chnina and Binety-itw links toa point eighteen chains and seventj flvelioï. south of the north line of said pection, tbenc parallel to the north line ut aid - , Jhanu and tbirly-two links, thence noi : . he west line of said secti.. m twent. tlve links, thence cast parallel to sai.! north I,. chainsand forty tour links to tlio en: I inartCT seition, thence souUi foor chaira ani links to the piKv of befffuning and bein Ih. land deededby Jacob to siiid took, party of the flr -t part (t.., said morigafrel and the same iand decribed in two deed. to said K, mpf reoorded in the Register1 office, in said county, in Gbej Y oí Ann Arbor, November 12, 18Ï3 S1LAS H.DOÜO] „gee 1'EI.CH & Ghakt. Attornejsfor MoilL';,;.fe. ' The sale of the prernixea above described, is nfl. jonrMd to Thuradny, May èrenth, at the same place and hi ui of the daj Dated, February il, JS7-Í . i'ELCH&tíuANT, BILA8 n. DOUeLABB Attoraey. Um,. Mortgnge Sale. rjïFAULTharvingbet-n made m the coudition of J a CLitain mortg-ïge made andexecuted I W Montan nd Lucy W. 8. MoiS hia wifc.t! John lienly ,md Amandrt M. l. Oondale, on tbe eleventliday ,t August, Al). 1878. rad recorded ii the office of the ReBister ol Dtedsfor the County of Washteimw and Mate oí Miehigaa, on the nae. tetnth day ot Augu.I, A. D. 1878, I threo o'clockP M.. in Ubei 43 ot mongaties, on page 34 and upo.' whiob. aaid mortgage there isnow daimed tobednt andunpaid the nu m ol live hundien and tweiitv-gi. dollars and ninety four 626.Wjcenta principal atd interest and a renaonable mtoinij lie as (.tiviilateí in raid montage, and Doauii havin been iostitnted inlaw or equity to rcover said stini or any part thereof : Now, thereto, notioe ia lierel y iriven thai byvirtueot a power,, f Knie oontflined mwiid moHgage, and in puisuanoe ot theatatute in t,uch case made ond provided, the and prtmisei d. in said mortgage to wit : All these certaii of laud known and deüciibed ns tots numoi r nre 15 six (f), seven tl), eieht f! nine f!'), ten ÜG), eleven' (11), twdve (121, thirteen QSi, f our teen il4, fltiten (15J an i sixteen I lii,, in block numbei five (5) soutk in ratigeone wwt, in Mnyiii.M' addition, in L cityot Am. Arbor, Waahtena'w Cimnty, Jdichimii or so mucli thereof asmuybe necewary to pays3 iinioimt dae, with inte regt, ot sa] torneyfee, will be sold at public aiuii.m, to tin highest bidder, at tl.e tontt ctci nl tl , . . i in the city of Ar.n Arbor, Wanhtenaw ( ounty i-t ■■, of Michigan, dh.-itb. ing the place for li(dd"inir the Circuit tor said Coumy:, on Friday tl e tw. l ond day of May, A. D. 1874, at ten o'dock in the foienoon of mud Hay. Usted, Ann Albor. Fib H, 1874 JOHN HEXI.Y, AMANDA M F. ÖOODALE, _ Mortgi ïnAZKK, HAliniMAN & HiMILTOH, Atty's for Mortyagees. iloitgiige Sttle. rjSFATJLT haviog been madeit the conditie of U a certam mortg](ie, ly ilie non.-payraent of money due thereon as prt.vid. by tl.e teinis ot moitgage, exccut.dbj bliJBB . Jtoienn and Lucr 'V. S Moigau, hb wile. to Jol:n Henly and Amandi VI. i. Uooaale, b.iiiii.g date the nrct day ol . piil, A. D. 18.0, and recorded in the office ot the Breinter of lieeds oí Couniy. m the Blati ol Michigan, on the oa; oi Muy, A. D. 87! in book 4.i oi ui ir t gag. a, page S-io, bj nhicti deimilt the power oí ti.le cont mul n mv moitgage has become operative and on wind. nioi . clíillued lo bedue at the : ate of Dus uutiee tliebO ol one thousiind ooe hundred and nmetynine dolían, and no suit oi proceediups baving been institnler' li iaw or equity to recover the debt tccuren by Miid raortgage: Notioe ia bertby piven tliai on I'ridar the twenty-secona dayof My. A. D. 1874, at ten o cloik a. m.,od Bttid doy, al the south door of the Conrt House, in the citj of Ann Arbor, ( 'ounty 6t Waaht naw, in the.Stateof Alicliigan (saidijo.ul Ho ihg the place for holding the Ciicuit Court fortui L'ouuty). tlieie will be sold by viilne of ih, sale contained in said mortgage at public ;...- the hiiihest bidder, the preñares described mortgage or so inucli ihereot as may lie nee. síitisíy theamount due and nayablr on said mortgage, with interest, coMs, chaises and txpei lowed by Iaw and prorided lor in said r thatistosay: Lots number live (ñj.six (6),seven :. i eigfht f8), nine (9;. ten (10). ekven (lij, twelve V: tliineen (l.i), tourteen (J4j titutn (1;.) and tixtm ( 6), in bloek i.nmber nve (5) south in rai west, in Maynara's addiiion, in the city of Ann Albor, Hsshtenaw Connty, Mícblnm. Dttted, Ann Arbor, eb. 2.i, 1874 JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. ÖOODALE, Morí gagees. Fhazee, Habaiman & Hamilton, Attj'slor MortgHgeea. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditiorsot a oertaiu mortgage exucuted ■ by Wilhani H. Mallory and Hrln M. Mallory to Joh N. tiott, beariug date the sixteen' h day 'of September, a. b. 1S72, and recordod in tl.e office of the Kègistex pi lor the county of Wi.lnenaw and .Stnte of Michigan, n the uin'li day of Oetober, a. d. TH72, in Liber forty-nine of mortííaes on pnge two hnn.iad and ninety nine, whieli Baid mortgage wus dul; a aigned by John N. Gott to amuel P. Jewett, and I ■ Samuel P. Jewett to Chriatiaa Maek and I Sehmid.andby reason of said uefault the pover ol nk in said mortgage havmg bicorne operative, and tlim being claimed to be dne and owin; on snid mortgagt and the bond aocQmpanying the same at the date ot this notice, the sum ot 'thoUMind sevcn hiiTidtrf and fifty-six dollars and twenty-nine cents til.W-29), together with an atton.ey's lee ot fifty provided forin aaid mort2M(;e', and no suit or )iroceedingsat Iaw or in equity having been ins'.itutel to recover sa d amount or nny port thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given tl at on Saturday. the twenty-third day of May. a. d. 18J4, al eleven o'olock ín tlie forencou of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House being the place for holding the ircuit Ccurt for the county of Washtenaw) theicwillbe sold bï virtue of the power of sale eontnined in said mnrtgage. at public auciion to the higheat bidder, tl premiees described in said mortgage, nr so much thereof as ma y be necesoary to satisfy tlie amount due and puyable on said mortjjaae togethei wito thl interest, eusts, charges and expenses allowed by Ur. and provided for in said mortgage, thut is to Bay : -11 that cerlain piece or paroel of land. situated'in tl.i city of Ann Arbor.county aforoaaid.known, bounded, and described as tollows. to wit . Commemcing st ;. point in the north line of Uuron streef, in the city of Ann Arboi aforesaid, eiglit rods and eisrhteen inchM west of the west line of D. Mclntyre's land and nmning thence north parallel with said west line of said Melntyre's land twelve rods, thence west panulel with Huron street to the enst line of Mann Street, thence south twelve rods to the corner of Miiiiti ;hi.1 Huron streets, thence eaet to the place of beginning. Said description being intended to cover the premi - where said W'illiam II. Mallory nów liv.s, on tl.e nortli side of Huron street. Dated, l'ebruary 2(i. i874. CHHISTTAX HACK, FREDEBIC 8CHM1D, Assignees oí said Mortirapf. V. Cramxb, Att'y foT said Assignees. 14(; Mortgage Sale.. OEFAL'LT having been made in the condition of a certuin mortgage cxecuted on the twenty fitlh day of July, A. D. Iti8, by Kobert I'. Lmnard and Martha A Leonard. of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michig-.n, to Joaeph Pi the townshipof Northfield. in the C'ountj of ',..libenaw andutateof Vlicliijnn, aforesaid, an.l ïecorded the .ame day in the office of the Register ot Deeds. for the Couuty of Waahtenaw, MichigBn, in liltr 38 of mortgages, on pue 4.í,'í. upon which moTfgage there is elaimod to be due at the tinte of this noiice, two hundred and ne dollars and six y-simn cents, for principal and interest, and also thiity dollars asan attorner or st.lieitor's t.e lootten ásany proceeding is taken to foreclose sai I mortgage. nul no proceeding? having beer. taken at Iaw or in t qnit] to recover amount due or iny part thereof: Theretore, notice is hereby given thnt by virtue ot the power ot sale eont .ineó1 in said mortflrage, I slml] scll it public auction. to the hithest I iilder, ( n atur. nv, ïhe twenty-third day oi Jiaymxt. :.t tvo oMoc'k p. m. of said day. at the fiont door o the ( oi.rt House in the city of Ann Arbor Connty aforeaaidi thnt being the place ol hol.üiijj the Crrouil Court ior laid County): All Ih.-it Cfirtmo piece or paicel of andsitmitein the township ol X.uiMicM Wnshteuiw ('ounty, Ktate of Michigan, known. bounded twd lescribed as follows to wit: (oiiimencing soi:ti. hirty-six dmigrtg forty-four minutes fnet,eight ■ods and eight links Inm a stake. s en n links in ront of the northeast corner óf Albert Steven 's t.ivern itand, thenee south fifty tl ree dtgrees and fitteen ninutes wet, eigbt lod-i. thence soutli thirty-sii legrpes and forty four minutes pii(. tour rods, henee cortil flfty-thn e d. r, ( s ard n'ftecn minute ast, eiíít rods, thence north thnty six degre. s ard oityfivp minutes west, four rods to the place of eirinnine, containing une fifth of an acre of land, aore or leas. Dated, Feb. SS, 18M. JOSEPH PEAY, -Mor. John Gott, Att'y for Hortgagee. rvHE CIRCUIT COUKT for the ConWy f WaaHM. tenaw- In Chancery : Rozella Sinter complninnt, vs. Jücob Slater. lïefendant. It sfttisfaetorily ppearmg to this Court, by atti3iivit. that the defendnt, Jacob Slater. is no! a resident of this State, bilt ïsides in the state of New York. or motion of I). ramer, sohcitor for OOmplainnnt, it is ordercri thai le defendant cause hia appenrance tobéentrre. lis cause within fhrep months from the date óf this 'der. and that in cas.' of appearintf b iswertothe coinplainanl's bill to be flled in this mse, and a copy thereof to be Berreo1 on the ceniainunt'i solicitor within twenty d:.ys after si i i htm (ir Lis solicitor, of a crpy of the bill ut ei utainant rile.l in this causo, and "a notice of' f ord r, idifidefault thereof, that the said oompIainnBl's 11 be taken ae confessed by ihe sniil defendant. nd it is further ortiercd thnt within twenty days e said complainnnt cause a copy ot this oj'dcr to be iblished in the Atíthfgan A g ■, a public newsnnper iiiteri in baid county of Washtenaw, and that ihn tb ieation continue at least once each week for six ccessive weeks, or that she c:mse n ccpy o( oir to be personally servcd on the sid defendant ncrdintr to the rules and practice of this court. Dated, Msrch 16th, 1S74. JOHN F. LAWEENCK, rcuit Court Commissionei, Washteaaw County, Cbamib, Solicitor for Complainant. "g"l4:i


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Michigan Argus