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ÏUuj dmtisements. VEW ÜEAL KSTATK OFFICE OF abnkii iutchcock & oo. I". South Mufl St., Ann Arbor, Mich. City Propirty Hoiisps, Lots ami Farms FOK SAfcH AND KXCHANCKIl. 80VTHEBJH LANDS FOB SAI. E. CO LOM ES LÓCATE I). STOCKS m nOKTU.IGES FOft S1LE. 1476m3 AND MONEY'S LOANEI). I ÜE.! IGE1 Tho nnderfiignéd wishes to announcc timt li is nnw ready i" cleïlTèr ïce in any part of the city. Orders left i" liis bqac In the Po( will bc promptly tflled. PRICES : 1.1 Ilis. e. ihtv-i in the wi-ck, - - K.m per niwith ■■ i " - - - 2.00 " " TEUaS : Invurinbl)' in Ad vanee. M. ANDRÉS. AGENTS WANÏED. IMKIU'K'S HBW HIST0R1CAL AM) BI06RAPHIGAL CYCLOPEDIA. One Large Octavo Yol. of 1,013 Pages. It records just what &hovkt be rememberedt and diaCfixda all superfluities, miking it the book tor the milfion, and within their meaus. " We reeommend this work to til those who want concise, well-classifted, ueeful knowledge. ' - Chicago Tribune. One agent's commissions wero over $200.00 in one wt'ek. Another report 73 orders in oue week. Send ffor Circular to L. ,H. 1ÍLRXHAM, Publisher, 1475w4 SfYRACV8E, N. Y. STATE OF MIClilGAN, Foorth Judicial Circuit, in (Jhancery. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in ('hancery, at Aun Arbor on tlie ïltli day of April, A. D. 1874. Mary L. Wayne vs. Alonso E. Wayne. It áppearing by aflida vit ihat the dofendant, Alonzo K. W ayiie, is not a res dHt oí' thtí ot' Michigan, but that he resides i the State of Loui.siana, it is ordered that th iidde fendant cause lus appeafance in thif cause to be en tered within tliree uionths from the date of this orde and that in of hi.s tjiiarance he cause his an swcr to the eomplainant'a bill of complaint to be filed and a edpj gewed i 'he eompbUoAnt'j solicitor witl in twenty ilav aller service of a copy of said bil! and notice oftbia order, and in default thereof thatttid bill be taken as confossed by said defendant. And it is i'iirthoi orderéfl that within twenty days .said coinl:i:ii:iiit i-ausf a iioti:e of this order to be ]uhlished in tlie Michigan Ari.u.s, a oewspaper printed in said CHiiity weekly, and that the publieatÚMi be coutimiecl ín sai( paper ente in each weck tur ix aucceasive weeks, or that sHfl cause a copjrofthi order to be personally served ujpojl sakl defemlanl at least twenty itiivs time preacribed i'or his appearance. f, 11711 JOHN F. LAWRENCK, .IniiN X. (íott. Circuit Court Coinmissioner Compl'ts. Solicitor. Washtenaw Co. Mielrigan. pvTSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately exiating between Jostph (.'. Watts and Benjamin F. Watts, of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan undet the lirin of J. (J. Watts & Bro., was dissolved on the flrst day of May, 1874, by jnutual consent. All debts o-xmti to the snid firm are to be received by said Joseph O. Watts, and all demanda on the sald partnership are to be presented to him torpayment, Duted, Ann Arbor, May 1, 1874. JOSEVH C. WATTS, BENJAMIN F. WATTS. J. C. Watts will oontinue the business at the old atiiml, and would respectfully request 11 persons indebted to the Inte flrm to cail and settle their accounts as we wish and must close up the old buainess at ouce. 1475w2 TniRE INSUEANOE. PRAZF.R, HAKRIMA' & HAMILTON'S OiriCE OVER SAVIKÍGS BANK, Ann Arbor, Michigan. e ei now carry fullliues in SAFE and TRUSTWÜKTH Y Oompaniea, and our rates are reasonable. We are now carrying the best business risks in the city. We invite the Public to examine our Registers andjudge tor themselves of the kind ot business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dwelling House Insurance, and can give low rates, and good indemnity. We represent fue following well-known Com paniect : The Westcliester, - Organized 1887, Aisets, $655,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The AUemaiinia, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Assets Í472,(K)Ü.ÜO, Jan. lst Ib74. The Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organized 1838. Assets 337,0OO.0O, Jan. lst 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Orgauized 1859, Assets $304,000.10, Jun. lst, 1S74. The National Fiie Ins. Co. of Phil. Assets $567,000.00, Jan: lt, 1874. The (Jlolte, of Chicago, III. Assett. i4t:O,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Atlantic & Pacific, of Chicago, 111. Assets $;i30, 000.00, Jan, Ist 1874. City, Providence, R. I. Assuts.fl82,00().0ü, Jau. lst, 1874. T!ie AV at orto wn Fire Insurance Compaiiy, of Watertown, Sí. Y. Assets 556,0O0.Ü0, Jal), lst, I874. The Watertpwn was organized in Dec, 1867, sicce which time itst premium receipta and losses have been as tollows tu wit : Premium Keceipts, LoBses. Jnn.l, 1MS, Kmonth - . $1,204 28 ' 186S "- 2il,833 4!) $1,855 00 " 1S70 - 45,642 69 6,297 42 " 1S71 .... 66,605 lli 13,314 51 " 1872 - 141,417 03 2I.U5 STT " 1S73 - - . 214,9fió 19 63,169 65 " I8T4 - ... SS2,SJ8 01 105,296 04 Cash pTemimns reeeived in ü years - $740,695 89 l.osses in ; yenrs ... - 220,946 3!) Actual Löues ltRs thiin 30 ier cent oí premium rereipts. Exces of premiuum repeiptf over los-s .... -$jl9,S49 50 IMBEASE OF ASSEXS. Jan. 1, 1SC8, assets with $100 000 capital. .$101,354 31 1)0. 180D, do 122,684 6(i Mo. 1S70, do. 148,431 47 Do. 1ST1; do. - - - - 158,893 98 ])o. 1S7-1, do. - - - 338,603 13 Do. 18 73 do. - --- 441,500 54 Do. 1S74. do. - - - 656,849 54 This shows a average guin iu assets of over 375.' 00 eaeh vear. Official statement oí gross assets and liabilitiea Jim. J, 1S74. to wit: Grosa oíhcially admitted assets . - $556,849 !)0 Officially oalculated hubilities, including reiiisuraiu-t'iuud - - 217,104 61 Suiplusastopolicyholders - - $840,745 29 11 this record is evidence of bad management, siifety nnil proflt to policy and stockholdera would wish that other coni pañíes had a little of it. The policy and practice of this company have been steiidily 10 ineiease its financial sohdity, by which justly tocommund the confldenee of the public. To this end all surplus premium receipts have been retained, ullowing the stockholdera only legal interest on the iifsets. ïhe interest on iis invested funds paye all (livi,irni!s, laAPina all surplus premiums ior the adduioiüil f-eturity of the policy-holders. All we ask is that tbc peop'e shall investígate for tliemselves, and we do not fear the result, FRAZER, HARRIMAX & HAMILTOJÍ, Office oyer tlic SaTing-a Bank, HTiiMt; Ann Arbor, Micb. MICHIGAN CESTKAL BAILBJU. WINTER TIME TABLB. Passeiiirfrninsnow leave the evernl ititions.m ol Iowé. - i f ii i f; A. M. A. M. P. M, P. M. P. M. P, yf Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 IS 1 2n 4 00 .'. 4(1 ld M ïpsilanti. K 4:: 11 M 2 SS S 80 7 lu a. . nn Arbor, Ü 02 11 40 S 61 ■ Mi 7 45 12 Oö Jexter, 9 35' , 8 12 (i 2i 8 In helRea. 0 52 8 80 irass l.akf', 10 19 j.. m. 3 55 '.' "r' ackson, 11; 88 1 OS 4 30 9 H 1 36 r. M. a. m. ralamnzoo, 2 20 8 10 7 ( is 26 Ihioago iirrivf, 8 30 ü 00 i 0 30 B :;') ooms i kT. A. M. A. M. I'. K. F. M. Chicago, levp, 5 HI 8 :u ü (i P. M. A. M. A. M. Kltlumazoo, 1 1 OS 1 18 5 00 2 15 P. K.l . M. Jackson, 2 30 9 59 8 00 ia 30 4 I". (ïrnsBLake, 2 50 8 30 Ohelsea, 3 24! 8 SS a. h. Dexter, 3 41 !) 09 0 U Ann Arbor, 4 68 5 0.1 9 M 1 69 6 lm fi 55 YpHilnnti, 4 25 5 22 10 03 2 17 6 20 7 2(1 Detroit, arrive, ! 5 50 C 25 11 20 8 30 7 2;. 8 IS The Atlantic and Pacific Express run between Jackson and Niles on the Air Line. DETROIT, HILLSDALE. & TNDTANA BA1I.ROAD. OOINO WEBT. -1873- OOIMO FAKT. stations. Maú. Exp. snn,).-:=. Jóxp. Muil. A. M. I'. V. Detroit, dop... 7:15 8:40 a. m. p. m. Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Banlfers 5:45 2:15 Saline,.. :25 7:4 Hillsdale P:1B 2:30 Bridgewater . . 9:r,0 R:00 Manchester .... 8:35 4:08 Manchester. ...10:22 8:18 Bridgewuti-r . . ít:0 i 4:2S p.M. Saline '9:2S 4:4ü Hillsdale 1:00 n:.r2 Tpsilunti.. .. li:0:i 6:15 Banker 1:15 10:00 Deti-oit ll:i 8:JS Traint run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, YrMliuiti. 2S MAiMI.Uf): How Lost, How Rcstored! Just published, a nfcw edition of Ir. fulver wcII'm C'ulehruled Eftvay on the radical curt (without medicine) oí Spkhmatohkha or Sftninal Weaknewa, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Impotency, Mental and Physical Ineapacity, Impedimenta lo Mamare etc. ; alao Conhümption, Ki'Ilkpky and Fits, induced by self-indulence or sexual extfrava(fauce ; Piles, &c. B3TPrice in a aealed pnvelope, only six conts. The celebrated author, in this admirable Esbaj, clearly demonstrates fïum a thirty years' fuysstal practice, tlmt the alarming consoquences of selfabuse may be radically cured ■without the darigerous use oí iüternal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out n mode of cure at 0E66 simple, certain, and effectual, by mean of which every buíferer, no matter irhat his conditiou may be, inay cure himself cheaply, privately, and radfèalttf IfcyThia Lecture should be in the hand of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a pl:un Mivelope, tD any ;nldre88. )oitt-paid, on reoeipt of aix cents, or two potflge Htiimps. Alo, DR. SUitSBBK'a RKMEDY FOR PILES. Send for circular. the Publishers, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 12T Bowery, New York, Poatottice Box, 4 58. 143Byl JAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peaee, Offico in new blook, Korth of Court House Money oollected and promptly paid over. INSTTR-A-TSTCK AGETNTT. Trinmph, asaets, Norttt Mtunnrl, " 5,417.9! HibiTnia, " 350,000. REAL KSTATK. I have 8" acres of lund Í4 of a mile from the city imits, ttnely located for fniit or garden pnrpÖ8e Also40acre8. Also 10 acres, with h"uae and barn, anda Hvel stream of waterruniiin;thro!ií;h the barn yard 60 acres, a mlle ont. 1 will sell any or all the iibove cheap, nr exchape forcitproperty. lS74yl JAMES McMAHON. This is an inquiry which every one slioniJ have trutlifully answered before he starts on hia journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases aave much trouble, time and money. The Chicag-o, Burlington & Quincy Itailroad Iihs achieved a siífcndid reputation in the Iturf tiiree years as the leading Passenger Route to the West. Stmting at Chicago or Peoria, it runs direct throufrli Southern Iowa and Nebriiska, with close connectionsto California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Qniney, Missouri, UüU pi Milla ni i.iiiiaíia ami im bw jhduw a nanuiigr on their way westward connot do better thaa take thia route. This Une has publisbed a pamphlet entitled ' Ho to go West,"" which contaius mueh vuluabie info mation; a large, correct map oí' the Qreut W which can be obtained free of charge by ftddreasij the General Western rMMSa Agent, CbÍQSgi Burlington & Uuincy Ií;úlro:ul, Chicago, 111. 1461] SOMETHING NEW! No Commissions - All Free I have opened A REGISTER at my illcc, in ÏÏ. V Ellis A Co.'s Dri.'O-stokk, for the airooninuRlatiini i the public, where those who have stores, lioust-s. lol farms, cattle, horses, buKííies, ur any Cfthei propert; for sale or to rent, may register the ame for convei ience of those who may wish to parchase or rent. 4" There will be no charge to either seller or pui chaser, provided when i aaje r reutage i effectod b the owner, he will at once culi aml c;iiht1 t lie .-ame the Register. 1473 A. DbFOREST, "POE SALE! 70 Acres, on Washtenaw Ave. Vi miles from the Post Oflioc. Ten Acres Wood Land- Tlie resf in Higl State of Cultivation. Will be sold in lots of ten neres or more, as Imyer may desne. One lot of ten acres has on it A House, Barn and Well of dood Water, I IK lis EASY. For f ut tiier pal ticulars inquire of J. n:unr. H74m1 6S State Street, Ann Arbor. APUrPLYIXG A TTAXT ILONGNEEDEDBT llAMv ISS. ■■ 1AWYEItS. ____ PHYSICIANS, ET Ml CLEIKiïJIKV. IM C II EOBUKPOÍiU'T, __„_ IIIWKKII I'IIIS. DIKKVHAM.S, NA lf V i PBOIESSIOSAL BUSI1VESS MEN, _T_ lJntí of tlle mos' practical, ' ' i useful, nrid valuable injYjj) Tantions of the age. Patlented December, 1872. I Over 5,000 uow in daily I # ï" Ia I I I use, living anqualifleo I L L I sntisfaotion. Nu buaineM 3 W Ka I U Li 'llil''' eomplete without I IM V E NT ION. Send for Price List and Illustrateil Circular. AGENTS WANTED .SM Alao, County Kights tor S;ile. Address C. A. COOK. CHTCAQO, TLT,. N0Ï10E tisayg_ The animal meeting of tlie etoekholders of the Aun Arbor Trading Associatitm, for the plection of oiflceris and tor the transactiun ot such other busiueea a may be brought before the meeting will bc held t theolliceof llie'Association, No. lö Müiu Street, on Monday, May 4tli, at ten o'cloek in the forenooii. Ann Arbnr, Ajiril 22, 1S74. 1875w2 L. GRUNER. Seoretary. I IVE (4ÜÜSE FEATHtíRS PIBBTQtTALITT , CoDfi"tyon band andforsaleby BACHfr ABEL. n oöm to S'FóeY" " 1OO CÜTTER8 r more, at the Monitor building. Ratee reasonable. UOOtt' J. V. N. OEEliOKY. BCURE YOUKSBLF A IIO.MK. Valuable City I-Ots íor sale Chcnp, an3 lorg time riven förpayment il dtdired, HT5m,3. C. H. MILT.EX.


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Michigan Argus