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Local Brevities

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Cabds. Circulare. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. Printed at the Ahous office. - In the best style and che.u. - Don't order elsewhere before calling. - Satisfaction guarantecd in erery respect Now ia the time to subscribe for the Aeous. - Ground has been broken for the addition to the Chemical Labratory. - If Apnl showers are necessary to May flovrers the erop will be limited. - The Comraon Council will meet hl regular session on Monday evening next. - President Angelí addressed the Chicago Theological School on Tuosday cveuing. - Postmaster Clark is not yet in possession - his commission not having come to haud. - Dr. Cocker entered upon duty agaiu on Monday last, to the great satisfaction of his classes. - Wind in the south yesterday atternoon, with a showery look and promise of milder wcather. - It is reported tliat several saloon keepers have stopped business and that others medítate a change of base. - A Hurón street saloon keeper attributes tho colddry weather so long prevailing to tbe sading women. -Who'll be "Queen of thc May"on tliis very day ? Tne inauspicious weathtr sliould cause no ambitious raaiden to hesita te. - The weather has not been very favorable for gardening during the last week. Too cold and dry : that's what'a the matter. - Bobt. G. Widenmann, son of A. W'idenmann, Esq.f has gone South, with a view of Atlanta, Georgia. Success to him. - At Ypsilanti prosecution is to be commenced against every person who takes out a United States license as a dealer in liquors. - Yesterday was the last day of April - according to the almanac, aud the going out of the month was celebrated by a slight snow-storm. _ The teachers in the Grammar School have goue to Ypsilanti to-day, to visit the Normal School and spy out its excellencies or deficiencies. - John D. Heinrich was salt ed in the sum of $28.30 yesterday aftesnoon, having been convieted by a jury on a charge of selling beer to a miuor. - Late advices from Dr. Cheever, at Greeley, Col., report him recovering from the severe (and supposed fatal) illness chronicled by the AlïGUS last week. - John G. Gall has removed liis meat market from Washington street to the store lately occupied by L. K. Stawson & Son, corner of Hurón and Fourth streets. - Those interested should read tlie Insurance ndvertisement of Frazer, Harriman & Hamilton. They offer insurance in good companios : companies outside " the ring." - A student correspondent of the Bay City Tribune says that " no little ' ponying ' was done" daring the recent examination of the juniors and sophs in astronomy. - The list of lectures for the season of 1874-5 issued at this early date by the " American Literary Bureau," iucludes the name of Prof. M. C. Tyler, late of the Michigan Universit y. - M. Andrés "takes the buil bythe horns" - that is the seaaon - and advertises ice in this ABBtrs. The weather will liaie to warm up a little before the demand will be very lively. - The Ladies' Temperanee Union will hold another public meeting on Wednesday evenmg next, in the Presbyterian Church, which will be briefly addressed by several ladies and gentlemen. - Mr. W. "V. Beman, instructor iil mathematics in the University, has received an invitation to become professor of mathematica in inDennison College, Ohio. He will probably not accept. -The meeting of the Miller and Webster elaimants, called forthe 29th.ult., was postponed, because of faulty notice, to June lOth. The claims proved agaiust the firm aggregate about 148,000, with some $2,2.'0 agaiust the individual bankrupts. - A game of foot-ball played on the TJniveraity campus last Saturday morning, between thirty men chosen from the senior and sophoraore classes and the same number from the juniors and freshmen, resulted in favor of the latter. Score, 7 to 2. - Mrs. E. Cady Stanton is to give an address to-morrow evening, at the Presbyterian Church, imder the auspices of the Ladies' Temperance Ünion. The fame of this lady is such that no elabórate puff or commendation is necessary to secure her a full house. - A team ran away on Huron street on Tuesday afternoon, and en route pitched into and demolished a loaded wood wagon, upset a wagon standing in front of Ellis & Co's drug store, and finally brought up against the telegraph post in front of Eberbach & Co's. - Several prosecutions have been instituted or ordered against liquor sellers during the week, for the violation of the State law, the law against selling to minors, and the Sunday ordinance, members of the Ladies' Temperance Union being the complainants or instigators. - Prof. Walter (assistant in Latiu) has closed his labors at the University, and has arranged for a two years' stay in Europe, for study and travel. He will sail from New York on the 16th inst., on the " Greece," and expects to be accompauied by E. C. Lovell, of '68 (Prof. Walter's own class), and by A. H. Brown, of '72. - A talking machine was to have been exhibited in the law lecture room Mouday afternoon last, but the attendance -was so small that the exhibitor refused to show ita powers and deplored the lack of appreciation among the students for scieutific curiosities. If he should hear one of the " sympathizing " stu(lents for about five minutes he would conolude that his machine was behind the times. - A runaway on Tuesday mornlng reiieved the dullness of Main street, and fortunately without damage to man, horse or wagon. It was this : As the hired man of H. Kxause was driving over the crossing at Huron street he dropped his lines and failed to get hold of them until the horse, at good speed, had made his way to Liberty and down West Liberty to the bridge, when he " gathered them in " and checked the III ai. - The Alpha Xu and Adelphi societies hold a public thi8 evening in the law lectura room. Oration by T. F. Shafroth of tho Adelphi ; pom, by A. X. McUowan of the Alpha Nu. Question for debate : Resolved, That church property ought to be taxed. Affirmative speakers, Messrs, Bullock and Aldrich of the Alpha Xu. Xegative, Messrs. Phelps and Wooldridge of the Adelphi. ïhe Glee Club of '75 will furniah the music. - A delegation of ladies connected with the Ladies' Temperance Union made a saloon visitationtripxmFriday afternoon last. A number of saloons were locked against them, and in others their moral suasion was fruitless of promisss to cease selling. In short, they were given to underetand by some of the keepers, in direct terms, that they should sell until stopped by the W, and that they should " pay no attention to the prayers or cries of women."


Old News
Michigan Argus