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IWrs. HE. C. Huyett will receive a limited number of pupila for instruction on the Piano, Organ or Vocal training. Cali at 39 División and terms will be given. Advance pupile preferrcd. 4wl475 Xhirty Vear' Exporieuce of au Old latirse. !lrn. Vt'iiiKloiv'N SowtliïiiLr Syvup is the jrescription oí one of the best Female Pnysicians ind Nursea in the United States, and has been utsed 'or thirty years with neverfailing stifety and succesa )y millions of mothers and children, from the feeble nfant of one week old to the adult. It correcta acidi;y of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the )owel, and gives rest, health and comfort tn mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Sorest Remedy in the World in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCEA IN CIIILDREN, whetheritarises 'rom Teething or from any other cause. Full direc;ions for using will accompany eacli bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-aimile of CURTÍS & PEEKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. l43Gvt . Cbildren Of ton I,ook Pale and Sick From no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectlv WHITE, and f ree from all coloring orothei injurious ingredients usually used in worm prepa rationa. CURTÍS & BRO"WN",Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Chcmists and dealers in Medicines at Twknty-Five Cents a Box. USüyl To all persons sufferinfe T- a "UT i nn I from Rhwin atihm, Neu PAJNAULA 't1' ramps in the X O.J-1 JJ. "■""■ lima or ?tomachi Biliou Colic, Pain ín the back bowele or eide, we woulc AND - Ti the Household Pan a'Ka aud Family Lini m knt is of all others th remedy you want for in "PA1V!TT"V 'ternal and extei'nal use X xiiVl-LU J. i it has cured tbe abov [complaints in thousand j of cases. There ia no mis TTIMTMP'MT1 takeaboutit. Try it. Bol L1LN lMriJN ! by au DruSgiSt8. RailroaD Accident I Caaes after cases of GENTS' YOTJTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goods were bought for Cagh so low that they nn and will be sold at prices Defying all Competiion, and juat suitable to those in need of CLOTHES, nd pressed somewhat by hai'd times. Also fcbose bat trtfce pride in wearing First-Class Clothes Vill be able to select from the best of Foreign nd Domcstie makes of GASSIMERES AND VESTINGS ind have them made at the same place in the la test tyla, and Warranted to Fit bef ore th. y loa ve, If nything in Furnishing Goods linethey should hap)en to need, everything in the Gents' Dressing line :an be found at Lower Prices than at any other Clothing House at WM. WAGNER. No. 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor 1468tf CITY DRUG STORE ! L. S. TjERCH. Till recontly with E. W. Kllis & Co., has purchased the Drug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST HURÓN ST. (Cook's Hotel Block) wliere he JEÍ1I be pleased to eee uil hie triends, and any in want oí DRUGS, MEDICINES -:-OR :- FANCY GOODS. The Store wïll be re-fltted and re-etocked, and will be known hereatte a tl. e CITY BRUG STORE. P, P. .- Pliyeicinns' l'rescriptions a Specialty. 1469tf Atctison,Topeka and Santa Fe RAILBOAD. THREE MILLION ACRES LIBERAL TERMS TO IMPROVERS. 11 YKARS CREDIT, 7 PER CBNT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Years, FINE GliAIN-GROWING REGIÓN. Traets of one and two thousand acres availnble fur Neighborhood Colonies, or for Stock Farms. Excellent Climatc, with Pure Flowing Water. 11 I would sny, that in the eourse of many yeara, " and thiough extenaive travel, I have not seen a more "inviting country, nor one which offers greater in"ducements, with fewer objectiona to t-ettlement, " th:m theae lande of the A. T. & S. F. R. R."- Extract Jteport of Henry Stewart, -Agncultural Editor American Agriculturalist. For full partïculara inquire of A. E. TOUZALIN, Land CommiBsioner, Topeka, Kansaö. E. B. Pond, Local Agent, AnnArbor, Mich. "P 0 ir SALE! G,000 Apple Trees Fit for Seltiug. Inquire of Arthur Berry at nursery on Miller Avenue, or of the subscriber, tbird story over Savir(?s Bank. Ann Arbor, April 9, 1874. JAMES B. OOTT. Dry Goods AT THE ISTISr AEBOE TRADING We have JUST RECEIVED A Big Stock of DRY GOODS! We oall SPECIAL ATTENTION -TO- FINE DRESS GOODS Which will be gold CHE Al' FOR CASH. CALL AND SEE THEI. We are now PREPARHD TO EXHIB1T To our Patrons our SPRING ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE AND Elegant Designs CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. &c. CHEAP FOR CASH ! Ann Arbor, April 22, 1874. (i. W. HAYS, Supt. H;5m2 W. A. L0VEJ0T, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuft, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STEEET, Next to the Express Office, A1ÏJI ARBOR, THICII. 1345tf rPHE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS In the city for HORSES TO HAT AND GRAIN Is at the Monitor Stables. J. V. N. GEEGSRY.


Old News
Michigan Argus