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Casds. - Circulare. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heacls. - Shipping Tags. - Printed at the Aeous office. - In the best style and cheap. - Don't ordor elsewhere before calling. - Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect - Now is the time to subscribe for the Aequs. - Warner is coming: with the elephant and other rare birds. - Tuesday last was the first day of the season n which " firing up " was suspended at this office. - A good job Is being done in the 8ixth ward : graveling North University Avenue. It has long been needed. - With potatoes $1.60 a biishel and the free flow of beer stopped, how are the poor and needy to thrive and fatten ? - VJll rnuay evemn iusl me uiupiujes 11 the postoffice of this city presented retirinj Postmaster Dean a very handsome gold-headed cane. - There was a regular meeting ot the Coramon Council 011 Monday evening: and Aid. Mclntyre is yet chairman of the Street Committee. - Contracta have been let for a Lutheran Church in Northfleld, located on the farm of Mr. Wm. P. Grove, and the ivork has already been commenced. - The saloon keepers ppeak of the Ladies' Temperauce Union as the " Woman's Lunatic Association." Interference with their craft is the basis of the title. - Postmaster Clark entered into possession on Tuesday evening, and is now reapiug the long sought reward for politieal services. He found the postoffice in good order. - The war on the saloonists is being vigorously waged in Ypsilanti, Saline, Manchestor, Chelsea and Dexter. The rural dealers are the oniy ones of the class left in peace. Despite the " long spell of weather " (cold at that) the peaa, lettuce and beets planted or sowed in our garden have ventured to come up. Can't we " get to jine " the Grangers ? - Hon. B. F. Granger is now understood to be the Editor of the Courier, thougk his accession to the tripod has not yet been officially announced. We welcome him to the frateinity. - H. Millen & Son don't know the words tight times" and " dull trade," and so advertise their second stock of spring goods in to-day's Aeous. And this though it freezes every night. - It is said that a chicken fancier up the nver - at Delhi Mills- has a pair of fowls which oost hun $300, and he sells the (golden) eggs at $80 a dozen. This lead pencil is not under oath. - The Aun Arlior Agricultura! Works - one otthe few thrïving mauufacturing institutions of our city - give their advertisement to the Arops readers this week. We commend their wares to our fartner subscriben. - Eev. C. J. Deyo, of Jackson, vvill preach in the Unitarian Churcli on Sunday next, morniug and evening. Subject for the raorning: " The Kingdom of Heaven ; Progressive," Subject for the evening : " Unity in D ïversity." - The last Sunday afternoon prayer meeting of the Ladies' Temperance Union was held in the Unitarian Church, also the business meeting and prayer meeting on Tuesday afternoou. Another meeting will be held in the same church this aiÉernooh. - C. G. Clark, late of the Courier, was presented with a line gold-headed cane yesterday afternoon, by his fellow employés. The foreman, John Harris, made the presentation, and Mr. Clark, though taken by surprise, made a happy response. Who is to be eaned next ? - The local itemizer for a Detroit daily - the Free Press - says that the saloon keepers of this city control the ice supply, and that if " persecution"is not stopped the ice harvested will be sold to Cincinnati or other out-o' town dealers. Bepriving the community of ice is a new way to cool the ladies. - We are under obligation to Mrs. E. M. Heuriques for late San Diego (Cal.) papers. The weather record of the latest issue, for April 25th, gave the state of the thermometer at 52, 62, and 55, at 4:55 A. M., 1:55 and 8:20 p. M. Some warmer and a little evener tlian the temperatura hereabouts at that date. - Keport has it that a number of lady students at the University - sophomores and freshmen - sported paper pump badges last week, in aympathy with the banished boys. We thought that the girls were to aid in elevating the moral tone of the University. Are they to prove no better than the boys ? - At the meeting of the Common Council on Monday evening, Mayor Beakes was paid his last year's salary, - a gold dollar with his name engraved on it. It was passed over by City Attorney Granger, who made an appropriate little speech. It is suspicioned that the Mayor will start a national bank, holding that dollar as the specie reserve. - Alarge number of prosecutions were instituted against saloon men on Friday and Saturday last, since which it is given out that the saloons are all closed and their customers getting thirsty and still more thirsty. Judging by the actions of some men on the streets, indica ting that they had put themselves outside of some other liquid than pop, lemonade or ice-water, the ing is not hermetical. - Some week or ten days ago a few stones were thrown through the grapery of Mrs. D. S. Wood on Main street, and on Saturday night last the grape Tines in the house were cut down. Mra Wood is one of the active members of the Ladies' Temperance Union, and this is reported " a warning " to her and others. It is n't a good way to créate sympathy for the saloon keepers aud their cause. " Discretion is the better part of valor." - Mrs. Stanton failed to fill the appointment made for her bef ore the Ladies' Temperance Union last Saturday evening. Having timely iutimation or premonition of such a result tho Eev. Mr. Brigham was invited to supply the vacancy and consented, with some reluctance, to do so, deÜTering an address preparad for another occasion. His subject was " The Drunkard," who was photographed to the hfe. The definition and description given would include niany men who natter themselves that they are the very modela of moderate drinkers and in no sort of dauger. It is a pity that every habitual drinker, and every seller, too, could not have heard the address. The one must have recognized his own personal danger and the other the utter lack of respectability in his traffic. The Presbyterian Church was crowded. Mr. Van Eiper, keeper of the County Poor House, was run away with in this city on Saturday last, in the forenoon. He was driving up Washington street, having his wagon loaded with flour and other supplies and also having liis small boy with him. His team, a spirited one, took fright at the crossing of División Street, at a chüd drawing a little wagon or cart, &ud becoming unmanageable dashed up the street, across State, and briuging up against a telegraph pole adjoining the Union School grounds, which was snapped off like a pipe stem, but which cleared the horaes from the wreek. Mr. Van Eiper was pulled out, and getting upon his feet found his boy hanging head down, his feet fast in the wagon gear, and his body in close proximity to the telegraph pole. Fearing that the boy was killed he was relieved by hearing him cali to be helped out, and by discovering that no bones were broken. Mr. Van Eiper was considerably bruised and considerad his escape a miraculous one. As there are naturally two sides to every que tion, even though the question be the suppre sion of the liquor trafile, we admit to our column this week a communication signed " H. F The writer no doubt speaks the views of no sma number of our citizens, and so far as his reason ing is good his opinions are entitled to conside ation. We give thera for just what they ar worth, but not without suggesting that the wn ter errs in speakiug of the ladies who have en tered upon the unpleasant and not popular wor of atteinpting to stay the tide of intemperanc and save husbands, sons and brothers by lega suasion, as " idle women " seeking " notoriety The ladies are the peers of any in our city in in dustry, frugality, worth or modesty, and are, n doubt, however much any one may think the; err in judgment, doing what they consider a dut to their own sex and the public. He must als err in regard to those pledges made by the " law and order " party of 1872, for neither candidato council, nor citizens could pledge themselves t the extent he suggests. The license ordinance i uot and never was a license to sell liquor, an had it been so considerad by the Supreme Cour would have been held void, when contested (in stead of being obeyed) by the saloon keepers Besides, wül "H.F." assure us that th; saloon keepers, all or any of thcm, have so f ully obeye( or lived up to the terms of the license ordinanc as to entitle them to the full protection he ask for them. That ordinance required a bond to obey the city ordinances : to close at a specifiec hour in the evening, to close on Sundays, and to sell no liquors to minors, etc. Who has scrupu lous obeyed these requirements ? The sugges tion, too, that these ladies move out of town is also, it seems to'us, gratuitous. It is the saloon keepers who are violators of the law and not th ladies, and it is they who have invested capita in a business legally banned for twenty years. " II. F." should be moderate himself when charging others with fanaticism. - Individual]}', we have through the Abgus expressed our views concerning prohibition, and urged upon Constitutional Commission and Legislature the adoption of what we thought and still tbink a better way of dealing with the liquor traffic. We regard stringent regulating laws as better than prohibitory ones, the education or conversión of the peoplo as a necessary precedent to banishmg the demon of drunkenness from our midst. Nevertheless, we can but recognize the evil that is daily béing done by the traftic, and must remind our correspondent, and all others who think with him, that men and women seeking to enforce laws made for their protection - other means having failed - should not be denounced as the crimináis. An Argus subscriber came to us a day or two since with a paper in his hand, his index finger on a marked article, and these words in his mouth : " Pui that in the Abous or stop my paper." We didn't put that in ; we never do under such circumstances ; he " paid up " and saw his name erased, and will probably be surprised to see the Abgus issued this week. It may be our last issue, nevertheless wk shall edit this paper as long as we publish it if every subscriber stops. We have no desire to lose subscribers, and yet there is running.through our head an old and familiar rhyme, penned, no doubt, by a cotemporary in just our fix : " We do not belong to our putrons, Thia paper is wholly our own, Whoever likes it can take it, Who don't can let it alone." That's it exactly : we intend to gire every and all readers the full worth of the money they pay us , even if they don't agree with all they fiud in our columns; and that is all we can expect to do N o law compels any man to take or read the Aequs, and if he takes is with the understanding that we supervise its columns and admit Mot a word or a line simply because he is a subscriber. A'gentlemanly request to insert any article or give place to any communication will be heard, even if not granted, but no ordeis will be received. That's our platform. As to the article in question, it was headed " advertisement " -an indication that the editor of the paper in which it appeared was ashamed of it as a selectiou. We did not read it,- we never read anything with a rod in pickle over our shoulders,- but we learn that it was a speech, or pretended speech, made by a woman against the woman's crusade, - a scurillous article devoid of both reason or wit. The nature of the article, if we are correctly advised as to its nature, would have caused us to refuse even a polite request to insert it in our columns ; but had it been the " Lord's Prayer" or the " Sermón on the Mount," the refusal would have been just as prompt and decided, when offered with an " 111 stop your paper andget other3 to stop." - We have, perhaps, given this little affair - one familiar to every newspaper publisher - too much prominence, and yet sundry and divers muttenngs in certain quarters make the propounding of our creed not entirely out of place. At the meeting of the Common Council held on Monday evening, the following petition was presentad, signed by'thirty-nine saloon keepers : We, the undersigned, citizens of Ann Arbor, represent to your honorable body that the closing of the saloons in said city is not only ruinous to the saloon keepers, but is absolutely disastrous to a great many other interests, that, f or instance, the bre wers have to discharge their laborers, and thus many poor families lose their support; that the coopera, tinsmiths, blacksmiths and many other trades share in the loss. We further represent that a great deal of revenue is lost to the city, that property Í3 being depreciated, and that losses will result and hardships ensue which will show itself in a short time, but which at present are unknown. We further represent that by paying a heavy tax to the city, the saloon keepers are entitled to your most serious consideration ; that they are not only saloon keepers but most of them f reeholders, who as such have a just right to expect protection against the present prosecutions. We further state that they have paid to said city during the year past about $8,000 in taxes, thus enabling said city to pay off a great part of its indebtedness, but as matters stand at present this whole or at least a great part of said revenue will be lost to said city. Wherefore we pray your honorable body that such measures may be taken and such action had as will protect the saloon keepers, and avoid the disastrous consequences which will result if the prosecution of said parties is continued, and give them such assistance and protection to whi#h we claim they are entitled as citizens and freeholders. Wm. Besimer was heard in behalf of the petitioners, af ter which it was referred to a special committee. - We are told that City Attorney Granger, who was present, said to the Council that if he was instructed to defand the saloon keepers he should be in a bad fix : the law and his oath compelling himto prosecute. The following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the May term of the Circuit Court, and ordered to appear at 10 o'clock a. m. of the second day of the term, Tuesday, the 26th inst. , Calvin Austin, Superior. Abiel Barnard, Ypsilanti City. Edward L. Boyden, Webster. Jacob Brown, Freedom. Abram Y. Case, Scio. Edwin Crane, Pittsfield. Abram Culver, Superior. Patrick Donnelly, Ann Arbor City. Granson DeForest, Ann Arbor City. Bowland Fletcher, Ypsilanti. B. B. Glazier, Ann Arbor City. Lee Hendricks, Ypsilanti. Warren A. Millard Ann Arbor Town. Erastus D. Nichols, Ann Arbor Town A. M. Noble, Ypsilanti City Wm. T. Norgate, PittsLeld Bobert G. Pnce, Ann Arbor City Arnold P. Pruden. Salem Norman Redner, Augusta John W. Eenwick, Salem Fred. K. Suydor, Dexter Philander Stevens, Ypsilanti Hiram P. Thompson, Augusta William Wagner, Ann Arbor City Dennis Warner, Scio John Whitlark, Ann Arbor Town Elam Worden, Salem Lee Yost, Ypsilanti Henry Young, Northfield Geo. Bull, recen tly a resident oí Eaton Rapids has established himself in the Beady-Mad Clothing business in Martin's store, east side o Main street. The Eaton Eapids Journal gav him a " good send off " in the shape of a yer complimentary notice commending him to ou eitizens. His advertisement will appear in our columns next week.


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Michigan Argus