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"the Fanatical Crusade."

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Allow rae through your paper to expresa my disapproval of the fauatical crusade, as well as give my views of what should be done by the business men of this city. This I contend, is an unjust crusade, instituted by fanática and a few idle women, who, for the sake of a little notoriet3% attack citizens in the pursuit of a licensed business, - a license forced on them by us who supported the " law and order ticket " of 1872. I was one of those who took a prominent part in in the election of that spring, and supported the candidates who pledged themselves to grant license and enforce obedience' to the ordinances, and at the same time protect men engaged in building up our city and its industries againstthe attacks of fanatics. It was the pledge of the " law and order " party at that time. Our object was simply to bring the saloons under the control of the city officials. That was the declured principie that carried us to victory, I believe thatit is the duty of every supporter of the " law and order " party of that day to arise and with one voice put down this unjust crusade. We are pledged as honorable men to protect those persons who have been taxed by us under pledges that we would enforce the iaw and give them protection. Those men have accepted the situation, paid their license, and are entitlod, in my opmion, to protection. They having paid our pólice forcé and the running expenses of our city in all its most expensive pointa, this is unjust and should not be tolerated for a moment. It is not at all improbable that some of the persons engaged in this senseless persecution have at some day of their lives been engaged in the same business ; or it may be a worse business. I tbink I could name some ladies engaged in this puritanical, tyrannizing business who now enjoy the fruits of the traflic moneys denred from the direct sale of whisky. To such I would say, pay over to the poor your ill-gotten gains, pluck the beam out of your own ejre, go to those men with clean skirts or remain at home and attend to your own business, if you have any. I think, Mr. Editor, that it is the business of very honest, upright man in this city to protect the property ol his neighbors. We have but few money-making enterprises in this city, some of them jast budding into life. There are our brewers, young, industrious, and no worse than thousanda of others over the land, who caniiot long survive such a reckless proceeding. Is ït polisy to crush them out and allow neighboring cities to profit by it p Ia it justice to do so, when two years ago we pledged ourselves to protect them if they would abide the decisión ot the people at that election, and obey the law ? Here is property worth more to this city in dollars and cents than all the fanatics ever were or ever will be - these praying, ten per cent in advance fanatics, I mean. All other industries will suffer. No clear-headed business man will invest money or engage in business in a city which will allow itself to be governed by prejudice. If what we did two years ago was a stepping stone to this contemptible business, then I say good Lord forgive me for the part I took in it. Again I would say, let the industrious and business men of this city rule it, and not fanatics, Baloons, university or petticoats. Let juatice, honesty and good faitli be our guide, standing by our pledges. If those ladies do not like our government and the rules laid down by honest business men tor the goTernment of this city let them move out to some more congenial clime. What we want here is business and business men and less theory. Such action as the present will wipe the life out of any city that undertakes it, and the sooner our eyes are opened the better for all. Trusting that you, Mr. Editor, will give these few unes a place in our columns,that they will bring out the business men of this city, and cause the Douglas party of 72 to come out and act up to their pledges, I eave the matter to the public, believing that hey will come to the rescue of our city. H.F. The " Leviathan" is coming ; and the " Leviathan," what is it ? Why, Warner and Henderon's " Great Pacific" Menagerie, Museum and Circus combined, and added to all that Springer's 'rained Animáis and Egyptian Caravan, - five hows in one, and all to be seen for 50 cents. Varner is well known to Michigan show-goers, nd popular wherever known. He filis his bilis nd tolerates no ill-sorted camp-followers, bummers, or blacklegs. The amusement-loving peole wiil of courae note the day and save up their ractional currency for the occasion. See ad. At the annual meeting of the Aim Arbor Traing Association, held on Monday last, the folio wng officers were elected : President - George Sutton. Vice President - Horace Carpenter. Secretary - Charles Tripp. Treasurer- G. T. Wilmot. Directora- -L. Foster, John Hagan, E. Cranon, Charles Clements, Chas. Treadwell, Morgan O'Brien, Wm. April, Michael Duffy, C. T. Wilmot. At the annual meeting of the Studeuts' Lecure Association, held on Tuesday evening, the ollowing officers were elected for the ensuing rear: President -3. C. Campbell. Vice President-Ben. Safley. Corresponding Secretary - Delos Fall. Recording Secretary - Howard Smith. Treaaurer - L. Baker. Asst. Treasurer - J. C. Van Vleet. Huron Fire Company No. 3 elected the folowing officers on Wednesday evening : Foreman- M. M. Seabolt. lst Assistant - Eli Moore. 2d Assistant - Wm. Campbell. 3d Assistant - Geo. Kellett. Secretary -Chas. H. Manly. Treasurer - Frank Ortman. The following appointments have been made rom the graduating class of the High School or the closing exhibition, June 19th: Alta Srotherton, Nellie Burton, Rose Colby, Fannie üerstead, Mary Martyu, Flora Norton, Mellie togers, Cora Schoff, Alexis C. Angelí, Webster Cook, David N. DeTar, Geo. H. Harrower, G. W. Knight, A. S. Pettit, Job H. Scott, Orr Schurtz, John L. Watkina.


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