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y .■ -■■' ■■■ .. ■"L) lr. .1. Walker': California Vin■ir;ii- JMlcrs avo ii mírriy Vegetable iri')iiinitiin, made ehipfly from tlie native iieriis fuuiiil on tlielower mnge8 of tlieSifrra N viida mountaina of California, the medicinal properfiea of wUich are estrftct■d thci'L-fi'om .vithout the use of Alcohol, l'h ■ question is almost daily asked, "What is Hie enuse of the unpnralleled succeas of Vínico h BrrtEiis?" Oiir ánswer is, that thev remove the canse of discase, and the patiënt recovers las healtli. They are the fjrcat lilood purifier and a Iife-giving principie, i perfect Itenovator and Invigorator of t he j-stem. N ever before in the history of the world lias a medicine bceu comjMumded possessing the reniarkable qualitiesof ViNEOAit Bitters in hcalingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Piirgative as wcll as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver ana Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. H men vill onjoy crooil IicnUli, Iet them use Vineoab Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of aleoholic stinmlants iu every form. II. II. MCDONALD &, CO., Druggiate and General Agente, San Francisco, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sta., New Yurk. Sold by all Druggists and Dealen. CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Rheumr.tsm Ê k Deafn Neuralgia, M A Catarrh, Headache, H 1 BowolCom. Sprains, H ■ plalnts and Brulses, H Wj a!, simiat. Cuta, Burns, W V pisea3O3. Chllblalns, ■Q fcy. y WILL KILL -The worst cough in qulcker time than any other proparatlon In the world. Wewillwll! refund the money f we do notglve Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYtVHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYT. Acts like n the most a charm ! jBÊ R natura! Neverfails fl B shades to vH Hf of Brown ly produce H W or Black 8Y Qr APPLICATIE M. ' i Al APS' S' OOI): How Lost, How Eestored ! Jtiat pubHshed, a new edition of tr. CJulver ivelPsCelehruletl EsNay on the radical cnrt (without medicina) of SpermatoiLHH(k. or Senii; ;il Weaknesa, Involuntnry Semimil L.osses. Impotkncy. Meutul and Pliyical Incíipaciiy, Impedimenta 10 Marriuge etc. ; alao (Jonsomption, Epilepsy nnd Fits, xnduced by aelf-indulg-ence or sexual extravagauce ; Tileö, &c. BSTPrice in u aealed envelope, only six oents. The celebrated author, in fchia admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sucpe&stul practice, that the alarming consequenees oí' selfabuse may be radically cured without the dnnerons use oí ii.ternal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing1 out a mode of cure at simt-le, oertain, and etfectual. by raenns of whieh every suf ferer, no matter what his conditioii may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically KT l'his Lecture ahould br in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under aeal, in a plain envelope, to aay address. post-paid on receipt of X cents, ortwo r)stPe tamp. Ao, DR. STXLSBEE KKMKDY FÖR PI17ÉS. Send for circular. AddresH tlte PublLshera, CHAS. J C. KLÏNE & CO. 12T Bowery, New York, roatoiüce liox, 4 58C. 143tívl Estáte of Cyrus Beckwith. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "VVashtenaw, ss O Ata seasion oí the Irobate ("ourt tor the CountT oí Waahtenaw. holden at the Probate Om'ce, in the City o{ Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-tliml flmy ut April, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jiidg-e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Cyru Jïuekwith, deceased. On readinp and filiny the petition, duly verififd, oí Luther Beokwith, praying that a certmn instnjment now on ffle in this court, purportinp to tr the last will and testament of said deceas d, iumj be mimitted to probate, and that Amarilla H. Beckwitli may be appointed sole Executrix thereof. Thereupon it isordered, that Monday, the eiphteenth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the tozuDOOD, be asHÏned for the hearing Lof said petition, and tliat the dovisees, leñatees, and heirs at luw of said decesis-ttl, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ;ue required toappeai ata session of said Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayeroithepetitionershouldnotbegninted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner givo notice to the persons interetited insuid estáte, oí tliependeiu.-y oí aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaiug a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan ArgnSy a newspaper printed and circuhitin in said County, three successive weeks pievious to said day of hearing. IA true copy.) XOAH W. CHEEVER, 1475 Judgeof Profate. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in Chanccry. Snit pending in tbe Circuit Coun Tor the County of Washtcnaw, in Chaüoery3 at Ann Arbor on the ilth day of April, A. 1). 1874. Mary L. Wayno vs. Alonzo E. AVaym'. It appearíng hy aflidavitthat tlicdiiVn-liint, Alonzo E. aynf. is noi a resident of the State of Miiliian, but thai he resides in hetitate of houisiana, it Is orderod that tlio aid deendant cause bis appoavance n thia cause to be enered witliin three ïnouths fima thcdute öfthis order, and that in case of hls appearance he cause his answer to the romplainiuit's bill of comptalni to be filed and a copy servedon tke compteánant i solieitor withn twenty daya after service of a copy of said bill ant lotice ofthis order, and ín default thereof that said )ill be taken as BWrfessed by said defendant. And it 8 further ordered that witliin twenty day said oomrlainant causé a notíce of this order to be pablisho n the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed in said ountv weekly, and that the pubucattan be ooni n said rwper nnw in eaeh week for six gucce&ive weeks, or tnat she caustí a copy of thi.s order tq be peronally served ujxni said defendant at least tweniy aya oefore the time prescribed for his appearance. 6wl47fi JOBS F. I..iWiïEN E John N. Gott, Circuit Court Commiasianer Compl'U. Solicitor. Washtcnaw Co, -Mielii-an. Uüancery Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of Waahtenaw, In Chancery : - Lucy W. 8. Morgan , complainant, vb Anne Q.uig:ley, Patrick Wall, John Luitrley, Mar'aret Qulley, and Aune (iuigley and 'atnek Wall. adminiatraters of the estáte oí Willam Quigley, deceaeed, defendants. In pursunnce of decree of this courtmade in this cause, I shnll seïl t public auction, at the Court HOOPQ in the city of Ann Arbor, on the sixth dav of June next, at soork, ie west half of the southwest quai ter of section No, en in township one somh in nmge sixeast, in the tate of Michigan. J. F. LAWRENCE. E. W. Morgan.' Circuit Court Commissioncr. ' Gomnl'ts. Solicitor. Ann Arbor, April 2o, A. D. 1874. 1175 ; "iUARDIAN'SSALE.- Iu the matter of the estáte J" of Sarah Blackwood, minor, pfotice is hereby ven that by virtue of a license to me grsnf il on the Inth day of April, 1874, by the Ilon. Joseph C. owell, Judpe of Probate for the county of Oakland, ate of Michigan, I will sell tuthe highëtt bidd r, on ie premises iu the tova of Salem, Wa.shtenaw ounty, on Saturday, the sixth day of June, 1874, at ie o'clock, p. M-, n!"l the rigbt, tille and interest of id minor, in and to the following deaeribed real tate, to wit : AH that certain piece or parcej of laad t; eacribed as follows: Th(ï southeast oue-J'ourth of ei ie southeast öne-fourth of secUan nuuibcr threo. in m ownship number one souih nf range number seyen o: ast, coutaining forty acres of land accordint to Che g rieinal survey of lands in the State of Michigan. n: M7.,, JABÍES BLACKWOÓD, Guardian. " P O E SALE! 6,000 Apple Trees Fit for Setting. L Inquire of Arthur Berry at nursery on Miller hl .vanue, or of tae subscriber, third story over oJ igs Bank Ann Arbor, April 0, 1871. ' JAME3 B. GOTT. iÜortgage Sale. WHEREA3 Levi H. Douglass of the city of Ana Arbor, county oí Wasienaw and State of Michigan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1872, executed a mortgage to Jab.n N. Gott and Julia A. Gott, or the same placo, to secure the paymeut of certain principal and interest money therein mentiuned, vrhicli mortgage was recorded in the office of the Regi.iU-r of d eda in the county of Washtenaw and Htatö of Michigan, on the löth day of July, A. D. IN72, in Ubar 4H of mortiien, on pílKe 2y.i anu whera dclault has been made for moro than thirty days, in !.)).■ paymsntnf n ïiistallmeut of said interest money which bucame due on the lHthday of July, A. D. 1873, by reuaoti whereof and pumiant to the term of mid monguee, said mrtRagees elect that so mueh ot aaid principal aa remains unpaid, with all arrenniej of ïtiterett thereon, shiill beeoine due mid pjiyable immediattly; umi wherea, there is claimed to bedue and nnpaid at the date of this notiee ihe sum of three Th nisand twuhündred anl mnety-eiiïht dolbtrs and öixleea cent tor principal and interst, ilso tit'ty dolUn a a reasonablestrticitor'á or attoroey'a feeihould any pioeopilin: it taken to foreclose aiiid mortgage, and do uit or procuediugq have been inatituted, eïther in law ut equity, to recover the ame or any paft Ui i p-u f : Notiee ïh thcrpfo'pluTobv (riven, that on S.V1.CRDAY, 'ÍJJK T WKST V-SKVKNTH DAY oKJr.VKiu'Xt, ut ;wo o'clock in the tiftt-rnoon ot lid dy, at the south door t the Courl, House in rhe city f A:m Aibor "that buint? the biiildiug in which theCÍRDit Court tor the county of Wiishtenaw and state MforeBiiid ia heltl,) and by virtun ot thepnwerof cale contained ui tJHid moi tgafie 1 shall s;ll at pnblic ituction to he highe.-t bidder, the premises described in sa ld mortgnge, to satisfy the nmount f principal nd intereel olaimed to be due with the Attorney's fitiy dollars and charges of sale, to wit : All iri iiu piece r pato) ofleudftituated in the city of Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw, ftforesuid, kiiown, bounded and der.cribf-d aw follows. to wit : - tiienorth half of lol number gis (6j ii bloek three south of Huron atreet, and range nnmbpr sta; föj enst, utjcordfng toa recorded pint oí the villaje Cnow ciiyj ut Auu Arbor Dateil, April 3d, 1874. -TOIIN N. OOTT and JUIJAAGOTT, John X. Gott, Alty. 1472 Mortgageea. Mortgage Sale. WHEHEASGeorgeW. Mohr and Rachel A. his wifctof the township ot Sylvan, Washtnaw Uounty, Micliiyan, uu the ninth pay of October, in the yuiu ot' uur Luid oe thoueand uight hundred and seventy-onp. executed n mort gage to Geoige E. Dítvis oí the tame place, to at-cure the pajment ot certain principa] and interest money therein mentii.iii (1, whicli montage was reeorded in the office oí the Kegister oí Deeds in said coun'y. on the tenth day of Octoner, a. d. 1871, at mne o'cJock a.m. oí said dny, in lib-r 44 of moitgacs, o puge 359 ; which said mortgage was duly awuffned on the secund day ot J;uiuary, a. i. one thoubund eiirlu hundred and seventy two, to Luthcr-íanu s, oí the township of Lima, eomiiy oï Washtenaw aforettid, and recorded in the ottice of the Kesistrof Deedsot said county, on the firal day oï April, a. d. 1S74, in iiher No. 4 of aaeignmente of mortguges on pagt two hundred and seventy; and win-rens dctault has been made for inoie than thiitj day m the paunent of mi installment ut inlcuKt money which -became due ontln-mnth day of Octfber. a. i. 87Ü, by reüBon whereof aud pitratiant to the term.!' of auld moittrüge, bail mortii-ee hereby elécta that fo much of said principal .-- r -in u íis unpaid, with all Hrroarages oi interest tbeivon, shall becomedueand payable immediately : whereat there ia clHÍmed to bu due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notiee the sum ol rive tliuuband'four imndred and tíí'ly-two dollars and sovtitity-iiine cents, fur principal and intern t, also un aitorney's fee of ttfty dollars should any proceedinga lm laken to foreclose said mortgage, and also the further 8' in of eljht dollars tor inaurancc, aa provided for in said mortgagft, and no suit or proceediuge lit.ving been instituted either in Inw or (.'Qiuty to re. cover the same or any part thereof : Nolice ík therefore hereby given, thaton the TWENTY-SKVEXTH UAY OF JUNK NEXT, at 2 o'clock in the afteruoorj of said day, ut the fiout door of the Court House id the city ot Ann Arbor. eounty aforesaid, (that beinp the building in whieh the Circuit Court lor said eounty ís held) and by virtue of the pow r of eale eontaiiied in aid mortfinge, I stall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises desenbed in said mortgajie. to satisfy tho amount of principal and interest above claimed aa due, with the charges oi salp and uttorney's toe of fitty dnllnrs, with insurancc as aforesaid, ill the i'ollowins described pieces and pai-cela of land, to wit: The south half of the soutliRnst qunrter of the pouthwe&t quarter of pection twenty-three ; also a strip of land ten chaina and tifty links in width north and south , and about sixty ehnins and west boing off frnm the south side ot the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter oí Si-ction twunly-four, and off of the south side of the iHirth hal: oí the ontheaKtquartPr of section twenty-tine( (.'f j, cuntaining in the last described piece or parcel of land tifteen aiu'es; also beginning ut the northeast corner of the southweat quarter of the southwt'st (juarter of eclion twenty-four (24, running thence Boutfi on the half quartr line six chaina and sevenly-throe links to the northeast corner of land deeded by Aaron Lawrence to Lois Fenn, thence south eighty-six (legrees west Bixteen í lfi) chains to a stake, thpnee eouth four derrees east three chains and thiity-ciiiht links to a atake on the east side of a spring, thence west four chains aeross said spring to a titake, thence north twonty-five links to a stuke, thenct; soiith eiality-six degrees west three chains and tiftv h: ks to a ntake in the eaet line of section twenty three, thence south c iirhty-five degrets and thiity minutes west parallel with the sonth line of section twenty-rhrpe f23) about forty (40) uhains to a stake in the center line of suid aection twenty-three, thence north on stüd center line nine chiiinn and eighty-six links, thence east parallel with the south line of said secüons twenty-three and twenty-losr about sixty chains to the place of beginjiing, contninins üfty-five acres of lnnd ; a'so a piece of land off of the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the aoutheAstqnmier of Büid sectiop twenty-three five chaina and seventy-one and one-hnlf links wide east and west, and jievrntecn chains nd tifty links north and south trom the rortbwest corner, of the piece of land second above d.'scribed contaicing ten acres of land, all in township two south of Tange t-hree east, county o' Wawhtenaw and state of Michigan aforesaid, containiBg in all one hundred acres of land more or leas Bein? the lands desciibed jn a certnin indenture oí mor'jraL'e iiven by Gorge VV. Mohr and wife to CHeorge E, Davis, and recordad in the Reg-ister's office for Washtenaw county, in líber 40 of mortgages on paireé. Duted. April 3. 1874. LUTHEIl JAMES, Asiifrnee ■John N. Gott, Attorney of said Mortirngee for said Assignee. 147-td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULÏ having been made in the conditions o a certain mortgage, executed by Geurge F Bratthwaite, ui' the city of Ann Arbor, countv Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Samuel I'. Je ctt, of the sume place, hearing date the fifth day o Jftnuary, a. d. one thousand öight hundred and se enty-two, and recorded in the nrfice of the Registe of Deeda lor Washtenaw Couoty, Mieliigan, uu tl ninth day of January, a. n. 1S72, in liber 4S of mor ■ i; page 18, by whïch default the power of sa ooatalned in said mortgage bas become operatlv and on vhicfa mortgage there is claimd to be due a the date hereof the .sum of thirty-fbur dollars aiu tliirty cents 'and the furthcr sum of four hundrec dollars to become due thoreun), also an attorney's ft of thirty dollars should any procéedfngs be taken t iom-1. .■ hidd mortgage ; and no proceedinga at la or in ghancery havlQg been instituted to recovörth debí secured Dy said mortgage or any part thereot Notice i therefore hereby giren that by virtue of tli power of sale contaiued in .said mortgage, and th statnte in sach caae made and provided, said mort gage will be foreeloed oa .Satuküay, tuk Twkntiet uaï of Juni;, a. d. 1874, at two o'clock in the after noón of that day, at the south door öf the Cour Honse in the city of Ann Arbor in said county o Waihtettaw fsaïd Court House beieg the place i holding the Clrenit Court tot the county of Washtï iiav). by a Bale at public auction, to the highest bic der, the premises aeacribedin said raortgage, whic are kimwn, bouñded und deserfbéd as follows. to wit Belug tol number twenty (20), in Jewett's additio to Aun Arbor city, aeeording to a recorded pla thereofin the Kteiaterl bffice af WiudiUimw Counti in liber (7 of deed, on page 678, Dutd. Maren 26, 187-1. SAMUEL P JEWETT, Jonx N". CrOTT, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1471 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviug been made in the condition o u certain mortgage made by David MeOoll, o Scio, in the County of Washtenaw und titate o Michigan, to Wü liara Latson, of the city of Am Arbor, in tJie County und átate aforesaid, datea M.ircu twenty -nixtb, l'üö, and recorded in the oöice oï itegister ot dfutls fcr Wuahtenaw County, Michigan, on the tuenty-sixth day of Marca. 18Ü6, at eleven and one-halt o'clock, A. M., in liber 'ói ot mcatifttges, ou page 257: which said mortgage, togeiher with the note the game, was on Uie eightt;enth day ot Jauuary, A. D. 1872, duly assigaed to Leonard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn which usdigument was duiy lecuraed in the office o Register oi ÜPecis, aforesjud, on the thiid day o] ureiij 14, at nine o'clock, a. m., in liber 4 ot assignmenta ot mcatuiges, on pnge 2;;5: upon which iniirtfi age there is ciaimed to be due by virtue oí the conditioob theivof, and reniainúi unpaid at the date of this notiee, the sum of twenty-two hundred and ibrtylwo doikir and simen cents, and an attorney's iee ot thirty dollars provided tor in said mortgage, and no buit or proceediug havintf been instituiedat law to recover the sum now due and secured by saitï mortgagv, or any part thereot : Now, Mietefbre, by virtud of the power of sale contained in tid mortgiwe and by virtue of the stam te in Buch euse made and provided, nolice is hereby given that on S..turday, the thiriieth day of May next, at twelve o'e'ock noem of that day, at the frontdoor of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arhor, in said (Jounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigün (said Court House being the place of holdlug the Circuit Cotirt rorsaid County), there will be oold at public auction or vendue, to the highent bidder, the premiaes descriDed in said mortgage as: All Lhat certain traet or parcel of land knewn and deseiibeü as follows; Being oue equal and undivided half oi the carding and clothing works and one-halt t iheappurtemmceB, machinery, and premises thereto belungmg; aid premisea are upon the southeattt [ïaetioital quarter of aection two, in town&hjp two toath of range Q veeast, at a stalíe standng on the north bank oi' the Huron nver, at a point aeartlnee roiisfrom the end of the bridge acroes laidriveron the road leuding from nu Arbor to Sowell, inLivingston Consty, thence running north fom said stake eiiíht roda on the line of paid road, ,henee westerly eight rods, thence southerly and araliel with said road cight roda, theuee eosterly to be pliice of beginuiug. Dated, 4, 874. LEOXARD VAUGHN, MAliTuA VAUGHN, _ AssinecK. james B. Gott, Ut'y lor A dg nee. I4C8 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of ft certnin mortgage executed by Jonathan Buck itaucl L.yilia his wife, oï the tuwnship of Dexter, ünty öf Waphtenaw and tate of Miehigan, to uutoHay, t the same place, on the twenty-flf:h l tv ot August, one thousünd eight hundred and sev Dty, and recorded in the Register's office, in the juniy of Washtenaw and Otate oí Michigan, on the c ïurth day of November, a. d. '87o, at :i'. o'clock p ., Ín liber 4 of morcases on page : 28 : And there s now claimed to be due on snid m rtgage and note s companyiDK the same the sum of five hundred and } ghty-aeven dollars and seventy-one cents, (mul the i utlier sum of three hundred und four dollars and i ■venty oents to become due ua the 2óth day of V Ugust Iö74and 1-S75.) aUo ati attorney's feu of tlnrE ■ dollai - pbould any proceedings be taken to foren ose said morttfuge, and no prooeeding m luw or in d [uity having bun had to recovpr saui sum ot money n ■ any part tliereol : Now, llierefore. notiee in hereby t pn. that by virtue of the power of saje in said e ortgage contained, 1 ghnll sell at pnblic anction to ii higljtji-t biddct on the thjrtietli day cf Miy next, 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the fiont door ot' the i. mrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforeid fthat being the place of holding the Circuit ruit for üuid county), all lhat eertnin pieee or 1 1 oí land biluated in the township of Dexter, Washnaw County and Stute of Michigan, known, bound and decnbed as follows, to wit: The north ,lf oí' the southwest quarter of section number five township one souih of range four easl. Efated, Maich6, 1S74. 01 ISAAC RAY, Mortffaee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. T BFAtr LT by non-pn;rroent of moneys, bavlni? 1 J made in the oonditlon of a certain morleale eouted by William A. Benedict and ( utherine Benedict, to Andrew J. Shively, bearing date twenty-flrst day of April, A. D. 1870, duf? ttZ and rccorded in the office of the Hegisttr of D of Washtenaw Uounty, (n the State ui Michiian the sixteeuthday of Hay, A. I). 1870, at four one-half o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of moiteaees paire 412, and therenf ter fully assigned by the Andrew J. Shively lo Philip Baeh, by an instiun of ussignment, be;i ring date thu lenth day of I aty, A. D. 1874, and recorded In tlie afoiesaid c of Kegieter of Deeds, on the seventeenth diiy of i ruury, A. D 1874, at thvee and one-half o'clock p in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on jitpe whereby the power of sale contuined in aaid n gage has become operutlve, aud no snit In luw c clmnccry having been instituUrd to recover the remaining secured by 6nil mort[ite or any thereof, md the sum of eight hnndred and nin tuven dollar, and tifty-nine cents being elaimv be ilue n lirl mortitiiRe it the date of ihia nol Therefove, notice is nereby givn that tsPuliaij amount dnc on siiirï mortpipp, with tlie ïnti costs, mul (linifüs allowed by luw und piovidei' in mud mortgage, inctading an Httorney ie. ut tl dollars, the premiws dewnbra in Buid morifrnge, to All that certain piece or pitre 1 oí imd ir fltty nf Ami ArtjoT, (Jounty of Wushtenuw „nd t ot Miebigr n. known txmndiri and (U'smbed as foll towit : liiingm the eoutlieasi omiei ot then, euatqunrtei'oi tlie Dortlment quaiter of rectum n Wr Ihirty-two (32 , in bnrimMp number two south, range number six (6) enst, cumnn ncinp 1 cornei stake in Ihe Ann Arbor mul Le di phn k r running eipbt rods west on the line of aald qun thenee north twoive rods, tln-uct ensl cicht tu the center of süld road, thenor aouth iweïve roí tlw pliteo i f beeinomg, win by vinue ol the niorc power of ale contained in siiid mpiltaEe, m the statute in sunli c-:tse made and provided sold at pul'lie auotioo Of vendue, to the lti. bidder, at the south door of the ourt Bonn tho city of Ann Arbor, in the County of v tenaw and State of Michigan Csnid Pourt }1 beinir the place of holding the i ircolt Court wi and for wiid Onunty) on Katnrdfly the nxtli dn ■Tune, A . I). 1 í 7 4 . al ttn o'clock in thu i'orenou that day. Dated, MarchlS, A. D, 1874. PHILIP BACH, B. F Gsanoeti, Awiü Att'jr fot Aeaignt. ]4(9 Mortgage 8le, DEFAULThavingbftn ronde in the coi.ditu n certain mortgdge nuidu und executiu by 1 W. Morgan und Lucy W. S. Moldan, bis wii . John Henly and Amundu M. 1. (ondule un eleventh day ot August. A 1). 1873. and record. ■ the office ol1 the fiegioter 01 liiedslor ilie i_cmi Washtenaw and Mate of lálebigun on tl ■ j teenth day ot August, A. D. lSïi, at thitc o'tim M., inhber45ot mortgaües, on pngi which aaid mOTtgage theie 1L no chimad lo U anduapaid the urn oi five hundie. uud twei.f dolían and ninety tour I526.B4I cent prini ir ai interest aud a ;iuou. Kt lS Mijn in said morfgage, and no suii hvviin i in law or equiiy lo recover bid uu oi ai.y thereof: Now, therelcie ïiotiot isle2(lygi%eii by virt ue of a power oi Pule contflintd m' s,id t guge, ol thestatute in bucli made and provided, the lai.dt nml pitmüee detc in nid mortgage to wit : All thobe certaiu pa : ot land knonn and riesciibed as kits numbi r ti .. aix fJ, seven C7), eijiht fui nfaie (t), ten (1G) el ; (11), twelve{12), thirteen (13i, touium , u, A ! (löj anlsixteen (lüj, in block numbei live !6i si in range one we?t, in Mayni.lü'b i.dditicn. ii city of Ano Arbor, Washteuaw County, Jlichi or ao much tlurt oí ss niaj ba necebBttry to Tay ' amount due, with intucst, cogts of sale nnd raí torney fee, will bt; sold at public auction, to highest bidder, at tlie touth crci ol il.tCciitE m the city of Ann Aiboi, Waehtemfw Counly ; of Michigan, (that bung the place for hok'ini ■ Circuit tor said founty), on Fiiday the twerity . ondday of May, A. 1). 1S74, al ton o'elock in foienoon oí said day. ; Duted, Ann Arbor, Fib. ?ó. 1874. JOI1X HEM.y, AMANDA M. F. GOODALR ! Mortgag , Fs.vzr.R, Hauihman & Hamilton, ; Atty's lor Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mude ic the conrlitio a certain mortguge, by the non-paymet money due thereon as provided by the teinis ot : moitgnge, executed by ülijali .Morgan and ] ; W. S Morgan, bis wile, to John Henly and Am M.i. Goudale, bfonug the hi.t day ot , , A. 1). 1870, and recorded in tlie office of the E ter of Deeds of Washtcuav Connty. in the Sta Michigan, on the niuetieuth day ot May, A. 1). in book 46 of mortgages, page 840, 'whicn de the power of sale ïnc-d m faid moitgage ha, ; come operative and on whldl moitgage the: clainied to be de at the date of Ibis notice tlie of one thousaud one hundred and nmety-ninedo] and no sijit or proceedings huving been instituí. , law orequity torecover the debt tecureti by mortgage: Notice is hereby given that on fi the twenty-second day of May, A. X). 1874, at o'clock a. m., on said day, at the south door of the C House, m the .ity of Ann Arbor, County of Wai naw, in the State of Michigan (aaid Uourt Housi ing the place for holding the Ciicuit Court lor County), there will be sold by virtue of tliepow sale coiitained in said mortgage at public anctii.i the highest bidder, the preinises described in mortgage or so much thereof as inay be nectssm satisiy the amount due and payable on said n , gage, with interest, coala, charges andtxpen lowed br law and provided lor in suid moilf that is to tay : Iots numoer five (.ï) . six i6), sevei eight (8;, nine(9j, ten (lol, eleven (11, twelve 1 thirteen (13), iourteen 14) flfteen (Is) and Ax ( 6), in block number hve (5) scuth in taiit west, in Maynard's addilion, in the city cf Aun bor, Washtenaw County, Micblgnn. : Uated, Ann Arbor, Keb. 2.i, l;4. JUHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. GOUDALE, - Mortgiigee Frazek, Hahrimas & HamiltoH, Atty's ior ilortgageee. ' - ; Mortgage Sale. DEFAUTT been made m .the conditim a certain uorlgiiHc execute by WíJImiii Mallury and Hi-ln M. Mullory lo Joh JS. i bearing date thü sixteen h dny rjf Sepiiniber, i 1872, und recurded in the otbce tt t)it Kgiste Dee-la for the counly of Wj.sinenmv flüd btiiti Michigan, on ninth dny ol October, a d. Ï8TI Liber forty-niue of morteaüe on two hum and ninety nine, whici. saiü tnorieitge ws duly signed by John N. Goti to -amucl P. Jewetl, nd Samuel P. Jcwett tu Christijin Aiuckand Frcd Schinid,andby reaaoii oi said uel'nult tïie owei ol insaid mortguge bavukg upiuitivt , andtl being cliiimed to be due and owing od s;iid mtiip and the boud aucompanyin the surae at the dai( this notice, the sum oí un ■ thou;nd Beven ímud and fifty-six dollars and twenty-nine ctnts t$A 29), wüK mi Httoutey tce 01 fitty doll provided lor in said morttruge. itnd do suit or ceedinH at law or in iquity having been ins'iin to recover sa d nmouril or ;.ny purt lliereot : No is therefore hereby given tl at on Öaiurday. the tv ty-third dayoi May. a. d. 1874, at eliven o'clock the forencon offitud day, t the siul)i dunrot Oourt Houtic Ín the city of' Ain Arbor fssid Cd House bciiiM tht= place for holding the ' iicoitÖ tor the county of Washtenaw] theiewillbe boU virtue of the power oí Bale cont ai red in sajd m' gage ut public auction to the highest bidtier, premisea describid m &aid morlg;pt-, ni bo m' thereof us ma y be necem-ary to sutiffy t l.e hbo due and puyi-ble on said mortrage togeite vili intrebt, ousts, chaxgei ana expecw s aUowi d by Ii aud provided for in said mortguge, that is io By: that certain piece or pur?e] ol huid sifutited in city of Ann Arbor, county afnresaid. known. bomid and described as lollows. to wit : Commeneing ■' point in the north line of Huron stiTtt , in the cüj Ann Arboi nforesaid, eilit rods tind eieliicea iC west ot theweat line of D. Mcinlyre's htr.d findri ninfï tlifnce north parallel with said west line ot 1 Mclntyre's land twelve rods, thenee wes1 pan with Huron street ïu tho east line ofMannptr thenee south twelve rods to the erner of Mans Huron st reets, thenee eaet to the piace of brpinni Said description inténded to eove'r tlie pi emi where said WÜlium H. Mullory now livea, on 1 north side of Huron street. Dated, February 26. i874. ( 'IIÜIsTTAX MACK, FKLDEB1C BCHMID, Assignees oí said Mortpa B. Ckameb, Att'y for said Assigneea. 146 Mortgage Sale. nEFAL'IT having been made in the condition a certain mortiirc exeented on the twenty lif (lay of July, A. D. 1868, by Robert 9. Leonard ai Martha A Leonard. of the eily of Ann Arb Washtenaw County, Mit'liigan, to Joscpli Pijij. the township ol' Northrield, in the Counij ot Whï tenaw and state of Michigan, uibresaid. uidiecor ed the eame day in the office of the Hegifiei oí Dí for the County of Wahtennw, Mirhipjin, in lat 38 of mortfrnges, onpnatt&S, 11 pon wfaiefa mortjri!! there is claimod to be due at the date of this notie two hundred and ne dollars und sivj--' cents, for principal and interest, and ilso thirty dtj anaB au attorney or solicitor's fee as oí ten aíi noceeding is taken to f oree) ose sai I mortgnge. nn 10 proceedingp having heen taken t law or ii eqnfl o recover amount due or any part thereof: Therf ore, notice is hereby given tlint by virtue ot tl ower of ale contained in said morte-ae, Ishnll it public auetion, to the hit-hest huldev. on Satorf! he twenty-third day of May Sext, :it two oVlw p. m. of said d;iy, at the front door o the Coui lousein the city of Ann Arbor. County aíoresaif that being the phice of holding the Circuit ComtK1 aid County): AU Ihat ceitnin piece or ] -metí l and sitúate in the rownship of orihfle!d Wftshtl aw County, State of ilicbian, known, boundcd w escribed as iollows, to wit: Conjnierjcing sol trirty-six deirrees forty-four minutfs onst, t?igh ods and eight links irom a stnke. seven lic6 ': ron t of the northeast corner of Albeit Steven V tn ver tand, thenee south flfty-tbree degreep nnd fifíe1 minutes wet, eight rods, thenee south tbirty pgres and forty-four minutes east, fowr rorf lence north flfty-throe dpprpes ond rlfieen miniit'1! ast, eigt rods, thenee north thirty six dogrecp an' 'orty fiye minutes west, four rod to the pluc111 wginniog, containing onc-fifth of an acre of ï more or less. Dated, Feb. 25, 1S74. J08EPH PRAT. Alorti::i?rt' John Gott, ALt'y for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mude in the conditionsof u certain mortgage, made and executed by Jwu sha Huil, of the city of Ann Aibor, County öi Wasbteuaw and t-tute of Michigan, to I.ewis K ion, of the same place, in trust; ior Francés ■ Rogers, a minor, bearing dote the twenty-flïst OT 3f, A. 1). 1K69, and recorded in the office of tw Reeris'er of Deeds for &id County, on the same o&7 it four and one-half o'clock p. u., in liber 42 of mort' faget, on paye 57 ; by which defhttlt the power of 8e ;ontained therein became operntive, und t htTf oo tteing claimed t, be doe tStreoD the puib of t' :hous;md six hundred nnd tveiity tltree dollür? flDQ linety-six cents, principal and intfrwt, and ro pf0" eedmgfl at law or in equity having been taken to re over the saine or itiv pirt therof : Notice is hliW fiven.that. by virtue of :i powei ot ;ile contfiim1'' in aid moi'tgage, I sha 11 seH il public aucfion. toWj ligheat bidder, on the eixlh day ot July next, i1 2 o'fiiock noon, at the south door üf tl;e Cnuri Hose n the city of Ann Arbor thnt bein ' the pl0í P toldinp the Circuit ''onrt í'of the County nf VaJ taw), the premisos def-cribed in a:ü I morttjage, ors nuch thereof os sh all be mressarytopay the too'1"1 uetheieon and tlie lesntl oos's of sale, "to wit : L"1 .umber twelve (9) in block number two f'-') sootn inron street and Rane itumber el ven. in the e ni addirion to the vil higo (iimrciiy.of Aun Ai01 1 the County oí Washtenaw and State of Míchifi" Jated, Ann Arbor. Mmcn 12. '874. 469 LEW1S C. jaiöDOX, Mortgaceein Tnt' il OOM TO STOEE 100 CUTTERS ■more, ut the Monitor building. Rate reawnnble. 14C8tf J. f. N,


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Michigan Argus