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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1KUER, HABUIÏIA5I & BAMILTO t Attorneys at Lhw. Office Nos. 7 and 9 South [sin Street, Ann Arbor Mich. -TÍTÍSTCIS IH4TCHEB, Attorney and Ai Counselor at Law, Nu. i Baat Uuron Street, nn Arbor, Mich. 1386 I H ARROR KII9IERAL SPKINGS. V' Morris Hale. VI. O.. Superintendent, Office , building, corner Mann aud West Hu ron Street. VIIVES Sc WORDEN, 20 South Main strest, íl Ann Aroor, Mich-, wholesale aud retail dealsin Dry Gouds, CarpeU and Oroceries. 1351tf I ACK SCHUID, Dealen in Dry Ooods, H Groceries, Crockery, &c. No. 64 fcioutb Main lret. T H. JACKSON, Dentlst successortoC. B. I'T Porter Oflico corner Mainand riuron streets. rer the store of R. W. Ellis & Co . Ann Arbor, ch. vnestheticsadmlnistered if reqaired. ÚITHEKLAN Sc WHEDON, Life and í Pirelnsurance Asents.and dealersin Real Eetate. fliceon Huron Street 3CH & AREL. Dealers in rry Ooods Gro'ccrios, ie &í..No -6 South Main Street, Ann rbor. ïr.W. WAttWEK, Dealer in Rady Madefloth IV in".':lotbs. Cassimerc. Vestins, Hut, CapB, ntnke,:arpet Bug, &c 21 South Mainstreet. TÏÏAtTw. CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Ttoe with E. W. Morgan, Knst side of Court House filtre. 1 ífCAllB, Dental, -. Suecessor to C. C. viutépF- :. ï--1 , __ when necaaaxy. 1RS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offlce and. Itenidence iVo. 88 Ann Strest, corner of Ingatts, Ann Arbor, Mich. (3 Otiice hours- 8 to 10 A m., and 2 to 4 p. m."531 Ktftrenct) -Phof. Sager, Pnop. Palmeb. 143iyl pBOC KEKÏ GLASSWAKE & GROCERIES, J. & P ronnelly Haveintore alargetock"f 'rockerj, (Jlassware, lited Ware.i'ntlery Grocenes. &c, c all tube oldat unusoally low prices No.J2 East Huron Street, Ann Aroor umt J. & p. io.m;dlv. rÖHN G. O ALL, DEALER I3ST ■ RESÏÏ AMÜ SALT MEATS, LAR, SAUS A (ÍES, Etc.. Ordfirsíolicitedandpromptly Mled with thebest leats in the market. 31 Kast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. lth, 18C9. ' 1236tf DR. C. aTlËÏTER, Physician and Surgeon, fflee over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Residence 58 Kast Huron Street, U89tl ANX ARBOR, MICH. Ñ A ll K s K v ' téffc Manufactuier of jarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANI) 8LEIOHS, of.every style, made of the best uterial, and warranted. Eepairing done prompt' inl prices rejisonable. Detroit Street, near K. l. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl T FRED. BROSS, MANUFACTURE!! OF IKKI.VGES, Bl'GUIES, Ll.VBER WAGOXS, SPRING WAGOSS, CCTTEB8, SLEIGHS, cc. All work warranted of the best material. Repairaydoae promptly and reason:ibly. All work waranted to ffive perfect satirtfaction. 68 South Main trert. '422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Banlt Ï31ook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vacations. Day clausen throufzhout the year. Student enter at any time. Instructum aecordinf; to most approved plans. Students have ''Actual Practice " at the beginning of the course in hook keeping. 1441tf " W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 E.yST BüBOM STREET, Xext to tlie Express Office A AU HOK, UICH. lS4Stf [IVE ÖËE8E PEATHI5R8 PIBST GiTJA.XiIT"2" , C;nmntlyonhand andforsalcbj BACHfr ABEL.


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