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T OST! Oon Sunday lust, b smnll crapp onpe. The flnder will be libernlly rewarded on return ot the snine May 14, 1874. MI-.S. 1. M. WHBKLER. rpAKE NOTICE. I hare this day emplayed Hr. Clark, who, lor tho pRt 211 ynnra. hu luid chiiiffo of the Cook'n Hotnl H;irn, imd Farraera orotbera who winli their borsea fnd and watered acoording to orden, :it reasonable ib1-, will Hnd tlie " "ld ReiinWe" t tlie Monitor lfcÍS!TXtSta'e ''m -Hurón uuiljjjjfioncl ntici-ts. Ann AlWr, M;iy 14, 1874. " ' '■■- '-. ; J. V. GRBGORT, Prop. CLÖTWNÖ! CLOTHINfi! CLOTHING I. The Nprlng CnutaigJi üpkhed in wm. 1 BULL, THE CLOTHIEK, Has juut airived und opened tha great One-1'iiii' CLOTHING HOUSE! I!V MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Wtotn ynu om oow find tho Lajffest, l'intfl tnd BOft Complete títock OÍ RBADY-HADU CLÜTHINIi HATS, CAPS, TRl'NKS, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, Erery bef ore offered in Ann Aabor. Notrouble toanow Goods at th Sïar lolliiiit; llonsts Na. 33 South Main Si., 'Enst side, And Arbor, Micli. GEORGE BULL. 147 8 tf Helt' Patent sheet irun ROOF1 Q! 'IMiím Koofin?, for i Bll,ArlN anti L DURABLLiTY, BimpHcityol applicatioo, -wirh lts F1RK, "WIND and WATER-PROOF ftualities. has No Equal in the murket. Forcireularaaridotber informutura, uddress V. . lii ll . Nos. 56 aDd58 East Tfaxrd si,, Cincimmtij O ■ THE LASTKW HOOK ttVT. The Bubject is all important, yet a puzzlmg ono. It replenisheB the Government Treasury and iinpoveriyhes the peoplo ; mjke the rich poor and the poot rich ; makea foola of wiae men ; exh:iuötb the wisdom of legisUtion ; inakes men ruil mad and women feel Bad. ïhe crutade ha beiiun ; on to victory. Hen or Tomen wauted to c;invass everv town. Andreas 1IENRY aOWK, Chicago, 111. WILD LB FE f;S AÍJENTS VANTIJD evcrywbere for thia new and beautifully Ulnstrated Book of the Authin's tliirty years' Life and Adventures umong the lndian, in the Mexican Wiirs, huntinir wild animak, &c. Thrillingiy interestinff ', and bellin faster than anything ever bet'ore known. Send lor illuatrated circular and terma. K. A. HÜTGHINSON & CO., Chicago, 111. H74 STiTmsSiTí Tiit Stwing Machine gives the bist tatvfuctirm l Uu user, is paid for vwst reiulili. and t.v beat nf all l seü. Jf ihere is no " Vumeslic" agetti in uour íowu. aplily to DOMESTIC S. M. CO. New York. l.mlic Send for elegant Faohion Buok. $15 Saw Gummer Sharpener. Asimple and durable machine - easilyupe-ated,and running wheols from SxS. inches to 12x1 inch. Xanite Kmcry Wlieels, wilhbeveltd. doublé beveled and round tace, from %2. 1 2 to T.3ó, aecordmg to thickneea. Keavier machines, $70 and 1 1 OO, running wheela up to 24 ïcobeB in diumeter. l'or illustrated pamphjets addreos TUK 'l'AIVl'JTJE CO., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa . fjif The TjONG-Contested ïSuit of thk v I ij FLORENCE SE WIN UAUHLNE CO. f? o aRuinst the Singer, Wheeler & Wildon, 4 ö and Grover & Baker Oompiimes, involving over K S $S5O,OOO, O Is finally deciiied by the oupreme Court n Q of the United States in favor of the Flokf.nce, O wliich alone has Broken the Monopoly H Í3 of High Priceh, 0 THE NEW ÏXORENCE Cl H Is the ONLY nüicláae tht aews bnckward y y and forwiird, or to ris;ht and let't. M Simpleut- Cheapcst-Best. M SOLD FOR C'AHH ONLY. SPECIAL 'l'EHMS TO O M ('I.MISallil lll.ll.rltv. W 4 April, 18H Florenee, Mass v. KnaRaaeincticf3i[2g3Kss3K: Minerals. t-bet!s, Foí-sí , Hounted Birrts, Bird Skins, Arlificial Eyes MnturnlislV Supphes. and objects of Xiitunil" Histoiy. ('ollections oí Minerals tol Sehools. 100 inciJU Specimens ior $10, arrnnged accordini' to Diina ; 100 Genera of Shells, comprising aboul 4(10 sliclls, foi ilo Eneloae 10 eents for lul] catalogue of steek. CHAS. G. BREWSTEK, 486 Washington St. . Boston. Mass. BUY J. & P. CöSIlACK] THREAD for yoiir MACHINE. ffe g mm DAY GUARANTEED using our 1 kWELL AUGER A DRILL in good 9 m territory. Endorsed by Governon oflOWA, ARKANSAS&DAKOTA CaUlogue free. W. 0IL2S, St. Lonls, Bo. JíOM HLADQUARTLRS. THE rOSTOFFICE QUESTION IS SETTLED AT LAST. BE AL ÍS BE ATEN BY THE AGMCULTURAIj CO. Who announce to their Cuatomera that they will sell Full Trimmed Wagons, Warranted lor one yeur at $75, includiug all extras. Y& fjre, Spnni? best, Whittietrees, Neckyokos, and top base. Thia tütle to be lor Cash, and to be open for Thirty Daya. Also FILL TKM.HED PLOU'S, 10 DOLLARS. Farmers, if yon wish to sïipply yourselves now is the time torciish. All f?rods waarauted. Any rtticle in our line equally low We rp ncvnr uudciisold. We re gettinj; on a lnll atuck of REAPERS AND MGWERS of the Johnston Patent, which we offer equally low, and we will put up $1,000 that th-t Combi ned Reaper is the best, cheapest and e; is iet t workin combi ucii Reaper and Mower in the U. S. of America. The old rehable Re.tperia too well known to require any backing, it is aamitted by all that it is thu best Reaper in the Union. We would also say that we will sell all our gooda tbr Cash at lower figures thuu they eau be bougut elsewhere, andevery aiticlo -V-A.K,n-A.3STT BID to suit puichaser or no unie. CuU Biore You Buy and Sare Your Money. A. A. AGU1CULTURAL CO. U77m3 Sheriff s Sale. STATfTS OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw Couity, ss. By virme of one writ of execution isaued out of iiud under the seal of the Circuit Court tor the Couuly oí Washtenaw, and to me directed and delivered agAltist the goods, ehatiles, lands and tentments Samuel Uurbank and Austin F. Burbank, I l.ave the twenty-íourth doy of April, A. D. 1874, seized and levied upon all the right, tille and interest of Samuel líurbank has in and to the following landy, to wit : That piece of land situated in the town of Ann Albor, Oonnty oí Washienaw and State of Michigan, cleaertbed a íollows. towit: Beinp apart of the soutrhwest quüiterof section thirty. in township two south ot range nix east, beginning at a point on ttiequarter line in the center of the road leading i KOuthwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor, thence Biuth along thequarte.r line of s id section twentytbree chaina Hiid forty-five links to the quarter post, thence west alnng the section line eight chaina and eiglity-seven links, thence north parallel with the quarter line twenty-one chaiDS and Beventy links to the center of mld road, thenee along the said road to the place of beinninir, containing twenty acre of lam! ; wliicb above descnbed property I shall exposé for sale at public auction to the liighest bidder at the couth door oí the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor on the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. 1874, at ten o'cloek a. m of said day. Dated. Ann Arbor, May 12, 174. 1478td M. FLEMING, Sheriff, GOING TO PAINT! IF SO CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S i HARDWARE STORE, No. 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, und buy AVERILL'S CHEEYISCAL PAINT í It is the best Paint in use. i - SOMETHING IEW ! No Oommissions - All Freel.' % i bave opened A REGISTEB at my office, la R. W! Ellis& i'i:s Dbuqstorb, ftrríhe accommodatkm oí" the public, wbere those who bave storos, houses, tott Guxna. L'attU', horses, buiea, o my otber prepertfi foi snit1 ar tu rent, may reglster thé same for t-onveñienci.1 oftbOH whó may wTsh to purchaw oí rcni. &$ Tbere u ín be do charge to either setter cur porchaaer, provlded when a sale or reutage la eflfected by theowaer, he will at oooenll aud ean] the same on the Bogiater. M78 A. DkFOREST. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOJ) BEE FOE SALE I flTHB subscriber has 011 hand jood nssortwent of . A OAK, A81I, KLM, BA8SWOOD, VMI1TE! WOOD, aud uther vaneties ui Lumbcr, trom ] .. in. tü 3 in, tuick. AI,SO. Fence Posts, Pqiiare Tiirber. Plank and Oak Studding of all sizea kept on hand or made to order on short notice. Particular attent ion given tn CUSTOM SAWING. Fenoe Fosts planod, Ouk Pickets kept on hand and sáwed 10 order. MOULDIXGS of different pattcins sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and aoldchcap. Particular attention ;ïven to farnishing biílíof timber of differeot lenths uud Bizes ou the most rcasouuble teiniH. 6AW8 GUMHED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOGS WANTED. I am prepared to pny CA8U tor sound Onk,Anh, Busswood and VVhitewood Lojs (ïolivered at my mili, or will buy tind measure Log in the woods within six miles ol the mili. B3TA11 perrons indebted to the Inte lirrn of Wine & Uullock will pleüse cali and stitle their accounts st th Mili. J. T. HALLOCK.


Old News
Michigan Argus