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Local Brevities

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Cabds. - Circulara. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Shippmg Tags. _ Printed at the Abgus office. - In the best style and cheap. - Don't order elaewhere before calling. - State street 18 being gravelod, but rather homeopathically. - The trees have made lively work in leaving out dumig the last weck. - The Circuit Court is to commence gnndmg aTOm on Monday iiext, pursuant to adjournment. "- Every old peach stub in this vicinity is in profuse blossom. The youug and thriity trees follow the example. - Warm weaiher set in on Friday last, but vesterday morning the air again had a feel as if oming over ice-bergs. - A large cistern, for fire purposes, is being built on State street, at the northwest corner of the University grouudf. - Several liquor suits have been tried ngainst saloojnst Kitson this week, with one aequittal ond two disagreeruents. -We can spare uo more space to the temperance crusade this week than that occupied by "Madeline"and '-H. F." - On Sunday evonmg next the Rtiv. C. H. Brigham will preach on the subject of " Money Miking :" at the Unitarian Church. ' - Judge Cooley is to deliver the anniversary or commeucement addiess to a law graduating class at S5t. Louis, Mo-, on Monday next. - H. Banister has the contract for the new laborai,ory building, and says there will be oue foundation in the city that won't settle. _ Warner & Henderson's circus, menagerie, museum, etc., comes to-morrow, and the town promises to be lively - " for one day only." - The seniors and júniora played at "pumping" on Tuesday evening: just to show their referí for the faculty we suppose. Be cautious b'hoys. - The cry is still for water, water, water, and the temperance ladios are not the only ones who putup thepetition. Gardoners and farmers joiu the chorus. - Mr. T. B. Toole, advauce courier of "The GreatLondon Circus and Grecian Hippodrome," was in the city on Wodnesday, arranging for its coming, June 3d. - The saloon drouth reported general for a week or ten days seems to have terminated. - At least we uotice the brewery wagons making their daily rounds and deposits. -The ice wagon has commenced its daily trips, which is an official contradiction of the charge that our city is to be furnished with a luke-warm cisteru water beverage. - Sunday morning last notan open fruit-blossom was to be seen in the many yards or gardens along our city streets; but before night the bouquets were plentiful and beautiful. The wonderful effects of a few hours of sunshine. - Gregory, of the livery stable (old Monitor)' ,s running a hack or stage line from the Mineral Spring House to east end of the city, via. Huron and State streets, North Uuiversity and Washtenaw avenues, making the round trip every hour. - The Abgüs erred last week in stating on what it considered reliable information that the vines in the grapery of Mrs. Wood had been cut down. Only the house had been stoned. We are pleased at being able to make the correction. - A citizen who went out to Brighton and back a day or two ago informs us that he never ■air the wheat erop look generally better.anci that there are not more than half a dozen poor pieces in the whole distance. We were both surprised and glad to hear it. - We evidently made a mistake in saying last week that Hon. B. F. Granger had assumed the Editorial tripod at the Courier office. The Courier announces that that Journal has "but one proprietor, one publisher, and oue editor, and that they are all united in oue person." Granger can't till that bill. - The temperance campaigu is still being vigorously waged by the ladies. On Tuesday af ternoon Mrs. E. C. Stanton addressed a large audience at the Unitarian Church, and on Wednesday eveniug the Presbytenan Church was wellfilled, the speakers being Mrs. C. E. Pond, Miss Slocum, and A. J. Sawyer, Esq. - The barn oí Elias Haire, in Freedom, was bunied on fnday last, together wim severai hundred bushels of wheat in the granary and several tons of hay. The fire was discovered in timo to get out the horses. Insured in the Washtenaw Mutual for $600 on barn and $200 on contente. Loa? estima ted at S? 1,500. - Coutrary to our usual custom, we permit & lady to go lor the Courier in our columns this week. Could we have had a personal interview with the writer we should have advised'her to end her article to the Courier, through which paper it would have reached the same readers as the article replied to or reviewed. That i the better way. i - The júniora and semors-aee "card "- deny the mrisdiction of the faculty over the " hazers " who ply their vocation out of college hours and offfrorathe college grounds, and then charge the civil authorities with wiuking at their performanceB. Wasu't one of the "original six" rescued from the Marshal last f all by hia classmatea when en route tor, and didn't he leavo his coat in eaid Marshal'a hands ? - We understand that the President of the üniversity is daily deluged with letters : from college presidenta and professors, parenta of suspended and parents of unsuspended students, and from prominent profesional and buainess men of this and other States, commending their recent discipline of the "hazers" and urgmg pcrseverance in the same line. There is but one opinión among thinking men. - Ou Thursday evening last some porson unknown tarred the front door of D. Cramer's resideuce on Washington street, and also the gate and walk inside of the gate,- Mr. Cramer being absent from homo. Cramer offers $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of the miacreant ' $10 for a personal introduction to hini ; and $10 as a Dresent to the aforesaid if he will come igaiu when he i at home. Which " means busness." - Heretofore whenever a sophomore or freshman has been " hazed " - that is emoked out or wet down under some door-j'ard or way-side pump, the student corresponderás of city and country journals have written up the wouderful teat (" athletic " you know), and made the country- bumpkins lie awake o'nights or dream horrid drearns over the terrible tale. But now " hazing " is all mutual, done with good f eeling, hurta nobody, and the iaculty have uo jurisdiction. What a change ! - The "resolves" oL freshmen aud sophomores and the "card" oL júniora aud senion have f ailed to convince us that the discipline o the University is safer in the hands oí the stu dents thau tho iaculty, or that an appeal frou. the iaculty to the body of the students would be judicious or safe. Guess the Regenta will not consent to enter such an order. Aud if the discipline is rightly lodged with the faculty such "resolves" and "cards" are, to say the least, unwise and impertinent. - We have ouly to say to " H. F." that he is not fortúnate in defining tho word " idle " as applied to womm. We take it that every wife who cares well for the home of her husband, be he mercliant, manuïacturer, inechanic, day-laborer, or engaged in any profession, is no more au " idle " womau than ono engaged in auy industrial occupation ; aud that she is juat as much interested m tne proaperity aud wellare of the city. The same may be suid for tlie widow 01 the wüiae thau widow wlio may hav cluldisu aad property to care for.


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