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MICHIGAN CENTRAL BAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLB. Passengertrainsnow laaTe the several tationi.a follow OINO WEST. [ - i, i H m 2 k - w a TATIONS. -' ! W . I ."i S? -S S I L S :_a_lj5__wj5j3 " ' A. M. A. K.!p. M. P. M. 'p. M.p. M. Detroit, leavc, 7 15 10 ÍS i 1 20 4 00 5 40 10 30 Vpsilanti, 8 43 11 25 2 321 5 30 7 10a. M. AnnArbor, 9 02 11 43 2 51) 5 50 7 4412 04 Dextor, 9 35 3 12 6 25 8 1O Chelsea, 9 52 5 30 : 8 30 j GrassLakc, l0 19r. M. 3 55 ! 0f ■ - - Jackson, 10 55 j 1 05 4 30 9 35 1 30 Kalamazoo, S 20 3 40 7 40 122S! Ohicago arrive, 8 30 B 00 6 30: 8 30 &OINO EAST. .i-ÍllllUl JIjJ a Q 'O w:l L 'o -4 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M.l Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 ÍS 9 00 V. M. A. M.l A. M. Kalamnzoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00 2 15 p. M. 'a. m. Jackson. 2 80 3 55 8 00 12 30 4 45 GrassLake, 2 ' 8 30 . Chelsea, 24 ' 8 43 i a. m. Dexter, 3 4T i ' 9 09! ' 6 25 Ann Arlioi', 4 05 5 03 9 38 1 55 fi 0(1 8 55 Ypsilanti, 4 25 5 22 10 03 2 17 , 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50! 6 2S 11 20 1 3 30! 7 35 8 45 The Atlantic ana Pacific Express run between Jackson and Niles on the Air Line. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAITEOAD. GOINO WKST. - 1S73- Soma EART. STATIONS. Mail. Exp.l STAT1OXS. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. i A -. _ __ Detroit, oep.... 7:15 5:40 a. M. p. M. Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Bankers 5:45 2:15 Saline, 9:25 7:43 Hillsdale 5:15 2:30 Bridgewntur . . 9:50 8:00 Manchester.... 8:35 4:08 .Manchester.. ..10:22 8:18 Bridgewater . . 9:0n 4:28 r. M. Saline "9:25 4:46 HillBdnle 1:00 9:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers 1:15 10:00 Detroit U:4fl (1:25 Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAUKEK, Sup't, Ypsilanti. J-JESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE FOR S Ji. L E I The subsenber, on account ofiil heftlth offers his 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Universit j Observatory on the east, opposite sido of the atreet. It has a most excellent SPEING ! On tUe northeast córner- formerly supplied the Raüroad tanks water. ITS ADVAIMTACES Are as follo-vrs : For city purposes the Hurón EÍTer meanders the sarae some 30 to 40 rods, and is part of the beat Water Power On the River in this vioinity, and the eievation on the northeiiHt corner is sufficiently high and ampio to stip ply the city neoessities for water and fire purpoaea THE WESTERN PORTION On the rood is very appropriate and suitable for a Public City Cemetery. The city has no such groundè now but niust have soon, and whatever gr-ounds the city does not care to use, can be sold at an advnntage, so much so,that the cost of the Water Worka prounda and. Cemetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not waut the trae, the grounds would be invaluable for FRU1TS, LAEGE & SMALL, There being some 100 trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for M!LKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Hlieep, And other animáis always ín great want by many in the city and its vicinity. As city lots adjoining the northwest corner of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred and fifty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in a short time to a good advautage and to much profit to the purchasers LIBERAL TIME Will be given or the same will be exchanged for Merchantable goods or DrugB and Medicines, at ciisb prices. TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArbor, Jan 31 18T3. 1411 Blll H[ í i I lyM Ml'iií'fwl i i í f -' Briggs'House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuïlt upon the oíd site, has all the modern convemences - Passenger Elevator, iïaih Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly Furnished, andlocated in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Propnetors. ïpUT YOUR MONEY WIIERE Iï WILL DO THE TSLO&T GOODA. A. TEEBY HAS A FüLL STOCK OF HATS AND GAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PHICES TO DE F Y C O JVi P E T1TJO ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS 53 Cali hef ore purchañug. 15 South Main Street. _Lfl CURE YOURSELF A HOME. Valuablo City Lots for sale Cheap, and long time given for payment if dewirod. 1 175m3 C. H. MILLEN. "TWELLTNG H0U8ES FuR SALE A Ur ge and very woll built briok house, with two or more lots. Two laree framed houses. Also a good sized brick house and frtimed house ; and a small frame house on a good lot, intended for adding a front for sale on fair terms and a reaaonable credit. . Also other buildings, lots, and property. MONEY WANTED- Bo many wiühing to orrow money apply to me that I can readily obtain for lenderg good satisfactory inveBtmenta at ten per oent.jatere .. " E. W. MORGAN. AnnArbor, Anrü 23. 1875IMïif APPLETON'S American Cj clopsdia. 4- KctIscíI EtHUon. Entirely rewritten by the ableflt irrite on erery ■ubject. Printed f rom new type, and illuatrated with Several Thousand Rngravinge and Mapa. The work originally published nnder the title of The New American Cïolopdia was eompleted in 1863, #ince which time the wide circulation which it has attaiiied in all pnrts of the United States, and the eignal developments which have taken plaoe in every brmich of aoence, literature, and art, hare induced the editors and publiBhers to aulimit it to an exact and thoroiifíh revisión, and to issue a new edition entitlod Thk American Cycloi'jedia. Within the laat ten years the procreas of disoovery Ín every depaitment of knowleage has made a new work of reference an imperativo want. The movement of political affoirg han kept pace with the discoveries of sclence, and their fruitful tipplication to the industrial and tiseful arts and the convenienco and reflnement of social tife. Great wars aud consequent revolutions hare occurrod, invol ving national changes of peculiar moment. The oivil war of our own country, which was at ite height when the last volume of the oíd work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of oommereial nud industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessious to our geographical knowledge hnve been raadc by the iudefatiyable exploren of Afhca. The great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one'a mouth, and of wliose lives every one is curious to know the particular, (i re at battles have been fought and important sieges maintnined, of which the details are as yet preeerved only in the newspapers or in the transient pablications of the day, but which ought now to taVe tlieir place in permanent and authentip history. In preparing the present edition for the prees, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latent posible dates, and to furniah an accurate account ot the moet recent discoveries in soience, of everv fresh production in litrature, and of the newest inventions in the practical art, as well as to give a succinot and original record of the prosrreas of political and historical eventa. The work hB beerj begun after long and caref ui preliminary labor, and with the most ampie resources tor curryingit on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has been printed on new tjpe, forming in fact a new Cycloptedia, with the same plan nud compasa as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such Improvements in its compoaition as have been suggested by longer experience and ealarged knowledge. The illuatratious which are introduced lor the flrst time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lueidity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches o I science and natura) history, aud depict the most fumous andremarkable features of scenery, architecture, and .art, as well as the vafious processes of mechanica aud manufactures. Although in tended for instruction rather than embelliahment, no paitin have been spared to insure their artistic excellence ; the cost of their execution is euormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character. Thia work is sold to Subscriben only, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be rompleted in aixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood Kngravings, and with numeroucoloredLithographio Mapa. Price and Si. y le of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol. $5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 Iu Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 00 In Full Morocoo, antique, gilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Full Russia, per vol. 10 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two moaths. Specimen pages of the Amkbican Ctclopdia, showing type, illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis, on application. First-Class Canvabsikg Aoekts Wavted. Address the Publishers, I. APPI.J3TON A CO., 549 & 551 Broadwa), X. V. rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. PARRAND, - - - President. W. A. MOORE, - - - Vice Pwsident JOHN T. LIGGETT, - - Secretary. L. M. THAYER, - Gen'! Agrent. Assets Juuuary lst 1S74 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer afford to pay tribute to Eastern States by placing their Life Insurance with Eastern Companies, who by their charters are compelled to loan their monfiy in their own States, thus becoming a heavy drain on the resources of the State, when we have eo reliable and well managed Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Company was increased Forty-eigbt and one-balf per cent. of the total nmount done the previous flve years Thia shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The losses during the year 1873 were only FIFTYFIVE per cent of the amcunt the mortality tables cali for, showing great care in the selection of its risks. Duriug the year 1873 there was a maceril reduction in the ratio of expenses showing CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most desirable fornis of Life and endowment Policies. Dividends Declared and Paid at (hc end of the First Policy Year and earh year thereafter. All Policies non-forfeiting after one Annual Premium has been paid. AH Endowment Policies are convertible into Cash at the end of any year after the tirst. Reliable ndeinnity at lowest Caita rates can be proctircd of the iTf icbiffaii mutual iAfv. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. J. Q. A. Sessions, Attent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. Foote, Agent at Dexter. pHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. A IHCTIONAItY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REVISED ÏÏDITION. WITH Maps, Platee, and Engravings. Complote in 10 Yols. of HH2 pacs each. IHusirated vrilh aboitt Four Thousand Engravings and Fortif AfapS) iogether with a Series of rot Ètghty to On, llnudred Elcgantly Enffraved Pfateji - illustrative of the. iiibje.cts of Natural History -nmo for the fikst time appearing in the work. riUCE TER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - }5 50 Library Bheep. mnrbled edgen, - - 6 00 Half Turkcy Morocco, - (i 50 This Editiox is Sold oxly by Agexts. Published by J. LIPPINCOTT & CO., l'biladelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS "WARREN 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General A geut for the State of Michigan. By compuring Chambers' Encyclopfedia with the Xew American Cyclopcedia,- the work with which it is most frequently brought into comparison, it wül be found that while the ten volumes of Chambers1 contain s:j:'o pages, the original iMm volumes of the New American contain leun than 12,000 pages. It will also be found that a page of Cbambers' contain full one-Jifth more matter than a page of the New American, makiiig the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numerous Plates fabout 80), Woodeuts (some 4.000), and MapB {about 40), that nre included in this edition of ChamberV, and to which the New American poaHesses no corresponding features. It is confldently believed that as a populnr " Dictionaey of Ukiveebal Knowledge," the work iu without an equalin the English language. I426y1 'yHE BEST ACCOMMODAÏIONS In the city lor BOARPING HORSES Ii at tb Monitor SUblei. ƒ. V. . OBBGKBT. ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW .SUBSCIlIBEllS __ WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in tho Arous. GET YOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS At tlie Arus Offioo. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDTXG CARDS At the Argus Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEPS, LA"W RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Worknitn, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! U" A WORD TO THE WISE. ma f HfÉL -3? Dr. .1. Walker's California Yin!'H;r iülifis are :i nurely Vegetable uri.iWitiiKi. mude cliiiflv iVum the native lierttfi Eonnd on thelo.wer ranges of tüeSierI rii M"v:nl:i mountains of California, the medicinal propefties ei' which are extractc(l tlierefrom without thé use of Alcohol. Tho question 1=1 almost claily askefl , "What is the ranse of tho ünpiwalleled sneeess of Yinv:gr Bitteks?" Our anawor is. that thty removo the cause of disease, and. the patiënt recovers lúa hcnlth. They are the great blooil puriflar and a life-giving principie, ;i perfect Iianovator and Invigorator of the Kvstem. Kever bef ore in the history of the world has a medicine been compon nded possessing tho remarkable qualities of VrsEOAn Bittersíu healingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonie, relieving Congestión or ïnflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases. 1 finen will onjoy snod health, leí thein use Vinegau JjIttebs as a medicine, and avoid the use oí alcoholic stimulants ki every form. K. II. mcDONALD fc CO., DnlggiBts aud General Agenta, San I'ranciBco, California, aud cor. Washington and Oharltun Uta., New ïms. Sola by all nigcist and Dealers. CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Rheumats'm k k Deafne8S, Neuralgia, m catarrh, Headache, M ■ Bowel ComSpralns, H ■ plaints and Brulses, HH V al s-imUar Cots, Burn, WB roseases. Chilblalns, H Wf WILL KILL The worst cough in qulcker time than any other prepararon In the wond. WewlMwlll refund the money if we do not glve Immedlate relief. SOLDEVERYWHERE. t ÓNLY HARMLESS DYC. Acts like gn the most a charm ! Jm Hk natural Neverfails fij ■ shades to J& Sg of Brown ly produce B 7 or Black BYONE APPLICATION How Lost, How Kestored! Just publiahed, a now edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celébrate! Esuay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Speumatokiihuía or iemiiml WeukneFS, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Imfotency, Mental and Pliysical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marnage etc.; also Consumptiok, KpiLBPstï mul Fits, induced by aelf-indulgence or sexual extrua1 gauce ; Piles, &c. BSTPrice in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demónstrate from a thirty yeiira' successtul practice, that the aliirming conaequeuces ot' selfabuse muy be raiheaUy cured without the dangeroua use oí internal medicine or the application of tlie knife; pointing out a mode oí' cure at ouce simple, eertain, and. etfectual, Jy meansof whieh every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, muy cure himaelf cheaply, privately, and rádicafly lK?ïhis Leclure aliould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sentunder aeal, in a plain envelope, to any nádresa. post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or tvo i " - tage stampB. Also, DR. SILLSBKK'S KKMiDY FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address the Publishi-rs, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 1 27 Bowery, New York, Poatotnce Box, 4 Ó8tí. 1436yl TOR SALËÖE EXÖÏÏA N i E í The undersigned offers his Farm of 4"2 acres, one mile trom the Btate University, in the Township oí Ann Arbor, for sale. It h:is on it a con venient house, two barns, a fine apple orchard ; besidea a vario t y ot small fruitu. Also the undivided half of TM acies near Grand Rapidd. City property in Grand Hapids, Detroit, or Ann Arbor taken in part paymynt. February 12, 174. 1466WB JOHN U. CHASE. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certaiu mortgage niade by David McOolI, of Scio, in the County of Washtenaw and Stüte of Michigan, to William Latson, of the city oi' Anri Arbor, iu tlie County and State aforesaid, dutea Maren twenty-sixth, lSiiö, and recordad in tlie ometj of Register of deeds fcr Waahtenaw County, Michigan, on the twenty-sixth day of March, ltíbo, at eleven and oue-half o'clock, Á. M., in libor aó oí mortgages, on page 257 ; which said mortgage, together with tlie note aceompanying the nana-, was 00 the eighteenth day of January, A. 1. 1872, duly assigned to Leonard Vaughn and Martha Vuugbn, which assignment was duly ïeeoröed in tle otíice of Register of Deeds, aforeisaid, os the third day of March, 1874, at nine o'clock, a. ai., in libel1 4 oL atBignmenta of mortgages, on page 286 : upon wnioh mortgage there is claimed to be dne by virtue of the conditions thereof, and reniaining unpaid at the date of this notiee, the mim of twenty-two huiidred and forty-two dollars and sixteen cents. Eind au attomey'a iee ot thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no uit or proceeding haring been instituted at law to recover the sum now due and necuied by said mortgage, or auy part thereot : Xow, threfore, by virtue oí the power of sale contained in said mortgage and by virtue of the stauite in ttuch case made and provided, notiee Ís hereby given that on Suturday, the thircieth day of May next, at twelve o'c'ock noon of that day, at the front door of the (Jourt House, in the city of Ann Arnor, in said County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan (said Court House beiñg the place of holding the Circuit Court for said County), there will bc oíd at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage uu : All that certain truct or parcel of land knewn and dèseribedasfollows: Being one equal and undivided half of the carding and clothing works and one-hulf of the appurtenances, machinery , and premisos ihereto belonging; said premisea are upou the southtast fractionttl quarter of eection two, in township two outh of range five east, beginning1 ut a stakfi tanaing on the north bank of the Huron rivcr, at a point near thiee rode from the end of the bridge acrosB said river on the road leading from awtx Arbor to Howell, inLivingston County, thence ninning north from aald stake eiht roda on the line of paid róad, thence westerly eight rods, southerly and , parallel with eaid road eight rods, thenee easterly to the place of beginuiug. Dateil, Marcb i, 874. LEOXAKD VATJGHX. MARTHA VAl'tiH.x, Aseignees. James B. Gott, Att'y for Asaignee. 1408 Mortgage Öaio. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage executed by Jonathan Bockert and Lydia his wife, of the townsüip of Dexter. ( county o Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to i Isaac Ray, of the same place, on the tweuty-fifih day of August, one thoustind eight hundred and seventy, and recorded in the Register's otlice, in the couniy of Washtenaw and State of Michigiin, 011 the fourth day of November, a. d. 187(f, at 3i o'clock i. + m., in líber 4 of mortffacres on page 528 : And there + Is now claimed to be due on sid mrtgnge und note g accompanying the same the sum of five hundred and eighty-seven dollars and seventy-one cents, (and the further sum of three hundred and four dollars and seventy cents to become due on tbo Soth day of August, 1874 and 1875. ) also an attorney's fee of thirty dollar Bhould. any proceedings bo taken to f . close said mortgaye, and no proceeding in law or m y equity having been had to recover said eum of money „. or any part thereoi : Now, Iherefore, notiee is hereby givpQ, that by yirtae of the power of 8Je in said p mortgage contained, I Bhall sell at public auction tü o, the hiRhest bidder on the thirtieth day of Muy next, fy at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of tïie ,,; Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county Jl, said-fthat being the place of holding the Circuit , Court for said county), all that certain pieee or p" cel of lnnd situatd in the townehip of Doxtt-r, a ttínaw County and State of Michigan, known, ! ded and deacribed aB follows, to wrt : The north o half of the southwest quarter of section number five of townahip onO south of raDge four eaat. Dated, March f, 1874. ISAAO RAY, MortgQge. Jok Nt. Gott, Attoraey for Mortgay. Mortgago Sale. WHEREAS Levi H. Douglass of the city of Ann Arbor, cnunty oí Wastenaw and State of Mich iirnn, on the eisrhteenth day of July, A. D. 1872, executed u mortgage to John N. Gott and Julia A-. Gott, of the Bame placo, to secure the paymeiit of certniu principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgHge was tecorded in the office of the Regiflter or deeda in thecounty of Wiwhtenaw and Rtato ot Michigan, on the lüth day of July, A. I). 1872, in Liber 48 of mortgages, on page 2!% and w herías dtlault has been made for more than thirt.y flays, in the paymeiit ol a d iiistallmentof snul interest, raOTOT which became due on the isthday of July, A. D. 1873 by reuson whereoi and pumnant to the temiM of Haid mortgaffe, asid mortgageM elect that bo ovuoh oí said principal aa remains unpaid, with all arrearagej t' interest t herwon, shiill beeome due and payable immediataly; and wherens, these is cluimed 'to be due and utipaid at the date ot this notice th Hum of thr thonwinri two hundreri and ninety-eiyht doHar and sixteen cents for principal and latent, Uso tifty dolIAvb M .i riirisonübleaolicitor'M of tttoriHiy's feoMiould aoy prqcoeding be taken to forcejóte aid raortgage, and no suit or prooeedmgfi have been instituted, either in law or equity, to recover thé same orany pari thereof: Nottoe ia thereforeherebv frÍTen, that on s irriDAY, tiiktwkntv-skvfnth day OFJUNEpexfr, attwn o'clock in the afternooa oi ir, al t he south door ot the Court House in the city-i Aun Arbor Tnat beiag the building in which the Cimuit CourV for the couuty of Wnahteunw and remud is held,) aiiÖ by virtue of thepwerof i-iitc contained in said mortgage, I shull ne!l at public miciioi! to ihehighest bidder, the premiwH Atscribed in SHid ' - - mtiafy the muount oí principal nud interest rlainunl to be due with the Attornt-y's f e Of tilt y tluibus iiiid charges of hale, to wit : All thatcertain, ptece or parce] of land sitimted in the city of Ann Av!'.n, cmuty ot W;ihtpnav, nfni-psaid, known, botrnded and describt.d followa, towit:- Beina Hip north li.ilf of lot number kíx (6; in block DDjaber Urne sontb of líuron street, and range DUtnbersix ((ij enst, aocording toa rocordod plat oí Liu village fnow oityl of Ann Arbor. Dfttéd, Aprfl Sd, 1874. -TOnx N. GOTT and JULTAAGOI'T, -ï ii tí. Gott, Atty. 1472 MortffBgcM. Mortgage Sale. "lirHKIïEA8Georfi Molir lind Kachel A. hip TT wifti, of the township ot 8ylvan, Washteiiaw County, Michigan, on tlie ninth tlay of October, in tii ■ yoai of oui jUord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-oup, ezeented a mortgage to Geoige E. Davlsóf the same place, to secure tne payment ot certain principal aud interest money therein mentioned, which mortgage wats recorded in tlie office of tlie Hiiiítt r of Ueede in said county, on the tenth day oí Uotober, a. i. 1871, at nine o'clock a.m. of said day, iu libet 44 of mortgteH, on page 369 ; which s;iid niortgage was duly aanstted on the aeconu dy of Jjmn.iry, a. B. one thousami eight hundred and feventy fcwO, to Luther James, oí the township of Lima, iHiuniyot Wusliteiiaw Htorenaid, and recorded in the orfice of Kegister of Deödsoi said county, on the fiïöt diiy ui Apnl, a. d, 1S74, in líber No. 4 of aasignni'Ti! a of mortgagea on page two hundred and eventy; and wnereaa default has been made for moie than thirtydays in tbs j)ayment of au installment of iuteieet tnoney whieh bectime duo on the ninth iluy ol Octobtí?, a. n. 1878, by reason whereof nd puxaruaot to the terxas of sala niortirago, suid mortgogee hereby electa that so much óf said principal aa remains unpaid, with all arrearagea ot interest tnereon, shall beoome dueoad payable immediately : a.nt wbereaB there is claimed to b due and unpnid on Ktfd imntgiiffe tl the date of this nutice ihe sum of tive thousand four Hundred and filly-two dolluva and seventy-nine cents, for principal and infere, t, also an attorney's fee of tifty dollars should any prooeedings le taken to Rjreclose said inortiiage, and also the further gum of eiht dollar! for inöiiraucc, a.s provided for in Bfttó iportgftge, and no uit or proeeediugs having been inatituu'd either in law or eauity to recover the sitiíie or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, thton the TWENTY-SEVENTH DAT O K ■) : N ES X EXT, at 2 o'clock in the aftetnoon of said clay, at the ftont door of the C'ourt Houho in the city of Ann Arbor. county aforesaid, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court lor said county is heldj. and by virtae of the powr of sale oontained in Bald mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises desenbed in .said mortguge, to Hatisfy the amount of principal and inteiest above claimed as due, with the charges of sif -Aó attorney's fee of flity dollars, with insuraneeas aforewaid, all the folio win? described piecea and parcela f land, to wit: The south half of the southeasl quarter of tlie southwest quarter of section twentytthree ; also a strip of land ten chains and flfty links in width north and south , and abont sixty chains eftei and west, beinp otf from the sonth side (►f the northwefit quarter of the southwest quarter of seetion twfiity-tour, and otf of the eoutli side of the north halt of tin1 s-outheaat quarter of seetion twenty-tbjee (23J, öontaining in the lant described piece or of land Uiteen acres; also beginning at tlie northeast corner of the southweat quarter of the southwest qimrter of section twenty-four (2-íj, running thence soutta on the half quarter line six chains and eveniy-t.hree links to the northeast corner of laad deeded by Aaron Lawreiice to Lois Fenn, thence south eighty-aix degrees west sixteen U) chnins to a stake, thence south rour degrees east three cliains and thirty-eiulit links to a stake on the east ide of a spring, theuce west tour chain nemas airl spring to a Htake, thence north twenty-tive links to a stake, theDoe wouth eighty-six degroe weat thrue chtiins and ilfty liLks to a stake in the east line of section twenty three, tlience souih eiflfhty-flve degrees and thiity minutos west purallel with the sonth line of seetion twenty-thrce f23} about forty f40) chaina W n stuke in the i.vnter line tt suid eection twenty-thren, thenee north on said center line nine chains and eighty-six links, thence east parallel with the south line of said ections twenty-three and twenty-four about sixty chains to the place of bezinning, containini; tifty-tïve acres of l.ind ; a'so a piecfi ot land oif of the northwest corner of tlie northwest quarter of the southeast qaaiter of Süid seetion twenty-three flve chnins and seventy-one and one-half links wide east and west, and seventeen chains and ftfty links north and south from the Dort li west corner, of the piece of land aeoond ahovedesenbed. contaicing ten acres oí land, all in tovnhip two south of range three east, county, of Washtenaw and State of Michigan aforeeaid, containing in all one hundred aeren of land more or leBS. lïeiufi the lands deseribed in a certain inden ture of mortgage given by G-rórge W. Mohr and wife to j-eortre E. Davis, and recordad in the Registert office for Washtenaw county, in liber 40 of tuorttrages on piiiïo 342. iMted, April 3, 1874. LUTHEIt JAMES, Awugnee John N Gott, AUoraey of suid Mortgag-ee. for said Assi;nee. 1472rd Mortgage Sale. DEFAXrLT having been made in the eomUtions of a certain mortgage, executed by George K. Braithwaite, of the city of Ann Alttor, county of ashtenaw ana State of Michigan, to Samuel P. Jewett, oi' the Ban place, bearing date the liith day of January, a. d. one thousand eight Imndred and seventy-two, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtdnaw Cdunty, Michigan, on the nlntb daytrf fanuary, a. n. 1872, in liber 48 of mortgages, on page 18, by whicii default the power of sale ii'd in said morteaga lias betuna; operative, and oti nhich mortgage there te clairaed to be due at ihe date hereof the sana of thirty-four dollars and thirty cents [&ud the further Bum of fbur hundred dollars to become due theréon), also an attorney'.s fee of thirty doHare should any proeeedings be tttk'en to '■ r,;iiil mortgage ; aud no proeeedings at law ar 'm cji.t n,' ry hayng beau instituted u recover the debt aecured by saad mortgage or any part thereof: Nötice is therefore hereby given tliai oy rirtue of the poërofsale contal üeü. fa Said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provlded, said mortgage wil] be foreCAosed n Sati:riav, tjikTwkntiki'h day op Ji;ne, a. d, 1ö74, at two o'clock in the afteraoon of tjbat day, at the sttuth door of the Court House in tjie city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washtenaw (Bald Coart House beieg the place of holding the Circuit Court iür the eounty of Washteaay i, by a sale at public auction, to the highest ider, the premisea described in suid naortgage, which are known, bounded and described as foliowB. to wit: lïoing lot number twenty (20), in Jewett's aüditiun ia Ann Arbor city, according to a recorded plat tbeivitf in the Ufgihtf-'i-'a ottice of Washtenaw County, in liber 67 of deeda, on page 678, Dated, March 2(1, 1874. SAMUEL P JEWETT, John N. Oott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgage. 'M7i Estáte of Cyrus Beckwith. QTATE OF MTCHTGAX, County of Waahtenaw, ss O At a session of the Probate Court tbr the Countv of Wttóhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Thursclay, the twenty-third day of April, in the year one thouBimd eight hundred and sevonty-four. Present, Xoah W, Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Cyrus Beckwitb, deeeased. On reading and filing the petition, dnly verified, of Luther ]kckwith, praying that a ctitain instrument now on file in this court, purportinp to be the last wil] and testament Of said decensed, may be adniiltcd to probate and that Amarilla H. Beckwith nmy be appoinied solo JKxecutrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eighteenth day of May next, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aesignedforthe hearingtof said petition, and that the legatees, an.l heirs at luw of said deceased, and all other perworm iuterested in eaid estáte, are required tonppcai ata sessíon of fiid Court, then to be holdun at the Probate Oüice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayerof theretitionersïiould not begranted : And it ia further ordcred, that said petitioner g-ivenotiae to the persons interen ted insuid estáte, of tliependencyof said ptjtition, and the thereof, by a copyof this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circnlating in said County, three suooessiTti weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) XOAH VT. CHEEVER, 1475 Judge oí Probate. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, k5 in Chancery. .Snit pending in the Circuit CÖ'uri forttne County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor .on the Uth day of AprtL A. D. 1874. Marj 1-. Wayne vs. Alonzó Ë. Wayná Ir appearing by '■ vit that the defendantj Alonso L. A aync. is not r . dent oí ili' State of Michigan, bul ttüt be resides in the Staite of Loutsianm il is ordered that thfl ■caid , lVndant eanse lus apjuarance in this cause to be entered witbin threenionths from the date of this order, and thai in case o his appearance he cause his ! uikÜTKini liill of coinplaint to be filed a ïi.l b copy servedou thecamplainant'a solidtor Í ir. twenty dayá aftér &erviee ofa copy öfeaid bil] and Í notice of this otilar, and in deftuüt thereof that said i.ill be tak n as conféssed by suid defendant. And it l ín furiher ordered that within twenty days said eom.lainant a nntice of this order to be published iu the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printod in said county woekly, !nd that the publication be continued in said paper once Ín eacb week for six Kuccessive weeks, ui that -hi' cause i copyof tms order tobe personally served upon said defeadant Ét least twenty dUyfi briuru the time prescribed for his appearance 6wl476 JOHN F. LAWRENCE, .iiiiiN X. Gott, Circuit Ctfuri C mjsaioner Compl'ts. Solicitar. Washten.iw Co. Michigan. Uöancery Sale. ÏX THE CIRCUIT COI'RT for the county of Waahtenaw, In Chaneery : - Lucy W. S. Morgan, complaiuant, va Anne Quigley, Fatriek Wall. John tluigjey, Margaret Qtilgley, and Anne Quigley and Patiick Walt. sdminietrators of the estáte of William Quigley, deeeased, derendants. In pureuance of a deeree of this court, made in this cause, I shall sell at public, auction, at the Court House in the city o Ann Albor, un the aixth day of June neit, at uoon the west half of the southwest qtiarter of section Xo ten in iown&bin one t-outh in r:inye oix east, in tliE State ot Mieliigun. J. F. LAWREXCE. E. W. MomJAir Circuit Court Conimisoioner. Compl'tö. Solicitor. Ann Arhor, April 23, A. D. 1874. n;; GUARDIAN'SSALE.ln the matter of the estáte of Sarah Blaekwood, minor. Xotiee is hereby ifivou tint by virtue of a license to rae sranted on the ninth day of April, 1S71, by tlie }Ir,n. Josenli C Pnwell, Judce of Probate for tho county of Oaklaud itate of illuhijjan, I will ell to the hlghest bidder on' !he premiaes in the town of Salem, Washtenaw ?onnty, on Saturdav, the slxth day of June 187í at ine o'clock, r. m., all the rigbt, title and interest of taid minor, in and to the following described refll 'state, to vit : All that certaln pleeo or pareel of land leecribed as follows: The southeast one-fourth of ,he southeast one-fourth of aection Dumber three, in ownehip number one south of range number seveu st, containing forty acres of land according to the iriginal survey of landB In the State of Michiean Pated, April 21. 1874. 1175 JAMES BI.ACKWOOD, Otmrdlan. Mortgttge Salo. pEFAUXTbynon-paymentofmoneyB,haylngbwa J made in the oondition of a oertain mortgate ei. ecuted .by William A. Benedict and ( atherine H Benedict, to Andvew J.' Shively, bearing date thé twenty-flrst day of April, A. D. 1870, duly alnmped and recorded in the office of the BeguUr of Deed of Wnshtenaw County, In the State ot Michigan on the Mjrteenth day of May. A. D. 1870, at four am) one-half o'olnck r. m., in líber 42 of mortgageg on paire 412, and thereafter fully assigned by the said Androw J. Sbivelj lo l'hilip Bach, by an instiument of asnignment, beanngdate the tenih day of January, A. 1). 1874, aml recorded in the afoiesaid office f iïegister of Dfeda, on the seventeenth doy of Feb-uary, A. I). 1874, at three and orie-hnlf o'clóck r. m. n liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page 2L_Jó' where by the power of sale contained in eaid mortgagc has become operative, and no snit in lnw or in chancery having been tnetitttted lo recover the debt rematning aecured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the snm of eitrljt huedred and ninetj. aeven dolían and nfty-nine cents being cluiined to te due on aaid mortgage at the diite of this notice ■ Therefore, notice is hereby giren tliat to salisiv the umourt doe on said mortiafre, with the interest posta, and chargea nHowad by Luw and provid in said mortgage, Inclnding nn attorney fe ot thirtv dollars, the premiers doscnbed in sa idnio'rtKate, towitAll that oertain pieoe or piircel of land sitúate in Hui oityof Ann Albor, County of Washtenaw nd State of MlolilKrn.knnwn boundcd and describpd as followa towit: IScinginthe somheat corner 1 thenm-t-fc!' aast qnarter oi the Dorthwestquarterol section number thirty-two (83 1, in township rjurnber tv.o () south, range nnmber ais (6) eiist, iMn.mi ncing at the corner stake in ihe Ami Arbor and Lidi plank rond rnnning eight roda west on the line of said qnarter' thenee nurth twelve rode, thence east eipht rodato thecenterof said rond, (henee snuth twclve roda to the plneecf bezinning, will by virtue of theafo power of salo containril in said menpage. and if the statuto in sucli case made and provided be sold at public auction or vendne, to hiirhest bidder, at the south door of the ourt Hooae in tho city of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan fsaid fourt House beine the place of holding the i irruit ('oiirt w'ithin and for said County} on Batnrday the siith day ot June, A. 1). 1874, at ttn o'clonk in the forenoon of that day. Dated, March 13, A. I). 1871. _ _ _ bach, B. F. Geanc.. Att'y tor A6ignee. 14(19 Mortgage Sale. pEFAULThavingbetn made m the condition of J a certain mortgage made und execnti d by Bliiah W .Morgan and Lucy W. 8. Morgan, hu wre, to John lienly and Amanda M. F. Qoodale, on the eleventh duy ot August, A 1). 1873, and reeordcd in the office of the Rc(jUter of üeedg fgr the tounty of Washtenaw and htate of Michigan, on the nineteenth day of August, A. D. 8iö, at threc o'cíock 1' M., in hber J5 of mortgafjes, o]1 r,„pi. 304 „mj „.„„; which said mortgage there unow claimed to bedue and unpaid the sum of üve liundrecl and twenty-six dolían and ninety tour (íüíx.ii-ij tmi principal and interest and a reasonable attorney ree as ptipnlated in aid mortgage, alid no Buit liavinu been instituted in law or equity lo recover siiid mm or nny pmt thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given thst by virtueof a power of Bale eontruiu-d in Mild moltgage, and in puisuanee of the stutute in such cas made and provided, the lar.ds and prtmisei awcribed 111 said mortgage. towit: All those cerlain parct-1 ot land knovrn and deacrlbed as Iota nnmber tie (6) x fPj, seven (7;, eight fb). nine (íi), ten CÍO), eleven' Cm, twelve (12), thirteen flSi, fourt een i.J4), ntlmi (15J ni sixteen (1C, in bloek number five (5) south 111 range one west, in Mayniird's addition in the city ot Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan uraonmeh thereof aamaybe necessaiy to rav smd omouui due, with interest, cnnts of sale and reíd attorney fee, will ix sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the sonth üoor of the ( ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtennw County lítate of Michigan, fthat being the place for holding the Circuit tor said County!, on Fridny the twenty-wcondday of May, A. V. 1074, at ten c'elock in the foienoon ot naid day. Dated, Ann Arbo'r, Feb. ? 1874 JOHN HENLT, AMANDA M. F. GflODAl.l,, Mortgaseet. ÏKAZER, HABÜ1MAK & HaMII.TOX, Atty' tor Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. rvKFAl'Ir haring been made ir the eonditions of J a eertain mortgage, by the non-pnynent ot money due thereon as provided by the temis oi aaid moitgage, ezecuted hy Blijah . Morgan und Lnrv W. Morgan, liis wife, to John Henly und Anianaú M. Jf . (rooüale, bearing date the Brt day ol -ipifl A. 1). 187U, and recorded in the office of the lïeoisterof Deedsof Washtenaw Counly, in the State of Michigan, on the nineteenth day of May, A. U. i878 in book 45 of murtgages, page 340, by whicli detault the power of sale contmned in iaid m'oitBiige has becorne operative and on wlnch nioilgnge there i claimed to be due at the date of this notiep the sum oí one thousand one liundred uud nmety-níne dolíais, and no snit or proceedings haring been instilutei in law or equity to recover the dèbt tecured by aaid mortage: Notice is hertby given that on Fridav the twenty-Booond day of May, A. D. 1874, at ten o clock a. M., on said day, at the soutli door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washte. naw, 111 the State of Michigan 'said Court House boïng the place for holding the Ciicuit Court for aaid County), there will be sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage at public huctimi to the highest bidder, the premiseB desciibcd in said mortgage or so mueli thereof as may be neceaaary to satisfy theamount due and payable onamd Biort. gage, with interest, oosts, charges and expenses allowed bv law and provided tor in said morlgiige, thatistosay: Lots numberflve (."), si eight f8;, nine (9j, ten (10), eleven (11), ,h'j. thirteen (13), lourteen flfteen (151 and sixteen ('6), in block number flve (5) aotttn. in rang one west. m Miiynard's addition, in the city of a mi Albor, naahtenaw County, Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. 25, 1H74. JOHN HENLY, AMANDA II. F. GOÖDALK, Mor! g ÍEAZE1!. HaBBTJIAH & H.IMILTON, Atty's lor lortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAI'LT having been made in the conditioiis ol a certain morlgage executed by WiUiam 11. Mallory and Helen M. Mallory to Joh N. Gott, beanng date the sixteen:h day of September, a. i. 1S72, and recorded in the office of the Kegisttr rf Deeds for tue county of Wasluenaw and State of Michigan, on the niuth duy ot October, a d. 187S, in Libcrforty-nineof moi-tKHceson p;,gu two hninuf.l and nmetj nine, whicl, said mor!:e(e wus duly assigned bj Jolm N. Gotl to amuelP. Jewett, and by Samuel P. Jewett to Christmn Jiack and Ircderic Schmid,and by reason of s;.id uefault the power oí sale in said mortgage having become operative, and tliert being clairaed to be due and owing on said rtiortgage and the boud accompanying the same at the duté ol thia notice, the sum of thousand aeren huiMliiti and fifty-six dollars and twentj -nine eins (il 7.lj.29], together with an attoraey's tce 01 fit t y dolk, provided lor in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedingpat law or iu tqnity having been ius'.itulel to recover sa d amount or any part thereof : Notire is therefore hereby given that on Sulurdiiy. the iweiity-third day of Muy, a. d. 1874, at eleven o'clock 111 the forencon of said day, at the soutli door of tlie Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House being the place for holding the t muit Court for the county of Washtenaw) theie will be sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage. at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises deseribed in said mortgage, nr so mnch thereof as may be necesfary to satisfy the amount due and puyable on said mortgage tqgethej with th8 interest, custs, charges and exir,sps allowed bylfw, and provided for in said mortgage, that is to say All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of' Ann Arbor, county aforesaid.known, boundeil, and described as follows. to wit .- Coinmencing at n point in the north line of Huron streef, in the city of Ann Arboi aforesaid, eight rods and eiphteen inchea west of the west line of D. Mclntyre's land nnd running thence north parallel with siiid west line of Baid Mclntyre's land twelve rods, thence west parallel with "Huron street to the east line of Mann street, ' theuce south twelve rods to the corner of Mann and jiuiiMi BiicLo, wwiw ora io tiie piace 01 Deginniïiï. Baid description being in tended to cover the premiaea where said William H. Mallory now lives, on the north side of Huron street. Daled, Februnry 26, i874. CHBIBTIAN MAf'K, FREDERIC SCHMID, Assignees of suid Morfí;teí IX Ceamek, Att'y for said Assignees. 1467 Mortgage Sale. PEFAt:LT havingbeen made in the condition of I J a eertain mortguge executed on the twen t y tiltil day of July, A. D. 1808, by itobert P. Leonard and Mürtha A Leoimrd. of the city of Ann Arbor, "Washtenaw County, Michigan, tö Joaeph Pry, of the township ol' Northfield, m the Coumj of Wflahtenaw and .State of Michisïün, aioresaid, nnd ïecorded the same dny in the office of the Üeg-ister of Beeds, for the County of Washteimw, Ifichigan, in liber 38 of mortgnfieR, on page 453, n pon which roortgage there is claimod to be due at the date of this notice, two hundred and fifty-ne dollars and six'y-seven cents, for principal and interest, nd nlso thirty dollars as fin attorney or sohcitor's fee as often as nuy proceeding is taken to foreelose sai I mortgage, and no proceedings having been taken atlawor inequily to recover amount due or any part therpof : Therefore, notice is hereby given tht by virtue of the power of aale cont-unerl in said mortsrag, I shwl] sell at public auction, to the hiühest bidder, on Saturcny. the twenty-third day ofMaynext, at ttro o'tlock i'. m. of said dny, at the front door o the CVmrt House in the city of Ann Arbor, County aforesaid, (that being the plnce of holding the Circuit Coui t Kir said County): All that certain piece or pnrcel of land situnte in the township of Northfield. "VV'iiehtenaw (íounty, Otate of Michigan, known,bounded ard described as iollows. to wit: Coinmennng soiïth thirty-six deerees forty-four minutes 'net, eúfbl rods and eiglit links Irora a tike. Beven links in front of the northeawt corner of Albert Steven 'h tfivern stand, thence eouth tilty-three dtprees and fifieen minutes -vcNt, eiht rods, thence Bouth (hir'ty-sii degríes and forty-four minutes east, foiir foris, thence north flfty-three degrees and tif'teen minute east, eight rod.s, thence north thirty six degrees and forty flve minutes west, fotir rods to the piare a f beginning, containing one-fiflh of au nere oí land, i more or less. Datd, Feb. 25, 1S74. JOSBPH THAY, Mortgngee, Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. líortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tlie conoiíions of a certain mortgae, made and execuíed by Jeru►ha- Boíl, of tho city of Aun Arbor, ('ounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Lewïs O. Eisdon, of the same place, íd trust tor Francés SI. Rogers, a minor, bearingdate the twenty-fiist d;n oí June, A. D. 1S69, and recurded in the office of the Bcgrister of Deeds for siiid County, on the sume day, at four and oue-half o'eloek v. x., in liber 42 of mortgages, on pane 57 ; by which defult the power of sale contained therein becnme opemtive, aud therenoTT being claimed t(, be due thereon tlie enm of two thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars nnd ninety-six cents, pnncipa] nd interest, and no pioeeedingH at law or iu equity hnving been taken to recover the sume or any part therof : Notice is hcrel'y j?iyen, that. by virtue oí' : powcr ot sale contuined in snid mortprnee, I hall sell at public anction, to ti! highest bidder, on the sixth day of July next, at 12 o'elock noon, at the south door üf the Cnurt House in the city of Ann Arbor ithat beinjr the plnce for lioldinc the Circuit Court for tht Oounty of Wafhtcnaw), the premises defcribed in sïu'I mortfjnpr orM mnch thereof as ehnll be necessaiy to pny tlie nroouut due theieon and the lecral costs of sale, ti wit : Lot nuraber twelve (I?) in block mimter two (?) soutli of huronntreet and Sanpe number el ven. in the e;iKemaddition to the villiige (nnw city} of Aun Albor in the County oi Washtenaw and State üf Michigan. ited, Ann Arbor, Mareh 12, i8T4. 1469 LEWIS C. HISDON', Morlgagcein Trust. JOOlí TO STOEE 1OO CUTTER8 or more, at tho Monitor building. Ratee reasonable. 146Stf J. V. X. GEEOORT.


Old News
Michigan Argus