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Atchison,Topeka and Santa Fe THREE MILLION ACRES LIBERAL TERMS TO IMPROVERS. 11 YEARS CREDIT, 7TER CENT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Ycars, FINE QRAIN-GROWING REGIÓN. Tracta of one and two thousand acres available for Neighborhood Colonies, or for Stock Farms. Excellent Climate, with Pure Flowing Water. 11 1 would say. that in the course of many years, " and througb extensivo travel, I have notseen a more " inviting country, nor one which offers greater in"daoements, with fewer objections to eettlement, " than these lands of the A. T. & 8. F. It. B."'- Extract Report of Hinry Slewart, Agncultural Editar American Agriculturalist. For full particulars inquire of A. E. TOUZALIN, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. E. B. Pond, Local Agent, Ann Arbor. Mich. "HOW TOJÍO WIST." This is an inquiry which every one shonid have truthfully answered before he starts on hie journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & öuincy Kailroad has achieved a plendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Route to the West. Starting at Chicago or Feoria, it runs direct through Southern lowa and Nebraska, with close connections to California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, and points in Kansas and New Mexico. Passengers on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. This line bas published a pampblet entitled ' How to ao West," wnich contains much valuable information; a large, correct map of the Great Weet, wbich oan be obtained f ree of charge by addressin the General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington Quincy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 14Clyl RailroaD Accident I Caaes after cases of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Sumnier CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goods were bought for Cash so low that they can and will be aold at pricea Defying all Competition, and juat auitable to thoae in neeu of CLOTHES, and preaaed somewhat by hard times. Alao thoae that take pride in wearing First-Class Clothes Will be able to select from the best of Foreign and Domestic makea of GASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place in the latest Htyle, and Warranted to Fit before they leave, If un y t hing in Furniahing Gooda line they should happen to need, everything in the Geuts' Dressinf? line can be found at Lower Pricea thttii at any other Clothing Houw at WM. WAGNER. No. 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor 1468tf i . -. -. - , - - i r isr e w SPRING BOOBS BACH & ABEL'S A Large and well-selected stock at the lowest cash prices. 8We invite an inspeetion of our assortment of and would cali especial attention to our brand of BLACK ALPACAS " THE MARIE STUART," Acknowledged to be superior to any other imported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyons BLACK SILKS BBigat reduced prices. 'A LAKQK LINE OP Bleached and Brown Cottons including most of the popular branda Hill's, Lonsdales, "Wamsuttas, New Ytrk Mills, &c. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WHITE & UNEN (OODS. A full line of the celebrated A. T. Stewart ALEXANDRIA KID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. CITY DRUG STORE! SIGKET OP[THB GLASS MORTAÏU Having been for the past four year with R. W. Êllis & Co., I have now purchased the Drug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST ÏÏUEON STCCook's Hotel BlockJ. I have Cleaned, Ee-fitted, and Be-8toclted the Store with Pure DRUGS, MEDICINES. A Full lina of Fancy Articles, Perfumes, Brushes, Comba, Soapa, Sponges, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, &c. PAINTS & HU, PUEE WINES AND LIQUOES For Medicinal Purposes. Agents for Tieman'a Celebrated SURGÍCAL INSTRUMENTS. Physicians' Prescriptiona a Speoialty. L. S. LERCH. U6i)tf T IVE GEESE FEATHjíRS PIR8TQTJALITT , CiuitMitlyonhand andforaaleby BACH fr ABEL.


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