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TIKE INSURANCE." FRAZER, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON'S office: over savings bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can now carry fullliues in SAFE and TRTJSTWOETHY Oompanies, and our rales are reasonable. We are now carrying the best biiBiuess risks in the city. We invite the Public to examine our Registers and judge for themselves of the kind oí business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dweiling House Insurance, and can give low rates, and good indemnity. Wa represent the following well known Com panios : The Westchester, - Organized 1837, Assets, $655,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Allemannia, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Assets $472,000.00, Jan. lst 1674. The Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organizad 1838. Assets $337,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Organized 1869, Assets $304,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The National Fire Ins. Co. of Phil. Assets $667,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Globe, of Chicago, 111. Assetb $4f.0,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Atlantic & Pacific, of Chicago, 111. Assets $330,000.00, Jan, lat 1874. City, ProTideuce, K. L Assets $182,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown Fire Insurance Corapany, of Watertown, N. Y. Assets 4556,000.00, Jan. lat, 1874. The Watertown was organized ín Dec, 1SC7, since which time its premium receipts and losses havo been as f ollows to wit : Premium Receipts, Loases. Jan. 1,1868, Jmonth - . $1,204 28 " 1869 .... 29,833 40 $1,865 00 " 1870 .... 45,642 69 5,297 42 " 1871 .... 65,605 16 15,314 61 " 1872 .... 141,417 03 2I.C15 97 " 1873 - - - 214,965 19 63,169 65 " 18T4 .... 352,228 01 105,206 04 Cash premiums received in 6 years - $740,695 89 Loases in 6 yeara - ... 220,946 39 Actual losses less than 30 per cent of premium reeeipts. Excess of premiuum receiptt over losses $519,649 50 INCBKA6E OF ASSETB. Jan. 1, 1868, assets with $100,000 capital.. $101,364 31 Do. 1889, do. - - - . 122,684 60 Do. 1870, do. - - - 148,431 47 Do. 1871, do. - - - - 158,898 98 Do. 1872, do. 338,63 13 Do. 1873 do. . . - 441,500 64 Do. 1874. do. - - - 656,849 64 This shows a steady average gain in aasets of over $75,1100 each year. Official statement of gross aasets and liabilities Jan.l, 1874. to wit: Oross officially admitted assets - - $556,849 90 Oiñcially calculated lubilities, including reingur&nce f und ... 217,104 61 Buiplusastopolicyholders - - $340,745 29 If this record is evidence of bad management, aafety and proflt to policy and stockholdera would wiBh that other companiea had a little of it. The policy and practico of this company have beeu steadily to increaae its flnancial sohdity, by which juatly tocommand the confldence of the public. To this end all surplus premium receipts havo been retained, allowiog the stockholdera only legal interest on the assets. The interest on lis invested funds pays all dividends, loaving all Btirplus premiums for the additional security of the policy-aolders. All we aak is that the people Bhall investígate for themselves, and we do not fear the reault. FRAZEK, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON, Office over tbe Savlnga Bank, U76m6 Aan Arbor, Mfch. MICHIGAN CENTRAL BAILEOAD. WINTER TIME TABLB. P.issengertrainBnow leave the aeverxl iUtlons.ns follows qoino webt. ft Si d ' H I Ñ STATIOSS. „ H I-S i o t. a_ __ _w_o_j_ a. m. a. m. p. m.:i. m.!p. m. p. m Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 15 1 2o! 4 00 5 40 10 3 ïpsilanti, 8 43'H25 2 32:5 30 7 10 a. m AnnArbor, 9 02 U 48T 2 Si! 5 50 7 45 12 0 Dexter, 9 351 8 12 6 25 8 10 Chelsea, 9 52 5 30 8 80, Grasa Lake, 10 19!p. m. 3 55 9 00 j Jackson, 10 55 1 05 4 30 9 35 1 3 I-.M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 8 20 3 40 7 40 12 25 Ohicago arrive, 8 30 9 00 6 30 8 30 OOINO EAST. i_3_ _o_jo && ! i A. M. A. M.: P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 S 15; 9 00 P. H. A. M. 'a. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00 2 15 !P. M. A. M. L Jackson, 2 30 3 55 8 00 12 30 4 45 Grase Lake, i 2 56, ! 8 30 j Chelsea, " 3 241 8 53 , k. M Dexter, 3 41 1 9 09, 6 25 Aun Arbor, 4 05: 5 03! 9 38 1 551 6 00! 6 55 Fpsilanti, 4 25 5 22110 03 2 17 i 6 20; 7 20 Detroit, arrive, ! 5 501 6 25111 20 3 80l 7 25 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Express run between Jackson and Niles on the Air Line. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EA1LEOAD. GOINQ WEST. -1873- GOINO EAST. STATIONS. Maíi. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail Detroit, dep... 7:15 5:40 A M Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Bankers 5:45 2:15 Saline 9:25 7:43 Hillsdale 6:15 2:3( Bridgewater . . 9:60 8:00 Manchester.... 8:35 4:08 Manchester. ...10:22 8:18 Bridgewater . . 9:0u 4:28 P.M. Baline 9:25 4:45 Hills.dale 1:00 9:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers 1:15 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. 1JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE POE SALE! The subseriber, on account of iil health offers hia 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Umversit) Observatory on the east, opposite side oi the street. It has a most excellent SFJEtXNG I On the northeast corner- formerly supplied tho Railroad tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES Are as íollows : Forcity purposes the Hurón Eiver meanders the same some 30 to 40 roda, and is part oí the best "Water Power On the River in thia violnity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is sufficiently high and ampie to sup ply the city necesaities for water and flre purposesTHE WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriate and suitable for a Public City Cemetery . The city has no such gronndt now but must have soon, and whatever grounds the city does not care to use, can be sold at an advantaire, so much so, that the oost of the Water Works (trounds and Cemetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not want the same, the grounds would be invaluable for FRU1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There being some loo trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And alao for MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Sheep, And other animáis always in great want by many in the city and ita viciuity. As city lots adjoining the northwest corner of this land are now aelling from .hree hundred to three hundred nnd flfty dollars hose lands would or could be aold in a short time to a good advantage and to much proflt to the purchaseu! Will be given or the samewill be exchaneed for Mer ohnntablo goods or Drugs and Medicines, at casb price. TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArDor.Jan 81 18T3. 1411 AE!HT9 make from 60 to 100 dollara week aeliing th Nei-dle Threading Thimble. and the Magie Sewing Machine Needie Threader. They sell at sight. No lady can do without them. Circulara and Samples of both articles aent post paid for 70 oenta, one article 40 cents. WESTERN AGENCT, Bax 1, IndUnnpoim, Ind. Belt's Patent Sheet I ron ROOFING! Tlii II ooi i . for CIIEAPNESS and DUKABILITY, Bimplicity of pplication, with ita PIBE, WIND ana WATER-PROOF qualities, has No Equal in the market. Forcircularsandother iuformatiou, address IV. 8. Uil i, gTos. 56 and 58 East Third 8t„ Cincinnati, O. THE EiASTTS ËWBOOK OUT. The subject is all imiortant, yet a puzzhng one. It replenishes the Government Treasury and impoveriehes tbe people ; inakei the rich poor and the poor ricli ; makes fools of wise men ; exhausta the wisdom of lepislfttion ; makee men run mud and women feel sad. The crusade bus begun ; on to victory. Men or women wanted to canvass every town. Addresa HKKRY HOWE, Chicago, Il!._ WILD Lll'E FARWEST! AENTS WMTED everywhere for this new and beautifully illustrated Book of the Author's thirty yoars' Life and Adventure among the Indiana, in the Mexican Wars,, hunting wild animáis, &c. ThriUingly interesting, and Helling faster than anything ever before known. Send for üIuhtrated circular and terms. P. A. HUTCHINÖON & CO.. Chicago, 111. 1474 H I i í I H 1 III Tin. tiewing Machine gives the best sati-faciion tu the user, is piid for most readily, and is the best of all to sell. If there is no " Domeslic" agent in vour town. avply to DOMESTIC S. M. CO. . JVew York. l.udies N.ii.i for eleyant Fasbion Book. $15 Saw Gummer Sharpener. A simple and durable machine - easily operated, and running wheels flom 8xH inches to 12x1 inch. 't'anite Emery Wheels, withbeveled, doublé beveled aud round face, from 2.1 2 to S7.3.J, nccording to thickness. Heavier machines, $7O and Í 1 00, running wheels up to 24 inches in diameter. For illustrated pnmphlets. address TUK TANITI3 Cu., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. UtiSb FLOKjg C E gp; 's4 The T-ong-Cont ested Süit of the ö H FLORENCE SKWINtt MAtHLE CO. tt S against the Singer, Wheeler & WiUon, H (T ' and Grover & JBnk r (,'ompaniea, involving over W ÍH $260,000, M Is nnally decided by the öupreme Court f] of the Onited atatos in favor oí the f lobence, H which alone has Broken the Monopoly f of High Triceb, THE NEWTLOBEKCE Is the ONLT machine that sew backward i? and forward, or to right and left. U Simplest- Oheapest- Best. M Sold for Cash Okly. Spïoiai. Tgbhs to ö 1 ill'BS and DEALERS. K i April, 1874 Florence, Mass. Minerals, Sbells, Fossilx, Hountéd Birds, Bird Skins, Artificial Eyes , Nat, urnlists' Supplies, and objects of Natural Hlstory. Collections of Mineruls for Schools. 100 Mineral Specimens for $10, arrnnged accordine to Dana ; 100 Genera of Shells, comprising about 400 shells, for $10. Enclose 10 cents for full catalogue of stock CHAS. G. BREWSTER, 4S6 Washington St., Boston, Mass. I BUY J. & P. COÁTS' BLACK I THREAD for yonr MáCHINE. f A mr OAY GUARANTEED uimg our Vk W3 # WELL AUGER & DRILL in good %P mm%J':'"lory. EndoriedbyGovmor of 10WA, AR KANSAS &DAKOTA CUloii9 fr. W.9ILIS,St.Lsli,Ke. QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPDIA. A DICTIONABY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REVISKD EDITION. WITH Maps, Platos, and Engravings. Complete In 10 Yols. of 832 pages each. Illustrated wüh about Four TJiousand Evgravings and Forty Maps, logether with. o Seria of from Etyhty to One Ifnudred Eleganily En graved Plates - illustrative of the Subjects of Natural History - now for the first TIME appearing in the work. PRICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - . 5 50 Library Hheep. marbled edges, - - 6 00 Half Turkey Morocco, - .. o 50 This Edition is Sold oxly by Agents. Publiühed by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., t'hiladelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenu, Detroit, General Agent for the State of Michigan. By comparing Charabers' Encyclopredia with the New American Cyclopeedia,- the work with which it s most frequently brought into oomparison, it will be found that while the ten volumes of Ohambers' ontain 83:'O pages, the original rfntinn volumes of the New American contain less than 12,000 pages. It will als be found that a page of Chambers' eontaino uil one-fifth more matter than a page of the New American, making the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at leat hirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numerous Plates labout 80), Woodcuts [sane 4 000) nd Maps (about 40), that are included in thi edition f Chambers', and to which the New American poesses no corresponding features. It is conndently ' believed that as a popular " Dictionart or Universal Knowlecoe," the work is without an equal in the Englilh language. U36yl -A. PPLET O IST'S American Cyclopsdia. Ncw Rcrised Edlflon. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every ubjeot. Printed from new type, and illirntrated with Several Thousund B&gruvluge und Mapa. The work oríginally publjaherl uuder tlio title of The Nkw Amekican Cyclopjcdia whh eompU-ted ín 1803, linee whiob time tbe wide circulación wbich it has attaiued in all parts of the United Ktuteg, and the signal developraents which have taken place iu every branch of acienoe, literHturo, and art, have indueed the editora aud publicliern tu Bttbmit it to an exaot andthorough revisión, and to ihue a nuw e'lition entitled Tur. Amekk-an Cyci.oijkiia. Within the last ten year the progresa of discovery in every depaitment of kuowk-rigt; has made a new work ofrefereuce an impera tive want The moyement of politfcul affaire hits kept pnce with tho discoveries oí cienet, and their ft-iiitlul m plication to the industrial and uaetul arts und tbe convenience and reflnement oí social life. Great wars aud consequent revolutions have oucurred.involving national changea oí pcciiliar moment. The oivil wnr of our nwn!ouiitiy, which waant itslieight when the laat volume of the oíd work nppearrd, hns happily been endod, and a new eourse of commercial and industrial activity hii been Qommenced, LarL6 accessiona to our ffQOffranbioo] knowledge have been made by tho iodefatigable exy!orL'in oi África. The great political revolutions of the last decade, with tho natural reuult of the ltipse of time, have brought into public view a multiturie of new men, whoae namee are in every one'a mouth, Mid of whose lives every one i ourious to knuw the pitrticulars Oieat buttlea have been fought and important siefree maintained, of which thedetails ure na yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the tras si tot pnblicationsof the day, but which ODght now to tuke their place in permanent and authentichistory. Inpreparint,' the preuci.t edition has ftcnordingly been the aim of the rs to bring down the informatiou to the lutcst posaible dates, and to funihan accurate account ol the mopt recent diacoveries in scieuce, of ever fresh production in littfrftture, and of the newewt inventione in the practical arts, as well as to give a succínct and original record of the progresa ol politieal and historical events. The work has befsn begiin after lontr and careful prehminary labor, and with the most ampie resources tor carrying it on to a successful terntimition. None of the original stereotype plateo have been uaed, but every page has betn printtd on n'Wtpe, forminirin fact a new Cyclopeedia, with the s me plan and compaes a its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniury e: penaitiire, and with such improvements in its composition s have been puL'gcsted by longer experience an eiilarged kTiowledge. The illuatrationa which are introduced tor the first time in the present edition have been adrled not fo1 the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the expbtnations in the text. Thej embrace all branches o science )ind natural hiatory, and depict the most famous andremarkabie features of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processes of mechanica and manufactures. Although intendedior instruction rsither than emellisliment, no pains have been spared to instire their artistic excellence; the coat of their executinn is euormoua, and it is bèlieved they -will find a welcome reoeption as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its hifh character. This work is sold to Subncribers only, payabte on delivery of each volume. t will be oompleted in sixteen large octavo vilumes, each conteining about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood fingravings, and with numerouticolored Lithographic Mapa. Price and Stylc of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol. $5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 In Half RuBsia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Buil Russia, per vol. 10 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volume, until completion, will be issued once in two mouths. VSpecimen pages of the American Cyclopdia, showing type, illustrations, etc, will be sent gratis, on application. Pirst-Class Canvabsing AfïKNTS "Waitted. Address the Publishera, 1. APPI.CTO1V & CO., 549 & 551 Broadway. A. . THE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. FARRAND, - - - President. W. A. M0OKE, - - - Vice President JOHN T. LIöOETT, - - Secretary. L. M. THAYEK, - Uen'l Agent. Assets Jauuary lst, 1874 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer afford to pay tribute to Edstern States by placing tlieir Life Insurance with Eastern CompanieB, who by their charters are corapelled to loan their raonoy in their own Btates, thus beeoming a heavy dniin on the resources of the State, when we have so reliable and well munayed Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the f'ompany was increased Fort j --trilt and one-lialf per cent. of the total nmouut done the previous flve years Thin shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The losses durinjf the year 1R73 were only FIFTYFIVE per ceut of the amcunt the mortality tables eall for, showiog great care in the sele tion of itn risks. DuriuL the year 1873 there was a macerial reduction in the ratio of expenseB showing CAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most dtsirable forms of Life and endowment Policies. ' Dlvidends Deelared and Paid at Ihe end of the First Poliey Year and each year thereafter. All Policios non-forfeiting af ter one Animal Premium lias Leen paid. AH Endowment Policies are convertible into Cash at the end of any yeur after the Itrst. Reliable Indeinnity at lowest Cash rates can be procured of Hu 'I i li tumi mutual I.ifi-. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. J. o. A. Sessions, Agent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. Foote, Agent at Dexter. ömT your 'money WIIEEE IT WILL D O T PI E MO8T GOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y CO M P JE T 1T1O ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS 59 Cali hefore imrckañug. 15 South Main Street. .jHJf T AMES Mc M AHON, Jus tice of tlie Peace, OfiBce in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSTJRAlSrCE AGKNT. Trtnmpb, assets, $727 903 11 North Missouri, " 45,417.91 Hibernia, ' 3?i",00ü.0ü REAL E8TATK. I huve S'i acres of land 4 of & mile frora the city Imlti, flnely located for frait or garden parpóse. Aleo 40 aerea. . Also 10 acre, with h"ne and barr.and a livel ' itream of waterrunninthrough the barn yard 60 acres, a mil e out I willselluDyor all the above caeap or exchaDge tordtproperty. UT4yl JAMES MoMAHON. Dr. .1. VValkei's California TinOiXnr Bitters are a ïmrcly Vegetable prepnr.itiun, made chiefly from the native lieitiR fonnd on the lower ranges of theSierra Sayada uiouutains of California, the medicinal properties of wbich are extracted therefroia without the use of Alcohol. The question Í3 almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the nnparalleled 6uecess of Vinkoab BiTTEits?" Our answer is, that tli o y remove the cause of discase, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the gTeat blood purifier and a life-giving principie, a perfect Benovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the histoiy of the world has a medicine been componnded possossing the remarkable qualïties of VniEOAR Bittebs in healing the sick of every disease mau is heir to. They are a gentle Purgativo as wcll as a Tonic, relieving CongestioD or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. lf men will enjoy trood healtli, let them use Vinegau Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulauts iu every forin. No Person can talu1 these Bitters iiccording to directions, and romaili long unwell, provided their bonos are not destroyed by mineral poison or othor men na. and vital orcans wasted beyond repair. Gratoful Tlionsaiids pfoplnim Vtsaoar BnTEiis thé moi t v.ordcrfnl Iuvieorant that ever silstalnod thie süikiiig .sysu-m. Hilioiis, Roniittcnt, aiül Intormittcilt Foyers, wliiirh uro ko prevaloni in the valleys of our great rivers thïwiighout the United Stille?, of-11 cial' y t sp or the Mississippi, Ohio, Miwovuri, illmoi?, Tennessee, Cumherlan:!, Ai'kansas, Hod, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, AJubama. Mobile, Savami,al, Hoanpke, James, and many othors, witb tlir y-ast tributaries, throughout our entire ountry dnring theBummernnd Antumn, rnd rumaik.ibly so during seaaons of luiusua) hoat pw' dryneaé, areinvariablyHccompjiniedby ex tensive derangempnis of the Btoiuach rul livel, and ptherabdoniiual vio i:u. In tneii treatment, :i purgativo, oxeríing a .ovcríu! influence npon these vai [011 . o:;:.lis, it, essentially neccssaiy. Tliero i ; irj eiittarticforthe purpose oquul lolJ;i.,j . WaIiKKb's Vineoar BlTTEliS, as they yill fpecdjly n move the dark-coloired víksUI matter iti.i which the bowéls Ioaú4d, at the baim time ítliaulating th sccrctions of the liver, and géfierally réstpring tho jicalthy fuuctions of the digestiv.i organs. l)js}cjsia or ii(ü, Had aclie.Pain in the Shonldors.Coiighs.'i'iglit ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Spui; Eructa tiüns of the Stouiaoa, Bad 'I'aste in tht Mouth, Bilióus Attavka, Putpitatign f the Heavt, Infiammutioii of tlie Lungi, i'rii in the región of the Kidnevs, aud r. huu dred other painfu] eymptonis, u-i khó fiT sprifigs of Dysijepsin. )io bottlo wil prove a better gnarantee of its incrits (hun a lengthy advertásement. Scrofiila, or King's Kvi!, VTliiU Swellings, Ulcera, Erjsipelas BWellec Neck, Ooitre, Scrofulous Inflamjaiatjoi).-) Indolent Ioflammatioiis, Mercijiiiü AÜ'ee tions, Olcl Sores, Eruptloii.s t Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as iu al other cotístitutioniil Diaeásés, Viai-m ií ',- ViNF.GAR IIiTTi'.ns liav1 hlunvi thoii' cilrative powers in the most tíbs'táiiate nrn intructablo ca:irs. For IiiAaiiiiiiatorv nul ('hroiiic hliciltlial isin, CJout, JLïiii' ii, Bemitfehl arut Iutcrmittt'iit Fevoys, .Disoases oí tlie Blood, Liver, Kidufs, md ISJadder, tbeso Bitters have uo cquu!. Sucli Diseases are cauged ly Yitiuted Blood. M echan i cal IMscaws.- Persons enciged in Paints nr.d Mmerals, siioh as l'lumbors, Tvpt-selters, Ooid-b ;;a;ers, and vliners, t'h y adyantie ia li.-, uv .ubji'ct to pqíálysis of the Bonels. ' ' -"ir I ftgaiiia! ilri.s, t;.ko a dose of -. s ViNi.G.H Bm nu occasion: dly. l'(rSikill'JlSt'S, -I1-1"":-!' lis, '.'pfter, Kliouni, Blolchc.-;, Spots, iJn Fnstide, Boils, Caibuiicles, liingwoiis, öcald Heöd, Sore Ëves. Evys; Scnrfs, Discolorátiáú3 of Uie, ttituiun Liud Diyenaca of tbetíkin cf friiateyer triüun v uatui-e, ere literttfly iln'g i;p anti ec c Jt of the Kstrm in a bhoii tim; i ÜM of these Pin, T;ii', lid oíher Mdi-nis. fujrk ing in the s; stem of sbinïiny tliouiSáiidS, p elïocluidly destroyed and ruinuvcn. Xo jistein of nit'dicine, uo vcnnifugps, no ithelminitics, will freo tlae afstem irom voiijiS .ike thesij Bitters. Viir Fciiiiiíí' Cülrtüiniiits, n ywug ] olu, u ui'ried or single, at tlio dawn ol viiniaü.iotííl oí the turn of lift", tliese Tonic ,i,uo. dJSJjlaJ ko decided au iufluenee .,i.t nr.'irnvenient is soon perceptÍDÍe. (:UiatÍCC. - In all cases of jaundieo. ■t ai ;is in ed tliat liver is uot iliuiig ir; vi.i,v. me oulj" sensible treátmení is promOte the secretion of the bfio an-.. favor lts ïvmoval. l''or this purpostí use VlNEUAil BllTEKS. t icauNO iie Vitiated Blood winn evif yon find its impui'iliés buvstin;. tlirough tlië SUB in Pimples, Eruptiona. , or Öores; cleaiise jt when you tind it ol struLica ,...v. siuggish in the veins; cl it wlien it is foul ; your feeliiigswiil i you Keen tne blood pure, uui . juaiiii ui int sy.ttteia viü foiiow. it. il. UtlMlXAI.l) &. .. Drutftfikbi luid Crcuui'vi Afiit.-. Sim 'raucioüu, o n;i, nid tLif. VS'aaüiúfíUni nuü (_liiaritu bl., Xcw i' SI1 lv I! IXiitV! .iikI Bfill'r., 2S MA IV 1 1OO O: How Lost, How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwel I's Cclebrateil EsMay on the radical curt (without medicine) of Spebmatourhíea or Remira] Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loaaes, Impotency, Mental and Phyeical Incapacity, Impedimenta te Mítrriagp etc. ; alao Consumption, Epilrpsy and Fit, induced by self-indulgenee or sexual extravugauce ; Piles, &c. Barprice in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this udmirable Eseay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' suecestílú practice, that the alarming consequeneea oi' sdt abuse may be radically cured without the díuifjerou use ít iriternal medicine or the applicntion oí' th knife; pointing out a mude of cure at once simi-le certaiu, and effectual, by means of which every suí ferer, po matter whut his condition mny be, mu cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically SSTThis Lecture ahould be ín the banda of ever' yoath and very man in the land. Sent und er seal, in a plain envelope, to nny ad dress. post-paid on receipt of six centw, or two }" tage Btamps. Also, DE. PILL.SBEK'ri JiK.MKD V FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address ihe Publiühcrs, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, New York, I'ostoüice Box, 4 5S0. 1436yl GOING TO PAINT! IF SO CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, No. 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, a.:id buy AVERILL'S CHEMICAL PAliMT l' It is the best Paint in use. J471mJ ilortgage Sale. rjEFAXJLT hnving been made in the condition of ■■ a oortaiu mortgage made by David McColl, of Scio, iu the Couuty of Washtentiw and Htate of Michigan, to William Latson, of the city of Ann Arbor, iu the Oounty and Btute nt'oreauid, daleu March twenty-sixth, 1SBÍÍ, and recorded m the office of Kegisler of dceds fcr Wnslitenaw C'ounty, Michigan, ou the twenty-sixth dav of Maren 1366 at eleven and onelialt o'ciock, A. AI., in libar 35 of montages, on page 257 ; whioh said morigane, l,ogetherwitü the note accoinpanj ing the same, was on tkeeigutfcnth day of January, A. IX 1872 dulv assigned to Leonard Vaughn and Mm-tli Vuuglin, which aasignment was duly lecoraed m the omce ot Kegistcr of Deeds, Rforehiud, on the third duy of .Haroh, 1874, at nine o'ciock, a. m., in liber 4 ot assigniuents of mortgages, on paye 2a&; upon which mortgage thete la cTahnéd to b: dut 1jy virtue ot the conditiooil iti'iiot, aud remaining iinpaid at the duteof thin ootico, the bugq oí' twenty-two hundred and torty two dollars and sixtten cents, and an attorney's lee ot thirty dollars provided Jiir in aaid moiita;.;e. and no uit or procevdiug having bn msüuiied at Inwto recAvérthe tim now due aud Beoured by naid montage, or rtny part thereol : Now, tüerefore, by virtuo oí the power of sale contained in aaid xaattgaKe imd by virtue of the stiuute in Huch mude and provided, notice ia hereby (iven that on S..turdny, the thii.ieth day of Muy uexi.. altvrelve o'e'ock noon of that dty, at the troja door of ihe Court Uuuse, iu the city of Ann j Arbor, ín juid i_:oun;y ot' Washtfnuw and Swte of I Uicl.ii.iiii (s.idl.ouit House bnwt the pUce of hcudu.: i i,c ;ircuii Court lor sjiid Countyj, tJieiewiü be ,oid al public iiuction or veudue, to the Ilighesl bidder, thf premiietdmcrlOM iiiS1iid mortgiieé as: All Lllui cextain truel or parecí oí land kntwu and described na lollows: Being one equal and tiiidivided hult ■: the CHi-üing nnn clotiing woik and one-hali j oí 'hpappurteiinncef , uiacliinery, and preñases thereto beiunginji ; yaid premises are upou the southtast ! tn ri loiial i]ii.irU'r ot hi'ctiou two, in towuship two suuthol range nve.HSt, beginniu; ut a utake stund Ing on ihe north bank oí ffn limon river, at a jioint near linee roUafrom tne end of the bridge acrosfi suidliveroj) Ut roHd leading from nn Arbor t o HoireU, inLivrngSton CoUtlfy, tliencc running nurlh tiitin .tni -itake eiglit ïods on therUneoi naid road, thence westerly eight roda, thenca southt-rly and parallel witli -id road eight rodn, theni-e MHteriy to tlie püioe til bt'y inning. Daftd, Mkrch 4, ; 1. LKOXARD VAI75HN, MAiiTaA VAUGHN, Ausinees. ■ lA-MKri lï. CtOïT, Att'y ior Aöaiynee. - 1468 Mortgage Sale. ÜEFAUI.T having been made in the condition ol a cei tain mortgnge executed by Jonathan Bockert and Lydia lus wile, ut the twnship of Dexter, oounty of WiiKhtenaw and tate of Michigan, to löaac Kay, of the same place, ou the twenty-til h day of August, one thotisund eight hundred and aeventy, and ïecordcd in the Kegister'e othce, in the couiay oí Washtenaw and State oí Michigan, on the fourth day of November, a. d. 870, at ii-á o'ciock p. ... in liiwi 4.' of mor: gnues on page .' 2S : And there is iiow claimed to be due on said m itgage and note accompam ing the s:ime the sum of Uve hundred and eighty-.-evt n dollars and seventy-one cents, (and the further sum of three liundred and four dallan and at-venty ernta to hecome due on the 2hth day of AagDit 1N74 and 1.87-ï 1 ils,o iui attoruey's fee of thirty dollar sliould ,iuy proceeding b .taken to fore &aid mortgage, and no proceeding in law or in equuy havintr üt-tn liad to recover Buid suni of money ir any part t icreoi : Sow, tlierel'ore. notice is hereby givi-n that by virtue of the power of sale in said inortgage contained 1 shall sell t public auction ti) the higliot bicdei on the tliirtieth day of May next, at 2 o'ciock p. m. of said daj , at Ihe front door of the Oourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county afor. - said fthat tieing the place of holding the Circuit f'ourt tor said county}, all that ctrtnin piece or parcel ot lano situated in the township of Uexter, Wanhtenaw County and State of Michigan, known, bounded and desenbed as follows, to wit: The north half of the Southwest quarter of section number nve ol townsliip one south of range four easl. Duted, Maroh 6. 1874. ISAAC RA Y, Mortgagee. Iohn N. Gott Attorney for llortgagee. Mortgage Sale. WIIEREASLevi H DouglaBS of the city of Ann Arbor, county oi Wastenaw and State of Michigan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1872, executed a mortgage to John N Gott and Julia A. Gott, of the same place, to secure the payment of certaiu principal and interest monoy therein mentioned, which morteage was recorded in the office of the Register of d eds in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 18th day of Jnly, A. D. 1872, in Liber 48 of mortgageB, on page 292, and whertau dilault bas been made for more than thirty days, in the payment of au installmentof said interest money which became due on the 18 th day of July, . D. 1873, by reason -wheieof and pursuant to the terms of said mortgage, said mortaragees elect that so much ot said principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearagej of interest thereon, shall become due and payable immediately ; and whereas, tlieie ie claimed to be due and unpaid at the date ot this notice the sum of three thousand two hundred and uinety-eight dollars and sixteeu cents lor principal and interst, also fifty dollar-, as a reaaonableoolicitor's or attorney's fees'hould any proceeding be taken to foreclos e said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding have been instituted, either in law or equity. to recover the sanie or any part therpof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that on SATUBDAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OP ,[UXü next, at two o'ciock in the utVrnoon of paid day, at the south door ot the Court House in the city f Ann Arbor fthat being the building in which the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw and state aforesairi is held,) and by virtue of th epower of rale contained in said mortgage, 1 shall sell at public auction to he highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage, to satisfy the amount of principal and interest cluimed to be due with the Attorncy's fee of fifty dollars and charges of sale, to wit : All that certiin piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, aforesaid, known, bounded and described au follows. to wit :- Being the uorth half of lot number six (6) in bloek number three south of Huron street, and range nnmbersix (öj east, according toa recorded plat oí the vilhige fnow city) of Ann Arbor. Dated, April 3d, 1874. JOHN N. GOTT and JULIA A GOTT, John N.Gott, Atty. 1472 Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. PKFAULT having been made in the eonditions of mJ a certain mortgage, executed by George K. Braithwait;, of the city of Aun Arbor, county of Wa-htnaw and State of Michigan, to Samuel P. Jewett, of fcbfl utmi place, bearing date the fifth day of Jauuary, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sevcnty-two, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtunaw Connty, Michigan, on the niütli day of January, a. d. 1872, in Ubei 48 of mortgages, ou page 18, by which default the power of sale coutained m said niortgage has becoine operative, and on which mortgage therr is claimed to be due at the dato hereof tlie sum of thirty-four dollars and fhirty cnts and the further sum of four hundred dollars to become due thereon), also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars shouM any proceedings be taken to foreelose said nioviguge ; and no proceedings at law orin chancery having been instituted to recover the debt seeured by said mortgage or any part thercof : Notice is thürefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statüte ín such case made and provided, said mortgagt; will ba foreclosed on Saturday, theTwkntikth dav of Junk, a. ij. 1874, at two o'cloek in the afternoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor in said county of Washtenaw tsaid Court House beieg the place of holding the Circuit Court tor the couuty of Washtenay;, by a sale at public auction, to the highest biddei, premisos di'seribed in said mortgage, which are known, bounded and described as follows. to wit: Being lot number twenty (20j, in Jewett's addition to Ann Arbor city, aecording to a recorded plat thereof in the Register' office of Washtenaw County, in líber i7 of deeds.on page 678, Dated, March 2U, 1874. SAMUEL P .TEWETT, John X. (íott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1471 Sheriff s Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Washt#naw CouLty, bs. ■? By vinue of one writ of execution iasued out of and unrier the seal'of the Circuit Court for the Couuly oí VVashtemiw, and tome directed and delivered t.?ainst the goods, chattles, lands and tentments Samuel Hurb;mk and Austin F. Burbank, I Lave ihe tweuty-iourih dny of April, A. I). 1874, seized and kvied upon all the right, title and interest of riamuel liuröüiik has in and to the following lande, to wit : Tuut piece of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, County ol Washtenaw and Stateof Michigan, ile.-cribed a tollows. towit: Being apart of the Southwest quarter of secrion thirty. in township two south oi range six east, beginning at a point on the guarter line ie tiie center of the road leading Boutnwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor, thence south long thequartvr line of s-iid section twenty;hree chains nd forty-five links to the quurterpoet, tliE-nce west along the section line eight chainu and eighty-seven links, thence north parallel with the quarter line one chHics and geven ty links to Jie center of aid road, thence along the aaid road to ,he place of beginnintr. containing twenty aeren of and ; which nbove desenbed property I shall exposé or sale at public auction fo the hiirhest bidder at the pouth door ol the Covert House, in the city of Am Arbor on the twenty-seventh day of Juue, A. E 1874, at ten o'clock a. m of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 12, 1874. U78td M. FLEMING, Sheriff, JTATB OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit O In Chancery. Suit pending in the Circuit Cour fur the Cuimty of Washteuaw, in Chaneery, at Am AröOFén ÉB llth lay of April, A. I). 1S74. Mary L Wayne . Alonzo. E. Wayne. It appeaiing by aniOa vit that the defendant, Alonzo E. wayne, is not a resident of the State of Michigan, bot that he radde ii: the State of Louiaiana, it is urdered that the aid defendani caüse hls appearance in thi.s cause to be enteml wit h in three munt lis iïom the date of this order anl Ouit in case of bia appeaxanee e cause bisanswit ti) the complainant's bil] of cmnplaint to be filt'd and a copy .servedon the eomplainant's solicitor withiii i wt-nty daya after service ufa copy of said till and Qotice ofthls order, and in default thereof that said bilí be taken aa con&saed by said defendant And it is further ordered that within twenty days said oomjilainiiïit cause a nótice of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Akgvs, a newspaper printed in said Cpunty weekly. and that the publieatiou be continued in said paper ome in each week for six successive weeks, ot that Bhe oaoee t rópy of this order to be perBonallv served upon aaid derendapt at least twenty days qefore the time preaeribed for lus appearance. 8wl4W JOHN F. LAWEENCE, John N. Gott, Circuit Comt Cummissioner CompPts. S)]icitor. Washtenaw Co. Michigan. Uhancery Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT CüURT for the county of Washtenaw, In Chancery :- Lucy W. B, Morgan, coraplainant, vs Anne Quigley, Fatrick Wall, John Qtrigiey, Margaret Quigley, and Anne Quigley and Patnck Wall, adminlstrators of the estáte of William Uuigley, deceased, defendanta. In pursuance of a decree ol this court, made in this cause, I sha.ll sell ut public anction, at the Court Houe in the city of Ann Arbor. on the sixth day of June next, at noon, the west half of the southwest quarter of section Ño. ten ín lownship one eouih m range six eaet, in the State of Michigan. J. F. LAWRHNCE, E. TV. Morgan, Circuit Court Comraisuioner. ComprtB. Solicitor. Ann Arbv-r, April 23, A. D. 1874. 1475 GTARPIAN-S SALE.- In the matter of the estáte of Sarah Black woed. minor. Not ice is hereby glveo that by virtue of a lieenat to me ertnted on the linth day of April, 1874, by the Hon. Joseph C. Powell, Jadge of Probate for the county of Oakland State of Michi-gn, T will sell tothe htghest bidder on' he premists in the town of Salem, Washtenaw county, on Saturday, the sixth day of June, 1874, at one o'cloek, p. m., all the ri.ybt, title and interest of aid minor, in and to tbe folio wing described real ■state, to wit : All tbat certain or parcel of land :escrlbed as folio w: The southeast one-fourth of he southeast omvf'ourth of section number three, Ín ownship number one soutb of range uumber aeven ast, containing forty acres of land according to the ïftrinal surwy of lands in the State of Michigan. Davxi. April 21. 1674. b HT5 JAMES BLACKWOOD, Guardian. SECURE YOURSELF A HOMB Valuible City Lots for sale Cheap, and locgtim ireu for pij uiwut ii dirtd. 147Sm8 C. H. MILLEX. Mortgage Sale. WHBREAS George W. Mohr and Rachel A v, wife, oí the township ol Sylvan, Waslnn; County, Michigan, on the ninth oay óf Ocu.btr the year of our Lord one thousand eight humiJ and neventy-one, executed a mortgage to Geoie i Davisol the same place, to aicuio tne nament certain principal und interest money therein mè, tioncd. which mortguge was recorded in the cilio the ltegister of Deeds iu aid coun'y. on the ter. day oí October, a. d. 1871, ut nine o'clock a m said day, in liber 44 of mortgages, on page 35 ■ 'w' said mortgage was duly assigned on the second duv Jannary, a. d. one tf.ousaml eiih: hundred anuas euty two, to Luther Jamt s, of the township of Lii, county of Washtenaw aforesaid, and recorded in tl office of the Register of ljeedsot eaid county on tl flrst day of April, a. d. 1S74, in líber Ko. 4 of ast,, menta of mongages on page two luindred and sevi ty ; and whereas default has been made lor bi' than thirtydays m the pament ui an installn of interest money wiiich became du, on the mn day of üctober, a. d. 873, l.y réason whereol t pursuantto oí said morUruge, „aid mat gagee hereby electa that eo mucli ol said prinoirj asremaina unpaid, with all unearagea ot int ai' tbereon, shall booomedueand pnyhble imm whereas there is elaimed to 1. due and nnpaid i said mortgageat the date ot thia n tioe il i üve thousand tour hundred ;ml tifly two dollniH aI seventy-nine cents fi.r piii.cipal and imere ; nitorney's fee of H t ty ahould any pi be laken to fo. olone s;,i,l mor: thcr s in of eilil üoU;ii lor ni-uiiiiitv ;, proi(]i for in said mortgage, und do Buit or pi liuving been instuiited eithci in oi mm cover the same or any pan i liereol : Nu io lore hereby given, (hal on th" TVEN'l Y'-M Yl vr DAY OF JUNK N l'.Xl'. .it o'clock in r],e at er'il of said duy, at the bout Spot r,i rhe Couri IIoiih , the city ot Ai.n , j ,t}l;,i i, the building in which the ( HOnit Cort or Ml onunty ia helnj and by v, .ui ol ihe pnw r ot id contained in nid mortgitgp. I si. til seil at jM bl auchur. to the highnt bidder, ihe premibet de ril in said 'mortgage towitmfv :,.■ amnunt oi priijein and intereal nbóve ciaimeu „n mie. witli the i ale and uttomey'6 fee ol liitj dollni-s. w'th iusni nc BM aforefttUa, -ill the Ibllowinir deacribeu pi panela of land, to wit: The ontij Iwlf ol tl sout heust quarti-ruf tlie semthwett quarlei ol w.iu tweuty-three also a stlip of Ilinj tin chnlln „,, lifty links in wiatii north and south and nl chaine east ana west heing ot i i],. r,, ol thenorthw st(nartcr „f the sonthwesl quarlert section twenty-four, al d otl of tlic ,-oulli Mrtioftl north hal' of the f outbenat quartftr ol aiotion twer ty-threc (23v,cnt:.inin in the List deacribed niicet paicelof land tlfteen ;ioies; also beinmnft at t]i northeast comer of the wjuthwe! qnaiter ol il southwest quarter ot section tw nty-fimr cMj rtit ning thence .-outh on the hali line ix cliaii and sevenly-three links to ihe miithevat comer t land deided by Aaron Lnwreuee to I.ois Fenn, ihnt south eighty-six desrree west alxtein l(i} cli.iins t a stake, thence south four deirrees east tliree chair and thirty-eiL'ht link lo a stake on the easl sidei a spring, thence west four chains ic o?s said sprinp f a stake, thence north tweuty-rive link to :i stak' thence sotith eitrhty-.six dff-recs west time eli;iin;iii fl.fl y li. ks to a stake in the east line nf aeetioil twn ty three, thence south iihty flve net-rees and thi minutes west parallel with the aonth lm. - twenty-thrt'e f23j abou' forty f41), chaina t.i a stukei the center line of saiil section twenty-tluei . theiN nrth on said center line nine ctiains ai-d eightyj links, thence east parallel with the swuth i sections twenty-thiee and twrnty-lour about i-isi chains to the place of beginninc. costaininkr flt'-.y-fii acres oi land ; a'so a piece ot land ott of the norfl west corner of the northwest quarler cf the snut] eaat qtlarter of said seetioli twtnty tlin-e five cluiii and seventy-one and one-half links wide east an west, and sevrnteen chains and fifty links n-T'h n south trom the rortliwest corner, of tl-e piece of lan second aboved-'scribed oontait iiiy ten acres of hm all in tnwnship two south of range east, connt o' _ Washtenaw and tate ot Mlctiigan aforesaid c.i taining in all one hundred aorei of land moie or Ita Being the lands rlesciiled in a cerlain indenture t mortgage triven by O.orge W. Mohr and wife t (leorge E. Dnvis, and recorded in the Register' ofHc for Washtenaw county, in liber 40 of mortgucesu page 342. Dated. April 3 1874. LITHEH JAMES. ,ri,,n,? John N. Gott, Attorney of said Uottoin for said Assinee. 147-td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT by non-payraeut of moneys, hayins bet made in the oondltlon of a certnin mortgagea ecuted by illiam A. Benedict and tttheriie I Benedict, to Andrew J. Shjvely, bearing date tl, twenty-tirst day of April, A. D. 1870, dulj stKtnpo and recorded is the office of the Beglsttr oi Dd of Waahtenaw (Jounty, tu the tétate oí ichif an. oí the sixteenth day of May, A. 1). 1870, at loram one-half o'clock p. m., m tiber 42 of moi;. page 412, and thereafter fully as.-i-iuxl bi Andrew J. Shively to Philip lïaeh, by au ïnaliuna of assignment, ate tin teiuh day ot .lanu ary, A. IJ. 1874, and recorded in the atoic of Register of Deeds, on the sey niet nth fi; ruary, A. I) 1874, at three and oiu-h.ilf oclúck t. . in liber 4 of assiynments of mol where by the power of -sale oontaÍDed in - gage has become operative, and no fauit it, laworit chancery having been instituten to recover the oebl seciuetl by said mortgage or any pn thereof, and the suni of eight hundred and ninetj seven dollars, and Bfty-nine being ChumfdB be due on said mortüage at the datr of tl , Theiefore, notice is hereby given that to satilv ;b( amount due on said mongas; e, with the mtentl costs, and charges allowed by law and pi.. in said mortgage, ïncludiiig an attorney ot tbirn dollars, thepremisesdescribedinsnirl mortgage, toffit All that certain pieee or paretl of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenav . of Mlchigrn. known bounded and deserfbed as follón to wit : lleing in the southeast corner of the nor east quarter of the northwest quarter of aection nuraber Ihirty-two [32), in township number tCT f!; south, range number six (6) east, commrncing at the corner stake in the Ann Ai hoi and L di tí ■,■ running eight rods west on the line of aan! thence north twelve rods, thence east eÏL'}.the center of said road, thence souih tw h-e rods to the place cf bepnnin, will by virtue of the Rforasid power of sale contained in said mortfJipe. and of the statute in such case made and provided, be sold at public auction or vendue, to thtbidder, at the south door of rhe ' om t Hdti-e io the city of Ann Arbor. in the County o tenaw and State of Michigan '- iu Ccmit House beinir the place of holding the i ircuit Court fitlit and for said (vounly; on Saturdav the sixfli dn"s (jt June, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the lbrenoiii ui that. day, Dated. March 1 3, A. D. 1S74. PHILIP mCH, B. F. Granger, Asi:!o. Att'yfor issignee. 1469 Mortgape Sitie. DEFAULT having been made in the eoiidiliot so! a certain mortgage exteuieo bj üIimii H. Mallory and Hiln il. Maliory to Jol, V Uil bearing date the sixreen J, ciii; nf t pic mbci , a l, H72,and recorded iu the otiioe ot II. e Lemslu ,: Deeos for the county ol Wicshlenaw and ,-üitt ol Micliigan, on the nintli ü,y (.1 Octobei, l. Liber lorty-nine of iüüttuay[ on pi.gv tw,, hundid and mnety uine, whict saiü morlgiig wit signed by John N. üotl to -amue) P. ,levett, and l; iiamuel P. Jewett tu Christian ï.uck uud ludtiit Schmid,andby reaton ot Bnid ueitinlt th j.owei oí Mie in sjiid mortgage having bt come operative. and tiert beiug clainied to be due alm owiti oi, .-. iu and the boud aecompanyiug the same it il,c dte ol ilns notice, the siim of on tbonannd aeVtn and tifty-six dollars and tweuty-nini et nits fjl"'291, together with un itton i s lie o; fitty provided lor in said mortgage, and i,o suit er plfr ceedings at law or in quity having beei, ins'ituteJ to recover sa ü amount or :iny pai t thefeoti Koiic is theretore hereby given il at on Baturday tin inty-third clayot Jlay. a. d. 1874, at eliven o'ciwk tü the forenoou of said day, t the wuth doorol the Coun House in the city of Ann Arbor ftaid Comt House heing the place for holding Ihe' hcqitOnrt for the county of Washtenaw) theiewillbe mÜ bj virtue of the power of sale contiiined in said mp rt gage. at public auction to the highest bidder, tt' premises described in said mortg;,pe, nï so mucÉ thereof as may be uecessary to eatisfy tLe imoutit due and puyable on said mortfjatre togéthe vitl) tle interest, costs, charges and expenst-s allowed by lfW. and provided for in said mortgage, that is to say: All that cerlain piece or paroel ot land sitúate,] in tk city of Ann Arbor,county af oresaid. known. bouiidit and described us lollows. to wit : Commencinii ui point in the north line cf Huron streel, in thi Ann Arboi aforesaid, eijiht rods and eighteen inchw wstot the west lineo! D. Mein ty re's la j)d ni ■ ning thence north parallel with saiü west line of said Alcintyre's land twelve rods, thence west pri'ilel with Huron street to the east line of MannrtrM, thence south twelve rods to the c.riiei ot Mamiaiii Huron streets, thence eaet to the place of bepimiiM' Said description being intended to cover the premie where said William H. Mallory now lives, on tbi north side of Huron street. Dated, February 20, i74. CHKITIAX MATK, FBEDBB1C 80HMIÍ), Assignees of said Mortpapf' D. Ckamek, Att'y for said Assignees. 1467 Mortgage Sale. EFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage executed on the twentytiitli day ol Juiy, A. D. 1868, by Itobert P. Leonard bdú Martha A Leonard. of the city of Ami Arbor, Waahtenaw Cnunty, Michigan, to Joseph Pihj, the township ol Northtield, iu the Oountj oí Wadtenaw and Stute of Michigan, aforesaid, and ïecord ed the same'da.y in the office of the Reginter oi Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, Michigan, in litr .38 of mortgages, on page 453, upon wluch raortTPï there in claimod to be due at the date of this ooti two hundred and fifty-. ue dollars and Bix'y-W" cents, for principal and interest, and also tliirty dollars au an attorney or solicitor's fee as of ten aeanï proceeding is taken to foreclose tai 1 mm-tpiige. MW no proceedingp haring been taken at law or in eq.uiíí to. recover amouxit due or any part thereof : Theref ore, notice is hereby given" thnt by virtue ot tb? power oí sale contuined in said morteage, I s])!l sell at public auction, o the biffhest bidder, on BatnnJtfi the twenty-tbird day of Mjiv nt-xt, at two oMofk p. m. of said day, at the front door o the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, Coimty aforesaid, (that leing the plnce of holding tl. e Ciroi1 ( ourt ioi said County): All that ceitain picce or paiccl of land sitúate in the townsbip of NoUhfield H luiw County, State of iíicliifían, ki own. bounded flr.i described as follows. to -wit: Commenomg sotb tbirty-six deirrees forty-four minutes eaet.eigJit rods and eight links tr ni a t;lke. Beven links'11 front of the uortheast corner of Albert BtVvenV trfivefl stand, thence squth flfty-three degreea and fiftees minutes -west, eiííht rods. t henee eoytb thirty degres and forty-four minutes eaat, fuur rorfs. thence north fifty-three dpgrees and flfieen minnW east, eight rods, thence north tlinty gix degrecs nu forty five minuteB west, four jods to the placeof bezinning, eontaining one-iifth of aa acre of U more or less. Dated, Feb. 25, 1S7-Í. JOSErn riiAY, JIortfíügee, John - Gott, Att'y for Mortgngee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgnfre, made and executed by Jerusha Huil. of the eily of Ann Aibor, Counly of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to l.ewis C. lí's' don, of the same place, in trust íor Francos MEogers, a minor, beiirinp date the twenty-fiisl dy of j une, A. D 186ï!, and recorded m tlie office oi th Bearlater of Déeds tui t-id Cuusty. on tl e n'me diji ut four and one-half o'clook p j:., in 42 of mort tiages, on pat-'e 57 ; by whicli defdult the power of f''e contained fherein beeinme opc-rntive, ulid ilititn"1' beinir flíiimed ti, he duc thcipnn rlm nm of two thousand aix hundred nnd twcnty ilirte dolJurf fln ninety-six cents, pnnciptt] nml ivu n s. me no proeeedinps at bxw or in equit.y hiiviiifi been tuker torecover the s;irae or ny prt therof : Notire is h reW givpn, thitt. by virtue of -i power ol wie confuir' d 'n said mortffate, I sh;itl pe'l r public nuction, totlie hihest bidder, on the sixth dtiyot Julv oext, 12 o'ciock noou, at the south door óf the Cmnt H('ilfie in the city of Arm Arbor fthnt beinj tlie place for holdinp the Circuit ourt lor the Cotinty oí "WHhtenaw), thepremisea deccribed in sai-l mortffg ore0 inucli thereof ob sha]] be necessmyio pny the nmciu1' due theieon and the lesnl cos' b oï1 t-nle, 'tri wii : L. number twelvefi?) in block nutnber two f1.'} BoutJiot Huron street and Ranfre number el ven. in the ei'rtern adition to the viiliiptMinw ei' y of Am iw" In the County ol Washtenaw nnd State of Micïn'guD. latl, Ann Arbor, Slavch 12, 874. 1469 LEWIS C. RlüDON, Mortgageein Truit.


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Michigan Argus