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VKW BAKEKÏ ! BiFlOö. Would inCoiBi their numerous fritnüsjuid the public geiMCtdiy, tlit they have iittti up store hiU'ly OCCjupivd h .1. C W'uUori Je l-, '2H Kast iiuron St., as a Hiikery and Confectionery Store, find hope by a strict attention to Ihisíhomh to mei il and receivu Kliure oí patronage. Puriculai attentwn will be paid to the Ice-Ci'i'ani Department, Wedding Cukes, Pyramida, all kinda of Fruit akea, and Eoe-Cr6UD iurms]n.d families or partien ou short notice. Fresh Fruits and Conteetionery alw.iys on hand. Goods delivered free ol ohatvu to in imrt of the city. Kemeraber the place, No. 28 East Huron Street Ann Albor, Muy 27, 1874. E. STIUKU, . STIM!S(J. I YWKLIJNG HOUSES muR SALE A hirgeand veiy wetl built brick honaè. with two r more lots. Twu largu tramed höttses. i gooó sized brick house and fraiucd houtje ; und u uiali frumti house ou u good lot, uitended fer óddiug a frunt tor snle ou fair tenus and a reasouable en dit. Alsoother buildings, loln, snet piojicriy. [HONI3V VAiTKO -So maiiy wibhiuff to orrmc money :ippl j to me that I c;iu reüdfly ohtam for tenders n'ood satisfnctnry inv).-tintMilM at l.-n per cent. nterr +. fc'.. W. MOHOAN. Aun Arbor, Auril 23. 1R73. U2?ti W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Douls in both FINE CUT AM) S3IOkhG TOBACCO, Sim ff, Pipes, fec, AT XO. 7 KAST HUKOX STRLLT, Next to the Express Office, ANN AR BOK, Illlll. lMftf NEW GOODS iT umin havd ju-a receivtd 3ë CABES NEW Dry Coods ! Have theoi open and aio nuw prepared tor BVSIXESS. .if These goocU liave been bought at a larga decline fvom early Spring prices, and we are perfeotly willing to sell tliitm at smull proflts. JOHN H. MAYNAED. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING I TIn1 Spring C'nnipaiii OPKNED IN EARNEST. 1HLL, TUK ( L0TH1ER, l';is just amveil umi epeited .hu great One-1'rii f CLOTHINfi" HOUSE , IST MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now tinil the TiUipjest, Pibmt and nioi Complete t$took ot WBmmwm MATS, CA I'S, TlM.hS, AND Gents' Furuishing Goods, .f, '.■■ il -n'.l mi Aiiu Auljur. NotK.iil.le t.i sumí' (IixkIo at tli.' Sinr ( lulhinr Hou-..', So. 33 South Main St., Bast sid Ana Anor, Sncb) ;korgk küll. Któ CO Briggs House Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. 1 This well-known Hotd, rebuilt upon the oíd site, ha all the modern convemences- Passenger Hevator, li.ul Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Boom, Elecnntl) !■ lunished, undlocated in the business centre ottlic .ny TEKMS: $3.00 Pr Day. RICKCORDS &. HUNTOON, - Prop TEW REAL ESTÁTE OFFICE 01 AHMHt IHTCHCÜCK & VA). !.; S.,r,th Mnii, St., Alm .il..,r, .Miili. Cllv I'nilK'rly, Hmisps. hola ami larms Krtft s !.i: and i;xchaX(;ki). tn TlIi:U. I.A.J)S FOU KALK. (OLOMKS LOCATEI). stoí as ,i) fl;Ki(. i;i:s kor salk. UTjilU;) AND MOXEY'S l.dANKli. H.Vlil-WOOI) $ ÜASSW00D LUMBEE FOE SALE. rjHK sirt)srrib#r tma on hunda pood ftssortmpnt of ■ OAK, AS Í1, KLM, liASSWoOl), W H IT KSVOÜU, 'ná n h,-i v.uiftif.s 01 buraber. froin U in. to 3 ia.ihirli. ALSO. Fenee Posta, Square Tiir.tri Plank mul ok Ktad'!-n ■. 'ii' .11 ■:,:■.-. kept 011 hand Bi uituin to indi-r on sUtlJ'l Imlit't'. ';u M.ul.ii ut ten (ion giveii to UU STOM SAWING. lYure Posta I'liinuil, (Jak Tickets kipt nu Imlicl nud iawea tfl order. MOULDINGS it dillt'iiiit p:ittt tus sawi'd to order. FAHM (IA TES kejit on band umi soM clieap. Particular atlañtion üiven to furnluhlng billipf tmiliei ut .lul, -runt 1. DL-llis iml ni.e cm tljf mest reu■s.umltlt: trim. BAW8 ÜUMMEDÓN SHORT NO'l'ien. LOGS WANTED. I :im prepul J to pay CASH for sound Oak, Asli, Biwawoüd and IVhilewood Iiíís delivereti ut iny miH or will buy mul méasure Log u tlie wooila witliiu aix milei of mili. BdTAll ithiih in.lelitt-d to late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock ïv ill pleuw: LtiU unj skuIc their Hucountü t the MUI. J. T. HALLOCK. jsr e w Dry Goods AT THE -A.TSTJST AR BOK TRADING ftooUülSI ÏÜN. i JUST RECEIVED A Ttig Stock oí DRY GOODS! We cal) SPECIAL ATTKNTION TO - FINE DKKSS (Í0OÜN Whiob will be aold CHKAH POH CASH. CALL AND SEE THI We Hit iiow mnwE tii iaitf To uur Patrons omSPRING MM OF CHOÏCE AND Elegant Designs CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. &c. CHEAP FOB CASH! Ann Arbor, Ajuil 2'.', i s 7 1 . ü. W. IIAYN. Slipt. 1 4 7 5 m 2 JROM HEADQUARTERST H lp THE POSTOFITCE QUESTION IS BETÏLEI) AT LAST. BEAL IS BEAMEN 13 Y TIIK AURIÜULTlIlüli (Jl). Who iinnounc.' to tlit-ti' Custome thtki i h-% m!1 MU Full Triiniiirii WttgOIU, U';u i .iiitctl fol -n at $75, ineliuiing h!1 eitraa. -, ftre, 8prin(f beate, Wliiill.'tre., Neckyokea, mul i.., ha--.' Thia wto to be l'ur Cahf and to be opto) foi i-ii :y 1 s. Alao FII.L TKinnEU n.(MlS, 10 DOM.AUS. Fuman, if jon vkta to mpplj i the time foieush. All k'kiiId würanted. ny 'riele in uur line imtlly luw We lira OeVer inui.TBOld. We me gattiBg OH a lnll ntocll oi REAPERS AND iviuWSiiS di (He Johnston Patent, which we offer equally IoWi and wb will put u, $1,000 Ule tombioed Reapeí ín the Wat, oheapMt and eaaiest werking oombined lfeaper and Blower in the I". s. of Am The old reliable Reaper il too weli knowo to reqHiif uny baoking, it i admitted by nll ihat it is the best Ueapor in the T'niou. We would alaosaythut n. i i ell all out roods for Osh al lower Hgurea tl..,H tht-y au be bouht elMwliere, azidevery artiefó to suit p'iiflia.ser or no s:i! Cali Befen Ywi Buy and 8avt fbttr Muney. A, A. AGRICULTURA L CO. 1477mJ HPAKE NOTICE. I have this day employed .Mr. Clark, vho, for the pust 20yeais. bus bad cliarge of the Cook'a Hotel lltirn, and FurmerH orotbera wlio ish their horses fed and watered aeoordlng to onlern, at rea?onabli raten, will flnd the " Old Reliable " ut the Muuitui Livpry sitable, Cor. Hurón and eeond strects. Aun Arbor, May 14, 1874. J. V. X. GREGOEÏ, Frop.


Old News
Michigan Argus