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Caeds. _ Circulara. _ Bill-Heads. _ Letter-Heads. _ Shipping Tags. _ Printed at the Arous office. __ In the best style and cheap. __ Don't order elsewhere before Balling. _ Dr. E. O. Haven, ex-President of the Unirsity, was in town on Frulny and Saturday last. _Weather warmer but not ïnucH wetter though there was some jiromise in yesterday's' elouds. - The Ladies' Temperauce Union hold regular business and prayer meetings cach Tuesdny and Friday aiternoon. - Rev. Chas. Cravens, of Toledo, Ohio, will oreach in ths Unitarian Church on the next Sunday, morning and eveniug. _ Prof. Watson has gone to Washington, to complete arrangements for hls excursión to China, where he has a flirtation with Venus in riew. _ óO : that's the sum Mr. John Bentley paid hst week on account of his dog making mutton of a large immber ot sheep belonging to Mr Vauatta. - A lady advertises in the Woman's Journal (Boston) for a boarding place in this city, about July "th. ior herself and three children, also tot room i which to set up house-keepiug. _ The Senior nine waxed the Junioi-s in a Mime of base ball on Friday afternoon last, by & score oí 13 ' " was "ie J60'8'1'6 game "ach nine having been a victor in a previous game. _Hon. A. Robison, of Sharon, was in town on Wednesday. He gave us a very fiattering report of the condition of wheat and spring grain „ thiit town. Says Uirge crops are promised. -Maj. O. T. Clark, recently of Flint but uow a resident of our city, a practical Civil Eugineer, ia the writer of the interesting and instructive uticle in another column, lieaded " Civil Engineering." - Pat. U'Hearu, Supervisor, makes the popularon of the Third and Fourth wan Is count up 24jl, a decrease of 101 siuce the census of 1870. He reporta lol widows and 681 male citizens oTer 21 years old. - Dr. C. A. Leiter, of this city, had an encounter with a huge rattlesnake on Monday afternoon, while on a fishing excursión at StmwberryLake. The serpent was killed ind its six ratte appropriated. - The Stiling Bros. have oponed a new baken', and confectionery establishment at 28 Kast Hurón street. Uood bread, mee cakes, fresh candies and fruit, snd chotee eremns are in their line. See card. - The "Leviathau" advertised for Wednesday next is a "big tliing :" else our exchanges have forgotten how to teil the truth. We expect to see " a whole city full " of pimple, bound tosee tbesights. - The Soldiers' monunient in the Fiftn Ward Cemetery is to be dedieated or unveiled to-inorrow, decoration day, with appropriate addresses. The procession will torm in the Fiïth Ward at ■ o'clock P. IL, precisely. A team belongiug to Kmmet Williams, of Webster, ran away uear Dexter village on Friday afternoou last, collidiug with the buggy of E. Ball, throwmg Ball and lus wiïe out, and severely iuiuring the latter. - The completed ceusu8 of Superior, as taken by Supervisor Qalpin, gives a population of 1,203, or 6Ï less Üiau shown by the census of 1870. The number of deaths in 1873 was '2, both aged persons. A very healthy town. - Eev. Geo. Duffield discwssed Uie work of womao in promoting the cause of temperauce, to a large audience convened in the Presliytorian Clmrch on Wednesday evening, under the auspicesof the Ladies' Temperauce Union. - On Sunday evening last union services (Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, and Presliyteriau) wero held in the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Mr. Haskell preaching. He opposed a license system and favored fighting it out on the prohibition line. - An Adrián correspondent of the Free Preti says that Prof. W. J. Cocker has been offered the position of Assistant Professor of Latin in the University, vice Prof. Walter, gone to Europe; but that he decides to retain his place in the Adrián High School. - Marshal Bennett advertises (in the Detroit Vost and Tribune) that a meeting of the creditore of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company will be held at the office of Hovey K. Clarke, in Detroit, on the 9th day of June next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to prove their claims and choose one or more assignees. - The Ann Arbor correspondent of the Detroit Post repeats a piece of information our d- 1 gave us " privately " but too late for last week: That a Univeisity gradúate is in training for the Bennett cup and pedestrian prize at the coming Saratoga regatta, and that he has made the distance betwcen Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti in 45 minutes. Hay ! man, what's his name? - Four new Chronicle editors were elected by the Btudents of the Literary Department of the University on Saturday last, the meeting being large and the cauvass excited. Tho successful candidates were : C. S. Burch, B. C. Burt, L. Davis, Jr., and J. W. Parker, all of the class of Tí. The four hold over editors are : J. C. Knowlton, L. C. McPherson, J. B. McMahon, and B. C. Keeler, of the same class. The Woman Suffrage campaigu was inaugurated iu this city on Monday evcning last, at whieh time a meeting, moderate iu size, was held at the Unitarios Cliurch and a Woman Suffrage Association organized. Rev. Samuel Day was called to the chair and Lewis Webb made Secretary. An organization was perfected hy the election of the following ofticers : President- Dr. B. F. Cocker. Vice Presidenta- Vr. G. B. I'orter, Uit. J. G Burt, Mra. Dr. Hilton, Mrs. C. H. Worden. Hecwding Secretary - Lewis Webb. Vorrespondinfj Secretary - Mrs. Juüa E. lViVaa. 'ïreamrer - Miss L. L. Porter. After the election the meeting was aJdi'essed ty Rev. Seth Beeil, who avovred liiinself a receut convert and gave the reasons for the faith tliat is in him : of which, however, our reporter made no note. The meeting was also addressed by A. McReynolds, Esq., and by the Chainnan. - To-morrow evening Rev. Mr. (.ravens, of Toledo, wiü addresa the Associatiou at the LTnitarian Church. The regular term of the Circuit üourt opened on Monday, Judge Crane presiding. The Calendai shows lOfi cuses noticed, chssitied as folIowb : Criminal, - - - - 10 Issues of Fact, ... 7H Issues of Law, - - - -1 Imparlance, - Ohancery- lst clasB, - - ' (i 2d " - 2 " 4th " - - - 5- 100 The tirst cali of the Calendar caused the usual number and variety of eutries : continued, discoutinued, settled, uot noticed, referred, etc. On ïuesday the first jury was impanneled, in tUe case of The People vs. Myron Brown, the iniormation chargiug the defendant witli burglary and larceny (that íb with breaking open tbe office of Justice Crane, at Ypsilanti, and stealiug his dockets and papers and the city records). Trial concluded Wednesday evening, verdict not gulity. Yesterday forenoou a jury was imjianneled in The People vs. LeRoy Beam. Information for Eape. Trial progreaaing as we go to presu. ■ The following card has been issued and sent to the address of each Alumnus of the University known to the oommittee : At the last meeting of the Society of the Alumni of Michigan University, the Executive Committee were instructed to make arrangemeuts for a social gathering and supper for the Alumni at the Anniversary of this Society to be held in June, 1874. Such arrangements have been made, and a large gathering of the Alumni is expected. The following is the order of exercises: June 23, 1 p. M. Anniversary of the Society of Alumni ; Oration and Poem, in the New University Hall. At 6 p. M., Supper and Social at Hangsterfer's Hall. June 24, 8 A. M., Business Meeting of Society of Alumni, in the Uuiversity Chapel (before the Commencement Exercises, which will be on the same day). You are cordially and earnestly invited to be present. Please extend this invitation to all Alumni of the University in your vicinity. Supper $1.00. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ) C. G-. CLAEK, } Ex. Committee. E. L. WALTEB, ) The Fourteenth annual meeting of the Michigan State Sabbath School Association is to be held at Jackson next week, commencing Tuesday evening and closing Thursday evening. - Tuesday evenmg an address will be given by Hon. C. I. Walker, of Detroit; Subject-" Sunday SchooWand Crime." Wednesday evening, one by H. O. Hitchcock, M. D.; Subject-" The Antagonism of Alcohol to the Interests of Mankind, - How it is to be met." Thursday evening, by Rev. Z. Eddy, Detroit ; Subject-" The Educational in Sunday School Work. Addresses, sormous, essays, disscusions, etc, will fill up the sossions each forenoon and afternoon. The citizens of Jackson provide delegates with entertainineutc. The Manchester correspondent of the Detroit Tribrtne says : A Oerman picnic was held here May 2öth, saidtohave been called by the Oerman Workingmen's Association, but known to have professedly for lts interest the formation of an antitemperance alliance. A large proportion of the population of our county is coinposed of (xennans, and these tumed out en masse and at once repaired to headquarters. Owinner's Band, frotn Ann Arbor, arrived about ten A. M. and in the afteruoon headed a procession of nearly 1,000 üermans. Speeches were made by Mr. Bruegel, of the firm of Bruegel, Koadoff & Co., and Malcom McDougall, of Bridgewater, each of whom recited the grievancea which Germaus endured in the way of prohibition, etc. The affair jlosed with a dance.


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