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XICHItfAN CENTRAL RAILR0A1). 8UMMER TIME TABLE. ' Passengei trainsnow leave the seeral stations, aa follows OOINO WKS1. i i ,fi j STATIONS. - : H : . . g' ." J - : .- , M 5 o o 3 O . W O -3; & L A. M.'a. M. r. M.P. H. r. M. F. II, Detroit, leave, 7 OfljlO 00' 2 00 4 10 5 40 10 00 Vpsilanti, S 25:11 10! 3 08: 5 30: ï 10 Ann Albor, 8 50 11 251 3 27! J 40: 7 45 11 35 Dexter, S 17 I 3 50 6 20 8 10Í Chelsen, 9 35, 4 10; 8 30J Graas Lflke, 10 03 r. M. 4 41 9 00 Jackson, 10 38,12 3;" 5 10 ! 9 35 1 00 r.M. A.H. Kalamazoo, 1 58! 3 05 8 20 12 25 (Jhicago arrive, 7 3& 8 00! _ , „6jWJJ?0 noiHO sast. è l il i ri i I i ti Uí g a n :! h z, a i A. M. A. U. P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 6 00 : 9 00 5 15 9 00 'P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalaraazoo, 11 OS 1 35 ,5 00, i 2 .15 P. M. A. M.j Jackson. 2 33 4 05 8 00 12 30 5 10 Graas Lake, 3 08 í 8 31! Cholsea, 3 83 8 65: : a. h. Doxter, 3 50 9 17 1 ! 6 35 Aun Arbor, 4 13 5 10; 9 45 1 55 6 30 7 00 Tpailanti, 4 35 5 27 10 10 2 15 6 50 7 25 Detroit, arrive, 5 55l 6 30.11 201 3 30! 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacifle Express run botwoen JackBon and Niles on the Air Line. Datcd, May 24, 1874. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1I.EOAD. aOINO WEST. -1873- GOIÍO EAST. stations. Mai;. Exp. i stations. Kxp. Mail. Detroit, dep... 7:15' 6:4o' MYpsilanti 8:45 7:15 Bankers 5:45 2:15 Saline, 9:25 7:43 Hillsdale 0:15 2:30 Bridgewater . . 9:50 8:00 Manchester.... 8:35 4:08 Manchester. ...10:22 8:18 Bridgewater . . 9:0n 4:28 P.M. Saline 9:25 4:45 Hillsilnle 1:00 9:52 I Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers 1:15 10:00 I Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. TESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE - POB SALE! The Hubscnbor, on account of iil henlth offers bis 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Universit) Ubservalory on the etut, oppunit o sido of tlie street. It has a most exoellent SPRING! un the northeast comer- íormei'ly supplied Míe Rail roud tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES Are as follows: Forcity purpones the Hurón Eiver meanders the same some 3U to 40 rodo, and is part oí the beat "Water Power On the Iliver in thi vicinity, and the elevation on tho northeast corner is sutïiciently high and ampie to aup ply the city necusaities for water and flre purpostBTHE WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriale and suitable for n Public City Cemetery. The city has no such grounds now hut raust have soon, and whatever grounfls the city does not caro to usa, can be sold at an tulvantrare, no much so.that the cost of the Water Workx fiounds and Cemetery, would be merely nominal, lf the citj doen nct w.-tnt tho mime, the ground would Du inval', uable for FRU1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There bein? ome leo trees now in baaring Vegetables and Pasturase, And also foi MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Sheep, And other animáis always in great want by many in the city and its viciuity. As city lots adjoiningthe northwest oorner of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred and rllty dollars thow liinds would or could be sold in a short time to a good advantage and to much proflt to the purchasers LIBERAL TIME Will be civen or the (amewill be exchangcd for Mer ohantablc goods or Drug and Medicines, at caeb prices. TRACY W. ROOT. Aun ArDor, Jan 31 18T3. . 14:1 A KEI TH make from 50 to 100 dollars a week i. solliug thé Keedle Threadinc Thimble. and tho Magie Sewiiif? Machine Needie Threader. They ell at sight. No lady can do without tbem. Circular and Samples of both artioles seut post paid for 70 cents, One artlele 0 cents. WK8TEKN AGENCY, I Box 1, ludiuuupoli Ind. t Heli's Patent SUeet Irou ROOFI iC! 'I ' in Uoofinsr, fur ( m:yi I"Vi;sn and 1. DURAHILITY, Simplicity of application, with itsPIRE, WIND and WATER-PKOOP qualities, has No Equal in Forcircularsandother information, address VV. s. HU1', Nos. 56 HDd 58 East Third St,, Cincinnati, O. ÏHË"iASirNËWBÖOlT5ï'È The subject is all important, yet a puzzling one. It replenisbes the Government Treasury .and impoverishes the people; maken the rich poor and the poor rich ; makes ioolsof wise men ; exhausts the wisdom of legislation; irnikes men run mud and women teel sad. The crusade has begim ; on to victory. Jtfen or women wanted to canvass every town. Address ínLNRY_HOWE, Chicago, 111. WILD LE FE KAK WEST! AENTS WAIVTED evcrywhere for tlii new and buautifully illustrated liook of tbc Author's tliirty ycarn' Life and Adventure among the Indiana, in the Mexican Wam, hunting wild animáis, &c. Thrülingly interesting, and selling fiister than anything ever before known. Send for illustratea circular and terms. P. 4. HUTCHINSON & CO., Chicago, 111. 1474 Tlii. Seviing Machina gives the best tatteJattioA t„ the user, is paid for most readily, and %s the brM of all to geil, Jf there is no " Donwstic" aoent in vour lown LttVly to DOMESTIC S. M. CO.. New York L,adiesSend for elegant faahton Buok. $15 Saw Gummërharpener. A simple and durable machine- easily operated, und runniug wheels trom 8xá inches to 12x1 inch. Xanite Kmcry Whccla, with beveled, doublé beveled and round face, frora 2.1 2 to 7.35, according to thickness. Heavier machines, $TO and ',9'. runnin8 wheels up to 24 inches in diameter. ror illustrated pamphlets, nddresa TH13 TANIXE CW., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., THE LONO-CONIESTED tiCIT OF THE n FLORENCE SEWISW MACHIiE CO. H H agninst the Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, fci O and Grover & Baker Companies, involvintf over H S $250,000, H y la flnally decided by the Supremo Court ñ o of the United States in favor oí the Florence, k O which alone has Broken the Monopoly f S of Hioh Pkices, M L THE NEwTloREIVCE O M Is the ONLY maohine that sew backward S U and forward, or to right and lelt. O Simplest- Cheapest- Best. h Sold for Cash Only. Special TEnus to ö U (MBS and DEALERS. K MApril, 18Í4. Florence, Mass. IJ Minerals, Shelis, Fossiïsi, Mounted Birds, Bird Skins, Artificial Eyes, Nat, urnhsts' Supplies, and objocts of Natural History. Collectious ot Minerals for Schools. 100 Mineral Specimens for $10, arntnged according to Dana ; 100 (ienera of Shells, comprisinp about 4(10 shells, lor $10 Endone 10 cents for ful) catalogue of stock CHAS. G. BREWSTE1!, 4Sfi Washington St Boston, Mass. IbwIí'p.coátsIlak] I THBEAD for yogr M ACHINEL I #K #% #A OAY GÖARAMTEED uiing u7 Jk J % WELL AUGER & DRILL n god %áfcterritory. Endonod by Gov.mon of I0WA, AR KANSAS i DAKOTA CattlCLio (rto. W.DILES.Dt.Loula.Mo. QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. A DICTTONAUY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. RKVIHKD KDITION. WIXH Msp, PlaUw, and Engravings. Complete in 10 VoKs. of 883 pas cacli. llliirfmt'it milli hun! l'our 7'huuMtnil Ktinrnviitjit and Fortjf Hapt, with a Serien of finm. Etghty ld llnudred FArganüi) En■ramt Plata - illmtrirtirr of ' Ih' Siibjp'-ts af Xatural HiMory - IWW for the FTRhT time appearing in Ilir ioórk. 1'KICE TEM VOT-UME. Extra Cloth, bevcled boards, - - s 50 Library Sheep, marbled edpew, - . 1; 00 Half Turköy Morueco, ... B jj TlIIS ElMTIOX IS SOLD 0M.Y I1V AöKXTS. PubliBlied by J. I!. MrPIXCOTT & CO. l'hiladelphia, Pa. BTLVANUH WAKRE-V, 189 Woodward Avenu., Detroit, General Agent tor thu Stat ■ of Michigan. Bycomparing : Cliiimhon.' Encyclopiedia with the N bw Amerioan Cyclopwdia.-the work with which it ' in mofct frequently brought into comparison, it will be found that while the ten volumes of Chambers' contain 83V0 pages, the original tixtten volumes of thiN'w American contain less than 12 000 pages It will als.) be found that a page of Chambers1 cont'ains ftill nne-flfVi more matter Miau a page of the New American, the ten volumes of the former i quivKli-ntin mnount of prlnted matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the mimcniiiB Plates (aboiit 80), Woodcuts (some 4 000) nnd Maps (iibout 40), that are included in this edition' e f Chambers', and to whieh the New American pos esses no corresponding features. It is confidently benevea that as a popular " Dictionary of Universal Knowledoe," the work ia without an equal in ' the Eujllsh language. 142Cyl A PPLET O 3ST S American CyclopsÉ. Kcw Rerlsed Edttlon. Entircly rewritteu by the blenl irriten un svery ubject. Printed from new type, aiirl ülualrated with Several Tbousand Kngruringe mid Map. The work originally publisbert nnder the litlé oi The New Amebican Uyolopadu completad m 1S63, eince which time the ide rirculation whicb t, ha attaiued in all partn of the Uolted State, nnd thr ainaldovelopinenta which have inkcn place in every bnncfcof oleaos, liberaluie, in] art, hare in the editora and publihers to iubmit it lo a exaef and thorouh revisión, and tó isup u n. w tdUion "iittUod Thb amkkic n ívoloi'di. w'ithin the last teu yeiirw thp progresa of diaouvery m .;vory depaitment of kuowleage lui mado h new work of reference un fmperatiTe want. The movement of pouttcal añ'íiirs haft kcpt pace with the dinooreriew of scienoe, and their fruid ul application to the industrial and utefnl Mits and thu couveiúeuce nud reflnement oí moiaj lifo. Grnat wars tiud oonsequeut revoliitions hnve occurred.involvintr national cbanires oí poenliar moment. 'l'bo OTll val of our own country, which wn at its heirht when the last volume of' the oíd work ppearedthaa bappily heeu ended, ind a new courne of commi rda] and industrial activity ha beeu cummenced. Ijaryo aocewiolia tü our eogrítphictil knovlediT have Twen m-itle hy the inaeíatigable explorara of A frica. The grent political revolutioDs of tho laat decade, with tho natural reault of the bipsc of lime, have bronght into public view a multituiie of new men. whoae nanit-K ara in everyone'a tnouth, Mul of wbose livesevur; one ia curiouB to knuw thu particulaia. Great battles hnve been fnught and importnot sidpei maintained, of which thedetaiN re nr. y t préaen el only in the newspapers or in the trans'ient publioations of the rlay, but whiob onght now to tafee their plce in permanent and mitheutic history. In preparing the preaeot edition for the prrt, il has accoriliniily In-en the aim of the editorx tobriug down the iufonmition to the lfltea pwaible 'laten, mul to fnnisb ai) accurate account ot tbe mo1 recent dicoveriea in sciencu, of ever) pnniuction in literature, and of' the newest inveiitioii iu thé practical art, aK well as to gtve a succiiiet and original record of the procreiiB ol political nnd historieal event. The work lian been beguu after lon and careful preliminary labor, and witli the mostample resources tor ciirrying it on to a succesSfuI termination. None of the original atereotypo platea have been used, but every page hs been printed on new tjpe, forminpin fact a new Oyclopwdia, with the urne plan and conipass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pocuniary expenditure, and with auch iniprovements in ita composition as have been nuggcsted by louter experience anl eHlar;ed knowledae. . The illustrationa which are introduoed for the flrBt time in the present edition have been added rtot for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and foree to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches o I science and natural hiatory, and depict the most famoua and remarkable features of Bcenery, architecture, and art, aswell na the various processes.of mechanics and manufactures. Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have been pared to insure their urtistic excellence; the cost of their execution ia cDormoiiH, and it is believed they will Hnd a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Oycloptodia, and worthy of its high character. Tfcis work is sold to HubPcribera only, payable on dehvery of each volume. It wil) be completed in mixteen large octavo volumes, each contnining about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thouaand Wood Engravinya, and with numeróos oolored Lithrrahio Mapa. Price and St.yh of Rinding-. In extra Cloth, per vol. ft 00 In Library Leather, per vol. t; 00 Iu Half Turkoy Morocco, per vol. ; 00 In Half Kussia, extA gilt, per vol. s 00 In Pull Moroeco, antique, ilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In pull Russia, per vol. lo 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeedinp volumes, until completion, will he issued oncelu two months. .Specimen pngpn of the AmxiOAS Ctolopjcbia, nhowinij type, illuBtratiouK, etc., will be sint gratis, on applicatioa. Fikst-Clahs Canv.vssixg Agent Wiüteo Addrees the Publisbers, I. APPI,LTOIV & CO., 549 & 531 Broadwa . tV. V. rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. PAKRANI), - = ' í Presifletit. W-. A. MOURE, ■ - - - Viee President JüHN T. LIGUETT, - - Seoistary. 1+ M. THAYUK, - CrenT Agent. Assets Jauunr}' lsf, 1S74 $500,335.41. Tlie people of Miliian cin no lopger affunl pay tribute to Easteru Stutea by pfecing tbeir U lnsurnnce with Bastera Oompanies, wlio by the charters are eompelled to loiin their niony in the own States, thus bocomin a heavy drain on tl resources of the Stnte, when we have o relinb umi well managed Life Cooipany as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the hu.sinea of the Company was incrfMisei lurij-eiiílil nntl oiit- lialï per cent. of tl total aniouni done tfae previous iiví yeara Th sliuwu the MICHIGAN Ml 'IT Al. 1.1 FE has the Confidence of the People. The lomea the year 1878 were only FIFT FIYK per ceut of the unicum the mortality tabl cali tor, showing great care in the Kt'lection of i risks. Duriup the year 1H73 tliere was a maceri reduciion ia the ratio of expense showing CAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michijran Mutual i-no nll tl11 mest defHFub forms of Jjite nd eadowmcnt Picies. Dividends Declared and Paid at (lic ru of the First Poliey Vcnr and rarh year thereaflcr. All Policios iioii-foríeitiiiü: after one Animal Premium has been paid. All Endowment Policios are convertible into Cnsh at the end of auy year aller the fint. Relii}blc iuiiemuit al 1 o west :isï ratC9 can bc protnrni oi' tlie flidiiai JYlutual IJfc. GKO. L. FOOTE, Diït A-ent, Ypiianti. J. Q,. A. Sf.ssíons, Agextt, Ann Aibor. Geo. E. Foote, Agent at Dexter. ïpT-'T YOUTï MOTSTET Wil ERE IT WILL DO Til E MOST CS-OOÏDA. A. TEREY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITV AND PPwICES T O DE F Y CO VI 1 KTITIO ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS E Oall before purchasittff. 15 Soulh Main Streef. _FJ TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of tho Peace, Office in novv block, North of Courl House Money collected nud pi'oraptly paid over. iisrsxjRAisrcK agent. Triumph, ansds, Í72I.9O8.11 Nortn MiH'inri, " MS,417.91 Btbernla, " 310,000.00 BKAL HSTATK. I have S' acres of land '4' of a mile from the city Iniim, tlnely locatod for froit or ;_;rdeii purposes. Aleo 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with h"nse and brc,iind llvel itrcara of wterruunlns;thrungh the bavu yard. GOncrci.a mllc ont 1 wlll sell anyor ill the ahove cheap. or exchfiuge breit property. U74 JAMES McMAHON. Dr. .1. lValker's ( .'iliforula Vinl'Kflr lïit trs ore a puroly Vegetable nrepürntieñ, made chiefiy from the natiwe iit-il.s fomvl om thelower ranges of theSinrra Npv;i'lii inountaius of California, the niedicirml proporties of wliich are extracted thercfroin without the use of Alcohol. The qncHtion is almost daily asked, "What is tlie cause of the nnparalleled success of Vjseoak Bitters?" Our answer is, that rbcv remove the cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers bis health. They are tlie blood purifier and a life-givíng principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of t he svgtem. Kever before in the history of tlie world haa a medicine been coniponnded possessing the remarkable qnalitiesof VrNEGAKBiTTEKsinhcalingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgativo as well as a Tonic, rolieving Congestión or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases. I f raeu will onjoy sood health, Let them use Vinegau Bittehs as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants Li every form. Ko Person cíiii liilco (1hs Bitters Hccording to dircotions, and rcmaiii lung unweU, provided fluir bonos irc uot destroyed by mineral poison or other rneans, and vital orpans wasted beyond repaií. Gratcflll TllOüsilllds Eroclaim VrEoab Bitteks tlie mout wondorfiil Ijsiyigorant that ever smtainedtliesinkiugíjy'stem,. Bilions, RciuiUcül, antl íjitérniitteilt Fovcrs. wUich are so prévalent in the valleys of our groat ïivei'H tkrongliout the United States, wtpecially (!;osc (,: the Mississippi, Ohio, Mlssoiui, IHjik.í.. Tennessee, Cumberland, Ajrkansa-s, B'.-u, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Orando, IVai-l, Alabama, Mobile, Savannali, Tíoauokt-, Jumes, and many others, witli tlu.-ir va&t tributaries, throughout our catiro ppimtry during theSammcrand Autumn, andremarkably so duriag seasojis oí unnsuul Leat ana dryness, aieínyanablyaceompíUJiedby extensive derangemtnt.s of thn BÍoinaeli aud liver, and other abdominal viscw.'a. íii their treatment, a purgativc, exexlius a pbwcrfm influence upon tlieso various oi-í;íiiÍs, ís essentially necessary. Tlíere i i no cnthqrtícforEhepurposeequul J)i:.J. M VlNEGAR BlTTEBS, líi tllCV will spoínuh r - move the dark-colored viscid matter vrith which the bowèls ai'ë lóáded, ni ti;;' same lime WimiüJUI 111!; Ule SeCTetlOIlS Ol tlie liver, and generally restoring healthy functions of the cLgestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, HmkI ache.Pain in tlie Shouldcïs,Coughs,Tightness of tbo Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Ernctations of the Stoinacü, Bad Taste in tbc Motith, Bilious Attaufcs, Palpitatiofl of tin; Heart, Inflammation of the Irtings, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and n huudred otber painfu] pymptoms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo wil1. provo a better guarantee of its ineriía than a lengtby advertisoment. Sc rotula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erisipelas, Sweiled Neck, Goitre, Scroftüona hrfliimmntions, Indolent Intlaniinations, MerenriaJ AiV; r tious, Old Sores, Eniptioiis oí the Skin, Soro Eyes, etc, etc In these', as in uli other constitntional Diseases, Walkkii's VrSEGAK BlTT!,l!S lü'VC howf] Ill.-i f ;: m :ll curativo powera in the moi I obstinate anti intractable oases, For lnflanmiatory iind ( hroiiic JUicuniiitisni, Gout, Uilirfus; Eerhittent and Intermittent Fevors, Disèaises of tho Blood, LiVer, Kidncy.s, and UJaddcr, these Bitters have no eqoal. yucll;Diseiiséá are caused by Vitiatcd BTpod. Mecbailical IMseusés. -Persóns engaged in l'aint.s and Mineralsi, such as Plumbers. Tvpe-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minera, na tWy advaiice in liíe, tire .subject to i)aralysis of the Bowels. against tliis, tuke a of ','.i.RtLü a "l■EG.l: B:rr ,ua occasionally. For Skin Diseascs, Eruption,Tetter) Salt liliemn, Blotohes, Spots, Pimples, Pu.stulea, Boij.-,, Carbuiicles, Ringwóriiis, Scald Heail, Bore Eyos, Erysipélas, lioh, iScm-fs, Discolora tions of the Skin, Humors und Diseasesof the Skin cf whatever.naiaè r nature, are Hteraüy dug üp and carried out of tbo systein in a short time by tiie nse of these Bitters. Pul, Tape, and óUier Wprms, lnrking in the sj stem of so many thousands, are eflW'tually destroyed aud remoïed. No system of medicine, no vejrmiföges, no anthelmiñitics, wil] free the syatèic frum worais like these Bitters. Fr Feinale (J()inplainls, in young or ola, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decideil an influence that iniprovement is soon perceptible. JnnildiCC. - In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doiug its work. The ouly sensible treatment is to promote the secretiou of the bile and favor its removal. for this purpose use Vineuai: BriTEiis. Cieaiie tlie Vitiated lilood henever you riud its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you tind it obstrncted aacl siuggisb in the veins; ei it when it is foui ; your feelings wil! tel' you when. Iveeii tiie blood pare, and ilu heaith ol tiie systeïll wiü follow. :. II. McDONAIyD &. CO., Dl"Urfii.Tth ;U)ii lirlleial A'iit.. San i r;iüri?ri. Culifnr ma, aud iui'. VVaMuiititim aml Chirltou SU.. Sew ïurk Sold lv ll DrnRála uixt llnil-i. CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. For washlng Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Dogs; KIIIb Fleas on Does, Deotroys Lioe on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Chenpor and het terthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse thi skir from all Impuritles. , I CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES JS HL OTHER Salt-Rheum I 9 Cutaneous And all "T Ê DISTASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. AfTords complete protectlon to ptfnts Vlnes, Trees, 4c, from all Bugs, Fleas, 3!ant Llce and Parasites. Without inJury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventlve c. It kl lis all Llce Cnde-TIcks' etc. The Incroased growth and welght o leeco encouraged by lts use more thaf equals the cost of the dip. Lcchak'i C:aibo)Ic Soaps and Conipounds al aregenuine. AU otber are haso iiuitatious . OrthteM. OUD BY ALL DRIIGGISTS. f IVE GEESE FEATHJÜK?" u PIBSTQUALITT , luMiiuiynnhaiid mil for eali tij RACE Sr ABEL. Mortgage Sale. WHEREASLevi H. Douglam of the city of Ann Arbor, oouul y oí Wastenaw and State of Michigan, on the eifchteenth day of July, A. D. 1872, exeouted a mortgage to John N. Gott and Julia A. Gtott, of the same ii::, to sec uro tlie pnymeut. of cerrain principal and interest niony t herwin mentioned, which niovtííii1 ira n cordeü in i houtfioeof. the Register ot' d-ed,s in the county of Washtenow and Stfite of Michigan, on the 18? h d;iy of July, A. D. 1872, in Liber 48 of D2ojrtgage&, on page 292, and w her; fis dei lault hua been made for nVife thn thirty ftayS, in : the paymeut of au installinent of said interest nioney which Waraedue ou the ISLhday of July, A. D. 1873, by retuon wheieof and purauant to the turms of uña Btortffftg, i&id niortgagees elect that so much oí suid ; principal as rurnain: uripaid, with all nrrearüge. of j interest Ehereon, Bhnllbecome due and payabïe Imj mddUtely; nd wheraa, tïiere i claimed to bedue and unpaid at the date of thi.n notioe tbc iium of three Ëhoüsand ttvo hundred anil ntnefcy-eijfht (follara nnd .sixteeu oenta tor principal and intCUt, also üfty dollavs as a petteonuialesoliaitur'H or attorney's feesbould ;iny proceíding he tiken to foreclo! said mortHg-f, And no unit or psooeedJt have been iuntituted, either in law r equity, to recover the imr; or any part thpredf : Notice ih thiíreíovehereby favc"". 'hat uu s rtJRDAT, PRE TWKNTY-SUVÈN'TH liAY OK.Ii KiHxt, attt'o o'clock in the afterooon -t ï:ii'] fi;iy. svt ttit south '1 'i'tr r tltc Onud House in the citï i -n Ailui (that bein' the building in wtüch the Ci ouil ' -iüt tui ihe county of Waslitnuw tind si ftte ïtoi ebt&fi la heW,) uUii bv virtue i thepuworof .'tif oontained in said mortgage, I ahull sell at public auoiion to he highet bidder, the premiaes described Dioi'tgtige, to atiwfy the amoiint ot' principnl andinfeereiit claitned to be due wifh the Attoruiy's fee of liny dollai-8 aad chufgesoi Mie, to vit: All that i; rt ii:i piece r paree] oí' land situnted in the city of Ann Arbor, ermnty of Washtfnuw, aforesaid, kiiown, bounrJcd iiuil liescribcdaH t'nllowH. towit:- o uoith half of lot numbtr six (fij in bloeit Durnbef threè south of iïnron street, nnd rimife niuni'i sis 'd; easVi ui-cDnluior toa recordad platol thu yilltige Cnow cityj of Aun Arbor. DafaA; %pril8fl, l'874i JOHX N". OOTT and JULIA A.GÜTT, 9eHv X.(Ïott. Atly. 1472 MortRHirfen. jMortgage Sale. DYA VULT Uuving bij&n made in ili' couditions of a eert at n mortgaape, executed by (ïeorge R. iiraitliwailc, ot' Üie Clfy ui Ann Ariir, eOHntV ui WislU"h;tw and State oi Michigan to Samuel P. Jqwett. of thesame plaee.bearlng aote the ftftti duy of Jenuary, v. i. otte tlioudnd eigkt luimired and aav.voj ;iinl rticorded in the otiiee of the Register of íeeds for Wiwhtenaw Oouöty, MioluKan, on the ninHi day of .huniaiy, a. i. 1873, in liber 48 of nioit■ :. page 18, l' whicli dctault the power of sale cöniftined in saw niortéagö bas be4om opeMtire, and "ii vrhlch mortgage thcre is cl&imed to be due at the dal!' hereof the sum of thirty-four dollars a&d thirty cents (and the further suui of foor bundred dollara be beeomvdoc tlicreon), also m attornfv'.-, fee ut' thirty dollars snould any proceeding? be taken to forecloae said mortgage ; and no prooeedings at taw or in ehancory haang been tsstltuted to recover the di'bt "-i'iiurcil (y Miid laertgagti or any part thqreof: is thcrefore hereby given that by virtue of the power uf sale contained in said moïtgage, and the Btatute in sucti case made and proWded, said mortgage will be tbreclosedOD Satkkdvy, tuk Twkntikth DAY OP -Ii B k. a. ]). 1S74, at two o'clock Ín the aiteiiwiini of that day, at the .sonth door of the Coari IIuusc in thocit-y of Aun Arbor in aaíd county of Waslitenaw (said Cóurt House beleg the place of Ivqldiag Ui1 Circuit Court for the county of Wahtc. i sale at publti; nvetton, to the bigbortbMder,the pwiiUês oMQrttedtn hM narteage, whieh ai e k n uu n, boundtid and deHCrjbod as fuUowö. to wit : Being lot nuniber iwi.-nty f20j, in Jewett'a adüition to Ann Arbor citv', accordihg tó a recorded plat thereofin the Kegistèr's office of Washtcnav County, in liber 67 of deed, on page 678, Dated, March 26, 1874. .SAMUKL P JEWETT, JOHN X. Gott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mdrtgagee. 1471 Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OI-' MICHIGAN", Waslit.enaw County, bh. O liy virtue of one writ of execution isaued out of and under the seftl of the Circuit C'ourtiör the County of Wushtena-w, and to me directed and delivered agamst the goods, chattle, lands and tenements Samuel lliirbank and Austin F. lïurbank, I Lave the twenty-iourth day üf April, A. D. 1874, seized and levied iipon all the right, title and interest of Samuel ilnrbank h;i in and to the foliowing lands, to wit : That piece of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, County ol Wnshtenaw and State of Mich; ifjfin, described a- folio ws. to"wit: Benig apart of the aouthweat quaiter of si -et ion thirty, in township two sonth ot runfíf six east, beginmng at a point on the quarter line in the center of the rond leading eou til west erly irosa lue city of Aun Arbor thence s-mlh along thequnrter line of section twentyt.hree ch.-iiiis mcl lorty-rlve links to tht quarter post, thence west along the section line eitjhtchnins and eigltty-seven links, Lhence nortíh parallel wfih the qUarter Inie Iwentyone chaira and neventy links to ! be center of suid roal, tht-nre ttlong the snid road to the place of beginnint?, containing twenty acres of land ; whieh above dnacnbed propi-rty I sbali exposé fur f-'li1 at public auction 10 the uiarhest bidder at the eonth door oí the Court House, in the city of Arm Arbor on the twenty-neventh dny ui Jure, A. D. 1874, ui teu o'clock a. m of said d:iy. Dttted. Aun Albir, Muy 12. 1S74. liTSfd HL FLEMING, Sheriff, Estáte of Frederick Kllaworth. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wiwhteuaw, ss At u séuifiD ot the Probate t 'ourt tor the Countv of Washlenaw. koldau ut tl.e Probate OlÜoe, in the City of - t 1 1 1 Arbor, on Thuvsduy. the touiiccnth riuy ot .vlay, in the yeur one thousaud eight hundi-ed and scvcnty-iour. Present Xonh W. Cherver, Judpe of Probate. In the muller of 'the estute of Frederick iüllttworth. derüstd. On reuding nnd fllinfi the petition, duly verified, of Sarah F.llsworth, praying that a certain instrument now on file in thia court, pitrportinf? to be the laat will and testament f said dect-Msed, may be adntitted to piobate, and thut ndministration of the estáte oï said deceased inay be graiiteü to her or sotne nther saituole ptrson. Tht.'i -iipoii it ia ordered, tlmt fSaturday. the thirleenth lny of uext, ut ten o'clock in the fotutioon, be as-iüu-d r'.rthe liearinj ot suid petition, and that the de visees, lega, tees, and heirs at I .w of suid deceased, ind all other persons interested in said estáte, are quired tuappeai at a sesnion of said Court, then to be liolden at the Probate üttioe, in the city oí' Ann Arbor, and show cause, ïf any tbere be, why the prayerol the petitioner ahould not be gruuted : And it id í'mther ordered, that sid petiriouer give notice to t he persons interested in said catate, of the pendency of said petitioni and the hearing thereof, by a copy of this order to be published in tlie Michigan Araus. a newspaper printed aud oiroulating in said Couniy, three ftuoofeUtVe weeka previouB to said dajr of hearing. (A tiue copy.) N0AH W. CHEEVER, 1479 Judgeof Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAiT, Fourtti Judidal Circuit, in Chaacery, 8uit pending in the Circuit Court for the County nf Wa.-IiH'naw. in Chaneery, at Ann Arboc on thr ltth day of April, A. 1. 1S74. Mary L. Wayh'e va. Alonzo K. Wuyne. It appearing by affida il th;il the def' ndiini, .Alanzo Ë. Wnyne.U nüt a sitlc'Dt of thu State of Mieliinn, hut that h e resides in thé State óf Lmirsi&na, it Lj ordered that the naid defendant (lause his ippeai-uiife in tliis causu to be entered within three uiontha frooa tliedate of this order, and that in case of bis appearance hè cause hiS ansvwr to tlie complainaofa bul of eomplaint to bc riied aud a eopy eprvêd on the cuniplainant's solicitor within twen! y daya al'U'i1 service of a copy of said hill and notfee orthïs order, and in default thereni' ihat said bill be taken as confeesed ly said deiVndant. And it i$ furthur ordered that within twenty days said complainant cause a notice of thisurderto be published in tin' Mi( :irniAN Ak;i:s, a newspaper printed in said couuty weckly, and that publication contiuued in $aid paper once ín each week for híx sacceealve wreeks, or that 9h cause a copy of this order to bo periHi;illy 9BTTd upon said defendant at least twenty days iirtujx' the linio prescribed for his appearauce. Öwl476 .miIN F. LAWEENCE, .iniN' N. Ctott, Circuit Ooqrt Coinniifcsioner Coinprts. Solicitar, Washtenaw Co. Michigan. Uhancery Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of Wnhtenuw, In Chancery : - Lucy W. B. Morgan, coraplainant, va Anne Quigley, Patrick Wall, John Cluigiey, Margare! Quig-ley, and Anne Quigley and l'atnck Wall, administrators of the estáte oí William (iuiglcy, deceaeed, defendants. In pursuance of a decree of this court, made in this cause, I shall sell at public auction, at the Ootttt House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the sixth day of June next, at noon, the west half of the sou th west quarterof section No. ten in lownship one south m range six east, in the State of Michigan. J. F. LAWRENCE, E. W. Morgan, Circuit Coxirt Commis&ioncr. Coraprte. SoHcitor. Ann Arbor, Aprtl 2o, A. D, 1874. 1475 GUAIIDIAN'SSAU-:.- In the matter of the estáte of Saiab Black wood, minor. Notic-e is hereliy u'htn that by virtuc of a Méense tome granted on tb uintli ilar of April, 1874, by the Ilon. Joseph (J. Powell, Jii'ï.Lce oi' Probate for the county of Oakhuui. State f Micmgan, I will etell tothe highest bidder, on 'ir i u-i 'in ist's i ti ttta town of Salem, Wahtonuw aninty, ob SuuirdaVj the sixtb day of June, 1874, ut one o'cIóck, p. m., all fhe rlght, tifie and interest of said minor, in and to the fnllowing described real tstatt', tu wil : All that oertain piece or parciel of land described as follows: The southeast one-fourth of tin1 southea&t one-fourtb of soction number three, in towoshlp number one sou tb of range number even last, contaiuiug forty acres of land according to the original survev of lauda iu the State of Michigan. Dated, April lm. 1874. 1 1::. .! A MKS BLACKWOOD, Guardian. jlggj IAIV OOI) : How Lost, How Eestored! Just pubiished, a new oditïon of Dr. CulverwelVm CelcÏ5rall Essay on the radical cure 'without medicine) ol Öpeh mato rhh cea or Seminal VeakneH, InvoluntH,ry íStuninul Losses, ImTotenot, MeiHul and Plijsicul lacapacity, Impedimenta to larnage etc. ; also L'onsumi'Tioh, Emlepsy and 'its, hiduood by self-indulence or sexuul extravaiiuce ; Files, Sec. B3í"Priiití in a senled envelope, only six cents. TIr' celebraied author, in tbia admirable Essay, cleariy demónstrate from u thirty years' nitccessful praotice, that the alurmiug consequences of auuae muy De racucauy curea wunoui rué aanperoud use oí icterual medicine or the application of th knife ; pointing out a moae of cure at ouce simple, ivrtitiu, and eft't'ctuiil, by mefina of which every suf ferer, no matter vhat his oondition may be, may cure himMlf cheitply prívately, and radicaliy. W&" i'liiti Lecture rthould be in the hands of erery youth and ftvery man in the land. Sent umi er aeal, in a plain onvelope, to any nddress. pott-paid. on receipt of six ct-nts, ortwo poate Btttmpa. lso. DR. SILLSBEK'íá REMElY FOR PXLB8. Send for circular. Addresa the Puï)lfiiher, CHAS. J C. KLÏNE & CO. 1 ÏT Bowery, New Yovk, Poëtollioe Box, 4586. A Chance for Bargains ! For Bale at a areat bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE I.AND, lyin 2 miles irom the city of Iünin. 100 .icres umler improveraent, with pood orohurd, bfirn iiid slied, and a cwntort:ile house. Terma of payinent- í'roiu íá,OÜU to 2,500 dovva , bulauce od long time. Also 00 ACRES, ahout 2'fi miles from Auïustn, fiiilamnzoo County, all Improved, with ifood buildnu;n. Tormii- extremely low. Also 40 ACKKB about cight miles from IListings. Also 80 ACRKS on seotion fl iu the town of Hazol ton. Shiawasso Cuuniy, about 12 miles Irom Uorunua Well timbered. For terma address the undersigned. K. B. POND. Aan Arbor, April J, 187S. Mortgage Sale. WHEKEASGeorge W. Mohr and Rachel A. hia wife.of the township oí Sylvan, Washtenaw 2ounty, Michigan, on the ninth day Of OcLober, iu ;he year of our Lord one thounand oigbt hundted nd aeventy-one, executed a morí ga ge to Geoige E Qariaof the same place, to aecure the palman t oí ïertiiin principal and interest money therein men;ioned,which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deed in ftaid county, on the tenth duy oí October, a. d. 1871, at nineo'cloek a. m. of said day, in líber 44 of mortgages, on rage 369 ; which naid mortgage was duly assigned on the second dwy of Fanuary, a. i. oue tr.ousand eight hundred and seventy-two, to Luther Jumes, of the township of Lima, eoiuity of Washtenaw af oresuid, and recorded' in tïie itice of the Begister of De.edwof suid county, on the fii.-t day of April, a. r. 1874, in hber Xo. 4 of aspignDiento of mnrtgagts on page two hundred and neven. Ly ; and wnereas defaulf rms been made lor raoie than thirty days m t lic paytoent of uu nsl oi' interest muney which became due on the mnth day ol' October, a. i. i87,i, by reftson wherfeof miü" puiauaut to tfee term of aaid morttnige, said mortgagee hereby t leeta that su rauflk of said principal uaremains unpaid, witb all arreara ges oi int ere t thereon.shall beeonie due and payable immediutely ; mxá whereaa thera In daixned to bt dtie and unpaid m aid moitgage ut tbe date ot thie notiee ibe si:m of tive thouaana tour hundn d and fll'ty two dollars nnd öeverity-nJTit' ■ nis. tur principal :n: intere t. fllpo n i torne y 's lee of iitty should any proi ■ be laken to ter' eluse Biiid mortie, nd alto tl. e turthers mof eijht tor niMininct', mb provtded for in said niorUrae, and no suit oï pioct ín. ving been in.-rinuf-d Bith rin [uw nr (Quity io reooTor the snui oi any pari tliercof : Noties feOierefore heroby fuiven, 1hm on thv TW 1..N TY-M-A ENTH DAY OF JUNK NKXI'. a ■ o'clock in the afternoon of siiid day, ut the fiont door of the Coart Hortse in theuiiyof Anti Arbor, cuunty aforesmd, (that being the building in which (he Otrcitil Court ior said CMiinty in beldj. and by rirtfte of Ihe pow r uf nale oontamed in eaid m : -i.;i:! nel] al public auction Ui thu higbest bidder, the premibee descnbed ín tuid mortgags, tosatisfy tlin nmoust of principol and interest ttbove claimed as due, with the ch sale and ittorney'a fee of h'ity dollars, with lnsurimee as aforesaid. nu the foUowine deseribcd piecea and puvcela of land, to wit: The suuth lialf of the soütheast quarter of the sonthwést quarter oí seetion twenty-three ; also a fctríp of Ub3 flfty links in widtii nortli and souih and about sixty Chaina eat and west being off imm ihe sontli side ot the noithw-st quarter of the eouthweat qi acction twtnty-four, and olf of tbe SOuth side of t lic north half of the poutheastquartrr of spètion twenty-thre(; (23j, oontainisg ín the iaat deacxib il T)i ee or parcel of land ñtteen aeres; also beginning at the northeast corner of the Mnithwest qnmter of ths aouthwest quarter of eclion lVf nty-four (24). running thence eoutli on the half quiirlr line f-ix chulna and peventy-three links to the northeatt comer o land deeded by Aaron Lawreiioe tu Fezin, theoca south eigbtyaix degrees wrt ñxteen ilBolmins to a stake, thence south íoiir dejereea eust ttree chaina and thirty-eiirht links to a atake oo tóbe ea&t side oi a spring, thence west fout chaina acrosa said spring to a take, thence north twenty-rive links to i fttafce, thence south eighty-fidx degreee west three chains nnd Hfty Jir.ks to a stake in the eaat line of seclion twrnty three, thence soutli eiqhty live degteestfnd thirty minute west parallel with the sonth lino of section twenty-thrce f23) about forty f40) chaina iè a htnke in the center line of said BfctioQ twenty-thiee, thence north on said center line tiine chaine and eight-y-six links, thence east parallel with the south line of BMd saetiona twenty-three and twenty-lour about sixty ohains to the place of beginning, coni aining fif'y-tive aores of land ; aTBO a piecc of Land ott ot the northwest corner of the northweut quarter cf the southeawt quarier of said section Iwenty-three flve cliaina and seventy-one and one-half links wide east and west, and seventeen chaina nd flfty liiiks norih and south jrom the oorthwest corner, of the pieee of land seeond above described contairing ten acies of huul, all in township two south of range three eaat, county of Washtenaw and state of Michlffan aforeafd, contaimng in U one hundred acrew of land more or ltss Being the lands described in a cerlain inden ture oí mortgape given by Gtorge V. Moor and wife to (ieorge K. Iavis, and reeerdftd in the Register 's tiffiêe for WashtenaM' county, ir. liber 40 of mortgagea OB page 342. Düted, April 3. 1874. LUTHER .' M). Aspignee John N. Gott, Attorney of eaid Moi for said Assiüiiee. I472td Mortgage Sale. DEÏAtTLT by mm-payment of raoncys. having bert made in the eondition oí' a certa in mi i ccuted by Willium A. Benedict and ' atherine E. Bentdict, to Andrew J. Bhively, bearing date the twenty-rirêtday of Apnl, A. D. 1870. uul etamped and recorded in-the office of tbe Register i of Washtenaw County, fn the Mate of Michif an, on the öixH'eiilh öay of May, A. 1. W70, at lour and oiie-half o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of mortga pasre 412, and theieafter fully a&sifrned by thi frnid Andrew J. Shicl to Philip Baeh, by uu inctiumcnl of afislgnment, ben ring 'dat e the tenth day of Jamtary, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the afoiteaid office of fiejgistr of Deeds, on the seventeenth day oí l'tbrnaiy, A. 1) 1874, at three and one-half oclocfc i'. .'., in libt-r 4 ot assignments of mortgagea, un i whereby the power oí sale contained in 80 id mortgage bas beoome operutive, and no snit in laworin ohancery having been Lnetituted to recover the deU remuining secured by said morgage or any part thereof, and the sum of eight hundred and ninetyïeven dollart and tifty-nine cents being claimed to beduensaid morteage at tlie duit oí this nol ice: Therefore, notiee is hereby giveu that to Butiefy the amount due on suid mortffape, with ihe intérest, coflts, and Lhargefl itllowed by htw and orovided ior in Raid mortgnge, including an uttorney fe. ot thirty dollars, thepn mineadeeenbed n said mortgage, to wit: All that certain piece or parcf 1 of land sitúate in tlie nity of Ann Arbor, County of Wa&htenaw nu of Alichigin, known bounded and describid as iollows, towit: Being in the goutheast Corner oí thennitheaet quarter of the Dorthwest qüarter ar section number thirty-two {X2-, in township nnmbex two f2) south, range number six (6) enst, cranmi uring t tlie corner stuke in the Ann Arbor und Lfjdi plaok-rOHd, running eight rods west on the line of snit] quuiter, thence nortb twelve est elght rodsto the center of said roaï, tlifticc smuh twelye roda to the place f beginnine, wül by virtae of the ttion eaM power of sal1 con'tninecl in said mortpage. and of the statute in such ease mhée and provi sold at public auetion or vendoe, to ih , bidder, at the south door of the ourt HonM ia the oity of Ann Arbor, in the Couiity ol Uhmtenaw and Ptate of Michigan fsflid Conrt Bou beinj.' tl;e place of holding the ' iicnit Conrt witW und for said Countyj on ISaturdny the aixth üny of June, A. J). 1874, alten o'clock m the furenocjn uf that day. Dated. March 13, A. D. 1874. PHILIP B B. F. Oxianger, ',nee. Ati'yfor ööignce. 14G9 Mortgage iSalt;. DEFAITLT having been made in the eondition oí aóSTtaanmoitgage axecated by JomuCaa Botert and Lydia lus wiitj, ot the twnahip pi i) xttr, county of Waehtenaw aúá tato oí' Michigan, to Isaac Ray, of the same phvee, on tlio twuii j-tif h day of August, one thousand eigln hundreci and seventy, and recorded in the Regfctër's öflttce, in tbe couuiy of Washtenaw and State ol Alieingan, onthi lourth day of November, a. d. i87, at ö-j o'cloeb P. M.,iu liber 42 of mortgaces on page ; 28 : A; is now claimed to be due on snid m Hgnge and note accompanying the same the bum ut flve ] eight y-se ven dollars una seventy-one cents, (and the further suni of three hundred und four dol!; eventy cents to become due on tlie 2óth dy u August, li74 and 1S75.} ulso an attorney's fee oi tlurty dollar should any proeeedinga hu taken to foreclose aaid mortgage, and no proceeding m law or in equity having been had to recover BBid tfum cf money or auy part tliereol : Now, therefore, notiee is hereby given, that by virtue of the power ol aaja in saw mortgage contained. 1 Kliail sell at public auction to the higbeat bidder on the thirtit. t Ij day oi Mjij ju f, at '2 o'clock P. m. of said da; , at the front dour pi tlie Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, f that being the place of holding the Ciicmt Court ior said county), all that certain pieee orpar cel of land situated in the township ol Dextf r, Wasib tenaw County and State of Michigan, kuown, bounded and deseribed as follows, tü wit : The north half of the south west quarter of seetion number live of township one south of range four east. Dated, Marche, 1S74. ISAAC RAY, Mortgagee. John íí. Gott, Attorney for ICortgM Mortgage Sale. DKFATJLT having been made ín the oondftion of a eertaiu mortgage made by Uavid MeCull, of tSeio, in the County of Washtenaw and State oi' Michigan, to William Latson, of the city of Ann Aibor, in tho Couuty and State afoies;tid, duied M;trcü twenty-sixth, ltiti, and recorded m the olf ice of Kegisterof deeda fcr Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the twenty-sixth day of Maich, ldL6, at eleven and one-half o'clock, A. M., in liber iió uf mortgages, on page 257 ; which said mortgage, together with the noieaccompany ing the raiae, was on the eighteenth day of January, A. D. 1872, duly signed to Leonard Vaughn and HarLna Vauglin, which assignruent was duly lecurcird in tlieoöice ot' Kegistcr ol Deed, afqre&aid, on the third day oí Uarch, 1S74, at nine o'clock, a. m., in liber 4 oí apsigmuents of mortyuges, on page 236 : upon whicli mortgage there is claimed to be due by virtue oí the conditionsj thereof, aud unpaid at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-two huodred and forty-two dollars and aixUen cents, and an attorney'a iee ot thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceediug haring been nstituted at Ihw to recover the sum now due and secured by said raortago, or auy part thereot : Now, üarefore, by virtue ot the power ot' sale eontaiued n said mortgage and by virtue of the statute in ueh caae mado and provided, notice is hereby ïiven that on Saturday, tlie tliiraeth ' day W May next, at twelve o'clock noon of that day, at the ront door of the Court House, in the city ot Arm IhTbar, in said County ot' Watshtenaw aud State of Michigan (said Court House being: the place of hoicing the Circuit Court for said County), tliere will be old at public auction or veudue, to the highest bider, the preraises described in said mortgage as : All hat certain tract or parct'l of land kncwn and deeribed as follows: Being one equal and undivided lalfoi the carding and ciothing woiks aud one-halt t the ipjmrteiiiiiicctí, machinery, and prenfiMpa Uiertto telonging; said premises me upou the áoathaat ractiomu quarter of Beetion two, in towntJup two juth of range five east, beginninpat a stake stiïndng on the north bank of tlie Hurop nver, at a point ear thiee roiis l'roin the end of the bridge across aid river on the road teadiog ircui -uu Arbor to [owell, iuLivingston County, thenct? running uurth ■om said stake eight födaon tljelinc of said rond, lence westerly eight toda, tlicnco aoutht-rly and araliel with said road eight rods, tlienee easteily to ie plnoe ot beginaing. Dated, March 4, 874. - MAlïTiïA VAUOHK, Jaxs B. Gott, Att'y tor Asquee. 14fiS Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hiiving been mude in ihe conditiont of a certain mortgHpe, muue und executed by Jwusha liull, of the city oí Aan Aibor, Countj of U'asinoiifiw and State of Michigan, to Lewis C. Kisdon, of the surae place, in trust lor FrmMee M Rogers, aininoi, bearing dnte the twenty-flri of June, A. 1869, and record ed in the otlice oí the Register of Peeiis for s-tiid Cuunty, on the stime day, at four and one-hali' o'clock p. m-, in libel L3 of morttfages, on püye ÚT ; by which defhult the power oí' 6ile contained theiein becunie opcititive, fiud tlierenoir biehig rbumed be due thereon tlie sum of iwo tíiousund 8ix liundred nnd twenty tlirte tïollitre and ninety-six cents, pnncipiil and interwt, nnd 110 proceedings ut luw or in eqniiy havinft been tiiken to recover the mime or any pnrt therof ; Notice is hereljy given, that. by virtne of ;t power Oí Bale conttiinéd ia said mortgnge, I eha)l peil ut .public atiebon, iothe bighest bidder, on the sixth day of Jnly next, tit 12 o'oiock noon, at the soulh door of the Conrl House in the city of Ann Arbor (tfast bein.' the place f er lolding the Circuit v'ourt for Ihe Counfy of Vnshteiihw), the premises described in iflld mortgge oreo mucli theieof as shall be nt'Cessuiy to paj the fiicouut due theieon and the esal costs of sale, U wit : Lot number twelve (I?J in block number two f2) south of tiuron street and Range number el ven. in the ensteruaddition to the villnge (nw ciiyjof Aun Aibor n the County oí Washtenaw nnd State of Miohigun. jUited, Ann Arbor. March 12, 874469 LEW1S C. BIBBON, Mortgaeeein TruJt. ESCURE YOURSfíLF A HÜilE. Vftluable City Lots for sale Cheap, and longtim rivn for perment lf xii-ed. U7#T C. H. MII.LEX.


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