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The Methodist Platform

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lae toUowing rpsolutions ernbody the conclusión rrived at bv the Methodist State eonventiou (buth Conforuneas participating) beid ;it Jankson last . . 1. Rewlved, Tht the effortH of the j uien to prouiote abstinencia froai j enting tl links, and the nnpprtwipt) of tln'ir sale, meet with mir liraiiy approval, and that we li''lii-vi' in tilt; i ment of all proper moral influences, and i also in ttie enforcement of prohibitory legislatiou, to prevent the manufacture and sale ot' 11 that intozioatea 2. Resolved, That we heartily believe in all the general interesta of our churoh, I and rejoice in the growing liberality of our people in their support, and heliere it the duty of our people to contribute te all tlio causes recominended by the ! eral Conference, but at the same time we expresa our convictiou that the iu.-xt General Conference rnay with örópriety reduce the nutnber without diminisbing the work done by the church. .'. ltewlved, That as a chureh we have reason to be thankful to God fbr tlie excellence of our periodicals, for their wide circulation, and lor the providential arrangements whereby their editors are re leased from pecuniary dapetidence upon them, that all the profits muy be áefoted to the iinp-ovement of the periodioals and to the interests of the chutch. We eBpecially rejoice in the excellence of imr own Northwestern Chriêtian Adfoeaté, nd hope its circulation will continue tö increase, eapecially in Michigan. 4. Hemlved, That our hearts have been moved and our minds enlightened by the facts and thoughts presonted to us with reference to our Christian missions, at home and abroad, and we do most earnestly commend to all our people the duty of making liberal and regular contributions to the Missionary Society and to the Woman's Foreign Missionary .Society, and also to read our missionary literature, and to cultívate a hearty interest in this greatest of all enterpriaes. 5. Resolved, That it is our opinión that the northern part of Michigan is a field for missionary work, surpassed by few, if any, in tho country in iinportance and necessities. The newness of the country, rapidly opening to imuiigratiou and being actually settled with unparalleied rapidity, demands greater immediate missionary appropriations. This demand is great beyond all that the church has been able to appreciate because of its distauce from the ordinary routes of travel and we beg the General Missionary Committee to more carefully pongïder our necessities. G. Resolved, That this conventiou approves of the action of the bishops and of tho General Conference in regard to a celebration of the centennial of American independence, and we trust that the plan foreshadowed in the action of the General Conference will be matured and faithfully carried out. i. ResoUed, rhat we have increasing interest in our own Albion College, and we deaire that ita truatees, faoulty and all imniodiately charged with i ts management should use all proper means to make it aocotnplish fully what the Methodist community of Michigan niay proporly desire of their only college. 8. Resolved, That it is the judgment of this convontion that the pastor should enconrage tho organization of the Ladies' and Pastors' Christian Union for the promotion of Christianity on the'various charges. 9. Whereas, The Legislatnre of Michigan at its recent session has submitted to the electora of the State a propoaition to changre the State oonstitution so hs to admit the wonien of Michigan to the elective franchise. Resolved, That this convention recognizes the action of the Legial ature as a step towards a higher and purer administration of the governinent of our country, and we hope that it wül be adopted. 10. This is the usual resolution teudering the thanks of the convention to the citizens. 11. Tendering thanks to members of other bodies present and to kinctred churches of Canada and the United States. 12. Resolved, That the members of this aonvention disire to unite with the tueiiibers and ministers of other branches of the Church of Christ in presenting a united front against fashioning tho uianner of observing the Lord's-day after an nn-Ainerican and unchristian model.


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Michigan Argus