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The muil who took that revolver from Frazer, Hariraan & Hamilton's office on Wednesday, the 3d nut., is well known, and unless he returns the same 0 said office at once he will be prosecuted. lr. Lewi M, ïereby notities hia patrona that he has returned from ïis western tour and has resumed the practice of his rofession. Office in the Haven Block. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 9, 1874. Miirly r:irs' Experience of au Oíd IV ii r se. tlm, Wiun]w'N SooUiiiit Syrup is the nescription of one of the best Female Phy&icians nd Nurses in the United States, and has been used or thirty years with never f ailing safety and auccess )y milliona ef mothers and children, from the feeble nf ant of one week old to the adult. It eorrects acid i-y of the atomach, relieves wind colic, regúlate the oweU, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother nd child. "We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the "World in all cases of DYSENTERY nd DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whetherit arisea rom Teething or from any other cause. . Full direeions for u&ing will aeeompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PERKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Mediine Dealers, 1436vl Centaur Linlments [ave cured more wonderfuï cases of rheumatism, achee, pains, swellings, frost-bitea, caked breasts, mms, scalds, aalt-rheum, &c, upon the human rame, and strains, spavin, galla, &c, uopn animáis, n one year, than all other pretended remedies have ince the worldbegan. Certïfleates of remarkable ures aeeompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis o any one. There is no pain which these Liniments will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue or ameness they will not cure. Thia is strong lan" uage, but it ia true. No famiLy or stock-owner can fford to be ■without Centaur Liniments. "White Y rapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for nimals. Prioe, 50 ets. ; large bottles, 31.00. J. B. Lose & Co. 53 Broadway. New York. Castor i a is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It ís the only safe aiticle in existence which is ertaiu to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and rodute natural sleep. It is pleasant to take. No more sleepless mothers or crying babies. Price 35 ts. per bottle. 1481 y 1 Cbildren Of ten Look Pale and Sick 'rom no other cause than having worma in the atomen. BROWN'S VERMIFUGB COMFITS Will destroy "Worms without injury to the child, being lerfectlv WHITE, and free from all coloring or other njurious ingredients usually used in worm preparaions. CURTÍS & BROWN.Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and C?iemi$ls, and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. 143tiyl HOUSEHOLD" wtySuS Yon To all persons suffering Tk A T A TI A from libeuiiiitisiii, NeurAJNAuLA ral?ia. u? the ■" limbs or stomaoh, Bilious I Colic, Pain in the back, bowels or side, we woutd - AND - say, the Household Panacea and Family Liniment is of all others the remedy you want for inX1 A lul T F Y ternal ánd external use. L üiVliJj 1 it has cured the above comptaintB in thousands of casea. There is no mis■ÜIJN llVljJlN 1 by all Druggists. A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 miles from the city of Ionia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn andshed.and a oomfortable house. Terms of payment- from Í2.00U to $2,500 down ; balance on long ime. Also 90 ACRES, about 2 % miles from Augusta, ïalumazoo County, all improved, with good buildngs. Terms - extremely low. Alao 40 ACRKS about eight milesfrom Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hazelon, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunua Well timbered. - For terms address the undenigned. L. B.'FOND. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. EARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FÓRJALE. THE subscriber has on hand'a good ssortment of OAK, ASH, BLM," BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD, and other varieties of Lumber, trom }, in. to 5 in. thick. ALSO, Fence Posta, Square Timber, Plank and Oak Studiing of all sizea kept on hand or niade to order on short notice. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posta planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and sawed 10 order. MOULDINGS of different pattems sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and Bold cheap. Particular attention given to furnishing billB of timber of different lengths and Bizes on the most reasonable terma. SAWS aUMMED ON SHORT NOTICE. L0G8 WANTED. I am preparod to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Basswood and Whitewood Loifs delivered at my mili, or will buy and measure Loga in the woods within six miles of the mili. ■EfAll persons indebted to the late firm of Wines 6 Hallock will please cali and settle their accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. ■jTEW BEAL ESTÁTE OFFICE OF ABNER HITCHCOCK & E0. 43 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. rtty Property, Ilouscs, Lots aud Farms FOR SALE AND EXCHANGED. SOUTHERN LANDS FOR SALE. COLOMES LOCATED. STOfkS AWD noRTtiAGKH FOR SU-K. 1476m3 AND MONEY'S LOANED. NEW Dry Goods AT THE AJN" AEBOE TRADING Wo have JUST RECEIVED A Big Stock of DRY GÖODS1 We oall SPECIAL ATTENTION -TO- FINE DRESS GOODS Which will be sold CHE AP FOK CASH. CALL AND SEE THEM. ■ We are now PRBPARBD TO EXHIB1T To our Patrons our SPRING ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE AND Elegant Designs IN CARPETINGS, OI3L. CLOTHS, &c. &c. CHEAP FOR CASH! Anu Arbor, April 22, 1874. G. W. HAYS, Supt. )475m2 TIRE INSURANCE. FKAER, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON'S OFFICE OVER SAVINGS BANK, Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can now carry fullliues in SAFE and TRUST - VOIIÏHY Companiea, and our ratea are reasonable. We are now carrying the beat business riaks in the ity. We invite the Public to examine our Registers and judge for themselves of the kind of business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dweiling House nsurance, and can give low rates, and good indemnity. We represent the following wellknown Com panies : l'lie Westchestcr, - Organized 1S37, Assets, 6M,000.00, Jan. lat 1874. The Allemannla, of Pittsburb, Pa. Assets $42,000.00, Jan. lst 1674. Th e Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organized 1838. Aaseta $337,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Organized 1859, Assets $304,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Natloftal Fire Ins. Co. of Phil. Assets $667,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Globe, of Chicago, 111. Assets $460,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Atlantic & Paeiflc, of Chicago, 111. Assets $330,000.00, Jan, lst 1874. t;uy, rroYiaence, k. 1. Assets $182,000.00, Jan. Ut, 1874. riie Watertown Fire Insurance Company, of Watertown, N. Y. Assets 556,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertowu was organized in Dec., 1367, since vhieh time its premium receipta and loases have x:en as follows to wit : Premium Keceipts, Losses. lan. 1,1868, y, month - - $1,204 28 " 1869 .... 29,833 49 1,865 00 " 1870 .... 45,642 69 5,297 42 " 1871 ... - 65,505 16 13,314 61 " 1872 .... 141,417 03 27.C15 'J7 " 1873 - - - 214,965 19 63,169 65 1874 .... 352,228 01 106,296 04 Dash premiums teceived in 6 years - $740,695 89 Loases in 6 years - 220,946 39 (Vctual losaos lees than 30 per cent of premium receipts. Excess of premiuum reeeipte over losses - ... -$519,649 50 INCBF.ASE OF ASSETS. Jan. 1, 1808, assets with $100,000 capital. .$101,364 31 Do. 1869, do. - - - 122,684 66 llo. 1870, do. - - - 148,431 47 Do. 1871, do. - - - - 158,893 98 Do. 1872, do. - - - 338,6(13 13 Do. 18T3 do. - - - - 441,500 54 Do. 1874. do. - - - 656,849 54 This shows a steady average gain in asseta of over $75,000 each year. Official statement of gross asseta and liabilities Jan. 1,1874. towit: (irosa ofiicially admitted assets - - $556,849 90 Olücially calculuted Imbüities, including reinsurance f und - - 217,104 6] Suiplus astopolioy holders - - $340,745 29 If this record is evideuce of bad management sufety and proflt to policy and stockholders woulc wish that other companies had a Hule of it. The policy and practice of this company have been steadily lo increase its ñnancial sohdity, by which j ustly to command the conüdence of the public. To this end all surplus premium receipts have been re tained, allowing the stockholders only legal interes on the assets. The interest on iis invested funds pays all dividends, leaving all surplus premiums for the additional security of the policy-holders. All we ask is that the people shall investígate for themselves, and we do not fear the result. FRAZER, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON, Office out the SnTing- Bank, 1476m6 Ann Arbor, Mick. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! The Spring Campaigu OPIED IOAIEST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just airived and opened the great One-Price STAR GLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now tind the Laigeat, Finest and most Complete Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRUJÍKS, ATÍD Gents' Furnishing Goods, Every before offered in Ann Aabor. Notfouble to snow Goods at th Star l'lotliine Iloune, Na. 33 Hauth Muin St., Kast side, An3 Arbor, Mich. GEORGE BULL HVStf RailboaD Accident I Cases after casea of GENTS' YOÜTHS' AND BOYS' READY-IY1ADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goods were bought for Caali so low that they can and will be sold at prices Defying ail Competition, and just suitable to those in need of and preased soraewhat by hard times. Aluo thuse tbat take pride in wearing 'First-Class Clothes Will be nhle to select from the best of Foreign and Domestic makes of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place in the latest Style, and Warranted to Fit before they leave, If anything in Furnishing Goods line they should happen to need, everything in the Gents' Dressiuj? line con be found at Lower Priees than at any other Clothing House at WM. WAGNEK. No. 21 BouthMain 8t., Ann Arbor 1468tf spiiic mis BACH & ABEL' S A Large and well-selected stock at the lowest cash prices. We invite an inspection of our assortment of and would cali especial attention to our brand of BLACK ALPACAS " THE MARIE STUABÏ," Acknowledged to be surpeior to any other imported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyons BLACK SILKS at reduced prices. A LARGE LINE OP Bleached and Brown Cottons including most of the popular brands Hill's, Lonsdales, "Wamsuttas, New York Mills, &c. g[A WELL SELECTED STOCK OFj WHITE & UNBN GOODS. A full line of the celebrated A. T. Btewart ALEXANDRIA EID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. CITY DRUG STORE! SIC3-2ST OF THE GLASS MORT AR! Having been for the past four year with R. W. E11Í8 & Co., I have now purchased the Drug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST HUKON ST (Cook's Hotel Block). I have Cleaned, Re-fitted, and Re-stocked the Store with Pure DRUGS, MEDICINES. A Pull line of Fancy Articles, Perfumes, Brushes, Oomb, Soaps, Sponges. Patent Medicines, Dys Stufls, &c. PAIWTS & OIIS, PUEE WINES AND LIQUOES For Medicinal Turposes. Agent for Tieman's Celebrated SÖRGiCAL INSTRUMENTS. Physicians' Prescriptions a Speoialty. 'm, LERCT IVE QEESE FEATHiiRS PIRSTQTJALITT, Ci)nitntlyonhand andforsaleby BJCXfr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus