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1JESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE FOTt - - S .A. Xj IH3 I The subscnber, on account of ixl health oft'ers his 33 ACRKS In the Corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Umversit j Observatory on the east, oEposite side of the street. It han a most excellent SPRING ! On the northeast corner- formerly supplied the Railroad tanks with water. ITS ADVAIMTACES Are as follows : For city purpoaes the Huron Eiver meanders th same some 30 to 40 rods, and ia part oí the best "Water IPower On the River in this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is sufficiently high and ampie to sup ply the city necessities for waler and flre purposes' THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriate and suitable for a Public City Cemetery. The city has no such grounds now but must have soon, and whatever grounds the city doea not care to use, can be sold at an advan taire so much so.that the cost of the Water Works jrrounds and Cemetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not want the same, the grounds would be invaluable for FRUITS, LARGE & SMALL, Thcrc beingsome 100 trees now in beariug Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply,BLOOOED STOCK, llorses, Slicep, And otlier animáis iilwaj-s in great want by mnny in the city and its viciuity. As city lots adjoining the northwest corner of this land are now selling f rora three hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars, these land would or could be sold in a short time to a gooil advantage and to mucli proflt to the paickMUI LIBERAL TIME Will be given or the name will hu exchanged for Mor chantablc goods or Drug and Medicine, at cash pricus. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Aroor, Jau 31 18T3. uü Atchison,Topeka and Santa Fe :r-a.iij:r,o-a.:d. THREE MILLION ACRES LIBERAL TERMS TO IMl'ROVERS. 11 YKARS CREDIT, 7PER CENT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Ycars, FINE GRAIN-GROWING REGIÓN. Trncts of ono and two thousand acres availnble for Noi'hborhood Colonies, or for Stock Fiirinc. Excellent Climate, witb. Pure Flowing Water. "Iwould say, that in the course of man y yearx, and thioup-h eitensive travel, I have not seen a more "inviting country, nor one which offers greater in''duoementa, with fewer objections to i-ettlement, "than these lands of the A. T. & S. F. R. E."- Extract Repnrt of Htnrii SUwart, Agncultural Editor American Agricttlturalist. ■ . For f uil particulars inquire of A. E. TOUZAI.IN, I.and Commisainner, Toi-eka, K4N8AS E. lï. 1'ond, Local Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. CECURE YOUESBLF A HOME. Valuable City Lot for aale Cheap, and lona tim given for payment if desired. 8 U7I C. H. 1IILLKN. I Heli's Patent Sheet Iran RÖÖRÜC! rniiis Roofins:, far ( lli:,iri:ss and Í DURABIL1TY, Blmplicity of application, with its PIRE, WIND una WATERPROOF qualities, has No Equal in the miirket. For oirculars and other iuformation, address W. S. Illll, Nos. ö6 and 58 Eiist Third 8t,, Cincinnati, O. THE lASf'SEW HOOBTolTT The subject is all important, yet a puzzling one. It replenishes the Government Treasury and impoverishes the people ; maken the rich poor and the poor rich ; makes f ools of wise men ; exhausta the wisdom of legislKtion ; makes men tud mad and women feel sad. The crusado has begun ; on to victory. Men or women wunted to canvass every town Address HENRY HOWE, Chicago, Dl. WILD LBFE FAR WEST! ACÍENTS WANTED everywbere for this new and beautifully illustrated Book of the Author's tliirty years' Life and Adventurea among the Indiana, in the Mexican Wars, hunting wild animáis, &c. Thrillingly interesting , and selling faster ;han anything ever before known. Sectd for illustrated circular and terms. F. A. HUTCHINHON & CO., Chicago, 111. 1474 Sh iifil f lXi il lü Th.i„ Sewing Machine ives the Sest satisaction to the user, ispaiii fur most readily, mul tj the best o f all to stil. ] there is na " Domutte"' agent in uuur tuvjn anphj to DOMESTIC S. M. CO.. Ntw York ' I .miles Sendjior e legran i Fashion Book. $15 Saw Gummer Sharpeñer. A simple and durable machine- easily operated, and runuing wheel ítom fix (-S inohes to 12x1 inch laniteKiiiery Wliecl, withbeveled.double beveled nud round face, from i.1 2 to ST.35. acc"r.} 'o tlnckncss. Heavier machines, HO and ' ,, rilnning wheela up to 24 inches in diamettr l'orilhistrati-d pumphlet, address Pa XA!VIXE Vtt" Stroudsburg, Monroo Co., É FLOKEN C E The Lono-Coniested Süii of the O íFLOIlEi(;ESKni(íMAtHIM: (0. '4 3 aRiimst tlm Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, 4 P) and Oiover & Baker Companies, involvine over 4 á $350,000. I J Is flnlly deouled by the Suprcme Court "f 3 of the United Staten in favor of the .Fi.obei.ce, 4 J which alono has Broken the Monopoly T of High Pkices, 4 J THE NÜWTlORESCE ö 'S Is the OSLï machine that sew backward 3 ' d and forward, or to ri;;ht and lelt. 1 Simplout- (Jhcapest- Best. j ■l Soli) ynn Cash Only. Special Tebmb to J J A ril 18M KALER. l Minoráis, Shelis, Fossíís! Mounted lürds, Iürd Skins, Artificia] Eyes, ' iraliBts Hupphes, and objects of Natural History. --ollections ot Miuerals for Schools. 100 Mineral Specimens for (10, arranged accordinE to Dana ; 100 ienera of Miells, about 400 shells, for $10 fc-nclose 10 cents for fiill catalogue of stock ;HA8aG. BRBW8TER, JS(i Washington St., BosBUY J. ï OÏATJ BLACK I THREÁD for yojr H ACHINK - i fc f f A DAV GUARANTEED uting our 5f%WELLAUGER4DRIU.in8ood oflOWA, ARKANSAS4DAK0TA CUloeue int. W.aiLES.St.Loiii.lIo. "HOW TOGO i WKST." Thib is hu imjuiry which every one ühouid have trnthfully answercd before he sturts on his journey, and alittle care taken in examination of route will in many cases siive much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Kailroad has achioved a Bplendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Koute to the West. Startmg at Chieago or Peoría, it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connectionsto California and the Territorios. It is also the short line and best line to (luincy, Missouri, and poluta in Kanaas and New Mexico. rssengers on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. This line hm publishcd a pamphlet entitled ' IIow TO go West," which contaius much valuable informatlon ; a large, correct map of the Qreat West, which oan be obtained f ree of charge by addressing' ,the General Weatem Passenger Agent, Chieago Burlington & Quinuy üailroad. Chieago, 111. mijl -A. PPLET O 2STS American CyclopsÉa Rir Rcvlscd Kdition. Entirely rewritten by the ableat wiitcis un ever ubject. rrinted froiu Dewtyi', mu] illusi.rted with Several Thousand Ensiiu inf."' and Maps. Thf. work originally published noder the titlo o The New American Ctolojidia ib completed i 1803, sinco which time the mide oironlution wh.)eh í has tiíiiuwl in 11 part of the Fnited Ststm, and th siena] dovelopments have i.'ikn ptaoe iu ever branch of ecieace, literal un-, and art, baya inducei thc editor imd publisher to submit it li an exac aud thoroiiiih revisión, and to issue a new eilifiot filtitlcd Thk ahkuu as 'yci.íiivt:d]a. Within tin; last ten yenra tlic progresa of diecorer in every depaitmenr cif kncmledgi na made u non wurk ofreífTtMiee an nnperiiti r waut. Ihe movement of poUticnl lia kept pace with the discoveries ot mi.ih-( , nnd their tniitfnl ap plioation to the industrial iiud tuefu] aru and Un convenienoe and reflnemeni of anoiM lifo. Orea wars aud consequent ïevolutions huve occurred, in volving national ehanges of poouliaT momeut. Tbt riTil war of our own üountf y, which was at its heigh when theluat volante ot the oíd wovk appsared, haa happily been ended, anrl a new oquzse of oumñiLrc1á and indnstrial ac.tivity hu been oommencod. Larue accensiona to our etOgEanhira] knowlodpe have beeu madu by the indefatiL'abk exploréis oi Alrirn. The great political revolutions of the last !,-. ■;,,!,. with tbo natural renult. of Ifie la]sií of time, have bronght into public view a multitude of mv meii, whose ñames are in cveryoneM mouth, und oi' wljosê [ívesevury one is cun'oua to knuw the pnrticnlan Gleat battlefi llave been fnught and important Biegee maintained, of which theiietailH are aa yet preservec only in the new8papers 07 in the traonient piibllontionsof thedny, bu t which onirlit nnw to t.ake their place in permanent and autliei.1iehitorj . In preparing the present edition has aceordiiii,Mybenn the aim of the pr] i t . i w to briii" down the íuformation to the latest possililedHte, :unl to firninhan accu rute account ot the most recen I discoveries iu aeience, of everv fresh production in liti rature, and oí the newest inventimis iu the praotioal arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progresa oí political and historieul evonts. Tho work has beeu be(!UU aftor Ion;; and carefnl prelltninary labor, and with the most ftmplé resources tor carrying it on to a suceessfui termination. ii"ot tlworiffiual tereotype platee have been used, but every page has been priDted on iiew tjpe, formingiu fact a new Cyclopredia, with the Kimt plan and compass as ita predecessor, but with a far (,'reater pecuniary expenditure, and with such improvements iu its compoBition aa have been sugircated by lonper experieuce un d ealarffed kuowledce. The ïllustrations which are introduced tor the firat time m the present edition have been added not for tno sake ot pietorial effect, but to jrivo greater luridity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all brunches o 1 acience and natural historv and depiet the most famflua anrlremarkable features ot acenery, architecture, and art, as welt as the various proectwea of mechanica and manufactures. AltnoiiQh ïDtendcd i'or instruclion r;ither than embellmhment, no nains havo been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the coat of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will flnil n welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopiedia and worthy of its high nharaoter. work is sold to Subeeribers only, payab'e on aelivery of each volume. It will be nompletêd in sixteen larpe octavo volumes, each eontaining about 800 pages, fully illustruted -n-ith sevcral thousnnd "W'ood üngravin-jB, and with numerouscolored Litho'Tanhic Map. ' Price and Stylc of Hiniliiiii. In extra Cloth, per vol. $5 on In Library Leather, per vol. e en -In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 ï" 5a,'if R"8tiia Pxtra güt. per vol. 8 00 la Full Mororeo, antique, gilt eisen, lier vol 10 00 In B-ull RuHsia, per vol. io oo Four volumes now ready. Smweeding volumes until completion, will be issued once in two moDths. 8pecimen papes of the American Croi.OPDLá showmgtype, illustratiocw, etc, ili be stut .'raus on applicatiun. FIBST-CLA88 C.1NVA6SINC AgF.NTS WaXXKD. Address the Publishere, D. AFPI,LTON & CO., 540 & 551 lirunilu), .V, v. rpiIE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. PAEKAND, - - - President. W. A. MOORE, - - - Vice President JOHN T. LIGOKTT, - - Secretary. L. M. THAYER, - ien'l Agent. Assets Jftiiuary lst, 1S74 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no louger afford to pay tribute to Eastern States by plucinfr tlieir Life Insurance with Bastern Companies, who by their charters are corapelled to loan their monoy in their own Stutes, thus bccomirig a heavy drain on the resources of the State, hen we have po reliable and well managet! Life Cumpitny as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Company was inereneed I orl j-tiulil and on. -liall per cent. of the total amount done the previous flve years Tliia shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The loases durin-? the year 1873 were only PIFTYFIVE per cent of the amcunt the mortiility tnbles eall tor, showing great care in the select ion of ita risks. Durüifrthe yenr 1N73 there was a nnioerial reduction in the ratio of expenses showingCAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutiml lues all the most desirable forma of Life and endowiuent Policies. Dividends Ueclarcd and I'nid al (he uil of the First Policy ïear and eacb ycar therenftcr. All Policios noii-fbrfeitiii!; after one Animal Promi uin has boou pald. AU Endowment Policios ave convertible into Cash at the end of nny year lifter the tirst. Rellablo indeinnil } at lowest Cash ratea can be pruciircd of tbe 'I ■ liisrun Mutual I.Uo. GEO. L. FOOTK, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanh. J. (i. A. Sebsions, Aent, Ann Arbor. Oeo. E. ï'oote, Agent at Dexter. "OUT YOUE MONEY Wil E RE IT WÍLL DO TIJ E 3vtosrr good A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS ANB CAPS IN THE LATEST 8TYLE8. QUALITY AND PRICË8 T O OE F Y CÜMPETIT1ON ALSO, A FCLL LINE OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS J Cali hefore purchtmivg. 15 South Main Strekt. _JLJ 1AMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peacc, Office in new block, JSTortli of Court House Money collected and proinptly p:nd over. INSUBANCK AGKNX. Triumph, nsaets, iT'7.903 11 North MleS'-uri, " '45,417 KI ptbernia, 810,000.00 RKAL ESTATK. ' I have 80 acres ofland )4' of a mile froin the city imita, llnely iocated for fruit ur garden purposes. Also 40 acre. AIbo 10 acres, with hdiae and barn.and a livel itream of water runnini; tbrougb the baru yard. 60 aeree, a mile out. I will sell any or all the above cheap, or exchause 'orcit property. IS? J AM KS McMAHON. Dr. J. Wiilkcr's ( nlifbrma Yini-Znv IfltfeTS are a purely Vegetable prppnrhtion, made chiefly froin the untive lierbsfound on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrora without the use of Alcohol. The question is daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparaUelcd success of Ytnkgar Bitteiö?" Our answer is, that they romove the cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the groat blood purifler and a lifc-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world hag a medicine been compouuded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittees in hcaling the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men tvill enjoy good health, iet them use Vinegar Btiteks as a medicine, and avoid tlio ise of alcoholic stimulants Ui every form. No Person -mi tj Oiosc Bitters according to directions, ;niil temain long unwell, provklcd tlieir bones are not raiiVJJLl líjr lU'-lil'liíi )UiMI[l 1Í1 ([ tl'.'l Tllt'JUlS. and vital orpans wusted beyoná repair. Grateful Tli(i!fsaii]s proclaim Vineqar Bittebs the most vondorful Invigoraut that ever snstained the sinking systeiu. IJilions, Roiiiilleiit, and Tutorinittcnl Fovers, wüich aro ko prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera thrpughout the United States, eepecially tftose oí the Mississippi, Ohio, MiffcoT.rí. Hünoin, Tennessee, Oumborland, Aíkangfts, línl, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Orando. Peari, Alitbama, Mobile, Savinnah, Boanpkcj Junes, and many others, w,í!i a,t tributaries, throughout our estiro conntiv during the Slimmer and Autumn, and re'markably so during seasons of uirúsunl heat and dryneas, nre iñrariably ítécompanied by extensive derangenien, of the stomach !rbd lirer, and other abdominal tiseft-a. T:i iheir treatment, a purgativo, exerting rt o-.vo-fnl influence npon tkese TUïioin 6Tbiib, ib essentially neeesaary. 'l'heva i:; o eatliaijtic for the purpose eqi tal to l)lt. J, W'aíh EJ s Vinegab Bitteks, a;i tliey v.i spM -i;.!v temore the díirk-eülorod raseixl matter with ■vyhich the bowels ara loaiUnl, nf the same time stimulatiug tlio secrctipus of the liver, and generally rostorlng the ucaltby functions of thc digestiva prgan . Djspejsii or índigostioii, Heaíd ache.Pain in the ShouÍcÍere,Ogngs,'rightness of the Chest, Gizzíness, Erticlations of the Stoinao'n, liad Taste in tlie Mouth, Bilious Atta.ík.s, Palpitation 6f hHeart, Inflammation oí tlie Linios, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and n 11111dred other iainful Bymptoms, a;-. the offsprings of Dyspepsia. ' One bottle will prove a botter guarantee of its njerits (Lüu a lengthy advertisemcnt. Scrofula, or King's Kvil, Y:lii!e Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swciied Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous ïnflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial AlTVctions, Old Bores, Eruptions of t!e Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as m all other constitutional Disêaaea, AValeee's .Vikegab BrrTEiis have shown their great corative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Infliininiatory and Ohronie lili cu in ai sin. Gout, Bilious, Eemittent and Intermitteut Fevcrs, Diseaseti of tho Blood, Liver, Kidueys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseasos are j caused by Yitiated Blood. 5 Median i cal Discases.- Persons eu1 gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers. Type-setters, Gold-beators, and Miners, as they advacce in life, ara sabject to paralysis of the Bowels. To prmrd against this, take a dose of VfALiSJm's ' Vinegab BiTTiiBS occasionally. ForSliill DiseasCS, Eruptions.Tetter, Snit Iiheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Fustales, Boils, Carbuncles, Bingworms, Scald Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Seurfs, Discolorations of the'Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and camed out of the system in a short timo by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and otlier Wornis, lurking in the system of so rnany thousands, are eflbctually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will frue the system froni worms like these Bitters. For Fcmale ('oniplaints, in young or old, married or single, at the davra of womanhood or the turn of life, these ïonio Bitters display so decided an influenco that iniprovement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.- In all cases of jailndice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removal. Jor this purpose use Vinegar Bitters. C'leanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; yonr feelings will tel] you when. Keep the blood pure, and the Lealth of the system will follow. It. II. Mc IX. A M fo CO., Druggihts and (jeueral Agentri. Ban Fram-iacu. C'alifnr uia, aud cor. WabüiUKtun and Charlton Sta., New lujlc Suld In all liriifcv.'i! and Dealers. pHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. A DICIIONARV OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REVrsED KDXTION". WITH Mapa, Platea, and Eagravings. Completo iu 10 Vols. of S82 pages eacli. Wustrated wüh about Four Thousand Ëngravingt avd Forty MapSt togethcr with a Seríes qf frMñ Kighty lo One Hnudrcd Elegantly Entjraved Piales - üluslratim of thSubjects of Natural HCtíary -noto for the firöt time a pp? ar i; (n the wtirk . PRICE TER VOLUME. Extra beveled boards, - - $5 50 Library Sheep. marbled edgtís, - - ií QO Half Turkey Morocco, - - - a bu TlIIS EdITION IS SOLD ONLY BY AOEXTS PubiiBhed by J. Iï. LIPPINCUTT & CO., t'hiladelphia, Pa. SYIVANUS WARREN, 189 WoO&tfaul Avenue, Detroit, General Agent lor the Stat1 of Miohigan. By comparing Ohambora' BhiöyAlopeediö xvith the New American Oycloptedia,- the'work with whioh it is most frequently brought into comparison, it will be found that while the ten volumes of Chambers' contain 8320 pages, the origrijiul su-tem volumes of thp New American contain less than 12,000 p;tLo. Lt will also be found that a page of Chsmbers' containN ful] one-fifth more matter than a payt? oí' the New American, makiug the ten volumes of the (otmer equivalent in amount of prínted matter to at least thirteen volumes of the lattor, not to mention the numeroua Platea fabout 80j, Woodcuts (soine 4Q00L and Mapa (about 4(í), that are included in tliis pdif ion of Charabers', and to whicb the New American possesses no corresponding features. It is confldently believed that as a popular " Dictionary of Universal Knowledoe," the work is without an equal in the Eujfliah language. U26y] SherifFs Sale. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw Coui.ty, ss. O By virtue of tme writ oí execution issued out of and under the aeal of the Circuit Court lor the Coutity of Washtenaw, anrl to mo directed and delivered agaiust the gond, chattles, land and tenemenu Samuel Bitibank and Ainlln F. Burbank I Lave the twenty-fourth day of April, A. D. 1874, seized and levied upon 11 the right, tille and Interest of Samuel Buroank has in aDd to the following lande, to wit: Thut piene of land siluated m the town of Ann Arbor, Couuty ot Waahlenaw and titate of Michigan, described a follows, towit: Benig a part of the southwest quavter of section thirty, in township two soutli ol range six east, beginning at a point on fh (minor line in the center of the rond leading southwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor. thence siuth ilorg theqnnrter line of ia sectios twentythree chaina und forty-flve links to tht nuarterpoat, thence west alongthe section line eightchftiun and eighty-seven links, thence north parnllel with the quarter line twenty-one ohatrx undseventy liukn to the cent,vr oí iitl road, thunce ;tlonf the s;iid road to Che pluoe 6f beginnimr, contaihing twenty acres of land : ibove desenbed pnpnty I hall exposé tur NíiU; at public auction to the uüést biiidur at the soutli door oi the Court House, in tho oity of Ann Arlif.r .111 til" tmnty-MVma diiy nf Jm:e, A. 1). 171. ai ten (t'clock . m, of suid day, : (in Arbi r, May 12. 1S74. i . M. FLIOLTNU, Sheriff, Estáte of Prsderick Ellsworth. OTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtenaw, sa O At a rasión of the Probate Coiut tor tlie Countvot WuBhtenaw. holden :it tlie Probate Oflice, in the City of Aun Arbor, on ThurBday, the fourteenth day oí Miiy. in the year one thouaand eiffhit hundred ( -"'nty-ioiir. Present. No.ih Y. Cheever, Judffe of Probate. In the inatU'i ui .tute of Frederiuk Ellaworth, decsaaed. i ):i reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Elluworth, praying thut a oertain iuHtrument now on füe in Chis court, purportintr to be the lii'i wil) and testament of Baid deceased, may be admitteil to probate, and that iidministiiition of the estáte of Maid decensed may be granted to her or -Sonic otliL-i' Buituule person, ipon it i&ordered, that Baturday, thethirteenth day of -June next, at ten o'clock in the folenoon, be aasignedfoVtUv beáring ot .said petilion, and that the ■ Imví.-'.-s, legstetlt aöfl heirs at liw of Haid deceaHed, and ui) oilni'pei.-oiin intermted in said eatate, are required to appeai ata seasion of said (Vuirt, then to be holden at the ProbateOffloe, in the city of Ann iiiii-, and show cause, if auy there be, why the piayerot the petitionershould uot be granted : And il is further ordered, that sjiid petitiouer give notice to the persons inlereated insaid estáte, of the pendency of sai'l iietitiou, and the hearing thereof, by causing a eopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argvr, a uowspaper printed and circulating insaid Couiity, tliree sttoeeasive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEE, 1479 Judge of Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth .lucÜchvTcircuit, in Chancery. Suit pending in tb Circuit Court íwi mu vuuiiij ui ivtumteuuw, m v_nancery, ut Ann Arbor on the lith day of April, A. D. 1874. Man L. Wayne vs. Alonzo E. Wayne. Jt appearing by ;iil"id:ivii that the defendant. AlonzoE. Wayne, is nut a resident of the State oí Michigan, but that lie resides iu the State uf Louiáiuaa, it is ordered that the naiddefendanf cause lus appearance In thla canse tobe entered irithtn time mout lis fnini the date of thi order, ainl that i ■ i easu of hU appearanee he cause nis answtr to Ihe coraplainant's bill of complahit to be filed and acopy servedou the roinplaiiiant's olicitor within tw'iity (iays after service, of a copv pfaaid Ijill and notlce of this order, and in default t'hereof that said bill be taken as eonfessed by said defendant. And it ia further ordered that witliin twenty days said complafnnnl causea uotice nf this order to be published in the Michigan Abous, a oewspapet printêd In said county weekly, and that the publicatiou be continned in said paper once in eacli week lor six BircceseiTe weeks, or that she cause a couvof thi order n !,■ petsonally served apon said defendant at least twenty days before the time preseribed for his appearanee 6wH76 JOHN F. LAWBENCE, Jobs N. Gott, Circuit Couri Commissioner Compl't, Solicitar. Washtenaw Co. Michigan. Uhancery Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of Chancery :- Lucy W. B. Moigun complainant, vs Anne Quigley, Pntriok Wll, John Uuigley, Margaret Ciuigley, and Anne Quigley and Putriok Wall. adininislrators of the estáte of Willinm Quigley, deceased, delendants. In pursuance ol a deeree ot this court, made in this cause, I shall sell at public anction, at the Court House in the city of Ann Albor, on the sixth day of June next, at noon, the west half of the soutbwest quarter of gection No. ten iu lownship one souih m range six east, in the State of Michigan. ■J. F. l.AWRBNCE, E. '. Mokgan, Circuit Court Oommissioner. Compl'ta. Solicitor. Ann Arbor, April 2;, A. D. 1874. 1475 rjUARt)].N'SSLE.- r.ithe matter of the c-tatr M ol .sarah Blacktrood, minor. Notiee is hereby given that by virtue of a license to me granted on th'e ninth day of April, 1874 by the Hon. Josepb. C. Powell, Jntlge ot' Probate for the county of Oakland State uf Miehwan, I will .sell totbe Ugh9t bidder, on the preniises in the toivn of Salem, Waehtenaw county, on Satimlay, tlie sixth day of June, 1874 al onc o'clock, p. m., all the right, title and interest of said minor, in and to the lollowing deseribed real i'state, to wit : All that oertaln picce or pared of land lescribed aa follows: Tbe soutiicast oue-fourth ol the southèasf one-fourth of seetion nuraber three, in p aumber one s.mth of range nnnber Beren ;ast, containing forty acres of land according to the rigina] survey of landa in the State of Michigan. Batd, April 21, 1874. 147S JA.M1CS BLACKWOOD, Guardian. Hl: CARBOLIC DISINFECT1NG SOAPS. For washing Horses, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; Kills Fleaa on Dogs, Destroys Llce on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Ronches; Cheaper and bet terthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whiten, Beautlfy and Cleanse the skin from all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES J Wk OTHER Salt-Rheum H ■ Cutaneous Anda!! w Ê DISEASES CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. AfYords complete protectlon to p'ints, Vines, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without In Jury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventiva o. Scab-lt klils all Llce-Cads-Tlcks' etc. The Increased growth and welght ol fleece encouraged by its use more thaP equals the cost of the dip. Buchan's Oarbollc Soaps and Compoucds al are genuine. All others are base imitatioDS orthless. OLD BY ALL LgELL VlAiMIOOI): How Lost, How Restored ! Just pubhshed, a ww edition of Ir. CulverwvlI'sCelebrated Essay on the rndical cur (without medicine) of Spekmatohbhuea or femina Wenkness, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Impotency Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to llarnage etc. ; also Uonsumption, Epilepsy an Fits, mduced by self-indulijence or sexual extrurugauoe; Piles, &c. SSiTPrice in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The oelebrated nuthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demónstrate? from a thirty years' succtNstul practioe, that the alarming consequences ot elfabuse may be radically cured without the dauprerous use oí ÍLternal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out n mode of cure at once simrle, certahi, and etfectual, by means of whicli every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may mire liitnself cheaply, privately, and nuüoaOy. SÍW l'Lis Lecture should be in the hands óf every youth and nvery man in the land. Sent under seal, in a phiin envelope, to any adIreSB. post-paid. on recoipt of six cents, or two posn Btarapg. Mm. DR. SILLSÜBJi'S KEMEDY POR PILES. Scnd for circular. Addreaa the Publi-shers, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO,. 1 27 Bowery, New York, Postoffice Box, 4 .S(!. 143(yl JgHI R 9 Cl ? ;: -■'.l'-'V'i ". ; 5 ■ : Briggs House, Rar.dolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the old site, !m all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, B:uh Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegai :ly Furnished, andlocated nthe business centre of tliei .:y. TEEMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Proprlate'r?. C.EXS make from 60 to 100 dolíais week ii. aelliiii the Needle Threading ïhimble, and the laio Sewiu ftlaotaina Needle Threuder. They sell t sieht. Ho ludy oan do without them. Circulara nd Hamples of both artiolea sent post paid for 70 .uit, one urliele -10 enntH. WESTEEN AQENCT. Box 1, Indianapolia, Ini. Mortgage Sale. WHEREASGeorgoW. Mohr and Rachel A l. wife, of the township ot Sylvan, Washten. County, Michigan, on the ninth day óf Oetober ■" the year of our Lord one thousand eirtt huurt.1'; and seventy-one, eecuted a mortgage to Geoi v Davisof the same place, to secure tne pasmen . certnin principal nnil interest morjev. therein m„ tioncd.whichmortgago was recorded in the office", the Register of Deed in said coimfv. on the t. Sf dny of October, a. p. 1871, at nine o'clock a v , said day, in Iiber44 of mortgages, on page 369 ■ 'wbta süid mortgnge was duly assigned on the seeond dav „. January, a. d. onu tr.ousand eight hundred and L„ enty-two, to Luther James, of the township ot I m.' county of Washtenaw aforepaid, and reeorded in th oth'ceoftheKegisterof Peedsof said county on tk flrst day of Ajiril, 4. D. 1874, in ilher So, 4 of asaisn ment of mortgages on pago two hundred and sevm' iy; and vliereas default hns been made lor mnI than thirlyduys in the payraent of an inslallmem of interest moncy which became due on the ninlk day ofOotober, i.d, 1878, by reason whereof Ï5 pursnantto the term of tmid morlgage, said mort gairee horeby electa that so mnoh of said prióS asremains unpaid, with all arrearnges ol interp. tbexeon, shall beooma due and puyalle immediatelr aud whereas tlitre ia claimed to bt and unpaid saidmoitgageatthedate of this notice the sura Z tive thousand tour hundred and titly-lwo dolíais ni seventy-nine cents, for principa) and infere, t ahoü attorney'a fee of flfty dollars should any proceeiin„ be taken toforeelose said mortgage, na ulxo thefuV thorium of eight dolían fot insuïanee, as providS tor in said mortgage, and no soit or prweediïïï having been instituted either in law or ctiuity to r7 cover the same or any pnrt thereof : Noties ia the tore hereby given, tlinton the Ï"V 1 NTY-SEVPNtS DAT OF JL'N'E XEX r, at 2 o'clock in tteifSÏÏ of said day, at the ftont door of the Con rr House , t!íeoty-,jt Anu A"" ■ 'nty aforeBaid, (that bebí the buildniK in whioh the Circuit Court lor S3 county is held ). and by rirtue óf the jwrofa! contamed lu aaid mortguge, 1 sl.all stil at trabl! auctiontothe bigheri i aecnb3 In aid mortgBge, to satisfy ihn amouut of princiïi and interest above claimed aa mie, v,ü h Die cliarpeso) sale and attoraey's fee ot tiity dollars, with insnran as atoresaid, ■ all the tollowing desoribwi pleces .Jj pareéis of land, to wit: The south half of ö! southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of scotinn Íenvy"ithr' '" : lU" etlil of llinJ tPn chlis and fltty links in widtli north and south . and about sin chains cast and -nest being oft tn.m the south s of the northwtst quarter of tlie soutlrwest quarter nf section twenty-fonr, and off of the south side of th north halt ot the Matheust quarter of seetion twen ty-three (2:(j, cuntuining in the I dnieee parcel of land ficen aeres ; also beginnine at tk northeast corner of the Southwest quartér of th. southwe8t quarter of sectiou twenty-tnur (24) run' mng thence south on the half quarter line rix chati and seventy-tliree links to the northenst coinero land deeded by Auron Lawrence to Lois l'enn theot south eighty-sixdijgrees west sixteen iieichaüwto ■ stake, thence south four deprec-s east three ehaim and thirty-eii;ht links to a stake on the esit Mderf a sprmg, thence west four chains cross said sprine t a stake, thence north twenty-tive links to a stake thence south ei-hty-six degTeei west thiee cliains nd ntty hr.ks to a stake in the cast line of spetion tiren ty three, thence south deneesand thirtt minutes west parallel with the soath line of sectio twenty-three B3J about forty f40; chatas tu a stake in the center line of said section twenty-three, thence north on said center line nine chains and eighty-su links, thence sast parallel with the south line ot j sechons twenty-three and twenty-tour about sixiv chains to the place of beginning, oontaining nfty.flv. acres of land ; a'so a plece ot and off of the riortli west corner of the northwott quarter of the south. east quarter of said section twenty-three five charos and seventy-one and one-half liiiks wide east and west, and seventeen chains and Hfty links nor;b atd sonth frdm the Dorthwest corner, of the piece of land second above deserihed. oontaicing ten acres of land all in township two south of range three eust, couott ol Washtenaw and stutu ot Michigan af oresaid, coi' toining in all one hundred acres of land more or ]m Being the lands described in a certain iodenture o( mortgage given by George W. Mohr and wife to (xeorge E. Pavis, and reeorded in tlie Ketrister's offlc for V ashtenaw county, in liber 40 of mort o page 342. " 6 Dated, April 3, 1874. LUTHER JAMES, Assigne John . Gott, Attorney of said Mortawee for said Assinee. htjJj ' Mortgage Salo. r EFAULT by non-pa yment of moneys, having been - made in the condition of a oertuin morteaseet ecutcd by U illiam A. Benedict and atl.cime B Benedict, to Andrew ,1. Shively, bearing date thé twenty-drst day of April. A. I). 1870. duly stamnd and recorded in the onice of the Eegisttr of Deedi of Washtenaw County, In the State ut A.iehiian on the sixteenth day of Slay, A. D. ]87Ü, at tour 'and oue-half o'clock f. m., in líber 42 of mortcaees on pase 412, and thereafter fully assigned by the 'said Andrew J. Shively to l'liilip Buch, by an mstiumCDt ot assignment, beuringdate the tenih day of Jannary, A. 1). 1874, and recorded in the atoresaid office of üegister of Deeds. on the seventeenth day ot ïebriinry, A. D. 1874, at three and one-half o'eloek p m in líber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page ' where by the power of sale coutained in said mön' ?age has beeome operative, and no suit in lnworiii jhancery having been instituted to recover the debt remaining secured by saiil mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of eight hundred and nijetvseven dollari aud tifty-nine cents bemg claimed to be due on said mortease at the date of this uoliceXherefore, noticc i hereby given that to satisfy the imount due on said mortsaga, with the interest costs. and charges allowed by luw and provided for in said mortgage, including an attorney fe ot tbirty lollars, the premises deseribf;d in said mortgage. to u il All thar certain piece or parcel of land sitúate' in thé ;ity of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw mid stalf )f Alichig," n, known bounded and described as iollows :o wit : Being in the southeast corner of the north' ast quarter of the north west quarter of section numxt thirty-two (32), in township nuiuber two (21 rauth, range uumbersix [) east, comra. ncing at the wrner stake in the Ann Arbor and Lurii plauk road unmng eight roda west on the line of suid quarter! henee north twelve rods, thence enst eight rodsto e center of said road, thence south twelve rods to he place cf bezinning, wjll by virtue of the atoresaid jower of sale contained in said mortpage. and of he statute in sucli case made aud provided, be :old at public auction or vendue, to the highest )idder, at the south door of the ' ourt House in he city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washenaw and State of Michigan fsaid Court Hou ï(1 ÏHf t]if ïilrtii rif rwiliï ïSi ir (hú t ■■wiL4i o. i. _■,!.:_ and for aaiil ConntyJ on Saturday the si.ttli day o June; A. D. 1874, ut ten o'clock in the foteaooa that day. Dated, March IS, A, D. ls74. FHILIP BACH, B. F. Gkanger, Aaaignee. AU'y iot Amignee, luiu Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Levi n. Donglaasoi the city of Am Arbor, county ol Wnstenaw and State ui Midi igan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. 1). 1S72 ex cuted a mortgiige to Jolm N. Gott and'Julia A Gott of the same placo, to secure the payment of certaiD principal and interest money theiein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Kegister of cl eds in the county of Waahteuaw and State of Michigan, on the 18th day of July, A. D 1872 in Liber 48 of mortgages, on pKge !92, and wher'as dflault has been made for m.ire thiin tliirty davs. in the paymentolan installment of sur] interest ïiioney which became due on tlu; lKth day of -luly, a. U. 1S75, by reason wheieof and puiuant to the tering of sid mortgage, said mortgagees elecl th:it so uiueli ot said principal as leniains unpaid, with all anearagej of interest thereon, sbttU beeome due and payable immediataly ; and whereas, there is claïmed to he due and unpaid at the date of tliis notice the sum of three thousand two hundred and ninety-eight dolían and sixteen cents for principal and interst, aleo flfty dollars as a roasonablesolicitor's ot attorney's feeshould any proceeding be taken to forecluf e said uiortsage, and no suit or proceedinga have been instituted, either in law or equity, t recover the naine orany partthereof : Notice is therefore herebs eiven, tlint on SATUKDAY, THE ÏWENTY-SEVENTH DAY ÜFJUNEnext, ut two o'clock in tho af tcrnoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city i Aun Arbor fthat being the building in which the Circuit Conrt for the county of W'ashttnaw and state aforesaid is held,) and by virtue of tb epuwerof eale contained in said mortgage, 1 shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises described in snid mortgage, to satisfy the amount of principal and interest claimed to be due with the Atform y" fee of fifty dollars and charges of salo, to wit : Al! that eertain pioce or parcel of land situated in the city of Aun Arbor, couuty of Washtenaw, aforesaid, knowu.bounded and deecribed as fullows. towit:- Being the north half of lot number six (6J in blork number three eouth of Hnron street, and range number six (6j east, according toa rwuured plat of the village (now oityi of Ann Arbor. Dated, April 3d, 1874. JOHN X. GOTT and JTTLIA A GOTT, John N. Gott, Atty. 1472 Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LÏ having been made in the conditiona of a eertain mortgage, executed by ;rge K. Braithwaite, of the city of Aun Arb'or, coumy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Samuel P. Jewett, of the same place, hearing date thp fiitli day of Januury, a. d. oue thousand eight hundred and 'seenty-two, and recorded in the office of the l of-Deedsfor Washtenaw Oouoly, Michigan, on the ninth day of January, a. n. 1872, in liber 48 of mortgagea, on page 18. by whieh default the power of sale contained in said msrtgage lias become operativf. and on which mortgage there is claimed to be due 8t the date hereof the sum of thirty-four dollars anil thirty cents ;and the further sum of four hundred dollars to become due thereon), also aa attorney'fl fee of thirty dollars should any proceedings be taken to foreclosasaid mortgage: and no pjoceedlüg at laor in ehancery having been Uutituted to recover the debí secuTed by said mortgsge or any pari thereof: Notice i.s therefore hereby given that 'by virtiu ut ilpower of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provided, said inurtge will be foreclosedon Satubday, thk tb ay ok .Tuxb, a. d. 1874, at two o'clock in the afterloon of that day, at the south door of the Court ouse in the city' of Ann Arbor in said county of ashCenav fsaid Court House beieg the place of Iding the Circuit Court lor the county of AVashTijy), by a sale at public auction, tothe highest bider, the premises deseribed in said mortgage, whica ■ known, boundcd and deseribed as follows. to wit: teing lot nu'ulier twenty (20), in Jeirett's additinn to Ann Arbor city, aceording to a recorded plat thereof in the Register' office of sshtenaw County, in liber 67 of deeds, on page 678, Dated, Haren 'M, 1S74. SAMUEL P JEWETT, John X. Gott, Mortgage. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1171 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hiiving been mude in the contïitions of a certnin mortgage, mude and execuied by Jerusha Huil, of the city of Ann Albor, County of wathtenaw and State of Michigan, to Lewis c. Risdon, of the same place, in trust for Frunces M. Rorórt, a minor, bearing date tlic twenty-flrst day of June, A. D. 1869, and recorded in the office of the Register oí Deed tor said County, on Ote same diiy, at lour and one-half o'elock p. ai., in liber 42 of mortgagee. on gage 7 ; by which default the power of sale contained therein becnme opemtive, uva. therc now being cluimed tu be due tbereon the puin of two thousand six hundred nnd twenty three dollars and ninety-six cents, pimcipHl nd inüresf, nnd ro proceedmgs ut law or in equity having been taken to recover the same or any part therof : Notice is hereby giyen, that. bv virtue of a power of sale contnined in said mortgage, I shaïl eell at public autition, to the lighest bidder, on the sixth day oí July nextt at 12 o'ciock noon, at the south door of thé Court House ntheeitvof Ann Arbor (that bein the place for ïolriinii the Circuit Court for the County of Wanhtenaw), the premiaes described in paid mortgoge, or so Duob tliereof as shall be Bccessarv lo ptty the amount due tlieieon and tbe legal costs oí' sale, to wit; Lot ïumber twelve (ISl in block immber tvo (2) south of iwron street and Range nuniber el. ven, in the enstrn addition to the viHnge (now city) of Ann Arbor n the County oí Washtenaw nnd State of Michigan. IMted, Ann Arbor, Afarcb 12, 1674. 469 LEW1S C. RlSDÜN.MortffaeceinTrusf. fJVÍKE NOTICE. I have this day employed Mr. Clark, wbo, for the tast 20 years . has had charge of the Cook's Hotel ïarn, and Farmers or others who wish their horses 'ed and w ate red according to orders, at reaeonable ates, will flnd the " 'ld Reliable " at the Monitor iyery Stable, Cor. Hurón and Second utreets. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1874. J . V. N". GREGORT, Prop.


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Michigan Argus