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Local Brevities

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Cabds. _ Circulara. - BiU-Heads. _ Letter-Heads. - Shippmg Tags. _ Printed at the Abous office. _ in the best style and cheap. _ Don't order elsewhere before calliiis;. - Esaminations at the University take place nextweek. _ The last of tho Oerman visitors departen gg Wednesday aftemoon. _ Hint to potato-buggers : sprinkle it ou 'em ,fben they ain't looking. _(iov. Felch has been quite ill for ten days or more, but is now reported better. p# jtf, Eaton, long a limb of the law at Saline, lias opened an office in Detroit. - The "Public" of the Alpha Sigma Society j „f the High School, is to be held this evening. _ A strawberry and ice-cream festival is to oome off at the Prasbyterian Church this eveuing- - Water has boen let into the uew cistem, romer of State street and Xorth UniTOimty jvenuc. - The recent rains haring improted the pasturing wonderfully, botter ought to be both better and cheaper. _ Strawberry festivals are in order in this city: the strawberries not being homejrrown, however. " _ Kev. C. O. Howland, oi Kalamaioo, is to preach at the ünitarian Church on Sunday nest, forenoon and evening. - And now we hear people compluining of too much water, and wishing for the raius to "dryup." Xever satisfied. - Tickets of admission to the Senior Keception can be obtained of tlie Clan ny time after the Hith inst. - E. D. Kinue has been appointed assignee in tankruptcy of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Xortheru Railroad Conipany. - The Courier of this city is included in the list of State papers fuvoring the wcman sutt'rage ■unendment. But tho Cmtrier ha not vet ïndi,.;,tod ita position. - The cut worms are reported as making sad Invoc in the corn fields in this vicinity since the recent rains, and fa raiors have licon vcry busy m " planting over." - The public exercises of the Philornathian Society will be held at the Union School Hall, onTuesday evening, June 16th. (Jood music will be in atteiidance. - The name of K. A. Beal was arcidontally omitted from the list of newly elected directora of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, as pubhshed in the Aeous of last week. - For a number of evenings pitst the display of celestial rire-works has been very brilhant, lth the sheet and chain lightning rivalling. anything we have ever witnessed. - The Public Schools of this city will close on Thursday uext. The exercises ot the High School graduating c!as- a large one- will take place ou Friday forenoon in the Union School Hall. - A 9 per cent. dividend has been declared in favor of the creditors oí Miller & Webster, bankrupta, and a dividend in the saino amount in favor of the individual creditors oí John F. Miller. -Marshal Bennett has notiíied the creditors of ffm. O'Hara, oijthis city, declared trankrnpt, fo meet at the office of H. K. Clarke, in Detroit, on tile 27th inst., to prove their claims and choose an - The Senior Olee Club wou considerable reputation and applause in their recent concerting tour, and just about paid expenses. The latter statement can not be made coucerning the trip of fhe Juniors. - The excellent address of Hon. I. M. Crane ilelivered at the unveiling oí the Fitth Ward Soldiere' Monument, will be found on the first page. We are indebted to the Courier office lor the same in type. - Suito have been comraenced in the United States Court at Detroit, to recover on the insurance policies on the life of Mra. May Bobinson, the womau who was drowned in a cistern at Ypsilanti some months ago. - Capt. A. A. Day, of East Saginaw, formerly of this city, was married on the 3d inst., at Prattsburgh, Steuben County, TS. Y., the bride being Miss M. Ella Van Tuyl, of the latter place. The Prattsburgh News chronicles the affair as " the great event of the week." - The two Ypsilanti liquor suits tried last week, John S. Martin and Martin Eckrich being the defendants, resulted in verdicts oí " no cause of action." A new trial was granted to LeKoy Beam, convicted on charge of rape, several civil cásea disposed oí, and on Saturday the Court adjouraed to August 24th. - Owing to the prevalent rains during the week the wool market has exhibited no life, but ye8terday noon Bach & Abel reported the purchase of about 3,000 lbs., and Mack & Schmid 2,000, at 38a40 cents. Wood & Perrin are also iu the market. - Henry Wilsey, father of David Wilsey, Supervisor of Pittsñeld, and a resident of that' town over forty years, died on Wednesday, aged about 91 years. Mr. Wilsey came to this State from Western New York, and was one of the trailders of the first flouring mili at Rochester in that State. - That was a glorious rain which feil on day last, beginning about half-past flve P. M. and lasting well into the evening. And since numerous magnificent showers have fallen from 'lay to day. It is years since so muck water has been poured down upon us in the same length of time, and orops of all kinds are looking the bettar for the bountiful watering. - At Ypsilanti each paper is paid 30 cents per 1000 ems for publishing the official proceedings of the Common Council. In this city nothing has ever been allowed for the publication of Council proceedings, and the result is that the local readers get only what the papers choose to give. - At the coming semi-ceutennial Fourth of July celebration at Ypsilanti, the oration of Schuyler Colfax, Esq., of South Bend, Ind., is to be supplemented by an historical sketch of the county's growth by Hon. L. D. Norris Thus Mr. Colfax is given the principal part because he accidentally passed through Ypsi in au emigrant's covered wagon in one of the early jears of her settlemeut. We have ahvays heard that there is some reason to be assigned for everything. The Seniora have issueü a very beautifu 1 ticket of invitation to the exercises of Commencewent Week in which they are eapecially interested. They are : Monday evening, June 22d, Concert ; Tuesday morning and afternoon, Class Iay Exercises ; Tuesday evening, Senior Reception ; Wednesday, Commencement (the day all college boys long for). We believe that all the exercises, except the Class History, Prophesy, and Reception, are to be held in the University Hall. The History and Prophesy are to be give on the Campus ; and the Reception in the lower rooms of thejiew or central building. ïwo resident of Salem, J. N. Starks and irank McKeever, were drowned in Dean's mili Pond on Mouday forenoon. They had been en gaged in washing sheep, after which McKeever went in bathing. He soon called for help, say'ng he was drowning, whereupon Starks went to kis aid, but both were drowued. Their bodies were recovered about noon. Mr. Starks had wen married but a few months ; McKeever was a single man. It is supposed that McKeever WM taken with crampg.