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TpiRE TNSUEANCE. FKAZER, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON'8 OFFICE OVER SAVINGS It Mi. Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can now carry full linea in SAFE und TltUSTWORTH Y Companies, and our rales are reaaonable. We are now carrying the best business risks in the city. We invite the Public to examine our Registers and judge for themselves of the kind ot business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dwelling House Insurance, and can pivo low raten, and good indemnity. We represent the following well known Com panies : The Westchester, - Orgauized 1837, Assets, 055,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Allemannia, of Pittsburh, la. Assets $472,000.00, Jan. lst 1674. Tlie Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organized 1838. Assets f !37 ,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Ovganined 1S5), saete $304,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. Tlic National Firc Ins. Co. olPliil. Asts Í607 ,000.00, Jim. li-t, 1S74. The Ulobc, of Chicago, 111. Anets $480,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. Tlie Allantic & Pacilic, of Chicago, III. Axsets IJ:iSO,O0O.O0, Jan, Int 1874. City, Provideuce, B. I. ABsets $182,000.00, Jan. lat, 1K74. The Watertowu FIre Insurance Company, of Watertown, N. Y. Assets 556,n00.00, Jan. lst, 1S7J. The Watcrtown was organized in Deo., 1SG7, aluce which time ita premium reoeipts and loases huve been as ioUovt-a to wit : Premium Receipt, I.0B3CS. Jan.l,186S, Jmonth - - $1,204 28 " 1869 .... ag.sss 4!) É1.86Í K " 1870 - - - ■ 46,642 69 ö,'_'7 42 " 1871 - ... 66,605 16 1S.S14 61 " - - - 141,417 03 2i,U6'J7 "1873 - - - 214,065 19 (B,169 SS " 1874 .... 3S2,228 01 105,296 04 Caeu premiums receivcd in ü years - $740,(05 89 LosBewin 6 yoara - ... -jo,9-lti .i; Actual lonaea lese than 30 per cent of premium reeeiptB. Excgsb of premiuum reeeiptt over losnes .... -$5i:.l,fil!i 50 i INCÍÍEAK1-: OV AphETS. Jan. 1, 1808, uBseta with $100,000 0apttal..lTl,354 31 Do. 1869, do - - - I22,iil ci Ho. 1870, do. - - - 148,4;l 47 Do. 1871, do. - - . . 158,83 W Do. 1872, do. - - - 3Ü8,6"3 13 Do. 18T3 do. - - - - 441,500 54 Do. 1S74. do. - - - 656,849 64 Thia ahows a etendy average gain in assets of i over (T.V'OO each year. Official atatement of gross assets and liabilitica ! Jan. 1,1874. to wit: (irnwi offioially admittod assets - - 45.06,819 90 OiHcially calculared Imbilitiee, inclnding eiuauruiieefuud - - 217,104 61 Suiplua aatopolioy holder - - 340,"45 20 '' It thia record iri evideoce of bad management ■ afety and proüt to policy and stockholders would ' wish thilt othcr companies liad a little of it. The policy and practica of tbi coinpany hare been j teiidiiy io increase its ünanciiil solidity, by which ustly to command the confldence of the public. To liis end all smplus premium receipts have been ! .lined, allowing the stockholdera only legal interest ' n the aasets. The interest on Ita invested tunda ' iaya 11 dividcnda, leaving all aurplus premium fot I ae addllional ecurity of the policy-holdertí. All weaskis that tlic peoplo shnll inTiminale for hemBelves, aud wc do not fcar the rosult. FKAZER, HARttlMAX & HAMILTON, Office over tUc SaTlnp Bank, 14?fim6 Ann Arber, Mlok. Dry Goods AT THE A.ISTN A11BOE TRADING We havo JUST RECEIVED A Big Stock of 'DRY GOODSI We cali SPECIAL ATTENTION -TO- FINE DRESS GOODS Which will bc sold CIIKAI' KOU CANH. CALL AND SEE THËM Wo are now PrIabI f(l BXHIBIT To our Patrons our SPRING ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE AN3 Elegant Designs CARPETINGS, OIL OUOTÜS, Ac. &c. DHEAP FOR CASH! Aim Arbor, April 22, 1874. i G. W. HAYS, Supt. , UTKad American Cyclopaedia. Sew l.cviscd Edlilon. Rntirely retrritten by the biest huns .,d every subject. Printsd frota 11c tj-po, and illusirated wlth Bfvrral Thouaand Bñi;rvinge and Mnps. Tp workori(fiiiBllTiiiiblilii..j onder the tiile of ThxNew Amkiiican ''ic i.ui-rijT. wa conipleled m 186S, since whioh time tbe vida uirnulit tioii which it has attniiiK'1 m all part ol tb (Tnited fettatn, alfd the mnal development whinh havo taken place in every brauoh 01 aoiesce, liUralux.j, and art-bave mtluced the editora uud publúhers to submit i tu an inet audthOT0u$h revisión, ort to issue H n-w edition entitied Tu - Músicas i-,, ujtrheiA. Within thulnat too ysara the progresa o (tisoovery In eyery depaitment of fcuowledge ha made a tiew wo;k of T'-fer,-ni:e m imperativa wañt The movunu'ijt ni poilUcal atfiurs lias kept pace wilh tln' discovorieB o? cince, imd Unir fiailful appliration to tlif imluatriHi iiuii usefnl mtsundtlie CunTemence íumI jctlnenieut of ocial lijo, (irent wnrs and eouaeauent reToltttioua have occiuTed, nviiivinj; natioDnl dbangas o( peculiar moment. Tbe rml wiir of ottr own uimnl ■ y, whioh wna at its height wtnii the laat volume of tde oíd woik nppi'itred, üas happily beeu aadod, and a now courpe of commercial trüd jDdnatriul actiríty íiüh boen oomnientied. Lnru aocsaaluUB ío otir geogmhicul kñowledetQ liiivii l.rrti nmiir by che indefutualile exploren oí A trica. Th great psHMeal revolulionn of the lust decade, with tlio natural reMult of the hipj-e of time, have brought into public view a miutitude oj nev ninn, whose naines are iu every oiib's montli, i.ticl o( wIobi; live every one in corioua to know the parfinulrs Oieat battles have been fonsbt mid mportimt sieeee ntaintained, of whicli the details iir as yet preserved onlyin thenewspnpersttrín thf traneteiit pnblic tionsof the day. lint whicli aught now lutwkv thcir place in permanent KBd uuthnitirliitory. In preparing pretjei.t edltion tor the pms, it lms Hccnrdniüly Iwu the nim ot' the Cditn to brillfi down the iaformatioa korhe latent posuibledi.t' i, ana to fu' ni.sii au accurate aecount 01 the uoat recent discoveriei in scitnice, of ever j tresh product ion in lircratnre, mul of Hu: acweet iavenlions in the praotieal artt at well n to give a auceinflt and orifrintu rtootd of the progreije 01 ioiitK'al and historical eveuts. The work lia been be(;uu Htter lont; aud careful preliminary labor, and with the inoat ampie retources tor carryiug it on to a uccessf ui termination. None of the original sterootype plates have boen used.but every page has befen printed on uew tpe, fornüng in fact a uew Cyctopsedia, with the same plan aud compasa as its predecewaor, hut with a lar reater pecumary eipeuditure, and with such improveniente in ito corupition as have been suggcöted by louter expeiionoe ana enlalged knowlpdce. The illiistrutions which are introducid tor the flrst time in the present edifciou have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to Live greater huidity anti forne to the expían ations in the text. 'f hoy embrace all branches o! science and natural history, and depict the raost fauioua and remarkable features of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the vorious processes of meehanics and manufactures. Althouijh inteuded lor instruction rather than embelliflliruent, no pains have been spared to insure thtir artistic excellence ; the cotst of tlieir execution is enormoug, and it is Jielieved they will flnd n welcome reoeption as an admirable feature of the Cyclopwdia and worthy of its high oharaoter. TLis work is sold to Kubscribers only, payabe on delivery of each volume. It will be oompleted in dixteen lai;e octavo volumes, each containmp about 800 page, tully illuatrated with eeveral thousand Wood Kngravinys, and with numerou&colored Lithooi'ar3iio Map. Price and Style of Kiuilincr. In extra Cloth, per vol. %i 00 In Library Ijeather, per vol. lï 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. r 00 In Half Rustúa, extra gilt, per vol. S 06 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edye-, per vol 10 (0 lu Pull Rusia, per vol. u, oo Four volumes now reftdy. Hueeeediug volumes, until ooinpletion, will be issued once in two months. Specimen paes of the Amkricav (Jïclopdia, ehowinp type, illuatratioji, etc., will be aent gratis ou applicatiou. FiaST-CLASS CANVAfifilN'G AGENT8 "WakTT:I Address the Publiehers, ü. APPI.fiTON éc VU., 549 c aal Bruailuin . M. ' rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OP DETROIT. J. 8. FAURAND, - - - President. W. A. MOORE, - - Vice i'nwident JUHN T. LIOHiKTT. - - Secreta. I„. I. THA.YEK, - Clen'1 Agent. Asscts January lst, 1S7 Í $500,335.41. The people of MïoTiigan oan do looger atford to pay tribute to Eatt-rn btutes by placiiif? tlieir Lilfe Insurance with Eastern Oump:uiiesf who by tlieir charters are eompelled to loan their monoy in their own ötateö, tlius becominpr a, heavy drain on the resources of the State, wlien we have .-o reliable ud well managet! Life Company us the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 187J the busincas of the Compnny was incrense( Forty-!s'" and one-half per cent. of tin total amount dono the previous flve years Tliii shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE bas 'hc Oonfidence of the People. The losaes dminf? the j'ear 1H7:ï were only FIFTY FIVE per cent of the amcuut the inortulity tablet cali for, ahowing1 gTest enre in the Bfeleetfon of i te riska. During the yuar 1873 there wns a maaerial reduction in the rutio of expenses sbowíng CAFEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michiüim lutnal wjue.t uil the most iesirUe forms of Life uud euriownieni l'olicits. Dividf nls Ueclared and l'aid uC (hc ik! of thr First I'oliry Vear and ciuli year thereafter. All Policios noii-íoi'Mtiiii after one Anniiiil Premium has heen pairt. All Endowment Policies are convertible into ( ash at the eud of uuy yeur attt-r ilix. Keliable imlciiiui ( y at lowest ( ratea can b prociircd of Hu hffftw mutual I.ifr. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypailonti. J. Q. A. Rekmons, Agent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. Footk, Atiunt ut DcxtHv. ÜUT YOUR MONEY W II E R E' 1-T WII.L D O THE A. A. TERRY IJ AS A FUL!, STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN TUE LAÏESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND PRI0E8 T o DE F Y C O ;vl l E TlTlp N ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNÍSHING GOODS t:W Cali before purchasiug. ld South Main Street. ,ff- JAMES MoMAH ON, Justice of the Peare, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collecled nud promplly paid over. 'riumph, araets, tít 1x13.11 Nortli Misu'nri. " 4S,4tT.91 Hihcrnla, " .t."O,OOO.OU EKAL KSTATE, I havcS'i acrns "f land i of a mllo Irom the city rolts, finely located for fruit or ííítrdeü purposos. Alao 10 acre. i Also 10 acrcB, with hiune and bare, and a llvol ' Ureum of water running thrmih tha barn yard. 60 acres.a mllc oul ' I wlll sell ADy or all the above cheap, or Oxchanice toroUproperty. i I8T4 JAMES McMAHON. t ir. 3. Walkér's California Vinl'Jïil!1 Bitters are a purely Vegetable urepamtión, made chieny frora the native heri.s fomul on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicina] proporties of wbich are extracted thiTffrom without the use of Alcohol. The question M almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unpnralleled BUCCess of ViNioxu BiTTKiis?" Our anawer is, that uu y remove the cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers Iris health. They are the 'v if blood puriflerand a life-giving priniple, !i perfect Henovator and Inviorntor of ihe system. Never before in the history of t'ue world has a medicine been eom! ■ nnl'il j()ssessing the remarkable qualiticsof ViNEGAiiBiTTiatsin heaUngthesick of rvcry man is heil' to. Tíiey are a gentle Purgative as wel] as i ïonic, relieving Congestión or Ihflammatiön of the Liver and Visceral Organs, 'va LilioitsDiseBses. If niPii vül eiUoygood health, let them use Vinegah Bittebs as a niedicinf, and avoid the nse (if alcoholic etimulants in every form. No Person cotí (1:1 Uicso IJiUcis according to directions, and rrniiun long unwell, provided fcheir bones ore not destroyed by mineral poisoa orother mes and vital orea ns w:i steel beyoi (Jratofill 'I'IkiiisíükIs proclaim VrKEgar Bitters tlie most womlerfnl IüTlgorant that ever snstiiined the sinking bystem. liilious, Remittent, and In'termitteilt Fevors, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers thronghout the United States, especially (hoee 01 the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, IHiiioin, Tennessee, Civmberlaud, Arkansas, Red', Colorado, Brazos, Eio Grande, Peari, A!.ibama, Mobile, Savannah, Rpanoko, Jjnies, and many others, with their Aast tiilmtaries, throughout our entire country during the Summerand Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusnal heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of t!ie stomach ana liver, and other abdominal viscera. In theii treatment, a purgative, exerting a powciful influence upon these varióos orp:ins, ík essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr.. J. Walkkks Vinegab Bittecs, as they will speedily reinove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at the game time stimulating the secrctions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Hoad ' ache.Pain in the Shoulders,Coughs,Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructntions of the Stoinach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attav;ks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hun dred other painfu] symptoms, are the off. springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will ■ prove a better giiarantee of its merits thim a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, ÍJlcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutioual Diseases, Walkhr's , Vinegab Bitteks have shown their great. carative powers in the most obstinate and ; intractable cases. For Inflainniatory and fhronic Klieumatism, Gout, Bilious, Beinittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minera, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To cuard against this, take a dose of ALLsit'a YniEGAB Bitteks occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Eheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Eingworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysijjelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever nana e or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short timo by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and ollier "Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Jío system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelininitics, will free the system froni worms like these Bitters. For Feniale Coniplaiuts, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonie Biftcra display so decided au influence that iinprovement is sooa perceptible. Jauildice. - In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its vork. The ouly sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removal. Fox this purpose use Vinegab Bitters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find ite impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed ubcI sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foui ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. K. ii. iii-noNwi.n & co„ DruggisU aud General Ageuts, Sau Francisco, Califor nía, aud cor. WaahmtjUm aud Chal'ltuu öts-, Ntw Vork. ; Sold ! uil lrii!friis iind Dealers. QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPJEDIA. A IIKIIONAHÏ 01' Universal Knowledge för the People, RKVI3ED BIDITIOTS". WITH Maps, Platos, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Tols. of S:ï2 pages eáclr. lllustrated with about Four Thousaud Sngraoirígs anú Férlif Mapa, togeüw loith a Series }' frota Etghty to One Ifnudred Bleganily K,'iraved Platea - iüustrativ qf tHé SutyeeU t' ifatural HUkxry - 71.OW for the, fikbt TUtxappearing ín the work. PKIUE PER VOLUMK. Extra Clom, beveled bonrds, - - ; go Library 8heep. marbled edges, - . % oo Half Turkey Moroooo, ... , y, TlIIS EDITIOX IS SOLD ONLY BY Age.N'TS. Pubnsluj.l hy J. tí. L1PFINC0TT & 00., fhüadelphia, Ph. SYLVANÜS WARREN, 148 Wotáwnrd Avenuo, Detroit, (.eïicvjil Ay-ent tur Lhc BUt ■ oí1 UicfaiHn. Bycomparing Chambers' Encycloposdía wiiji the New American Cyolopsedia,- the work with whi is most fn-quently broug-ht into t:omparison, it will bo found that while the ten volumes of Clnitnbers' contain 83-0 papes, the original sixtten rplumds oí tho New American contain lesa than 12, ('00 pace. ít witl ais" be fouud that a pge oí" Chumbéis' coutnins full ont'fifth more matter than a pa?e oí' the New American, mak ing1 the ten volunte of the lormer eqnivaleutin amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volume of the lattoi, not to montion the Qiimeroua Platea íabout 80), Woodcuta [some 4 000), snd Mapa (bout 40j, tlmt are included iu thia edition 3f Chambers', and to which the New Amerioun pos jesseB no oorresponding feature. It iu conrtdeatly selleved that as a populnr " Dictionabt of Cniverial Kjïowlidok, the work is without an qual in he Eüglish Unguag. 1 426 y 1 J pSIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE S .A. Ui E I Tiif' lobMnl , on iocooü of UI badtfe Stoa bh itumfui ). Chingrouod adjuinitUe Umversitj Obstrvalory on the Buít, oppoite side oi Bi í r l:;is ;l most cxp.!lr-íj1 S P K I N O ! ün thfl BorUieiwl oomar- tormeri? ropied Uo Rail road tanka with water. ' IJS ADVANTAGES Arf m follmra forcity pur] Etuoon Uiver iutiaude t be id ih part oí' th Water Power On the Riverin this vicinïty , ank the elCTiitlon ón the northeiwi coro is julñcu ntly hiiíh and ampie u sup ply the oify iiecesiiitieH f(fr water umi llipu] THE WgSTEEN PORÏIOS Ou fhe road in vury upproprlata and nütabl fora Public City Cemetery. Theoity hus m auch (fi-ouudj now but mast huve sooii, nnd whntt-ver rourvüa the oity doea not care to use, can be suld at an advuitltM bo nmch BO.that the cost of the Water Vorks ifroundf' and I .iii.iiry, w, , iiM hemiirely nomine 1. If thecitj diies not want tha sume, ihe grounils would bo invaluable tot FRÜ1TS, LüRGE & SMALL, There beiog ome 100 trnes now in beni-in Vegetables and Pftstttfrige, And ftlao foi WiLKsupply,BLOODFDSTOCKj Horses, Sliéép, And other anímala alwayi in preat wunt by raanyin the city and its vicimty. Ah city hitw nfljoiningthe norfchwest corner of thïH land are now selUK iroio tlu-ecliundied to tliree hundred and tifty dollars. these lands won ld or could be sold in n short time to a good atLvaotnge and to niucli profit to the purchnsen LIBERAL TIÜEE WI1I ho riven nr the samewill bo e.ichant'od for Mer ohantabls (,'oods or Urugs and Medicinen, at ciiet pnces. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann AiDur, .an 31 1873. 1411 CIVEN AWAY IF ST WILL NOT ÏNSTANTLY RELIEVE WILL KILL The worst cough In quioker time than any othar preparatloh In the wond. Wewülwlll refund the money f we do not give Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYVVHERE. tal MSi v8l vi B 4B) S mKi mmm B ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like H. lho most a charm ! B k natural Novei-failsS H shades to BR WB of Brown ly produce W or Black 8Y OföE APPLiCATIO N . 3jE AIANÜO,il: How Lost, fíow Restored! Just publiahed, a nfw edition of Dr, Culver well's Celebrated i:s-uy on the radica! cure (without medicine] o! Spkkmatoubhka or seiuii.a) Weakness, lnvoluntary Seminal Lossta. Impotency, Mental iinl Physical Ineapacity, Impedimenta to Marnage etc. ; also Oonkümption, Kpilepkï and Fits, induceil by sclt'-indulgence or sexual extravuífauce; Piles, &c. ■ST'Price in a sealed envelope, only six centn. The celebrated uuchor, in thís admirable Essny, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sueoesstül practioe, tluit the alurmiug consequences of elf abuse may be radically oured without the dangerous use ift ÍLternal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, jertain, aud effectual. by meana of which every aul ferer, no matter what his conditiou may be, may lurehlmself cheaply, prhately, and railically. 5tö" ['bia Lecture ahould be in the huuda of every louth and fivery man in the land. Went under seal, m a plain envelope, to auy adiress. post-paid on receipt of six nenta, or Iwo pos:?e staiups. Aks, 1)K. BLLtóBEE'8 BEMEDÏ FOR PILES. Sendfor circular. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J C. KLINE&CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Postothce Box, t."8(. 143(iyl .huIIíIíaÍ; WËÊ Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the old site, hai all the modern conveniences - Passenger F.levator, Kath Rooms, Hot and Gold Water in cach Room, Eleantly Furni&hed, andlocated in the business centre of the;' ;y. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS k HUNTOON, - Propnemrs. ; Kstate of Frederick Ellsworth. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtonaw, ss i At a session oí the Probato Court for the Countv ei Wushtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Albor, on Thursday, the fouiteeuth day ol May, in the year one thousand eight huudred anci seventy-four. Present Xoah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probnte. In the matter of the catate of Fredsriok -Kllsworth, dectased. On reading and lilinff the petition, duly verified, ol Saruh Ellwworth, praying that a eertain instruinruj now on h'ie in tliis court, purporting to be the lasl will and testament of said deceased, may be admitteii to piobate, and tliat adminietration of the estáte of haid deet-ased inay be gvanted to or soine other snitanle person. Tlicreupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the thirteenth day of Juue next, at ten o'cloek in the foi.inoon, be asaigneö for the heariag ot said petition, and that the devisees, legu tees, and heirs at l.w of said deceased and all othor persons interes'.ed in said eatato, are required to appeu ;t u euian of said Court, then to Ba holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and how cause, if any there be, why the luaiL'i of thepetitionershouldnotbegrauted: And il a further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to thr persons intereated msaid netste, oí tliependencyof aid pudtion, and the hearing thereuf, by causing a copy of this order to be published in tiie Michigan Arjus, a newspttper printed and circulating in aaid 'oTinty, threa sucoeesive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing. (A trua copy.) XOAH W. CHEEVEB, . H?9 Judije oí ProDate. f IVE GE ESE FEATHü'RS Lj pibstquality, ü n-rnt yon hand and forsaleby ñACHfr ABEL. f 4 Mortgage Sale. WHEK.EAS GeorgoW. Mohr and Rachel A ■.. wife, of the township ot Sylvan Víilít County, Michigan, on tha ninth Cay t OctoW1.' the yoar of our Lord ono thousand eight' huS, and aoventy-onc, eiecuted a mortgage to üeoiï ? Davisof the ame place, to secura tae paira5,t certnin principal and interest moooy theiein'm tioned, whwh mortgasre was recorded' in tke offl. the Register of Deed in anid coun'y. on the tmü day oí Uctober, a. d. 1871, at niño o'clock a v snid day, in Über44 of morlgages, on page 369 ■ 'JL'i lid mortgare was duly aasigned on the seci.nci dav Jnnuary, a. d. ono tfcousand eighl hundred ana Lï enty two, to Luther Jumes, of the to nshlp ot Li eounty of Waahtenaw atoresaid, and rtcorded in tl' office Of the Kegister of Deedsof suid couuty on ik first day of April, a. d. 1874, in líber No. 4 of asgii ment of mongóes on page two t.undred and !: ly , and whereas dtfanlt has been made íor m than,tliirtydays m f nhtallmü ol [ntaresl money which beeame due onthestaf day ofOotober, a.u. 1873, by reason t punuant to the of suid raortirage, baid mm iiMiree hereby deota ihat bo muob asremains uopaid, wit.h all xearngea oí ínter thercon, sliail beeome due and payuble m and wherens there is claimed to bt, and untwid said montage at the date ot this notice Uie sli , live thousand tour hundred and tit'.y lv dolían seventy-ninu oenta tur principal nndintere t n]K altorney'a fee of riti y should any proeeedhi. be laken to fbrclose said mortgape, and al-o iliet, ther s.m of eixhl dollars lor inrarnneo, aa provid for in said mortgage, and no mit or piocewtïï having been instituled eith t in luw or rtmity to l cover the same orany part thereof: Noiice ist,P„ fore hereby Riven, th.a on the TWENTT-bl Vï Vi DAT W .f UX1, N EXT, at ■ o'clock m ïhe aftS of said day, at the turn! door ol 'he ('ourt Uou , thoeityof Aun Arbor. eounty afi reunid (that bpin the buüdnii,' in ffhich thi nrt lor 5 eounty in heldj and liy virtue ot the pmv r of s contained in aid mortguge. I st.all sell at cubl auction to the highent bidder, the desrriU in said mortgage to antufy Ilin amoont of jatotín and interest ibove claimed ur fïue. srith ïhe thttse sale an) attorney's fee oi fllry dullarg, with itisui aa afoteaaid, ill the follnwii . piecet n pareels of land, to wit: The South huif of a southeaat quarter of the om hu eM qiuirter of , twenty-three ; aluo a strip of land ten chalui „ fitty liukBin widtn north and south aid abnutwm chains east and west being oil in.m the outniH of the nortlnvuHt quartcr of the 8outhwet quartai section twenty-four, andolf of iLc soulh sideoftt north half of the ffootheaat quartAr of seotioB tw ty-three (2Sj,oontaining in the last deeciibed ii. parcel of land flfteen aores; also beginning at tl northeaat correr of the KmUrwest quaiter of tk southweHt quartcr ol section tW( nty-fnur (24) rui ning thence south nu tho half quartor line sixokhS and neventy-three links to the northeast coma, land deeded hy Aaron l;awrence to I.ois Fenn the south eighty-six cTegrces west sixtecn 1BJ chaini t a stake, thence south fouT dejrrees east tliree chai, and thirty-eiirht links to a stake on the eiist sideo a spring, thence west four chains uciofs said sprinut, a stako, thence nortli twenty-nve liskatoaaUg thence soittli eij?hty-six degieea west three choin rlfty lirks to a stnke in ïhe eaat line of section tt ty three, thenee soulh eighty-flve deereesani tMrt minutes west parallel with the sonth lineofgiclJ twonty-three f23j ahou'. forty (4(j ohaina td a stokeï the center line of said section twenty-three, theim north on said center line nine charos and eiphty-iii liuks, thence east paralle] wit'n the south line of eaii sections twenty-three and twentj-tour about ïin, chains to the place of bepriunins, containinp flfiy.j, aeres of land ; a'so a pieee of land off of the noithweet corner of the northweat quiirler cf the soutbeast quaiter of said section twenty-three uve claim and aerenty-onfl and one-hall' links wide etst awi west, and seventeen chains and flfty liuks nonh tui south trom the nol thwest corner, of the piece of lanj second anovedt'scribed eontairin tt:u aeres ol hrrl all in township twoaonth of range thieeeast, oinS of Washteimw and Btate of Michigan aforeeaid. coataining in all one hundred acres ot land more or lm Bemfr the lands desciibed in a eertam indeiituie cf mortgajte piven by George W. Slohr and nife i, (ieorfre E. Davia, and reeordfid in the Register1 ofc for Washtenaw eounty, iu liber 40 of mo Dated' April 3, 1874. LUTHElt JAMES, Asrimee John N". Gott, Attorney of said MoittMpt for said Aswiünee. 1472td Mortgage Sale. WilEREAS Levi H. Douglass of the city of M Arbor, eounty oi Wastenaw and State ot Mi.L igan-outheeighteemhdayof July.A. D. l;2 e. cuted a morlgnge to John N. Golt and Julia A Gou of the same placo, to secuie the pajmeut of cemni principal and interest money tjieitin meniiüDed which mortgage was recorded in the nffice of tbc R. iater c)t d eds in the eounty of Washtenuw and Rttïi of MiiOiijian, on the ISth duy of July, A. ï. 187Í, ii Liber 48 of mortgages, on page 2ÍÍ-J, and wher'i dflault has been made lor more (han thirty days, in the paymentof au mstallmeut of said interest monei irhioh becamedus on the ISthday ot July, a. D. 1873, by reason wheieot and purmant to the felms ol halú mortgage, said mortgageea elect that so much ol said principal as temains unpaid, with all arreanntiiil interest thercon, shali become due and payabïeiminediaWly; and whereas, there ís claimed to be dm and unpaid at the dafe of this notiee the sumof thwt thousaud two hundred and ninety-eigbt dollurs acd sixteeu cents íor principal and interst, also fifty dollars as a reasonableaidicitor's or attorney's feeshnuld any proceeding Oe taken to fortclo-.' said mortjap, and no suit or proceediuga have been instnuted, either in law i.r equity, torecover same oriy part thereof : Notieeis therefoieherebj einn, that on 8ATUBDAY, THE TWENTT-SEV ÈNTH DAT OFJUNEucxt, at two o'cliick in the aft.ruoon ut said day, at the south door ol the CourL House in ! city f Aim Arboi .'thai being the building in whiok the C'iteuit Court for t.lie eounty of Waahtpoav and state aforesaid is held,) and by virtue of tl. epumrof cale contained in said mortgage, 1 shiil] seil at public auction to ïhe bigbent bidder, the . in said mortgage, to sitisfy tli-j amount ot principal and interest elaimed to he due with the Attorm-T1! fee of ttfty dollars and charges of sale, to wit: Al! that eertam piece or parcel of land -ilu;:U-d in the city of Aon Arbor, eounty of Washtenaw. known, bouuded and describí d as f, lluws. to wit:Being the north half of lot number six {(ij in blwk number three south of Hnron street, ná rangt number six (0) east, accnrdin" toa reeoidtd platel the village Cnow ciiyj t Ann Arbor, Dated, ApriUd, lh?4JOHN X. OOT'l 3VU.A A aoTT, Johk N. Gott, AUy. 1472 Mortgagen. Mortgage Sale. DKKAÍ'LT haring bet n nuide in the conditiom of a certain mortgage, e. Braithwaite, of the city of Aun Arbor, eoumy of Washtenaw and State óf Mii ;i óuel P. Jewjtt, of the same place, bearing date the ttftfa day oí January, a. d. our thousand t-i-ht hundred and'sevSBty-two, and recorded in the office of tb l' Deeds fer Waahtenaw County, Mtehigan, on the ninth day of January, a. d, 18 is of uionajies, on aLe IS, by which default the power ol -l contained in said mortaage bas become OMKatln; and on which mo t.age there is claimed to ba due li the date hert-of the sum of thirty-four dollars ml :hiriy eentS' (and the further sum ut ion r hundrtd iüllars to beroine due thereon), also au ai 0 f ihirty dollars should any proccedings be taken "■ "oreclasè said morteage : and no proeasdinga ;ii fcf r in ehancery having been instituted to r lebt secured by said mortgage or aiiy part thereti : power of sale contained in said mortgage, ui'l i' statute in such case made and pröi I gage will boforeclosodoa Saiubday, the Twentimb , day op Jum:, a. i. L874, at two o'clock in tb noon of that day, at the south door of I House in the city oí' Aun Arhor in said coUBt? ' Washtenaw (uid Court Hous holding the Circuit Court for the county of nay), hy a rale at public auction, to the hij der, the premiso deacribed in said mortgage, which are knowii, bouuded and describí d :. BeiDg lot number twenty(20), In JeweitfB gdditta to Aun Arliur city, according to a recorded ]fe' thereol' in the Regiaier'fi office of Washtenau i in Hber tJ7 of de ds, oo page 078, ' Dated, March 26. 1874. SAMUEL I .7 KWLTT, John Ist. Gott, Att'y for Mortgage. f1471 JVIortgage Sale. DEPAULT Imving been mude in the ccntlilionsoi u oertain xoortgage, mude and executed by Jerusha Huil, df Uw city of Ann Arbor, County oí VVashteuaw and títae of Michigan, to Levis Hidon, of the same place, in trust íoi' Francés M. liogers, a minor, beuring date the twenty-flrat day of June, A. D. 1869, and recoreïed in the oifice of Uw Register of Deednioreaid County, on the same da?, at four and one-half o'clock v. m., in liber 42 of mortifagWj on pae 7 ; by which defuult the jkju ■ i contiüned therein oeoame operutive, uuá tiierenow being claimed tu be duu thfieon the sura of tiro thouaand six hundred and twenty thrt-e dollurs and } ninety-six cents, principul and interest, and uo i eeedmgs at law or iu equity haviug beeu taken toreover the sume or any part therol' : Notice is ht-reby given, that. by virtue of ú power oí sale contained is said mortgajre, I ahall wil at public auction, higheat bidier, on the uxtb dayoi July oext, at 12 o'ciock noon, at the south door of the Court Houèe in the city of Ann Arbor (llmt bcinj; the phice for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Waxhten.'iw), the premiaes desoribed in ge orso much thereof as aba}] be necesaarytopay the araouut ilue thezeoD and the legal costa of sale, to wit: Lot number twelve ( lïj in block number two f2) soiith oí duronatreet and Range number el-ven, in the ernst' ern addition to the vülage (now eity) of AnnArb in the County oi Washtenaw and State of MtchigtiDÜated. Ann Arbor. Marcii 12, 1874. MS LEWlti C. RlöDON, Mortruee in Trust. SherifTs Sale. JTATE OF MICHIGAN", Washftenaw Coui.ty, O By virtue of oue writ of axecution issued out of nd under the seal of the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, and to me directed and delivered agüinst the gouds, chattlen, lands and tentnifi'1 Samuel lïurbank and Austin F. Burbnnk, I law the twenty-touith day of April, A. D. 1874, aeiz and levied upon all th rigbt, tatle and interest rf Samuel lïurbank has in and o the following landit to wit : Taal piece of land situatrd in tlie town of Ann Arbor, County oí Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, described follows to wit : Being a fart of the southwest quarter of secfion thirty, in toiwi"P two south ot range six east, beginning at a pointon the quarter line ia the enter of the road lenáivg southwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor tbW the quartt-r line af ia eeotioQ twentfthree chains and foity-Hve links to tlit quititerpcw-t, thence west alongthe sc.uiou line eight cbuiiiB 0d eigmy-seven units, lüence xonh parnllel with uw qnarterllne Mrenty-oae okalna and s.'venty uniste the center of said road, thenee tilong the saïii roadto the plaee of bejrinuina:, containing twenty acres o!' Innd ; which above deaonbed property I bmII exp for sale at public auction :o tlie hitrhe'sl bidder at the south. door oi the Court House, in tiic city of Au Arbor 011 the seventh dny of Ju. e, A.D1874, at ten o'clock a. m of snid diiy. Dated. Arm Albor, May 11', 1S74. 147Std M. MEMING, Sheriff, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial I i i ( hiinci'ry. Suit pending in tiieOiicuit Couti for the County of Waahtenaw, in Cbancery, at Ann Arbor on the ilth day of April, A. I. tM" Marv L. Wayne vs. Alonzo E.'Wayne. It app.-aring ly aflidavit that the defendaut, AlonzoE. Wgyni di-nt of the State of Michigan, hut that he resides in the State of Louisiaiut, it b ordered that the aidiii'ïendani cause bis appearaDoe iu thi.s cause tn be tered within threemonths from the date of this order, and that in case of bis appearan liisa"swer lo the complainant's bill of compülnt 10 be fil and a copy servedon the complainaiit's solicitor witbin lu-cnry days aftex service of a eopy of said bul a notice of this order, and in di-'fault taereof that sald bill be taken as confeaAed by said defendant. Aihï it is further ordered that vithin twenty days said coniplaimuit cause a notice of tiiis order to be publiebW [n the iMrcuioAN Ari.ts, a newspaper prinicd in saw eounty woekly, and that the publication continufi n said paper once in cach week for six siiccessive vecks, or that Bhe cause a copy of this order tu be p51 (onally Hrred Dpos said dereodaot at least twenty laya before tho time prescribed for nis aiipearance. 6wl476 JOHN F. LAWRÍ John N. Oott, Circuit Conrl Comminioner Conjpl'ts. Solieitor. VVasbtenaw Co. MichiganÏECURE YOUESELF A HOME. Valuable City Lot for sile Cheap, ond long tim 'iTen for paymgnt If dsirdd. 147ímS C. H. MftLE-V.


Old News
Michigan Argus