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JUJSINE3S DIRECTORY. FRAZEH, IIARRIMAN & IIAtlïLTOlV Attorney ut Law. Offlaa Xoa. 7 and II Pouth Main etreet, 'Ann Arbor. Mich. ËltASTIIS TIIATCHER, Attorney and Counselor at Law, N-o. 5 Eiwt Huron Ntrwt Aun Albor, llich. 1386 1KR ARHOR llniilti!, SI'RHfiS . Morris Hale, M. 1).. SuperintGBaeDt. Office ia buildinar, corner Mann and West Baron Streets. WniiS & WORDRW, 20 -puth Mainstreet Ann Anor, Mich-, Wholesale aud retall deal ersin Dry Goods, Carpeta and Uroceries. l51tf VI ACK SCHTIID, Dealers in Dry Goods ill. Groceries, Orockery, &c. No. 54 South Main Street. VM. JACKS, Dontist.successortoC. B Porter. Office corner Main and liuron streets over the store of R. W. EHin & Co , Ann Arbor nesthetics administered if reqnired. 2DTHERLAND Sc WHEDOM, Life and O Kire Insurance Aaents.and deak-mn Real lístate Jfflceon Huron Street BAC1I & ABEL., Dealers in DryGood Gro ceries, fee &c.,No -6 South M:ün Street, Ann Arbor. ir TI. WACiiVEB, Dealef in Ready HadeCloth ?T iag,Clotbs, Cassimeres, VeBtin:s, Hats. Caps f ronkp, Oarp-:t liags, &c 21 South Main street. jU-OAH W. CHKEVE K, ATTORNET AT LAW S OHce with E. W. Morman, Kast side of Court House Square. 1831 W C'. C A R R , Dentist, - Sucopssor to C. C. _ Jenkins. Nitro ns Oxi.l ? t _ Oas üdmiïUstered jf:fajb when necessury. L k Office over FwBBaeh & Abel's tfVr. f More. Ml WITWvW j Xo. 26 South V'v.ji.__ . _. . -- Main at. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEGN, Office and Rcíidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of IngMs, Ann Arbor, Mich. VST Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 p. M."B Ktftnnca- Pnor. Sagee, Pbof. Palmeb. 143lyl nEOCKERY GLASSWAKE & GROCEMES, J. & 1?. Donnelly Have instore a large stock of Crockerj, Glassware, Plated Ware, ('ntlery Grocenes, &c, Sc. all tobe aold at unusually low prices. No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor U38M J. & f. DOJINELLV. rOHN G. GALL, DEALER I3NT mmE AND SALT MEATS, I,KO, SltJSAGKS, Etc, OrdcrBsolicitedandpromptly illed with thebeit meats in the market. Cor, Hurón and I'ourth ets. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1869. laaótl DR. C. aTlETIEII, Physlcian and Surgeon, Office over Watts' Jeweli y Store, Mnin Street, Residence 5S East Hurou Street, 1469tf ANNT AROR.MICH ARKNKÏ, #31 Manu fac ture r of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AMD SLKIGHS, of every style, made of the best material, and warranted. ltepairing done promptly ml priees reas:nable. Detroit Street, near R. E. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 144(iyl JFEED. BROSS, MANUFACTUBER OF CiaXIVGES, B0OOIN, LUÜBER WAOOXS, SPRIXO WAiOS CITTEBS, SLEICHS, &c. All Tork warranted of the best material. Eepairineidoiie proniptly and reasonably. AU work warranted to give perfect satufaetion. 68 South Main street. ■ 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Bloeit, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vacations. Day classes througliout ihc year. Btudents enter nt any time. Inatructum aocording to most approved plans. Rtudents have "Actual Practice " at the beginning of the conree in bouk keeping. 1441tf GOING TO PAINT! IF SO CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, aNo. 31 South Main Street, Aun Arbor, buy AVERILL'S CHEÏYBSCAL PAIiT ü It is the best Paint in use. 1471m3


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