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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- Dr. Mahan - the same venerable gentleman who thonght he ran for Congress on the Democratic-Liberal ticket (in this district) in 1K72, is out with a long and open letter, in which he attempts to show that under the Constitution of the United States wotnan is now a voter, and that she is deprived of that inestimable privilege - for which all women aro supposed to pant - by the arbitary and illogal laws of this and other States. The way he plays the changes on the word "citizen " is decidedly amusing. - A few days ago the telegraph kickod up a great row (in the dailies) over " Muller's Pailure," " Muller's Magnificent Failure," " Muller's Extraordinary Failure," etc. We commcuced to read with fear and trembling, when, bah! what was our disgust at learning that this humbug of a Mullor had only failed as a " walkist." He set out to walk 500 miles in six days, and ruado 50 miles in nine hours and two minutes, and then " kindor gin eout." What tremendous cackling over a small feat ! - During the last three inonths twentyfive office-holders in that model Republican State, South Carolina, have been criiniiially prosecuted by indictment or otherwise, and six havo already been convicted. The " boss thief," Gov. Moses, has rot yet been tried, in fact resists arrest and refuses to appear in court It is negro suffrage that saved South Carolina from rebel rule, and gave it into the hands of plunderers and thieves. - And Livingston, too, has a grand jury in imitation of Kalamazoo and St. Joseph, and this last grand jury, like the first two, has been hauling the liqnor sellers oer the coals in right lively style. Judge Turner, who is holding the court, dissents from the decisión of Judge Brown at Kalamazoo, and declines to excuse witnesses from telling where they got the hquor on the ground that they may crimínate theinselves. - At a late meeting of tho New York City Womán Suffrage Association, " a lady, who desired to reniain unknown, presented a beautiful gold chain to the society, to be sold for the benefit of Michigan, and arrangement8 were at onoe made to diapose of it by a raffle." Gambling at the outset : and that's the example to be set for the " lords of oreation," the way politics is to be purified ! - At the Episcopal Diocesan Convention, held last week at Graud Kapids, it was voted, al most unanimously, to ask a división of the Diocese. The line is a north and south one ns near as may be, commencing on the west line of Hillsdale County and jogging east or west of a straight line so as not to divide counties. The Upper Peninsula is to be a part of the old or eastern Diocese. - The childlike and simple country folk imagine that a monstrous evil was strangled when the franking privilege was wiped out ; but here comes Senator Lewis, of Virginia, and says, " that during the last campaign, documents of a political nature came to hiin under postage stamps issued to the Internal Revenue Department." It is impossible to make Congressmen or department or bureau officers honest. - The Woman's Central Committee of Was hington want to hold hold an anniversary tea party, in the rotunda of the Capítol, on the coming 16th of December, and the House laughed down a resolution giving them the use of the rotunda for the occasion. When women vote md send women to Congress the laugh will come out of the other corner of the mouth. - The Senate and House finally agreed to the bill amendatory to the Bankrupt law, as' reported from a conference committee on Tuesday, and sent it to the President. We are not posted as to its details, but take a hopeful view of them from the fact that they did not exactly meet the desires of Gen. Butler. - The Jackson Citizen trots out Hou. J. K. Boies, of Hudson, as a fitting candidate for State Treasurer, and the same Boies is also backed by the Hillsdale Standard. We have understood that Mr. Boies has Congressional aspirations, and ia this flank movement in the interest of Mr. Waldron or Mr. Croswell. - And now the Goinmon Council, Of Lansing having come to doubt its right to appoint a Justice of the Peace, has revoked the appointment, reconsidered the vote accepting the resignation, and the resigned justice is again on duty. Can a resigned officer repent and resume as easily as that? - The Detroit Monday morning dailies announced that the killed expresa robber had been identified by his brother (by the rings on his fingers) aa John Pletcher, of Detroit; but Tuesday morning oamo the story that the missing John was safe in Canada and hadn't been killed by Heath. - And this is how the Chicago Post and Mail (Rep.) gives a sly dig at the great Michigander : " Prof. Winchell has been figuring up the water power of the State of Michigan . Senator Chandler is omitted frorn the calculation." Is there uo pólice justice in Chicago? - Senator Carpenter wants the Postmaster-General directed to send out petitions for the restoration of the franking privilege. An entirely unnecessary work so long as Senators and Eepresentatives can forage on departinent postagestamps. - f5,000 : that is the amount the woman suffragers of Kt. Louis propose to raise and use in this State tor campaign purposes. The trite proverb " inoney makes the mare go " applies equally well to women politicians. - Judge Brown, of the Kalamazoo Circuit, has resigned, his resignation to take effect on the 22d of June - Monday next. Hon. Dwight May, of Kalamazoo, and Chandler Richards, of Van Buren, are the names mentioned in connection with the successioji. - The Ceuterville liepublican recommends Julius Ca3sar Burrows as an " honest, capable and efficiënt man" for Chandler's successor. Goodness, gracious ! what a judge of oharacter and capacity ! - Bay City sees Ypsilanti and goea it one better. Our down the Huron neighaccepts Schuyler Colfax as its Fourth of July orator, while the valley city has captured Andrew Jackson. - ■ John L. Cadwallader has been appointed Assistant Socretary of State, mte J. C. Baucroft Davis transferred to Geimany as successor to George Bancroft, resigned. Excusino thü "honorable ambition " of Mr. Cutiieon to " serve his feilowcitizens" in Congress, the Ypsilanti Commercial says: "Jonathan Edwards, wben a more boy, whilo passing berieuth the shadow of Yalo College, look ed op and said, 'I shall yet be President of that College ! The aspiration was an incentive to high and inanly frarsuíts, to a noble Ufe. He fitted himself for the position and held it for many years." Will the Commercial teil us at whut time Jonathan Edwardr was President of Yule Colloge? He may have boon its President, but we are inclinad to think that no one but the Commercial man can fix the dato. He should doit in the vindication of too long defective or falsified history. The Washington Chronide (Rep.,) says that Naslsy " is trying his best to come to Congress next session." Which is a great iniitake in Kasby ; that is unless he is eeking tho position of Chaplain. That is just the berth he ought to have. As the praying there is done to the members and tho outside political world and not to the Almighty, a lack of piety in either a Sonate or House Chaplain is of no possible account. Here's to Chaplain Nasby. Spinner hoartily indorses tho new Secretary of the Treasury - Gen. Bkistow. Spinner, you know, is the man whose signature (which no mortal was ever able to read) gives curroncy to irrodeemable greenbacks It is well that Spinneb backs Bbistow. The Riiode Island Legislature is still engaged in daily balloting for a candidate for United States Senator, Gen. Burnside contiuuing to lead. Rhode Islanders will not be beaten " on time " by Massachusetts.


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