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Local Brevities

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Cards. - Circuláis. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Sliipping Tags. - Printed at the Argus office. - In the liest style and chkap. - Don't order elaewhere before calUng. Examinations at the ETniversity took plaat this week. Sevcral school picnics werc held yesterday in celebration of the close of the tena. Tickets of admission to the Senior Receptiou can be obtained of the Class Committee. Kev. Geo. Duffield, oï this city, addressed a temporalice meeting at Dexter on Stmday evening last. j. W. PaikoT has lieon elected President of the University Chrótian Assoeistion for the coming yoar. Eain has fahon abundantly sinco our last weather report : but Wednosday and Thursdaj the " symptoms " indicated a let up. - Smith, of the Clifton House, Whitmore Lake, has issued tickets ior a " i'ourth of July líall," to be giveu on the evening of the 3d. - Dr. Coeker, of this city, is wantod over al Manchester: to " lecturo upon thG woman suffrage qnesticm." Hun't believe they ill iet hun. The " Minnehaha " - that is the name of the little steamer tliat walks the waters of Whitmote Lake like a tliins of hfe- makes ten milos au hour. Bufus Cate, of this city, is rusticating in Southern California, or was at recent dalos: feeding on figs and orangea and " aioh liko stuff," we Buppose. Peter Millev, the eagineer t' tho train wrecked this side of Detroit on Tueuday night lies at Ypsilanti, and is brotKer-in-laW to David Emsey, of this city. We takc itback: the Courier has spuken, and against iroau Buflrage. The organs of the suffrage party sliould now transier our rary to the other column. - The Senior Concert next Monday cvening promises to be a rich musical treat, and University Hall should be filled on the occasion. The tickets are only 60 cents eaoh. - Prof. Watson has returned from Washington and expeets soon to " set sail " for China, riu. San Francisco. His wife will go with him and keep an eye on his lirtations with Venus. - Tho last publislied statement oí the " Peoples' Bank" oï Manchester inclades the following principal items; capitel, $50,000; deposita $'.'8,383.54; loans and discounts, (63,820.36! cash, Ï7.934. - A large nnmber of strangen aT8 ■ n onour streets. They are here to attend the exercises of Comineucement week, or to inake arrangement forplacing their Voys and girla ior the nest collegiate year. - lJostmaster Clark lias procurad an order for inaking up and sending a morniug mail to Detroit on the Kalamazoo train, closing at l.30 A. M. This will prove a great accommodation to out business men. - Apetition is being circulated and largely sigued, praying the Conimon Council to advance tlic saloon Hcense iee or tax to $200. Tliat and a rigid eiiforcement of the city ordinances should go together. - A well-known citizen- a Br., living on North' Divliïon sheet - says his early morning slumbers are nowadays disturbed by the " dulcet music f the beautiful lawn-mower." He dou't run the masheen himself, howevcr. - AVe learn that an effort is being made to out .luclm Grane to cali a rrrand iurv: in which case saloon keepers are expected to be grid" iraned. The exxieriment was anything but a succesfeful one in Kalomazoo Comity. - 11. W. Elhs has sold his residence on South División street to S. P. Jewett, for $8,600. Mr. L. H. Douglass has sold his residence, ftdjoining the one sold by Mr. Ellis, fo Rev. II. S. White; Price $6,500. Two cbsap pieces of property. - We should have chrouicled last week the examination and admission to the bar (in Judge Crane's court on the 6th inst.) oí D. üliphant (.'hun-h of Saline ; but our adrices carne to hand after the Aeous was out. " Better late than neTer." - Tliere will be good speaking, good music and a good time at Union Scliool Hall this forenoon. Occasion : the exercises of the large anj excellent graduating class, which will cominenc promptly at 10 o'cloek. Our citizens should be present. - In the recent examination papers of a Orammar School spelling class (in this city), the word " demagoguo " was variously deiined : " a school teacher," " a place of Jewish worship,' and "a large bottle." Further, " Brevities ' says not. - Wool has come forward more freely during the week, but at no increase in prlce, the cur. rent rates being 3óa40 cents. Up to yestcrday iioou Bach & Abel had taken in about '20,000 [fe, and Mack & Schmid, 18,000 lbs. Each oL these tirms shipped a car load yesterday. No other dealers in the market or report any purchases. -Prof. Frieze of the TJniversity met with a serious accident on the afternoon oí Saturday last. While on a horseback excursión, the horse of hís companion (Mrs. I'rof. D'Ooge) suddenly wheeled and kieked, hitting the right leg of Prof. F. between the ankle and knee, cutting into the flesh and fracturing both bones. He immediately rode home while Mrs. D. went for Dr. Ford, near whose residence the accident oc curred. The broken lirab was proiuptly set by MeBsrs. Ford and Frothingham and Prof. F. is doing as well as could be expected. The Senior Class announces a grand Commencement Concert for Mouday evening noxt, at University Hall. This is a new feature in the exercises of Commencement week and one which promises much enjoyment to our citizens The large chorus of the Ann Arbor Oratorio Society, which is composed of our principal singers, has been rehearsing during the winter and will make its debut on this occasion. This has been a year of unusual activity in the musical circles of the University. The '75 and Senior (ilee clubs are two of the best tliat have ever heen known here. They have sung in Detroit and other cities durmg the spring, and everywhere were greeted with great applause. The programme embraces great variety and cannot fail to please everyone, whether he enjoys most the rich music of a chorus or the jolly songs of the glee club. The class has spared no expense in presenting tliis entertainment, and all that remains for our citizens to do is to show their appreciation of it and enjoy a rich musical treat. A very pleamnt occasion wasenjoyed at " Wilsey's Grove" in l'ittsfield, on Saturday last, it being the close of Miss Twichell's school for the suramer term. Most of the parents and children of the district were present, and " Croiuct" aud " Swings" were in order, until the hour announced the " Picnic Supper" which was bounti tul in quantity and quality. After the physical man was supplied, D. Craraer talked awhile, and then all went home happier for their local gatliering. We are mfonned that tho district desires to secure the services of Miss T. for another year. William J. Welles, brother to Mrs. Dr. Douglas and Mrs. A. H. Ilunt of this city, and to the late Henry W. Welles, died at Grand Rapids on Monday afternoon last, of heart disease, droppiug dead in the Uity Bank, iuto which he had gone for the transactiou of business. Mr. Welles was 57 years old, and was personally knowu to and psteemed by many cf our older residents. His remains were brought here for interment by the side of his first wife, who was drowned some years ago in Lake Huron, the funeral taking place yesterday from the residenee of Dr. Douglas.