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The new cornet lately discovered by Professor Swift is likely to bo an object of great popular as well as Rajen tififi iaterest. It is steadüy approaclnug the earth, and with au opera glass it etui be seen as a nebulons hazy hihss with a bnght point a little on one side. With a Rood telescope the tail is very elearly defined. It is now situated, at one o'clock in the morning, directly benenth the pole star, and about twenty-five degrees Irom it, and is just visible to the naked eya So directly is it moving toward the earth that it seems to stand still. During the latter part of Julv and hwinnnm rJ August, when it will be nearest the earth, I it will doubtless bo a conspicuous and beautiful object, a3 it willthen be two hundred and forty five times as bright as at the time of iliscovery, whila tiow it is only five and one-balf tiiues as bright. It is many years sinoe any cornet has been near enough or bright enough to attract the attention of the public m any niarked degree, and we may therefore ex peet to enjoy a very decided astronómica] sens tion during the approachiug heated term. Prof. Swift is not, as might be inferred from the various announcements which have been made, tha ürst discovsrer of this cornet. It was first seen at Marseilles, Franee, on the 17th ot April. -Albany Jour nol. The Kalaruazoo Tdegrnph of Friday evening says : " Judge Bruwu has very uearly finished his oijinion in tho Mattison case, whioh he will filti witb the Cieik of Yan Buren county to-morrow. We understaud there are about a dozou cases more which Judge Brown will decide between now and to nicrrow night at 6 o'olock, at which time his resigmition takes effect. There are now 100 cases iess on the calendar than when the Judge entered upon the the dutiea of his office five years ago- though the numbor now to be triad is estiuiated to b ovae 200."


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