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Mame Demoeracy. Portland. Me., June 23. ...

Mame Demoeracy. Portland. Me., June 23. ... image
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Mame Demoeracy. Portland. Me., June 23. - The Democratie. State Convention met to-day, with .22 G(4egntes present. Dr. Alonzo Grarceon wtts chosen President, with a, list of fice Presidenta, one froni each county. Tosiiph A. Titcorab was nominated for Governor by acclamation. Eesolutions were adopted favoring an early resumpïon of specie payments, declarmg forfree rade, deuounciug the rit cuurse of ;he liepublican iuajorit;Hthe United Slates unate in atteinpflpto establish censorship of the press at the National Capítol; denouncing the Kepublican jitrty for interferenoe in the government f several States, and the course of the lepublictm Congress on the subject of ivil service reform. The resolutions conclude by declaring the party in power leserving of the righteous indignation of' lApeople. I'liirty Yeart'. Experience of an Old Nurè. yi rs. W imlow'i Noiiliiinj; Syrup is the resciiptiün oí one of the best Female Phy&icians and Nurses in the United States, and has been ued or thirty years with never tailing safety and eucceas by millions of mothers and childien, from the feeble ntiint oí' one week old to the adult. ItRprrefts ocidiy of the êtomach, relieves wind colic, regulóte thn )owel , nnd gives rest. health and comfoHilinother md child. We believe it t( be the Best andoureat temedv in the World in uil caües of DYSENTERY nd DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, wlietherit arises rom Teething or froni any other cause. Full direcions for will accompany each bottle. None ienuine unlesB the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PERKINSisonthe outside wrappcr. 8old by all Mediino Dealers 1436v1 Centrar Linlments Ihth cured more woiiderful cases of rheumatism, u:1ícs, pains, swellings, írost-bites, caked breasts, burns, scalds, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and strains, spavin, galle, &c, uopn animáis n one year, than all other pretended remedies have since tne worldbegan. Certiflcates of remarkable cures nccompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis to uny one. There is no pain which these Linimenta will ot relieve, no swelling tbev will not subdue or umeness they will not cure. This is strong lanurmige, but it is true. No family or stock-owner can Hiford to be without Centaur Linimento. White W rapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for mímala. Trice, 50 cts. ; largo bottles, Í1.C0. J. B. Hose & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. C'ustoria is more tban a substituto for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certiiin to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It Í8 pleasant to take. No more sleepless mothers or crying babies. Price S5 cts. per bottle. 1481 yl Cliildrcn Oftcn I. ook Palé and Sitie I-'rom uo other cause thun havins worma in the atomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFIT8 Will deatroy Worms without injury to the child.being periecilv WHITE, and free trom all coloring or other injurioufi ingrediente usually UBed in worm preparaCUKTIS & BROWN, Proprietor, No. 21S Fulton Street. New York. S''U hy Druggisls atid Chemislt and dealen in Medicines at Twkütï-Five Cents a Box. 14Ü6T 1 aOUSEEOL Dp11, You ! To all pernons suffering T a T a nTi A ; f rom Kheu atiam, Neu PANACEA sXvSa. 'Uolic, Pain in the back bowels or side, we woult - AND - iay, the Household Pan acea and í'ahily Lini jí.nt is of all othors the ti . ■ -r-r tt remedy you want for in r A M Tí Y ernal and external use J. Í.1V1-LU J. t hs cured the above ompiuinu in thousand ir cuses. There it no mis TTMTATTI'NlrP keaboutit. Tryit. Sold LilN ÏIVIJJIN ! y all Druggists Postmaster-General Creswoll Keslgns. Postmaster-General Creswell tendered his resignation this mornicg in the following letter : Washington, June 24, 1674. Af ter more than five years of continued service I am oonstrained by a proper regard f'or my private interests, to resign the office of Postmaster-General, and to request that I may be released from duty as soun as it may be conven'ent for you to desígnate iny successor. For the generous confidence and support which you have uniformly tendered to me in my duty, I shiill not attempt to express the full measure of my gratitude. It is sufficieut to gay that my relations, official and personal, with yourself and with every ona of mj' colleagues of the Cabinet, huve always been of the most agreeable and satisfactory character to me. Eest assured that I shall continue to give your Administraron my most cordial support, and that I shall ever deern it an honor to subscribe mvsfiif Sincerely and faithfully your friend, JOHN A. J. CRESWELL. To the President. , To which the President replied as follows : Executive Mansión, } Washin'otox, June 24, 1874. My Dear Sie- As I expresaed to you verbally to you this morning, when you tendered your rasiguation of the oflice of PostiDaster-Gpiieral, it is with the deepest regret to me that you have feit such ft courso necesaary. You are the last of the original members of the Cabinet named by me as I was ontering upon my present duties, and it makes me feel as if old associations were being broken up that I had hoped raight continue through my oflBcial life. In sepurating ofHoially I have two hopes to expresa : First, that I may get a suceessor who will be aa faithful and efficiënt in the performance of the duties of the office you resign ; second, a personal friend that I can have the same attachment for. Your record has been s itisfactory to me, and I know will so prove to the country at large. Yours, very truly, ü. S. GRANT. To the Hon. J. A. J. Creswell, Postmaster-General. r. r.ewitt, liereby notities hia patrons thiit he hne retunied frora liis western tour and haa reaumed the practico of hls profension. Office in the Haven Block. Dated, Ann Arbor, Muren 9, 1874.


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