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"PIEE INSUEANCE. FRAZER, HAKRIMAN & HAMIIfOX'S OFFICE OVER SAVINGS BANK, Ann Albor, Michigan. We can now carry full Unes in SAFE and TEUSTWOKTH Y Companics, and our ratea are reasonable. We are now carrying the best business risks in the city. We invite the Public to examine our Registers and judge for themselvea of the kind ot business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dwelling House Insurance, and can glve low ratea, and good indemnity'. We represent the following well known Com panies : The Wcstchester, - Organized 1837 Assets, $655,000.00, Jan. Int 1874. The Vll.iiiniiiiiu, of rittsburirli. Pa. Aaset t472,OOO.OO, Jan. 1st lf74. The Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organized 18.18. Aaseta $337 ,000.00, Jan. lat 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Organized 185!), Asaets $304,000.00, Jan lst, 1874. The National Fire In. Co. ofPliil. Aaseta $567,000.00, Jan. lat, 1874. The Globe, of Chicago, III. Aasets $460,000.00, Jan. lat, 1874. The Atlantic & Paeiflc, of Chicago, III. Aaaets $330,000.00, Jan, lat 1874. City, Provldence, R. I. Aaaets $182,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown Flre Insurance Coinpany, of Watertown, N. Y. Asseta $550,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown was oiganized in Dec, 1867, mee which time ita premium receipta aud loases have been aa follows to wit : Premium Receipta, Loases. Jan. 1,1868, ', month - . $1,204 28 " 1869 .... 29,833 4'J $1,855 00 " 1870 - 45,642 69 ö,ï7 42 " 1871 .... 55,605 1( 18,014 51 " 1872 .... 141,417 M 2I,C15 97 " 1873 - - - 214,965 1!) (0,169 65 " 1814 .... 352,22 01 105,296 04 Caah premiuma received in 6 yeara - $740,(9ö 81) Losses in 6 yeara - - - - 220,940 3it A.ctual lossea less thau 30 per cent ui premium receipts. Excess of premiuum receiptfc over lossen i -$519, 64 50 INCBEA6Ë OF SfeETK. Tan. 1, 1808, aaaets witb $100,000 capital .. $101,364 31 Do. 1869, do 122,684 6ti Ho. 1870, do. - - - 148,431 47 Do. 1871, do. - . . . 158,893 98 Do. 1872, do. 338,603 13 Do. 1873 do. - - - - 441,400 54 Do. 1874. do. - - - 656,849 54 ThiB shows a steady average gain iu assets of ver $75,000 each year. Omcial statement of groas aasete and Habilities Tan. 1,1874. towit: Jross offlcially admitted asaets - - $556,84!) 90 )Hicially calculated iribilitieB, including einsurancefund - - - 217,104 61 iuiplua aflto policy holdera - - $340,745 29 Jf thia record ia evideuce of bad management, afety and proflt to policy and stockholders would fiah that other companies had a little of it. The policy and practice of thia company have been teudily io increasc ita fluancial aolidity, by which Listly to command tbe confldence of the public. To lus end all urplus premium receipta have been rewned, allowing the stockholdera only legal interest ' n the assets. The interest on i.s inveBted funds aya all dividends, leaving all surplus premiums for Ê tie additional aeeurity of the policy-holders. All we ask is that the people shall investígate foi' it'msrlvL-B, and we do not fear the result. FRAZER, HARRIMAX & HAMILTON, Office over Ihr aviugi Bank, I47(tmii Ann Arlwr, M! jsr e w Dry Goods AT THE ATSTT ARBOE TRADING We have JUST RECEIVED A Big Stock of DRY GOODS! We cali SPECIAL ATTENTION -TOFINE DRESS GOODS Which will be gold CHKAt FOH CASH. CALL Al SEE THEM. We are now PMPAREI) TO BXHIBIT To our Fatruns our SPRING ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE AND Elegant Designs IN CARPETINGS, om. glot-ks, : &C. &C. ' MAP FOR CASH! Ann Arbor, April 22, 1874. O. W. HAYS, Supt. u 147üm2 APPLETON'S American Cyclopaeflia. SèW Kcviscd Kdilion. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writeis nu evers ubject. Printad from new type, and illustrated wilh Several Thousand Engravinge and Map. The work originally puhlished ander I lic title of The New Amkrk-an Cxolopjuha m completed in 1663, since whieh time the wuif drenlation whicli it ha attaiued in all parta of the üulted States, and the Kignal developments which have taken plaou in every branch of acience, literatura, and art,nave induoèd the editora and pubjudii-ritlu submit il to n exaof audthorongh revisión, and to ■-mm. ,i new edition entitledTHB Amkrican Cyolopxdia. Witbin the last ten yeara the progresa of rtinouvery in every depaitment of knowledge ha oiade u aew work of lefereace nr impernttve want. 'J ln moTemeut of nolittcal affair hn kepl pase with thi! diBcoveiifH of mri , and their fruitful bdplioationtothe iudustrial and aaefal arU huö the cunvunieuno aod refinemeul oí soeio] lift!. Oreal van oud consequent revolutiona have oc.cnrred, involving niitioiinl ehangoi of peouliar moment. Tho nivil warof our owncountiy, which w.m at ils heighf whctt tlie innt vohmie ut itn old work appeared, lias happiïy Wen endcd, nnd a new oourse of üummercia] 'iud Industrial aötivity lian been pommenoed. r.aiKe aeeesnona to our geopraphicul knowlcdge have heen m:ide by t.he inaefatiinMü ptplbrera ui A íripa. The great pdihical rerolotfora of the laai iJecaBe with tjfie natura] reduit of the lapae i blmi iiiv brought into publir viow n multitude of Dev men whoae nam.- are in everyone's inouth nd of wliose livesevery oue íh óflrious in kn..w tho particulara Gieatbattlea have twen fouf;ht and important niedo maintained, o{ which the details areaayet preaerved only in the ïiewaimpers or in thetraonient ijubliaationaof the day, but whicli oni;hi now totake their place in permanent and autheiitiohiatory. In preparini; the preseot edition tor the preFa il haaaciiordiiiL'lyhcen t.he flim of tl, e editora 1 1 lri nu down ihe Information (o the latea! posoibledatea :ñ to fu"nihan men mie aeeonnl 01 most reeen tdlKooTeriea In n.ii.Mic.-, uievnry fresh prodnetion in hti rature, and of t.he uewest inveDtions in the practical arts, as wella to give a aueaiiwl nnd origina] record of the prosress ot political and hiatorioal eventa. The work has bren betiu nfter long and carefnl pruliminary labor, snd with the mmt ainplu reaoafoea torcarrTing it on to a succesHful termination. ioneofthe original stereotype plates have been used, bntovery pnge has been printcd on new tjpe íorminfrin fact a new Cyolopfedla, with the same plan and compass as its piedeeessor, but with a far greaterpecuniary expendituri'. ;md with such improvements in it eomposition as have been suggested by longer experieuce anJ eularged knowledüe. Tlie illnstrations whicli ure introduced tor the flrut time in the present edition have been added not tor the sake of pictorial effect, but to frive greater lucidity and forre to the explanation in the text. They embrace all branches olpcience and natural history anddepict the most famous andremarkuble features ot cenery, architecture, aud art, nu well as the variJua proceaes of mechau ies and manufacture. AlDhough intended tor instruction rather thnri embel■ahment, no pains have been aparad to innure their artistic excellence; tho cewt of their execution is Bnormous.and it i helieved tliey will flnd a welcome reception aa an admirable feature of the Cyclop:rdia nd wortliy of ita high character. This work is sola to Subecribera only, pnyaWe on lehvery of each volume. It will be compltted in sixeen large octnvo volumes, cach oontaining about 800 "ages, fully illnstrated with severnl thousnnd Wood Sngriivings, and with uumerouscolored Lithographic Prlcc and Stylc of ISindmir. In extra Cloth, per vol. $5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. ti 00 In Half Turkey Movocco, per vol. 7 00 In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 00 In Full Moroceo, anlique, gilt edses, per vol. 10 0 In Full Russig, per vol. . 10 00 Four volumes miw reaily. Sécoeeding volumeB, until oompletion, will be issued once iu two moni h. .Specimen papres of the Amkrican CtclopdU, howing type, illuHtratious, etc, will be sent "rutia n upplication. Fibst-Class Canvasbino Ac:knt3 Wamtbd Addrees the Publishers, B. APPI.fiTOSf & CO., 54 : 551 lironduiij, V. V. PHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. F DETROIT. J. S. FAKIÏAXD, - - - President. W. A. MÜORK, ■ - - Vice I'resulent JOHN T. LIGGETT, - - Secretnry. L.M.THAYEB, . OenT Agent. Asscts .Taniinry 1 si, 1S74 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer nfford to pay tribute to Eaateru States by placing their Life Insurance with Ënstern Oompanies, who by their charléis are compelled to loan their monoy in their own States, thus becoming a lieavy drnin on the resources of the State, when we have so relifible and well managed Life Cora pan y as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the f'ompany was increased larl) -iirlit and onc-lisili per cent. uf the total amount done the previous five years Thia shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The loases during the year 187; wure only PIFTYFIVE per cent of the timcunt tlie mortality tables eall for, showing great care in the eelection of its riBka. During the year 1873 tb ere was a tnacerltt] reduction in the ratio of expenses showing CABEFUL MANAGEMENT. The MichÍKn Mutual ïssuep all the monf dt iruhl.' forum of Life and endowiuent I'olici .. Dividcnds Detlared and Paid at the end of the First Poliey Year and earh year tbereafter. All Policios ïion-foïfeitiiiü after one Animal Premium lias been paid. AU Endowment Policios aro convertible into Cash t the eud of any year aftur the ftrt. Reliable indcinn il at lowcxt CiihIi ratea can be procurtul uf tlie li liiirun mutual'. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Vpsilanti. J. d. A. Sesbionu, Agrent, Aun Albor. Ueo. E. Foote, Aeent at Dexl-r. T)UT YOUR MONEY W II E E E IT WILL DOT II E iviosrr aooDA. A. TERRY HAS A F17LI, STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND P1ÍICES T O DE F V CO W 'KTITION ALSO, A FULL LINK OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS fST" Cali before purehasivg. 15 South Main ütrcet. _jgj TA M KslícMAHO N , Justice of the Peace, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly p:ud over. INSURANCE AGENT. rrinmph, assets, 7'.'7.:ifi3 n ■ïorth MÍ8S"iiri, " 45,417.91 ïibornia, 350,OOU.O0 KKAL ÏSTATK. I have 80 acres of hind of a mile trom the city mits, flnely lucated fur fruit or garden jurposes. AIbo 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with h;'Use and barn,and a iivel tream of waterrunnini; tbrough the barn yard. 60 acres, a mile out I wlll ell any or all the above ctaeap, or exchange rcltproperty. 1874 JAMES McMAHON. w % Dr. .1. Wsilkcr's California Vinf'Uiir Hj(lMS are a puroly Vegetable prrparat.ion, made ehiefly from the native icrliR foiuid on thelower ranges of tbe Sierra Nevada momita ins of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted thernfrom without the use of Alcohol. The (rnefltion Í3 almost dailyasked, "What the canse oí the unparalleled suceess of ViNKGAh Bittkks?" Our answer is, that thev remove the cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principie, a perfect líe novator and Invigorator of the .system. Never beforeinthe liistory of the world has a medicine been componndod possessing the remarkable qualïties of ViNKOAU Bitters in healingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgatíve as well as a Tonic, relieving Cougestiou or Icflammation of the Liver aud Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases. ir men ill eniojgood health, iet them use " inegau Bitteks as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoliolic stimulants In eve.ry form. , No Persoii rii take Hiosp Uiüers accOrding to dircctions. aml remain loug unwell, providcd their bonee are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meoits, and vital orpans wtisted beydnd repair. Urntefiil Tlionsands proeJaim vm gah BiTTiïüs th most wonderful Invigor: ant that ever sustaiued the siukin; systeit. Bilious, Ilciniltont, iihI ïntfrniitteilt. Fcvcrs, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivött tfaaDugbout the United States, eepecially of the Missifssippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Aikansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande, Pead, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Bpanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout ourentire ooiuitr.v d uring the Summer and Autumn, and re'markably so during seasous of nnñsual h( e dryness, are invariablj' accompaaied by extensive derangements of tlio stomaeh ■■ d liver, tatA other abdominal visceva. In theit treatment, a purgativo, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is ftWeatharticforthepurposeequal toDü.J.WAiK! b's Vinegak Bitteiss, as they will t-pevdii v remove the dark-eolored viseid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the bame time stimulating the aecretiuna of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestiva orgaus. Dispepsia or Indigestión, Hetwl ache,Pain in the nëss of the Chest, Dizzincss, Sour Entciiitions of the Stomaeh, ]3ad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatien of the Hoart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Puin in the región of the Kidneys, and a hnudred other jiainful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its menta than a lengthy advertisement. Serenüa, or King's Evil, White Swellings, tllcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walkee's Vinegab Bittees have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For liiflanimatory and Chroiiic Klieuniatisni, Oout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Jfevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sucli Diseases are eaused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Disoases,- Persons engaged in Painta and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minera, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To iiard against this, take a dose of VALELB'a A'inegar Bittees occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions.Tetter, Salt Bheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and olher Worms, lurking in the sy stem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Xo system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will free the system irom worms like these Bitters. For Feinale Coinplaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dann of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. JilUUdice. - In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removal. .For this purpose use VlNEQAR BlTTEKS. (Jleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you üud it obstructed una sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is loul ; your feelings will tel! you when. Keep the blood pure, and tht health of the system will follow. IS. II. McDONAI.D &, ., Druggihte aud General Ageut, San Francisco, Califor llia, aud Cür. Washinjítou and Charltou Sts., New Yurk. Solil In uil III imuïMs nul Dealers. QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPIDÏA. A DICTIONABY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. KVISKD EDITION. WITH Mape, Platee, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages e ach. lllustrated with about Four Thousand Engroningt and Farty Aiaps, together with a Serie j' from Eighty to One Ifnwlred Eh.ganiïy Enyraved Plates - illu&trative of the Subjects of Natural Mistoi y - nota for the, pirst 'Sl'SW.appearhxj in the work. PfilOS PER VOIiTTMB. Extra Clotü, beveled boardü, - - m '( Library Shoep, marbled edgea, - - fl 00 Half Turkey Moroeco, - - - ÍJ 50 This Edition is Sold only by Agents. Pubnshed by J. Iï. LIPPINCOTT & CO., l'lnladelphia, Pa. SYLVANL'S WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, GtíuerHl Ageut lor the 8tate of MichigaB. By comparing Chambers' Encyclopmdia with the New American Cyclopeedia,- the work with wbich it is most frequently brought into comparison, it wil] be foiind that while the ten volumes of (Jhambers' coutain 8320 pages, the original txsetêen volumes of the New American contaiu lesa than 12,000 pages. It will also be found that a page of Chambers' coutains full one-Jtfïh more matter than a pae oi' the Ñew i American, making the ten volumes of the tonner equivalent in amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numerous Platea f about 80), Woodcuts (some 4.000), and Mapa (about 40), that are included in this edition at' Chambers', and to whieh the New American pos. sesses no correaponding features. It is eonádently öelieved that as a popular " Dictionarï of Univkrial Knowledqe, the work is without an equal in he Eugliah language. 146y] Estáte of Cyrus Beckwith. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, co.inty of Wnshtenaw, u. k) Norice is hereby given, tliat by an order of the 1 róbate Court for the county of Washtenaw, made I un tlie nmth day of June, a. d. 1874, eixinonths from that date were uilowed for creditors to present their claima agamst tlie estáte of Cyrus Beckwith, lale of said county, deeeaaéd, and that all creditors of said deceaaed are required to present their olaims to said 1 'róbate Court at the Probate Office, in the city of Alm Arbor, for examination and allownnce, on orí beforethe ninth day of December next, and that such olaima will be baard before said Court on Wedneaday, the ninth day of September, and on Wedneslay, tlie ninüi day of December next, at ten o'elook in llie ioreuoon of each of those daya Uated, Ann Arbor, June Oth, 1S7 1. NOAfl V. CHEEVEK, 14s2w4 Judge of lVobale. ! A Chance for Bargains ! Forsale at a f?reat bargain, 160 ACRES OF C'HOICE I.AMI, lyiii;,' -2i miles from the city of lonia loo torea nnder improvemeut, wlth f?ood orchard barn mdatod.snd noomfortable house. Tenns of navnenl- from $2,U0U to 2,SO0 down; balance on lomr lime. B -AlsoDO ACRKS, abont lv, miles from Augusta lalanuzoo County, all ünproved witl; piod buildns. Terras -extremely low. A lso 40 ACEKS about eight miles from Hastinga. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Haüel5a, Shiawasso County, about 12 miles from Corunua. V'ell timbered. Forterms addresa the underaigned. E. II. FOIVD. Aun Arbor, April 2, 1873. Mortgage Sale. WHEREASGeorgeW.Mohrand Kachel A l wife.of the township ot Sylvan, w,,h, hl Coiinty, Michigan, on the ninth day óf ctoïï? the year of our Lord one thousand ciïht hi. ' '" and seventy-one, exeouted ft mortgape to O.,0"4 Davisof the same place, to secure the immln certniD principal and interest money tfierem ' tionVwhioh mortrage w „ u,r "i; the Register of Deeds iu said connty, ,m tl , " day of October, a. d. 1871, at niue o'clock A l"Xi said day, in hbor 44 of mortagen, on para S69 v1' mud mortage was duly assigned on the Kond d h Jiinuiiry, a. D. one ttousandeight hundred nrt f enty-two, to Luther James, of the townshin of T Mv' connty of VuBhteniiw aforesaid, and recorded íní?' othoeof the Kenter of Deed of snid countï oï te ftrst day of April, a. i). 1874, in líber No. 4 of'as.i menta of mortgagi on page two hundred aDdwi8' ty; and whnreas default has been made lor than lirtyday in the payment of an instdw" of interest money whicl become due ontteïS day ot October, i. d. W . „ hereoVS ptumaDttpthetenna Of said n ,! m 'd ajee liereby eleoU ttaal o'mnch of ulid „„5 ursmalna uapsid, wif.h all arrearaires ot „tlW audwtaemwthere ia claim dua?-: ■sid mortgage at the dote oí tbii notice tl.,.' S0" Bve thouMsd foar hnndred and fifly-two dolta 2 seviity-nin,,!,ts. for principal ai,d intereit f. jttorney's fee of flfty dollars hould any proepprti ' be taken to foreplose uid mortgage, and also thiw ttaer urn of eight dollars for insurancc, aa Dröï for in aold mortgage, and no suit or proceedS! himng been instituted cilhtr in law or uiiulv ,„ " cover the same or any part thereof: Notice i, L,"' fore bereby {ma, thai on the 1 WENTY-H : DAY OP JUNIO XKXT, at 2 o'dook in tSUtaSÏÏ "f nid day, at the front 'loor of the Court H " theoitvof Aim Arbor, county aüoreiwid, (that ü"1 the bnUding in which the ( ircnil Court tor 5 connty ia iheld). and by rtrtne of ie iKuvrufTr contamwl m eaki mortoage, ] shall scll at i„S' auction to the highest bidder, the premisea dS in aid mortgnge, to aatisfy the amouat of dtSÏÏ and interest above clmmed as cine, with the ei salí; and attorney's fee of fiity dollars, witli n M foresaid, aU the IbUowlne described ni, parcela of land, to wit: The sontfa hall sontheaat quarter of the i-outhwest qnarter of , Sen,t-y",thiee ; "ls0 u st"IJ '" iM!ld u'n hainT5 flrty links in width north nnci south. and ubouto, chaina eaat and weet, being off ftnm the southi? of the northwest quarter of the southwest niartt, sectioii i twenty-four, and oif of the sonth Hdeof tf north half of the mtheast quarter of soction tul ty-three (33 j, oontaining In the Iaat described bS parcelof land ftecn acres; also beginninir t tl northeast corner of fhe Southwest qumter of ! southwest quarter of wotion tiveniy-four cmi „ mng thence south on the half quarter line su óhiiT and seventy-three links to the northenst corner J land deeded by Aaron Lawrenee to l.oia Fenn th sooth eighty-six degreea west sixteen (16)ok a sttike, thence soutli four degrees east three chï and thirty-eitrht links to a Makaoa tbeeartiS u spring, thence west fonr chains across Baid srrir a stake, thence north twenty-five links toa stil thence sontli eibty-six degreea west three chaira nfty links to a stake in the east line of scctioii tT, ty three, theneesouih eitrhty-flve aarreesand ttim minutes west parallel with the so-.ith line of ata, twenty-three (23; abost forty f40] chains t. a stake the center line of said section twenty-three, thenM north on said center line nine i-Iüihtk 'and rishtvii, links, thence east parallel with the souih lii seetions twenty-three anil twenty-fonr abtat m chains to the place of beginning, cont ainiog tiftr , acres of land ; a'so a piece of land off of the norft west corner of the northwest qnarter of ihe' sonth east qnailer of said section twenty-three flve chi and seventy-one and one-half liiiks wide east and west, and seventeen chains :.nd flfty links north Jt south trom the northwest corner, of tlie piece of kal second above deseribed. contairinu ten acres of laJ all in township two south of range three east, countr olVV ashteuaw and state ot Michigan aforesaií lamín;; m all one hundred aeren of land mure or lw Being th landn deecribed in a certain indcntuR tf mortgnge pven by Oeorge W. Mohr and wife to Oeorge E. Havis, and recorded in the Register1 ofla tor Washtenaw county, in lüwr li) of mortgi page 342. Dated, April 3, 1874. CiUTHEK JAMES, AwiraM John S. Gott, Attorney of said Mort for said Asnanee. Mortgage Sale. WHEKKAS Lavi H. Dongtow of tlip dty of Au Arbur, county oi Waatensw ai ïgan, on the eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1872 eieeuted a montage toJohn N. Gett und Julia .. of the tuna place, to secure the naymeiit ol principal and interest money therein mentxmti which ïnortgasre was reoorded in theuffice of the Biater of deeds m thecounty of Washteuaw ai of Michigan, on the lSthduyot July. A. 11. :■ Líber 48 of mortgages, on page 294, and whefaa'delanlt haa been made for more thnn tliirty day, ii the paymentof au iustallmentof smd interest momi wliich becamedueon the ISthday of July, A. D, by remon whereof and puisuant to rbetermaofuri morttace, njd mortKaees eleet that so much ot tui principal us renmins unpaid, wiih all arrearagejol interest thereon, shall become due and pnyable tamediately; und whereaa, Hiere i" daamedto und unpaid at the date ot this notice the sum thousand two hundred and ninety-ei-lit doll sixteen cents lor principal and in'terst. nlso lil lars as a reHSonablesolieitor's or attomey'a feeahonM any proceeding be taken. to foreelo-f snid moi and uo suit or prooeedinga have been ii- either in law or cquity, to recover the same orar part thi'reof : Notice is theref ore hereby p on 8ATDEDAY, TJIE TWBNTY-8EVENTH DAT OFJUNEnext, at tvo o'clock in the alttrnoonol said day, at the south door ot the Oourt J{iicity c.f Ann Arbor fthat beiDg the building in whiá the Circuit Courtfoi the counly of Washtenaw and state aforesaid is held,) and by Ttrtue ot thepowerol f ale contained in aaid mortgage, 1 Bhall aell m pubüt auction to the highest bidder, the premises describel in said mortgage, to satisfy the arnount of principal and interest claimed to be due with the Attornty'i fee of flfty dollars and charges of sale, to wit: Ál. that certain pioce or parcel oí land siiuated in tbecitj of Aun Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, afon known, bouuded and describid as followa towit:Beingthenorth half of lot nuroberaii ;ii; in Mnrk number three eouth of Huron Btreet, and numbersix C6j east, accordniír toa reeorded plat f the village (now city; t .im Arbor Dated, April 3d, 1874. ÍOHÍÍ X. COTTund JUX.IA A GüïT, John N.Gott, Atty. 1472 M Mortgage Sale. DEI Al'I.T Inving been made in the conditiona o( a certain inortgaLre, executed by I Braithwaite, of the city of Arm Arbor, coiintï l Waghtenaw and state of Michigan, to Sarau ett, of the same place, bearing date the fiflh day of January, a. d. one thoosand eight hundred enty-two, and recorded in the office "i ' 1' Registei of Deeds for Washtenaw County. Michigan, ninth day of Jannary, a. l. 1872, in Uber 48 of mortgages, on page 18, by which iefault the power of Mk contaioed in said mortgage has become 0] and mi which mortgage there Is elaimed to be ilue ai the date beTeof the si f thirty-fom dolían aml thirty cents (and the further simi of foui I dollars ti become due thep ;i!'i au atton of thirty dollari should any proceedings be taken ta foreclose said mortgage : and do pruci or in chancery havin been [nstituted to recorertl debt ecored by said mortgage oi any part thereoi: Notlce is therefore hereby given that by vLrttieoftii power ot" sale comaim'd in said mortgage, and tta statate in such case made and providi ;í. -:;1 nuTigage will beforeclosedon Satuedaï, ihbO kntikth dat O Jrxii, a. D. 1874 at two o'clock in tbi noon of that day, at the south door ofthi Jlonse in the city of Aun Arbor in Washteiiaw (siiid ('min House beieg Ihe bolding the Circuit Court for the county of nayX by a aale at public auction, tothe highi der, the premisos deseribed ii sai.l n. .. are knowii, Imnnded and described as followg. to wit: Being lot niunber tiventy liiii). In Jewett's to Ann Arbor city, according to a recordi thereofin the Begister's office of Washtriiav ('ounty, in 17 of deeds, on pagi Dated, Match 26, 187Í. SAMUEL P JEWETT, Johx X. Gott, Mortgagre. Att'y for Mortgagee. , ' 1471 Mortgage Sale. DEFAl'LT havinf? been mndp in the oonditiont oí a certain mortgage, made and exeeuted by Jeruaha Huil, of the uity of Ann Arbor, County o' Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Lewis C. Bidon, of the same place, in trust lor 'ranees M. Hogers, b minor, bearing dnte the twenty-flnt da] of o une, A. B. 1861), and recorded in the oifice of the % " tfc"'l ■■ - ■■■■■', ij miu itULUvU 111 IJJÏ IHUI t UL IUV Register of Deeds for said County, on tlie same day, it four and one-half o'clock r. u., in liber 42 of montages, on page 57 ; by whieh default the power of sale eontained therein became operntive, Hnd therenoff beinff claimed to be due thereon tlie sum of tffO thousand aix hundred and twenty tïiree dollars and ninety-six cents, principal and interest, and no preceedinga at law or in equity having boen taken to recover the same or any part therof : Notice is herebr given, that, by virtuo of' a power of sale contuinrd in said mortgage, I shall acll at public aiiction, tci tin highest bidder, on tlie sixth da y of July next, l 12 o'clock noon, at the .south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place lor r holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtt( naw), the premisos described in said niortgnge, orso I much thereof as shall be necesaary to pay the aroouut due theieon and the legal costs of sale, to wit : Lot number twelve (12) in block number two f2) south ol Huron street and Kange number eleven, in the e.istern addition to the village (naw cilyj of Aun Albor - in the County oi Washtenaw 'and State of il)fhigt lated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1874. 146!) LKWliS C. ltlSDON, Mortjjaceein SheritTs Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAX, WaabUnaw Coubty, o By virtue of one writ of execution isaued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court lor the Comíf ty of Waahtenaw, and to me directed and deliverid agaiust the goods, chattles, lands and tentraeBt." Samuel Burbank and Austin F. Burbank, I l.ave the twenty-fourth day of April, A. T). 1874, seized and levied npon all the right, title and interest oí Samuel Burbank has in and to the following lands. to wit: Thatpiece of land situatcd in the town of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, described as follows, towit: Being a part of the southweat quartcr of aection Uiirty, in townsliip two south of range six east, beginning at t pointon the (juarter line in the center of tlie road lendiDg southwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor. thence south along the qu.irter line of id section twenty threechains and forty-five links to tbc qu.irter post, thence west along the section line eitrht chdins and eighty-seven links, thence north parallel with the qnarter line twenty-one eliaii:s and se Vent y links to tho center of sai(l road, thenoe along the snid rood to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres of land ; which above describetl property I shall exposé for sale at public auction to the hlgrhest bidder at the south duor ot the Court House, in the city uf Ann Arbor on the twenty-seventh day of Juñe, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m.oí said flay. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 12, l:i'. H78td Jt. FLEMING, Sheriff, Estáte of Louis Lux. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN', county of Waahteaaw, a. I O At a session oí' the Probate Court for theeountj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the iüth dy ftf June, in the year one thousand eig-ht humüefl and seventy i'our. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judpeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Louis Lux, deceased. Onreadiugand flling the petition, duly veritted, (1 Edward Dutfy, prayiug íor the appointmeut ut mi Admiiiistrator on tlie esti'te of said deoeasftd. Thereupon it is ordered, that ilonday, the sixth day oí July next, at ten o'elock in the foreuoor, be assigned forthe hearing of said petition, and tbnt the heirs of law of said deceased, and all otber persons interestod in said eBtnte, are requiifd to appear at a seseion of said conrt, then to ba holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the piayer Df the petitioner liould not be gianted": And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to tbe persons interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of iaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cnusiuir ■ sopy of this order to be publiahed in the Mickiyw Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating: inü" ïounty, three successivo weeks previous to smd day oí ïearing. (Atruecopy.; NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1482 Judse of Probate,


Michigan Argus
Old News