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Negotiation For Fugitive Slaves

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oaeniainea rcqucsicu uie ncsiuem "'.o proici 0 negotiation wit h the British Government Kver e view to obtan an arrangement a pen igitive fIsvcs who liave laken refoge in men t dian provinccB of llmt gnvernmeuf, may fth irrondered by the fnnctionaries thercot to tho f matüers, upon makfng saiisfactory proof demn oir owtferahip oíaid slnve.'" nske] th'! next session of Congres?, the g'1 was reqoested lo f úbmit to Congreso the t of Ihis negotintion. He tsunt to the ;c n masa of Document9 from whieh it ared that the President hnd anticipated rre.s, two yeara. Ou tbe I9th of June, re , Mr. Clay, then secretary of State, verU our :tcd our ntinister at London to )ropose n ilation, a mulual snrrender of a!l persons to service or labor tinder tho lows o e as Ui ;r nartY who escape into the territonep ot )t!icr.' Mr. Clay d-veli on the nmuber i gitives in Canuda, and desired Mr Galto preas on the Rritish Government the idcration ihal snelt a stipulation, wonld re to the West India planters the recovcry pca ich of their slaves us roigÜt tuko refute in inerican Rcpu'jlicf ''as the general governmeut designed by uunders to act the pnrt if kidnappper for in ?!nve holders of the West Indios? 1 Foburary 1C-27, the matter was iirged in upon the atlention of tlio American ' ïisler in England. On tho Oih of July, 7, he communicoted to his govemment ihe werofthe British Minister, that 'it waa rt 'a (ossible for them to aeree lo a stijmlation the surrcnderof fugitive slaveB.' rhis repulse was not sufficient i a " npt wob made of ihe name kind, which lso led, und thcn the ninlicr dropprd. About n0 ; same lime, an effrt was mnde witii MeX ""' i to negotiato a treaty providing for Jhe :urn of slaves escaping to that country, x the Mexican Congress rejected thetieaVV'hat could not bo oblained by negoliation m Mexico, and England, was occompusneu . in ihe invnfion of the territory of Spnm in 16. VVhile Florida was iinder the domin i of Spain, it was found thöt thcre was a ST' tlement of runnway slaves on the Apalacha Rivcr. They had several fine plunta118, nnd had erected a fort for their pmtecn. By virtue of an order from tlio Ü. S. cretary of War, an American Gun Boat was nt up the river, which attacked and demo) ïed theforl, and killed all the negroes biit tk i, most of whotn were mortolly wotinded. re ie number killed was 279. Since ihnt time naway slnves have setiled in Ornada; and mmenced plantuiions theto. But as Canubelongs toGreat Brilainj nnd notloSpoi:), has been deenicd odvieable not to repeat in ' inada, the work commenced in Florida. l Puring the last war wilh Great Britoin ol any slavee on the Southern coaat, nvailed fc icinselres of vho opportonily to escape tu v ritish Whcn negotiations for peace Sl rst commenced, the American j ■s tverc ifistructpd to itsitl that lliese slaVes ïould be returned, or their (nll vnlue paid. - ot even the calmnities of War, ünd the yenal desrre fnr pencey couhl for a moment (Jiverl ie attention of the g-ovemment from l' j)dng interests. The Commieeioners ubey f 1 tncir instrüctions, nnd caused the nsertion S fnn article in the Treaty of Ghent, fur the tl urrcniier of bhtes tbutid in fmts or places n apturcdby the BrilUh, und in bucIi obscure b urms as to deceivo the Brittish Cornnnssion rs nhout its mcaningj The trraty was ( ied by oür government on the 17th cf Februiry. Only sxdaysaftertrds Unce Cotnmisionere appeared in the Cliesapeake to dumanil if the comnrandpr of the British forces the mrrendor of the slaves men in unwsii hij. Ie refused to do o, saying he did not so unlerstand Ibe treoty, orrd 8 dit] ad rui ral C;ckiiirn who arrived ufiorwnrds io tho Cltfa ' eake. Tlie American of State j ipohed ihen to t!e Briiibh Charge D", it 'Washington, lu lie relWed to intclcre, ind in the incnntime the qttadrpn suilecl to Bermuda ttith all tl e fngilivM on bojrd. Au gent was dfepalchcd to Benniidn, who resortdlo all tho expedienta he couil iliink Óftü rCt i.olrl of the sla ves bdt in voin. Nolbing jaunled at tJiee lejHjaled failurct, thp govjinmeñt turnct' its ottention lo the Lntisl. Jabinet, which rcr.ifei! ogain and agaio, to eturn the flaVf-s The reason for ihoafl rc?eated refusaLs wai tliat the treaty as Ínter5refcd by the British Cubinet, aiid by evcry nun not o slaveholdcr, did pot proTide for tho ■es'ornlion of slavcs ti-ho had rscapod to British vcsselsj but to forta tr pladtes captured jv ÜritUh forces. The demand, ho wever. a'üí kopt up, nr?d riMiewed as oftcn as il fuilcc!, mtll the BrilUh (Ji.vcrnment, wenried witli his pertinncity, pi over 1. 204000, na nn ndemnificationfor ihc slavcs. The negotminn for til moTicy to pny for heir Ioppcs, occnpied twelvo jeari,--nn - ilance of perverunce never before tr siuce parnllcllcd by our govermuent in favur of llie ree lnbor itiloreats of the country. Aftef the rtiöney was rrtmcd, commiiMon rs were appoiiited to iliwribnlö hj 'l'll9i' fixpd an averape pnce Üpón neb nb.conder which ue rrr,y be ure, #m hi-h efidogh; and When 'loJ bcen fdifor Bl lhe 7111?'!0"' it was fuuud that n urplus remn.ncd. 1 I.,, you WtU ir, w8 of conree reiiirned to Lngland. Blees your innocent jóü!, nol Tir slart.hold't put it in their pochet f! Our governuient has also, from time to ti:nê, rrrade tffurls to oblain indemnily from {,e Brkwb government for sltfies xvrccked i Amfc ican vesscls on tho West ïndia Island. and tiiccc tel free. The Comet, the Bncomlúrtf be EiilerpfiiB ïrrf Creoic, were 1! Ame i "", 'ina eta CC Tron run rersati, cnggcd in eoovt, S'U ..courne, and werc shipwrcckfld on tho ; índia Cosí. Thcir corjioca of hutnan nnd bonos were tluis thrown under iho ciion of tho liritish gm-ernmcnt oet free. f Secrctnry of Slnte from ICdl to 184.r, ickí of 14 years, ncluding tsuch norlhern i.s Djdu'1 Wob.tcr.havenotceascd toosk í Eíígluh Government rcnmieTation fot ï'ave! Vp to ihc present wrillng, tliii nd has been as pcrtinncjouslylrefused os iorf und we prcsumejl will ncver b' 'romllioN. Y. Coiirier fc Enquirfif.