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The Office-holders "called."

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The Republican party in this Stato i gettiug nxious about the fall campaign and they havo begun operations. Th first stop is to secure the requisite amoun of " swag, " with which to carry on th oampaign. This is done by sending t those holding official positions the follow ing very fiuely worrted yot decidedl; pointed rnissivo. Headquartera República E State Central Com mittco. S. T. Uiughüin, (Jhairmnn. 8. S. Old iSecretai'y. IiANSiNO, June 20, 1871. Dear Sib - The Republican State Ceu tral Coiuinittee have instructed me t notify you that, for the general purpos es of the campaign, you have been as 8essod per cent. on salary. The amoun is $ which you will oblige by trans mitting at once to S. D. Bingham, Lan sing, Michigan, making all drafts and or ders payable to him. Tho receipt viï, be promptly acknowledged, and the mon ey faithí'ully expended for ihe Eepubli can cause. In all cases vouchers shall b taken and expenditures submittcd to th approval of tho committee. The exciting campaign of 1872 ex hausted the resources at tho disposal o the State Committee, and not withstand ing the majority of 00,000 of that elee tion, the same necessity exists for activ work and abundant means as in the pas1 For the circulation of Eepublican paper and documents the committee are espe cially in need of funds. The active cam peign will be short, and a large portion of the work must be done prior to the noinination of State and Congrossiona tickets. Let this work bo well performec and there can be no doubt that Michigan will stand by her noble Eepublican ree ord of twenty years. A prompt response to this letter wil place tho committee nnder renewed ob ligations to thoso who have so efh'cientl; aided them in past campaigns. Yery resnectfullv, S. S. OLDS, . Suc'y Repuliliran Stato Central Com. There's civil service reform. Those who have a bit of govemment pap with which to sustain life will receive tho above with enthusiasm. About our per cent. is what they cali for. There'.s honesty, too, and snelt ingenousness. The work must be done " prior to ;he nominatiou of Btate and Congressional tickets," Indeed, there must be souie " put up jobs," and ruoney is wanted to fix the newspapers. Was that what ühandler came home for a few weeks ago ? Was it for this that Waldron paid a secret flying visit only a short time since? Ia this the reason Governor Bagey totes his portly pomposity around over the State, stopping with those whom je thinks have the most influence with ,he Germans aud independent voters ? ' The same necessity for active work exsts ;" indeed does the Eepublican party comprehend this ? Is not there a greater necessity than ever before ? Ah, Gov. Bagey, you can't fiddle for a " Dutch dance " and a " prohibition fandango " at the same ime. Woman suffrage, high salaries, Grautism and crusadeis are a big load, and will give the republican party the colic this fall. But then let those who lanco pay the fiddler, even if the dance end in a row. The amount required of the )ostoffice in this city to holp grease the iepublican cog-wheels, is about $124. t is modest but it is peremptory. It is -toes" can't be found in the Eepublian party. Success to Olds. Success to 3ingham. Success to " prior work." low are you Zach. Chandler At what levation is your goose P


Old News
Michigan Argus