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GLOTHING! GLOTHING! '. CLOTHING ! The Spring Campaign OPEID IOAIEST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just arrived and oponed the great One-Prioe STA. IR, CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now find the Larjfest, Finest and most Complete .Stock of RBADY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRÜNKS, AND Gents' Furnisning ixoods, Every before offered in A ñ Aabor. No trouble to snow Goods at the Star Clotliinft House, No. 33 South Main 8t., East sido, And Arbor, Jlich. GEORGE BULL. 1478tf RailroaD Accident I Cases after cases of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goods were bought for Cash so low that they can and will be sold at priees Defying il Competition, and just suitable to those in need of OLOTHES, and presaed somewhat by hard times. Also thone tbat take pride in wearing First-Class Clothes Will be able to select from the best of Foreign and DomeBtic maken of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place in the la test Style, and Warranted to Fit before they leave, If anything in Furnishing Goods line they should happen to need, everything in the Gents' Dressing line can be found at Lower Prioes than at any other Clothing House at WM. WAGNER. No. 21 South Main St, Ann Arbor 1468tf ARGUS BULLETIN ! WAISTTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Arous. GET YOUR BILL-HEAD8, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS. VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEPS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmen, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! Kf A WOED TO THE WISE. SPRING GOOBS AT BACH & ABEL' S A Large and well-selectecl stock at the lowest cash prices. We invite an inspection of our assortment of and would cali especial attention to our brand of BLACK ALPACAS : "THE MARIE STU ART," Acknowledged to be auipeior to any other imported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyons BLACK SILKS at reduced prices. A LAKGE LINE OP Bleached and Brown Cottons including most of the popular branda Hill's, Lonsdales, Wamsuttas, New York Mills, &c. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF , WHITE k 11E (illODS. A full line of the celebrated A. T. Stewart ALEXANDRIA EID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. CITY DRUG STORE! SIO-2KT OJF THE GLASS MOKTARÍ Having been for the past four year with B. W. Ellia & Co., I have now purchased the Drug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST HUEON ST fCook's Hotel Blook). I have Cleaned, Ee-fitted, and Be-atocked tie Store witli Pure DRUGS, MEDICINES. A Full line of Fancy Artielei, rerfumcs, Brushes, Oombs, Soaps, Sponges, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuif, Sec. PAIITS & OIIS, PUEE WINES AND LIQU0E8 For Medicinal Purposes.' Agents for Tieman's Celebrated SÜRGÍCAL INSTRUMENTS. PhyBioians' Prescriptions s Specialty. L. S. LERCH. 1469tf JIVE QEESE PEATUükS Conftntlyonhand andforsaleby BACH& ABEL.


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Michigan Argus