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JjlTSINESS DIRECTORY. ÍJvRAZER, HABBIMAÏi A IIAMUTO T Attorneys ut La. Office Nos. 7 lind 'J bouth Mjiin Street, Ann Arbov, Mioh. rTÜASTÜS THATCHER, Attorney and Ei Counselor at Luw, No. 5 Uuron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 138" 71yNARBOR MIJíEKAt, SPItlPÍOS. A. Morris Hale. I I)., üupjri ateudenf . Ornee n building, corner M:nn and iVet Hurón Strects. WINES fc WOHDEW, '20 íouth Main street, Ánn Ar or, Micli-, wliolesale aud rctall dealBrsln Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceric. 135ttf _ TaCK. & SC HUID, Dealers in Dry Goods. iVl Groceries, Urockery, &c. No. 64 tsouth Mam Struet. T H. JACK.SOSÍ, Dentlst successor to C. B. ♦ Porter Office corner Mainand rfurou streete, over the store of R. W. Ellts & co , Ain Arbor, Mich. .nestheticsadministered if required. ifJTIIERLAlVI Sc WHEDO, Life and Pire Insurance trents, and dealer?. Keal Bstate. JfBceonHurou Street BACH & ABEL, Dealers in Pry Goods Groceries. &c &c.,No 6 South M.-iin itreet, Ann rbor. W!I, AVACiNER, Belt in K-ady MadeCloth ing.Jlotbs. Cassimeres. Vestlngs, Hats.Caps, frank, t'arpet Bays, &c 21 South Mainstreet. !T0AH W. OHEEVKK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ! OSoe with E. W. Morjran , Kast side of Court House Square. 1:!::1 Iir V. CA KR, Hcnli'St. - - Succeaaor to 0. 0. .. v, Jt'nkina. f N. Nitrous üxid JWJral' ' - GasHdminlstered xv when necessary. f ■ V Í1SM over V '■ ÍBPwl No. 26 South V. ' 'iWhXJ llain St. 1 1 R 0 C K E K Y GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly navein3torealargeitockofCroclcer,Glasswai'e, Platea Ware, ('utlery Grocenes, &c, Ac. all tobe soldatuniiBually low prices. No. 12 East Hurou Street, Ann Arbor. limt J. I. BO.VNEMÏ, roiiN u. a all, DEALER IIST FRESH AMD SALT MEATS, líARf), SAITSAGES, Etc. Ordcrssolicited andpromptly Illed with thebest méate in the market. Cor. Hurón and iourth st. Aun Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1869. -'a5tf DR. C. A. LEIÏER, Pliysiciaii and Surgeoii, Offlce over Watle' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Eesidence 68 Eas: Huron Street, 1469tf ANX AKBOH.MICH. j ARKSEV, Öi Mautifacturcr of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AN 0 SLEIGHS, of every style, made of the best material, and warrantoil. fiepairing done promptlv lal priees resonable. letroit Street, near K. E, Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. I446yl T FEED. BROSS, JIA5ÍUFACTITEER OF CiKAIVGKS, BIGÍÍIES, LittBER WUiOSS, SPRIti UAGOS CIT1ËKS, SLKItiHS, Kr. AlWork warranted of thebest material. Repairing done promptly and re;ison:ibly All work wrranted to give perfect satis t'action. 08 South Main street. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Bloolc, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vacations. Day classes throueliout the year. Studenta enter at any time. Instrñctii n aeeordmg to most approved plans. Students have ' Actual Practico " at the beginning of the course in book keeping. 1441tf GOING TO PAINT ! IP SO CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, .No. 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, and buy AVEftlLL'S CHEMICAL PAINT S3f" It is the best Paint in uso. . 147!m3 T IVE ÖEE8E FEATHEKS Conttsntlyonhand andforsaleby BA CE Sr ABEL.


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Michigan Argus