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4 The only place to purchase goods cheap for cash, is at the Aun Arbor Trading Association, where they are selling all kinds of Dry Goods cheap - to lose out fcfaeir Kuiniuer stoelt. 1485tf G. W; 1ÍAYS, Supt. Dr. i.owiii, hereby notities his patrons that he has returned from his western tour and has resumed the practice of his profession. Otiice in the Haven Block. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 9, 1874. 'l'liirt) riirs' Expcrience of au Old Natée, Hrs. AVíiíhIow'n Syrnp is the preseription oí one of the best Female Phy&icians and Nurses in the United States, and haa beea ued for thirty years with never failing safety and suecess by millions ef mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It correcta acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulatee the bowel1 , and gives rest, health and comfort to mot her and child. We believe it to be the Best and Sureat Remedy in the "World in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDEEN, whether it arises from Teething or-from any other cauae. Full direetions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PERKINSisonthe outaide wrapper. öold by all Medicine Dealers. 1436vl Centaur Liniments Have cured more wouderful cases of rheumatism, aches, pains, swellings, frost-bites, caked breaste, burns, scalds, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and straius, spavin, galls, &c, uopn animáis, in one year, than all otlier pretended remedies have siiice the worldbegan. Certificates of remarkable cures accompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis to any one. There is no pain which these Linimenta will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue or lameness they will not cure. This is strong lan" guage, but it is true. No family or stock-owner can afford to be without Centaur Liniments. White Wrapper for family use ; the Yellow "Wrapper for animáis. Trice, 50 ets. ; large bottles, $1.00. J. B. Rose & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Castorin. is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It ie pleasant to take. No more sleepless mothers or eryïng babies. Price 35 ets. per bottle. 1481yl Children Of ten Look Pale and Siclt From no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectlv WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injurioua ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CÜRTIS & BROWN,Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Vruggitti and Chemists, and dealers in Mtdieines at Twknty-Five Cents a Bok. 1436yl HOUSEHÖLDT7"1, You I To all persons suffering T A "KT a MTi A from Rheuir atism, NeuPANACEA isXv0 Colic, Pain in the back, 1 bowels or side, we would - AND - say, the Household Panacea and Family LiniImknt is of all others the remedy you want for in"D A TW TT "V" ternal and external use. L Ü1VJ.JLJJ -L it hns cured the above complaints in thousands of cases. There is no misT TMTMTA1 T toko about Tr'r "■ Soia LIJN IlVlJjlN 1' by all Druggists. MICHIÜAIÍ CEJíTBAL BAILR0A1). SUMMER TIME TABLE. PnssengertrainsnowleaTe the soveral gtationB.a followa QOINO WEST. Q. ó I M I M & h 'l W H STATIONS. j . 2 '3 & 't S 8 % % ■ 3 P M jfi H fn A. M. A. M. P. M. r. SI. P. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, : 7 Oü'10 0ü 2 00 4 10 5 40lO 00 Ypsilanti, 8 25 11 10] 3 08; 5 301 7 10 1 AnnArbor, i 8 50 11 251 3 27: 5 50 7 45,11 35 Dexter, ! 9 17 1 3 50i 6 20 8 101 Chelsea, i 9 35 4 101 8 30 GrasaLake, 11) 02 p. m. 4 41 w ■ Jackson, i 10 38 .12 35 5 10 9 35 1 00 P. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 58 3 05 8 20 12 25 Chicago iirrivi.', 7 35 8_00_ I 6 30 8 00 OOING EA8T. t o Í & I i á w. II! i 3,1 :j_ _!_ R_w :5J_ _2_ _1 A. M.A. M. P. M.p. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 5 15 9 00 P. M. A.M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 35 5 00 2 35 P. M. A.M. Jackson, 2 33 4 05,8 00)12 30 5 10 GrassLake, i 3 08 1 8 31 Chelsea, 3 33 8 55 A. M. Dexter, 3 50 ! 9 17 6 35 AnnArbor, 4 ÍS 5 10 9 45 155 6 30 7 00 YpBilanti, 4 36 5 27 10 10 2 15 6 50 7 25 Detroit, arrive, ' 5 85 1 6 30 11 20 3 SO 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Exprese run between Jackson and Nile on the Air Line. Dated, May 24, 1874. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINO WF.ST. -1873- GOING EART. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Exp. Mail. Detroit, dep... 7:15 6:40 Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Bankers 5:45 2:16 Saline, 8:25 7:43 Hillsdale P:15 2:30 Bridgewater . . 9:60 8:00 MuncheBter.... 8:35 4:08 Manchester... .10:22 8:18 Bridgewatet . . 9:00 4:28 p. M. Saline 9:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:00 9:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers 1:16 10:00 Detroit 11:20 ü:25 Trains run ty Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. A. A, Trading Association's COLUMN. , v- - - - ■ ■ 1 We offr to the CITY and COUNTÏJY Trade EXTRAORDINARY IarsaisT - IN- Lace Shawls, Summer Süks, Black Silks, 3-4 Grenadines, Striped Grenadines, Pigured Grenadines, Pongee Dress Goods, Mohair Dress Goods, Cachemires, Drap D'Etes, Dress Linens, . Piques, Cloth Suitings, Fancy Linen Suitings, Tabld Linens, House Furnishing Goods, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Mulls, Nainsooks, Indian Linens? Beaded Gimps, Fichu Scarfs, Lace Veils, Neck Ruchings Lace Collarettes, Boiled Silk Parasols, Serge Silk Parasols, Fancy Handlo Parasols Children's Parasols, Ladies' Ties, Sash Ribbons, Japanese Fans, Parisian Fans, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Cambric Waists, Embroidered Waists, Ladies' Corsets, Children's Coriets Balbriggan HoseLisie Thread Hose, Children's Hose, Striped. Hose, Supei-stout Hose, Superflne Hose, CARPiTJllPARTMEl. Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains Oil Cloths, Matt ngs. For CASH Only. An inspection will amply repay. G, W. HAYS, Supt. 1485w2


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