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FROIVfHÉADQUARTERSf" H' M -■■HglsjigjjiggyiV jieZ THE POSTOFFICE QÜESTION IS SETTLED AT LAST. BE AL IS BE ATEN I!Y TUK AT-TIST ABBOR AGRICULTURA!, DO. Who smnmnoe t thmr Cmstomers that thcy will wil Full Trimmtd Wsgoiu, Warranted for one year at $75, includiug all extra. % flre, Spriti(j seat, WhiHIetrees, Neckyokes, and top baso. This sale to be for Cuah, and to be open for Thirty Days. Also V'UA. TKHinED Pi,OWS, 10 DOLLARS. Farmer, if you wish to supply youraelves now is the time for oash. All goods wnrranted. Any arlicli'inour line cqually low. We ure ni'vor underüold. We ure gcttiny on a fnll stock of REAPSR3 AND MÖWËRS of the Johnston Tatent, whiuh we offer eqnally low and we will put up $l,ouo that the Combined Keaper is the best, uheapest and easiest working combined lieaper and Slower in the U. S. of America. The old relialilelienperis too well known to require any backing, it is admitted by all that it is the best Keaper in the Union. We would also say that we will sell all our g-oods for Cash at lower figures than they can be bouEht elsewhere, and every article "W -A. IR. ttA. 1ST X-B JD to snit pmehaser or no sale. C'ill Ilefore Ymi Buy and Save Tour Money. A, A. A(ÍRU;ULTUKALCO. 1477m3 C1VEN AWAY IF !T WILL NOT IN3TANTLY RELIEVE C V1LL KILL The worst cougii In quicker tima than any other preparatlon In the world. We will will refund the money If we do not glve Immecliate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. i """"■"- ' '" 1 ONLY HARMLESS D"E. Acts liko the most a charm ! H jj natural NeverfailsjH M shades to 1 ra of Brovvn ly produce H Sr or Black SY OfJS APPLICATIÖN, 35E MANHOOü: How Lost, How Eestored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr, CulverwelPsCeLebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Bpekmatokrhíea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marnage etc. ; alao Consümption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-mdulgence or sexual extravagauco; Piles, &c. B"Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Thecelebrated author, in this admirable Kssay, olearly demonatrates from a thirty yearö' succesatul practice, that the al;irming consequences of aelfabuse may be radically cured without the dangerous uae of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simrle, certain, and effectual, by meana of which every sufferer, no matter what hia conditiou may be, may cure himself cheaply, privutely, and radirally. BiiTThis Lecture sliould be in the handa of every youth and very man in the land. Sent under aeal, in a plain envelope, to any nddreas. 2{st-paid, on receiptof six cents, or two postage Htamps. Also, DR. SILLSBEE'S KEMF.DY FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address the PubUshers, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 1 27 Bowery, New York, Postotlice Box, 4óS. VEW 1SAKEEY! STILIISTG BROSWoultl infoim thcir numerous friendo and the public gencrally, thnt thcy have fltted up the store lately occupied by .1. C. Watson & C'o., 28 East Hurón 8t., hm a . Bakery and Coníoctionery Store, ' and hope by a strlct attention to business to mcrit ' and reciye a sharc of patronage, l'artioular attention will be paid to the Jce-Crcam Department, Wedding Cakes, Tyramids, all kinds of Fruit Cakes, and Ice-Cream furnished families or parties on short notice. Fresh Pruits and Confectionery always on hand. (Joods delivered free of charge to any part of the rity. Remember the place, No. 28 East Huron Street. Ann Arbor, May 27, 1874. E. STILI.NG, V. STILINO. A Chance for Bargains ! For 3ale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 miles f rom the city of Ionia. 100 acres under impioveuHMit, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a oomt'ortuble house. Terms of payment - from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about ïü miles from Auarusfa, Kalamazoo County, all improved, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACBF.S about eight miles from Hasüngs. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse Couuty, about 12 miles from Coruuua, Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. K. B. POSÍ1. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. rVWELLING HOUSES ï uR SALE A Urge and very wftll built brick house, with two or more Iota. Two large framed iiousea. Alao a good sized brick house and irttmed ; and a nall frame houae on a good lot, intended lor adding a f runt for s;ile on fair ternas and a reaBonuble credit. Alsoother buildings, Iota, aud property. MOIVEY WANTED-So many wihhing to orrow money apply to me that I eau readily obtain for tenders good aatisfactory investments at ten per cent. n terts . E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Artril ?3. 1S7S. 1423lf 1 - - - -g Mortgage Sale. EkEFAULT haring been made in the conditim, ' a eertain mortgage executed on the aevenw0, day of June. a. d. 1872, by Lucy E. Cfariinshn " Norman B. Covert, which mortgHgo wa, rliiS ll the office oí the Résister of Deeds for tnoS11 Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the thiSi j of December, a. l. 1872, in liber forty-nine of „ gages, on pago twenty-eight, cm Tvhich mort?" theroisclaiined to bc due and unpnid. at S T6' hereof, the sum of two hundred and twen tv doll besides an attorney fee of forty-flve dollars m pressly agreed nnd provided ior by the terms ol V mortgage, and no proeeediigs oither at law or Lw oaving been Instituted to recover tho same ar ■ part thereof, and the power of sale eontained tu' in having become operaüve: Notice is theret hereby given, that on Monday, the twem y-tiw ," "1 September, a d. 1S74, at ten o'olock in iu , ■ noon of that day, at the south door of the VÜ? House in the cit) of Ann Arboi, countv of w.i naw, State of Michigan, that beiog 'the ■,],' 1 lholding the Circuit Court in and for said countv v: virtueof the power of -sale oontained in said L2 gago, tliere wil) bc told at public vendue tn n higtaert bidder thepreminea described in BaidiLÏ gage; or ao much I hen-of as muy be neci satitfr the arauunt due on said mort ■ ofthia notiee, with interest and all oost ml penses allowed by luir nnd provided for in BaidmiS gage. said premúei are described in said mortaS asfollows: All that picce orparcel of land it?? in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county oi and Statu of Mlehigan, and deseribed aa folio , wit: Lot number one in nnmber nvl ■ Feloh'i addition to the vilhiBO (now eityl nfi Arlxir, according to the recorded plat theréof " Dated, June 'Z2, 1874. NORMAN B. COVERT McRktholds & Besbiohs, Morteaiï Atty's lor Mortgagee. i, Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Washtenaw „,., tv J Ily virtue of one writ of execution Usm and under the seal of the Circuit Court for tho Cm ty of Washtenuw, and to me directed and delivwï against the goods, chattlea, landa and tenem Samuel Burbank and Auatin' F. Burbank II' the twenty-iourth day of April, A. D. IHH J„'audlevied upon all the right, title and i„ Samuel Burbank ha in and to the foUowing kJ towit: Thatpiece of land situated in the towï "5 Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of i ïgan, dencribed a follows, towit: Bemg „fj the southwest (juarter of section thirtv, iS townii two south of range six east, begirmmg at apota, thequarter line in the center of the road leaJi, Bouthwesterly from the city of Ann Arboi snulhalong thequarter line: of aid section tneitv threechains and forty-flve links to the quarterS thence west alnng the seotion line eight chiiinsVnj eighty-seven links, thence north parallel i quarter line twentyone chains and sevi ntj the center of said road, thence along the said tK the place of heginning, containing twenty acrêsï land ; which above described property I shall exnr for sale at public auction to tliejiij-'hest bidder atX south door oí the Court House, in the city of An! Arbor on the twenty-seventh day of Jone A II 1874, at ten o'clock a. m of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 12, 1874. l8td M. i'LEJIIXG, Sheriff, Tho above snle is pCKtponed to Tnesday, Juk n "DfjKafim,8"8 time of d aMp: M. FLEMTXTr. SheriJ. Estáte of John Walz, Sen. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasMm, k? At a session of the Probate Court for the tourof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office aZ City of Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, th. day of June, in the year one thongiind eigl dred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W C'heever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of John Walz,8a deceased. John Walz, .Tr., Admiaiatrator oi tate, comes into court and represents that heisnm prepared to reuder his final account as such Ad mistratoi . Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesdaj tbi twenty-nmth day of July next, at ten o'doet in the forenoon be amigued fot the txaminiii and allowing auch account, and that the heiis at law of said deceased, and al] other interested in said estáte, are required to apw at a session of said Court, then to be holden attht Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in suid county, and show cause, ii any there btj, why thesaid account should not be allowed : ' And it is further ordered, that eaid Admim.-trator gic notice to tl persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenevnf said account andtlie hearing thereof, by causicacom of this order to be publishod in the Michigan in a newsp,iper, printed and circulating in baid countt' three auccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. C'HEEVER, ■ 1485 Judge of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw... ■ The undersigned haring been ajipointid br t Probate Court for said county. Commissioner toreceive, examine and adjust all claims and dcmandfal all persons against the estáte of Frederick Elk late of said eounty. deceased, hereby give iioüce thit six months from date are nllowcd, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors t o present their claiw against the estáte of said deceased, and that tiey will meet at the store of Cyrus A. Lewis, in thé city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-sixth day ot September, and on Saturi twenty-sixth day of Uecember nexr, at (en A. M., of each of said dayá, to reeene, exnmiDe and adjust said claims. Dated, June 27, A. I). 1874. 1485w4 ALANSON MOOHE, ) „ CYHÜ8 A. LEWIS, c ommissionen In Bankruptcy. E ASTEEN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN, sa. The undersigned hereby gives notice oí his appointment as Aesignee of the " Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern K:iilroad Comptiny," within Süid district, which has been adjudged a buukmpt upon ereditor-1 petition, by the Uistrict Court or s;iia Itistriet. All notes nd indebtedness now due said company, an-1 all unpaid subscriptioiis and all balmicea ot subscriptions still due Btxid company and unp;tid, must be paid to the uodersigned by the lOth day of Jal?, 1874, or proceedings will be commeneed in tbe tnitfxt States Court to enforce the collection of the same. Dated, Ann Arbor, June L2, 1874. EDWAKD 1). KINNE, Assignee. WrA."L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONÏST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SmifF, Pipes, &c„ AT O. 7 EAST HUROX STREET. Next to tlie Express Office. a:v:v ahbor, Míen. 1345tf HAKDWOOD & BASSWOOD LüMBEE POE SALE. THE aubscriber haa on hand n good-nssortinentof OAK, ASH, BLM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD, andother varieties ol Lumber, l:.m ' -. fn. to 3 in. tliick. ALSO, Fence Poats, Sqtiiiro Tiir.ber, Plank imd Onk Studding of all sizea kept ou hand or unulu to ordel uahort notice. Particular attention given tn CUSTOM SAWING. Fenoe Posts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand acá sawed to order. MOULDINGS of diiFerent patterne sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and soldcheap. Particular attention given to furniahing; biUsof I timber of different lengtha and sizes on the most I sonable teims. B&WB GTTMMEDON SHORT NOTICB. LOGS WANTED. I am preparod to pay CASH for sound Oak, AA liasaivood :md Whitewood Loga delivered at my iúíHor will buy and measure Loga in tae woods within si5 miles of the mili. UUT All persona indebted to the late firm of WlW & Hallock will pleaso cali and settJe their accountsa' the Mili. .T. T. HALLOCK. Atchisoa,Topeka and Santa Fe THREE MILLÏÖNACRES LAITDS. LIBERAL TERMS TO 1MPK0VEES. 11 YEARS CREDIT," 7 PER CBNT. IAT. No Part of the Principal payable fot Foul FINE QRAIN-GROWIXG SJEOIOSTraeta of ono and two thousaad acres availnble ft' Neighborhood Colonies, or í'or títock Furnia. Excellent Climate, with Pure Flowing Water. " I would say, that in the course of many " and through extensive travel, I have not seen amore " inviting country, nor one which ofifers greattr in"dacemente, with fewer objections to .-ettlenieuti I "than these lands ot the A. T. & S. F. R. B.' trad Report of Henry Stewart, Aynculluroi American AgrieuHuralist. For full particulars inquire of A. E. TOTTZALI, Land Commissioner, Topbk Kas"1 E. B. Pond, Local Agent, Ann Arbor, üich. HPAIiE NOTICE. I have this day employed .Mr. Clark, who, for t' past2üyeara, has had charge of the Cook's Hote' Barn, and Farmers or others who wish theii fed and watered according to orders, at reiisonal rates, will ñnd the " "ld Reliable" at the Alonit"' Livery Stable, Cor. Hurón aud Second stroeta. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1874. J. V. GREGORY, Trop"POE SALE ! A G0OD MOWER, FAXXIXG MILL, AND LUMBEK WAGON. Inquire at J. FEEDON & SOX'S Lumber Yaiil14S2W2 OHOURE YOUESELF A HOME. Valuable City Lots for ale Cheap, and long tiro fiven for pnyment if denired. H75m8 C. H. MILLEN.


Old News
Michigan Argus