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BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wg. LEWITT, Vt. D., PhysiciHn and Sur geon. Otnce over Watts Jewelry btore, Mam Ptreet, Ann Arbor. i487tf FltAZEH, HARRinAN 4: HAIIILTOS Attorney ut Law. Ortice Nos. 7 and bouth Hain utreet, Ann Arbor : Mich. rittASTtJ.S riIArtlIKIl, Attorney and El Counselor at Luw, No. 6 Eiu-. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1386 AlfH ARHOR MINERAL, SPRINtiS. Vforris Hale M U., ïjupjri ntendeut Oflice in buildine, corner Mann and Vet Hurou Street. WIN ES Sc WORDEN, 20 outh M In street, Ann Ar .or, Midi-, wnolesale aud retuil dealer In DrjQoods, Carpeta and Uroceriee. 135ttf ■ JACK SCMHID, Dealers n Dry Oood. ifl ilroceries, Orockery,&c. iNo. 64 outh Main 8tret. _ ir H. JACKSON, Dentlft suoceseor to C B Í T Porter OtBce corner Main and 'urou streetB orer the store of R. W. Kllis & 'o , Ann irbor. nesthetlcsadministeredif reqaired CTHEKLAND &. WHEDOI, Life and ■5 lïonts, and de.lleisiu Kcal Estáte OIBceonHaron Street BACH & ABEL, Dealers In "ry Goode Oroceriei, 4c 4c.Ni) i South Main treet. Ann Arbor. W)I, WA;m:H, Dealer in Ready MadeCloth ing,:iotbi, Cassimeres Vestings, runks Ctrpet Bags, c 'il .-outh Main street. TOAH W.CHEEVEK, Ai'TORNEY AT LAW ! OSoe with E. W. Morgan, Eaet slde ofConrt House Squre. 131 Mf C. CA Bil, Dentist, - Suceessor to C. C. ■'■ -LfcV Jt-nkins. JBËiijfr jV Gs rtdministered JEft WEBÊÊÈÊÊb when necehöury. SS" -Ws c e v r SW yWrTj No. 20 Sou til pROCKERY GLASSWARE & GttOCERIES, J. & P ronnellv ffavelnstorealargestock 'f 'rocker}, OUwware Plitod Ware,'utlery Qrocenen &c, te. all tobe ■oldat nnuBoally low price No 12 Bast Huron Slreet. Ann Arbor 1128tf J. & V. DOJVNELLY. FÖHN Q. QALL, DEALER I1ST FRESH A.NDSALTMEATS, LtBD, SUSAOBS, Elc, Ordorssolicitedandpromptly llled with thebest meatc In the market. Cor Hurón and Fourth sts. Ann Arbor. Sept. Ifith. 1869. DR. C. A. LEITER, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce over Watte' Jcwelry Store, Main Street, Residtnce 58 East Huron 8treet, l9tf ANN ARBOR MICH V" A H. K s K Y , cdTÈz Mana f ac ture r of Carriages, Buggies, Wagon?, ANi) 8LEIOHS, of every stylo, made of the best material, and wurranted. Kep liring done prompt Ir ni prioaí re.ií laable. Detroit dtreet, ne;ir R R. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. H4y. T FRED. BIÍOSS, MASUFAOTCEEE OF (UaiVGES, Bl'liUIKS, Ll'flBSR HIGMS, SPRIXO W.4GO!f8, CITTLKS, 8LEIGHS, &c. All -vork warranted of the beBt material. Repairin done protnptly und reasonably All work warranted to give perfect atwfaction. (8 South Muin itreet. '422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Tilock, Ann Arbor, - Michigan . No vaoationa. Day classes throuchout the yi"ir. Studente enter at any time. Inntructl n ascurdinji to moeit approved plana. Studentb have ' Aelun Practioe" at the beginoing of the course in book keeping. 1441tt w. a. imw$í' TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AN1) SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruff, loipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURO STREET, Next to the Express Office. ANN AU HOU, MU II. tUttf T IVE ÖEESE FEATHKK8 Contnt yon hand andforsalcby BACEfr A BIL.


Old News
Michigan Argus