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Provisions Of Civil Rights

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A sapient-looking darkey, oscillating between 20 and '25 suniniers, overlooking an oíd negro on the street the otbei' day, and, wedging liim in a fence corner, prooeeded to acquaint him with all the gorgreouB provisious of the Civil liighta bil). Youug África iuiparted to Oíd África a í'und oí valuable information, tuusly : " Well, Uuclo Billy, Suinner's Swivol Riglits bilí has passed de Seuate ob de Uuited otates without a ínuimur." " Is dat so, Josiur r " " Jess so, Únele Billy. And say, Únele Billy, we oolored pussons is gwiue to see whose peivisious is in de pot. We are gwiue (o be allowed to rido freo ou de raihoads, siuoke in de ladies' car, and put our feet on de perciissions ob do aeat3 wheneber we dam please." " Is dat so, Jusiar 't" "Jess so, Únele Billy. And say, Uncía Billy, we's gwine to be allowed to stop at de hotels, and eat at do head ob de tabla, and bab de slices ob de chicleen, and lay around in de parlor, and spit on de carpets, and muko da white trash hustle tbemselves and wait on U8 without gruuiblin', and whenever de boss ob de coucurn shoves a bilí at us, we 11 hab him seitt to Washingtonand obscured in tlie pleuipoteutiary." "Is dat so, Josiar r" " Jess so, Únele Billy. And say, Únele Billy, we's gwine to be allowed to go to de white echools and set up on de platform wid de teachers und learu gehography, triggürmeuouietry, gehouiiny, Latín, Dutch, Frc-uub, Cbootaw, algebray, rheuinatics, and de rule ob thiice." ' Good Gosh ! is dat so, Josiar ?" " Jtss ao, Uucle Biüy. And say, Únele Billy, we's gwina to be allowtd to be buned .u italic coffius wid looking-glMSses on top ob dem, and dey will nab to caí ry us iu a hearse, to de grabsyard and bury Uá on top ob de white folks, so when de day of resurrectiou aiu arrived and de Augel Gabriel come tootin' along, he'U siug out trom bis trumpet : ' AU you colored geuimtn rise tust!' And say, Uuclo Billy, do pervision ob dat bilí - " "Whafsdat you say 'bout pervision, Josiar 'i " " Well, Únele Billy, as I was gwine on to state, de pervisious ob that bilí - " " Stop right dar, Josiar. You say dar's pervision in dat bilí 'í " "Jess so, Únele, de perviaioa ob do bilí-" ' Stop right dar, Josiar. Ef dar's pervision iu dat bilí, I want a sack ob ñour diB beiry miunit. Dain de smoking in de ladies' car, and de gehography, aud Latín, and ae italic cotíins I 1 want de pervisinns. Josiar. Dev's all dar Í8 in de bilí


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